Aug 19, 2016 12:21 am
Hey there. New to the site, but I'm interested in possibly bringing a long-term Roll20 game to this site, at least in part. To that end, I'm interested in trying a game or two to see how the site works.
I'm a long-time roleplayer, with experience in play-by-post RP and RPGs. I run a 13th Age conversion of the Jade Regent AP on Roll20 and a EotE game for my friends in Japan. I'd like to get some time in as a PC, if I can. I'm interested in anything, so hit me up if you need an extra player and have an interesting game on your hands!
Very nice to meet you, and hope to play with you soon.
I'm a long-time roleplayer, with experience in play-by-post RP and RPGs. I run a 13th Age conversion of the Jade Regent AP on Roll20 and a EotE game for my friends in Japan. I'd like to get some time in as a PC, if I can. I'm interested in anything, so hit me up if you need an extra player and have an interesting game on your hands!
Very nice to meet you, and hope to play with you soon.