To Hunter: "Sorry Lieutenant. I wish I did."
Chapter 1 - It Begins
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Sep 20, 2023 6:49 pm
SpiritualSock511 says:
ForeverDED says:
So we went east instead of westOOC:
Nope, that's my mistake. You all went west. I kept typing east while thinking west.OOC:
Phew! That's a relief.To Hunter: "Sorry Lieutenant. I wish I did."
Do we have any intel about Krasnik?Last edited September 20, 2023 6:50 pm
Sep 20, 2023 7:16 pm
[ +- ] Krasnik
You don't have much information about Krasnik, much like the rest of Eastern Poland. What you do know is that Krasnik was once a somewhat stable area, known for its hospitals and medical facilities.
The region was previously occupied by Soviet troops, and it's likely that they still exert some level of control. But the precise state of the Russian government remains a mystery. There are rumors that the Soviet troops, now isolated and disconnected from their central command, have been left to fend for themselves. Some even say that the Soviet troops may have grown sympathetic to NATO forces, realizing that they, too, are stranded in a foreign and hostile land. Whether these rumors hold any truth remains to be seen.
The region was previously occupied by Soviet troops, and it's likely that they still exert some level of control. But the precise state of the Russian government remains a mystery. There are rumors that the Soviet troops, now isolated and disconnected from their central command, have been left to fend for themselves. Some even say that the Soviet troops may have grown sympathetic to NATO forces, realizing that they, too, are stranded in a foreign and hostile land. Whether these rumors hold any truth remains to be seen.
Sep 20, 2023 9:13 pm
Jed groaned and shook his head to clear his blurry vision. While he got his bell rung, and he was sore all over, he was sure that he was fortunate to not have any more serious injuries.
"What the frack??? What the heck happened.... where are we??"
"What the frack??? What the heck happened.... where are we??"
Sep 21, 2023 1:45 am
Tedic pats Jed's helmeted head with solemnity.
"You died. You're in hell, just like the rest of us."
"You died. You're in hell, just like the rest of us."
Last edited September 21, 2023 1:45 am
Sep 21, 2023 2:23 am
Cunningham brings Kowalski up to speed, then he asks, "You don't speak Polish, by chance, do you Kowalski?"
Sep 21, 2023 3:02 am
saevikas says:
Tedic pats Jed's helmeted head with solemnity."You died. You're in hell, just like the rest of us."
ForeverDED says:
Cunningham brings Kowalski up to speed, then he asks, "You don't speak Polish, by chance, do you Kowalski?"OOC:
"Babcia and Dziadziuś" = Grandma and GrandpaAll Polish courtesy of Google Translate, I have enough trouble with English at times…. LoL
Last edited September 21, 2023 3:02 am
Sep 21, 2023 4:13 am
"No ma'am," Baker says to Lt. Hunter when she asks if anyone speaks Polish. He smiles when Kowalski finally wakes up from having his bell rung and starts right in with the Polish. As they discuss whether to press on or make camp, Sheepdog pulls on his NVGs and scopes out the surrounding terrain.
"Nice drivin', Reed," he says to the private, inspecting the trees all around them. "You figure we've got enough fuel to make it to Głuchołazy, or are we gonna need to find ourselves a Shell station?"
If it was up to the Master Sergeant, he'd press ahead right now, get while the gettin's good, but he's not one to question a commissioned officer. When Cunningham mentions watches, Sheepdog nods his head. "Ayuh, I got first watch, sir."
"Nice drivin', Reed," he says to the private, inspecting the trees all around them. "You figure we've got enough fuel to make it to Głuchołazy, or are we gonna need to find ourselves a Shell station?"
If it was up to the Master Sergeant, he'd press ahead right now, get while the gettin's good, but he's not one to question a commissioned officer. When Cunningham mentions watches, Sheepdog nods his head. "Ayuh, I got first watch, sir."
Fastest one post a day game in the west!Sep 21, 2023 12:12 pm
Quick Check-inIt looks like the group is leaning towards sleeping for the night. Setting up a camp takes a whole shift and is typically done in the evening. Since it's already nighttime now, you can instead choose to sleep on the Bare Ground (or in the Humvee). Everyone sleeping would make a SURVIVAL roll to find a good spot to sleep. Failure means that your character doesn't sleep and risks becoming sleep deprived.
Sheepdog says that he'll keep watch this shift. He'll need to make a RECON roll to see if he spots anything (if there is anything to spot). He'll need to find a different shift to sleep. Luckily, he can sleep in a moving Humvee.
