Sep 19, 2023 8:10 pm
I put together the list of optional rules in Dragonbane. I put down the rules I would like to start with using and the 1 I am not sure of. I am open to the others. some I would probably like to use and some I am not sure on or think might need to wait until we are all more comfortable with the game. Any of them can be discussed but the list in this first post will be the list we use. Only those listed as we are using will be allowed until a ruling is made on it.
Rules we are using
Alternate Abilities pg. 26
Weakness Pg. 26
Memento pg. 27
Overcome weakness pg.29
Pushing your Roll pg. 32
Waiting pg. 41
Demon Roll in melee pg. 46
Demon roll in Ranged Combat pg. 49
Magic Mishaps Pg. 59
Rules unsure to use
Help from others pg. 32
Pushing your Roll pg. 32
Damage type pg. 45
Parry movement pg. 46
Special Attacks Pg. 48
Damage types and armor pg. 50
Severe Injuries Pg. 51
Rules we are not using
Shove pg.45
Rules we are using
Alternate Abilities pg. 26
Weakness Pg. 26
Memento pg. 27
Overcome weakness pg.29
Pushing your Roll pg. 32
Waiting pg. 41
Demon Roll in melee pg. 46
Demon roll in Ranged Combat pg. 49
Magic Mishaps Pg. 59
Rules unsure to use
Help from others pg. 32
Pushing your Roll pg. 32
Damage type pg. 45
Parry movement pg. 46
Special Attacks Pg. 48
Damage types and armor pg. 50
Severe Injuries Pg. 51
Rules we are not using
Shove pg.45