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Sep 22, 2023 4:05 pm
Ruben recoils as the brute hits him with his fist. He steps back, seeing the others are hitting at the creatures.

He finds a chair some distance away and frantically puts his skates on, predicting he'll need the speed to get out of this nightmare in one piece.
uses the round to disengage from the melee and to wear the roller skates, that he was still holding as weapons
Sep 23, 2023 4:03 pm
"Fuck off, jackass! Henrietta shrieks as she fires her pistol again at the creepy thing, ignoring any scratches as the adrenaline pulses through her body.


Tone-Infected #2 Pistol shot - (1d6)

(4) = 4

Sep 23, 2023 6:31 pm
Both Tone-Infected make a STR save, and with its companions gone squid makes a CTRL save


Critical Damage Save Tone #1 - (1d20)

(11) = 11

Critical Damage Save Tone #2 - (1d20)

(18) = 18

Squid CTRL save - (1d20)

(12) = 12

Sep 23, 2023 6:43 pm
The label wraps around Tone-Infected 1's neck, and the momentum swings it backwards until its head hits the counter with a crack . It goes limp, still gurgling and attempt to crawl across the floor, but not making any more progress.

Rachel's purse slams into #2's neck jaw the same time that Henrietta's shot makes contact, sending the thing flying backwards across a table, where it lands in a heap. The pistol shot left a chest wound, and while the person is still alive, they clearly won't be for long. They let out a sputtering cough, and a mix of blood and a broken tooth dribble out onto the ground.

Its current companions downed, the squid tentacles recoil slightly. They retreat, descending back into the oil.

Well. The "Employee Only" door is finally clear.
Sep 23, 2023 9:24 pm
Henrietta lets out a whoop and a holler both of which sound hysterical as she makes a bee-line to the employee only door. Her skates slip over blood and gore but she's a good skater and manages to avoid landing on her ass as she closes in on that beautiful door....
Sep 24, 2023 7:53 am
"Nice one Lady Henrietta! Go go go!" he hastens to skate after her. He takes out his Mace spray.
Henrietta James is a bit like Ernesta Hemingway
Sep 24, 2023 1:54 pm
Dr_B says:
Henrietta James is a bit like Ernesta Hemingway
Last edited September 24, 2023 1:54 pm
Sep 24, 2023 7:53 pm
Out of breath, Bob approach the door from the hinge side.

"Ruben, I'll open the door. If you see anything move behind it, spray it as much as you can."

He stretches out his arm, puts his hand on the handle and tries to open the door.
Last edited September 24, 2023 7:53 pm
Sep 24, 2023 8:25 pm
The Tone grows quieter in the office corridor, letting you clear your heads for a bit. Two doors are on either side: the Office and the Sound Booth. The Sound Booth Door is currently padlocked shut... clearly intentionally so, but very poorly done.
Sep 25, 2023 12:06 pm
Rachel hustles after the group, huffing and puffing as they make it to the quieter corridor. She leans against the wall, catching her breath after the brief but furious fight!
Sep 25, 2023 1:11 pm
"Christ!" Henrietta bends over, hands on her knees, and gulps air as she tries to catch her breath. As she regains a smidgeon of composure, she glances at the two doors.

"Which door, guys? Looks like a pretty shabby padlock."
Sep 26, 2023 7:31 am
@saccharine_rabbit Is this a lull in the action where HP is recovered? If not, when does it happen? At your discretion I guess?
Bob enters the corridor, visibly tired.
"If the Sound Booth is padlocked from outside, we can hope there won't be anyone inside."
Raising his head, "Do you think the office and the sound booth are insulated from the music? I almost can't hear it anymore"

Moving in front of the two doors, Bob shouts.
Sep 26, 2023 10:20 am
"Sound booth, man!! This freaky music thing must be coming from there!"
He tries to kick the padlock with his rollerskate-clad foot, hitting it violently to break it open.
Sep 26, 2023 4:13 pm
Yeah! I would say you're... marginally safe for now, so recover all HP.
The lock snaps when Ruben kicks the door, but before he can enter, he's interrupted by the office door opening, and the faint click of a revolver. Peering out of the office is a guy you all... kinda know but more in the way that you know of rather than ever having interacted with him.

It's the owner of Metroskate West, Mr. Dirk Trotter.
He aims the gun at you all, but clearly isn't very experienced with it and doesn't know who to aim at, so he keeps swiveling around.
" You're human? "
Sep 26, 2023 6:07 pm
"More human than... whatever is going on out there. That's for damn sure."
Sep 26, 2023 7:03 pm
Nodding at Sadie Henrietta replies, "Yeah, we're human, are you?"

Then starts to laugh hysterically again. She's on the very edge of completely losing her shit.
Last edited September 26, 2023 7:04 pm
Sep 26, 2023 8:49 pm
Dirk still regards you all with caution. "That I am. You're not working with him, are you? I never should've hired him in the first place..."

He eyes the broken lock on the sound room door. "I swear, if one of you starts playing one more goddamn thing... "

He has the look of a very overworked man whose nerves are not so much 'frayed' as 'holding on by a single strand'. But other than that, completely normal. Slightly balding. A moustache that looks like a graying mouse on his upper lip. Khaki suit and blue-striped business tie.
Sep 26, 2023 8:55 pm
"Whose him? The DJ? Hell no. We came for a good time and instead ... all ... all that.."

Her wild eyes dart around and her hands flap everywhere.
Sep 27, 2023 7:31 am
He lowers his shades and widens his eyes to unprecedented stretch levels.
"What are you sayin', man? You hired a crazy motherfuckin' zombielord DJ?? Who's in there?"
Sep 27, 2023 4:09 pm
"Not intentionally!" Dirk replies defensively. "He fucks around with radios and shit at home and he came in saying he had a new track for me. How was I supposed to guess it was some fucked up mind control bullshit?"
He waves towards the office door. "All I wanted was to file a little paperwork and go home early! And instead that fucking music track turns all my customers into flesh-eating zombies and I have to lock myself in here!"
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