@Knighthawke there is a 13-year-old boy in your group who only speaks polish. I imagine that at some point he'll interact with Kowalski. I'll need a short descriptor of how Kowalski would handle this. (i.e. gruff, friendly, friendly but bad with kids, disinterested etc...)
Also, typically all characters can sleep in the moving Humvee. I'm ruling that since the Humvee can't comfortably sit six, the person that has the kid on their lap can't do anything that shift of driving (i.e. sleep or keep watch)
Sep 21, 2023 4:43 pm
Knighthawke says:
"If you ask my Babcia and Dziadziuś they would disagree because I have a bit of an accent when I do, but that’s intentional for them. The feel more wanted when they can correct me and tease me." He smiled. " Więc tak, mówię biegle po polsku." Pausing a moment, he translated. "So, yes I was raised speaking Polish. Why?"When he notices Baker putting on the NVGs, he says, "If we had more of those, I'd say we take our chances at night. Mind sharing them with whoever's on watch? I'll take next watch."
Cunningham's got a radio. Is he supposed to check in with command at any point? If so, he'll try to call someone now or at first light.Rolls
To Sleep (Survival) - (d6)
(1) = 1
To Sleep (Intelligence) - (d12)
(7) = 7
Sep 21, 2023 5:33 pm
Tedic looks at the fuel gauge.
"About 160 kilometers of fuel, so halfway. Hopefully."Since Tedic will likely be driving tomorrow, he does his best to get a good night's rest.
"About 160 kilometers of fuel, so halfway. Hopefully."
Oh no, Tedic might be too dumb to sleep.Rolls
Intelligence - (d8)
(3) = 3
Sep 21, 2023 5:57 pm
@ForeverDEDThere isn’t anyone to check in with. Since the last known nuke was dropped, Cunningham has come to believe that HQ abandoned him and all other NATO troops in Poland. Theories as to why that’s happened range from the Soviet forces gaining full control of Poland to rumors that the governments in all allied nations have collapsed.
He can still use the radio to try and contact someone or he can try to find a frequency to listen to.
You can push the roll if you want.
[ +- ] Pushing
Your initial skill roll reflects a safe and controlled action. If you fail your initial roll, or if you want additional success, you can lean into the action, giving it everything you’ve got, pushing yourself or your gear to the limit.
This is called pushing the roll, and lets you re-roll all dice you except those with the result of 1. You must re-roll all dice not showing 1, and you cannot change back to the previous result.
There is also a risk – each time you push a roll, you immediately suffer 1 point of damage (if you rolled for STR or AGL) or 1 point of stress (if you rolled for INT or EMP) for each 1 you rolled on your base dice.
Sep 21, 2023 7:40 pm
Chase does her best to find a place to sleep.
Failed first roll, I'll try to push. No luck it seems.Last edited September 21, 2023 7:44 pm
Intelligence + Survival - (d8, d8)
d8 : (2) = 2
d8 : (4) = 4
Push - (d8, d8)
d8 : (5) = 5
d8 : (4) = 4
Sep 21, 2023 9:58 pm
saevikas says:
What sort of penalties come with not passing a sleep roll?OOC:
If you don’t sleep for a full shift in 24 hours you will become sleep deprived:- You cannot heal stress.
- You take 1 point of stress each day.
- If incapacitated by stress, you collapse and sleep for at least one shift, and are impossible to wake up during that time.
You still have the morning, day, and evening shifts before that happens.
Sep 22, 2023 5:33 am
"You know it, sir," Baker says when Cunningham asks about sharing the night vision goggles. "These things are worth their weight in gold out here."
While the others try to get some sleep, Sheepdog quietly patrols, watches, and checks on things, keeping a sharp lookout.
Rolling for Recon. Edit: Success!
While the others try to get some sleep, Sheepdog quietly patrols, watches, and checks on things, keeping a sharp lookout.
Suspect there would otherwise be darkness penalties, but not with the NVG?Rolling for Recon. Edit: Success!
Last edited September 22, 2023 5:33 am
INT (d10) and Recon (d8) - (1d10, 1d8)
1d10 : (1) = 1
1d8 : (6) = 6
Sep 22, 2023 1:36 pm
Harrigan says:
Suspect there would otherwise be darkness penalties, but not with the NVG?Also, the NVG use a battery. It has 4 shifts worth of uses, and it can be fully charged by plugging it into a running vehicle or generator for 1 shift.
