Optional Rules Usage

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Sep 19, 2023 8:10 pm
I put together the list of optional rules in Dragonbane. I put down the rules I would like to start with using and the 1 I am not sure of. I am open to the others. some I would probably like to use and some I am not sure on or think might need to wait until we are all more comfortable with the game. Any of them can be discussed but the list in this first post will be the list we use. Only those listed as we are using will be allowed until a ruling is made on it.

Rules we are using
Alternate Abilities pg. 26
Weakness Pg. 26
Memento pg. 27
Overcome weakness pg.29
Pushing your Roll pg. 32
Waiting pg. 41
Demon Roll in melee pg. 46
Demon roll in Ranged Combat pg. 49
Magic Mishaps Pg. 59

Rules unsure to use
Help from others pg. 32
Pushing your Roll pg. 32
Damage type pg. 45
Parry movement pg. 46
Special Attacks Pg. 48
Damage types and armor pg. 50
Severe Injuries Pg. 51

Rules we are not using
Shove pg.45
Sep 25, 2023 6:27 pm
Alternate Abilities pg. 26
Allows a player to take a diffent heroic ability if the first one don't fit. It was one of my first suggestions

Help from others pg. 32
Lets see if it become relevant.

Pushing your Roll pg. 32
To be honest I thought it was a primary rule and not an optional one. The cost is heavy. Pushing a strength roll, gives a boon, but every subsequent strength roll have a bane

Damage type pg. 45 and Damage types and armor pg. 50 goes hand in hand.
We can add them later if we want.

Parry movement pg. 46 and Special Attacks Pg. 48 are also related.
Once we have some figthing experince we can add them

Severe Injuries Pg. 51 Never really that fun

Magic Mishaps Pg. 59 its the charm of this magic system that it dangerous
Sep 26, 2023 8:32 pm
Ok I moved alternate ability to using but that I will need to approve any change and why you want to change it.

I also moved magical mishaps to being used.

I am considering pushing the roll. I like the idea, I just wonder of how it much time and how easy it will be to use in a PBP format.
Sep 27, 2023 8:22 am
Viking1031 says:
I am considering pushing the roll. I like the idea, I just wonder of how it much time and how easy it will be to use in a PBP format.
In PBP it should be easy enough. If there is a roll you just want to make. Jump across the void, you roll your Acrobatics skill. Lothar has 6 in acrobatics and can instantly see that he fails the roll. Then it is my choice to push it right there and then. I'll mark Agility as Dazed and roll again
Oct 10, 2023 7:30 pm
I have not heard from anyone else about optional rule usage.

I am going to move push your roll into the use category and see how it goes.
Oct 11, 2023 7:15 am
This will be my first game of Dragonbane, so I don't feel confident on the rules yet to comment on alternate rules.
Oct 11, 2023 3:29 pm
Same here, but I'm good with whatever y'all want.
Oct 13, 2023 8:09 pm
Sorry. I’d say stick with the written ones for now

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