Your convoy is traveling along a dusty road just south of Lublin. The sun is setting, and the sky is ablaze with fire. The air is thick with the smell of smoke and death. Suddenly, the sound of explosions fills the air. In an instant, you hear a loud bang, feel yourself being thrown, and then everything goes black.
Moments later, you wake with the sounds of bullets and shrapnel whizzing overhead. You can hear the screams of the wounded and dying.
Remarkably you do not have more than a few scrapes and bruises, and although your ears are ringing you feel capable of taking action.
Next to you are the other travelers that were in your convoy (the other player characters) and a boy around age 13. In front of you is the HMMWV you were traveling in. It currently is providing cover from the battle that’s raging.
Just to the east of you is a another HMMWV that appears intact and empty. You could all easily run to it and get inside, but that would expose you to the firefight. Just south of you is a densely wooded area. You should be able to make it to that area without drawing fire. Finally west of you, in the open, is a still intact backpack. Two dead men dressed in soviet military uniforms lie dead next to it.