Sep 22, 2023 1:47 pm
--Morning Shift, Cloudy Sky–
The night passes without incident. Of the group, only Cunningham and Kowalski got any decent sleep.
If you plan on driving I need this information…
Where is your planned destination hex for this shift?
The Humvee can go a total of 8 hexes in 1 shift, but some terrain could change that.
Who is navigating? (They need to make a SURVIVAL roll for every hex you plan to enter. Otherwise, you could make a wrong turn.)
Where is everyone sitting in the vehicle?
Where is the kid sitting?
Who is driving? (No roll required for travelling)
Who is keeping watch? (Make a RECON roll, only 1 person, no one has to do this, but it’s safer if you do.)
Who is sleeping?
I'm temporarily, taking over for the basic actions of Kowalski.
**Edit: The hex you’re currently in has a road which allows you to drive faster and not get lost. (No SURVIVAL roll as long as you follow the road), it does however increase the chance of running into patrols and other groups.
The night passes without incident. Of the group, only Cunningham and Kowalski got any decent sleep.
What is the plan for this shift? If you plan on driving I need this information…
[ +- ] driving info needed
Where is your planned destination hex for this shift?
The Humvee can go a total of 8 hexes in 1 shift, but some terrain could change that.
Who is navigating? (They need to make a SURVIVAL roll for every hex you plan to enter. Otherwise, you could make a wrong turn.)
Where is everyone sitting in the vehicle?
Where is the kid sitting?
Who is driving? (No roll required for travelling)
Who is keeping watch? (Make a RECON roll, only 1 person, no one has to do this, but it’s safer if you do.)
Who is sleeping?
[ +- ] He learns about Polish boy
He learns that the polish boy's name is Jakub. He has grandparents in Kraśnik and an Aunt in Ostrowiec. His sister and parents were in the van that was in the rear of the convoy. (The one where everyone was killed). He is very visibly stressed.
[ +- ] sleep roll
Kowalski got a good sleep.
**Edit: The hex you’re currently in has a road which allows you to drive faster and not get lost. (No SURVIVAL roll as long as you follow the road), it does however increase the chance of running into patrols and other groups.
Kowalski SLEEP: Intelligence (d8) - (d8)
(6) = 6
Kowalski SLEEP: Survival (d6) - (d6)
(5) = 5
Sep 22, 2023 2:35 pm
Cunningham explains his plan for the day, looking for feedback from the others. "Krasnik is on the way, roughly 30 klicks down the road. I believe we should see about reuniting Jakob with his grandparents. The boy belongs with family. Agreed?"
After the group voices their opinions and some kind of consensus is reached, he brings out the map.
"At Krasnik we'll have to decide which road to take. We've got a river to cross. So we'll either have to take the bridge here or there." He points them out on the map. "I think there's a good chance that there will be a checkpoint at one or both of these bridges, and either road provides an opportunity for another ambush. Maybe we can get some intel from Jakob's grandparents or the locals."
Since he was lucky enough to sleep, Cunningham feels that he should sit up front to keep watch. He'll make sure that Baker's NVG gets recharged. Who knows how long we'll have this humvee for.
After the group voices their opinions and some kind of consensus is reached, he brings out the map.
"At Krasnik we'll have to decide which road to take. We've got a river to cross. So we'll either have to take the bridge here or there." He points them out on the map. "I think there's a good chance that there will be a checkpoint at one or both of these bridges, and either road provides an opportunity for another ambush. Maybe we can get some intel from Jakob's grandparents or the locals."
Since he was lucky enough to sleep, Cunningham feels that he should sit up front to keep watch. He'll make sure that Baker's NVG gets recharged. Who knows how long we'll have this humvee for.
Does Kowalski have driving skill like Reed? If so, maybe he can drive to give Reed a chance to sleep.Sep 22, 2023 3:29 pm
ForeverDED says:
Does Kowalski have driving skill like Reed?OOC:
Agility B, Driving, D. However, he would only need to roll if he’s driving in a stressful situation or doing something that requires skill. Everyone automatically succeeds with basic travel driving.
Sep 23, 2023 3:25 am
Baker plans to get a little shuteye in the back of the humvee after being up on watch half the night. He settles into the seat behind the passenger, and won't complain if the kid rests on top of him.
Adding the battery tracking to Baker's sheet for the NVGs. If we get through this next shift, they will be back to 100%. Currently at 75%.load next