Rules discussion

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Sep 19, 2023 8:13 pm
This is where we will discuss rules for explanation or possible change.
Sep 22, 2023 10:09 pm
Ok I am going to respond to the ideas put forth for house rules here until a final decision is made.

Just an FYI to set a base for house rules :

Since this is the first time playing this for many of us, I want to use them as written as much as I can to see how it plays before making modifications. Some will be necessary to make it easier for pbp.

I will deal with runekyndig's suggested changes here:

1. Heroic ability: my thoughts is to use it as written as it is based on training you were given in that profession. If you wish to change it you need to give me a compelling reason to why your character would have been trained differently than others of your profession.

2. Weakness: I am not at home but that is an optional rule I believe . Now I have no problem using it though if I remember correctly there is a way to remove it and get another already in system.A weakness may not always come into play and/or the player has not tried to work it into the game. So right now I am not sure about changing it but I am open to discussing it further.

3. Heroic ability: similar to above though there is not really ways to change it in rules. Now for both this and weaknesses, I will say being new to the game I have no problem letting someone change an ability or weakness due to having a learning curve for the game. I would look at allowing a change on a case by case basis.

4. How long a session is. I personally don't like just setting a time limit as each pbp game go at different rates.

I am thinking 1 or 2 sessions per adventure maybe 3 if it take longer. Most of the adventures in the book are not that long and could be completed in a session or two in a normal ttrpg session. Now I am basing that on my experience as a Gm over the years that I see takes place in an average session of play.
It is something again can be adjusted on how the game goes.
Sep 29, 2023 8:46 pm
As for combat I will be drawing the card for initiative. We can do it one of two ways.
I can pick once and we use that the entire battle. Pro is that it keeps play flowing but has a downside of no randomness and someone could be stuck last the entire battle.
I will be using 1 initiative card for each group of monsters and for important npcs.

Remember monsters always hit, npcs work like players. You get one action, so if you attack you don't get to parry or dodge later, so time and turn management is important.
Sep 30, 2023 4:06 am
Viking1031 says:
As for combat I will be drawing the card for initiative. We can do it one of two ways.
I can pick once and we use that the entire battle. Pro is that it keeps play flowing but has a downside of no randomness and someone could be stuck last the entire battle.
I will be using 1 initiative card for each group of monsters and for important npcs.

Remember monsters always hit, npcs work like players. You get one action, so if you attack you don't get to parry or dodge later, so time and turn management is important.
I think we need to flip initiatives each round. Even if it will slow combat down. On the flip side, combat are usually short, a few rounds
Sep 30, 2023 10:25 pm
I can do whatever as far as initiative goes.
Oct 10, 2023 7:35 pm
Ok I will be redoing initiative each round.

I do have an interesting question. In the adventure rules is that if you leave the dungeon or location you are exploring I make a roll, depending on the roll, they can be reinforced, come out to attack you or even that another adventuring party slips in and clears the dungeon before you return.

How do you feel about that rule. I was unsure of it before we played at least the part about a complete dungeon clear. I am curious to what you think, as I don't ever remember seeing that before in a game system.
Oct 11, 2023 6:42 am
I think it makes for a living world, that there are competing adventure groups. We should also be able to enter a dungeon find it half cleared, and a dead adventure group halfway in.
Oct 11, 2023 3:28 pm
Agree with Runekyndig, makes for a more interesting game.
Oct 13, 2023 8:08 pm
I like that rule
Nov 9, 2023 7:16 am
So, I have missed the attack and I feel like pushing the roll. Does that mean all attack rolls from now on will be at bane?
Nov 13, 2023 11:57 pm
OK, if you push the roll you get a reroll and that is the roll that is used so the chance o rolling a demon is there.

You then choose a condition based on one of the attributes. let's say you choose will (scared). You give a reason for it - ex. the appearance of warg rider on top of the goblins have made you scared.

until the condition is "healed" you get a bane on all rolls using that attribute - in my example it would be will.
Apr 24, 2024 2:01 am
Since everyone is new I posted the full ruleset now instead of a shorter one which hid the bestiary and gm sections. the travel rules I believe are on page 101-103. This will help I believe in gameplay and learning the rules.

I still have some surprises as I have the full bestiary book which adds all types of monsters.
Jun 4, 2024 3:19 am
Harrigan brought up a good question:

GM, should we be waiting for your call for rolls like this awareness one, or would you prefer we were proactive and rolled the bones in advance?

We can do this various ways and I am willing to run things different ways as long as we are agreed or i will pick the one I think fits best.

seeing that this is PBP and things take a bit I am not against saying I am going to look for this or that and make a roll. Now there maybe nothing and your roll was pointless but you won't know that and I will say what you find. a roll will need to be specific like I am searching this chest for traps not I am searching the room for anything interesting. In this you need to keep player knowledge and character knowledge separate as your PC won't know that you failed your roll. In this I can call for rolls and you play according to what is described after the roll. In this i can say make a perception check and I tell you the outcome. One way to keep you on your toes is I say make a check that truly is pointless at times so you truly don't know that you may have missed something.

The other way is I do secret rolls unless you tell me you are doing something specific. That would mean hidden perception rolls and the like. It means less rolls for you but doesn't mean rolls are not being made and I only call for rolls that you would know the outcome to.

I have done both before and even a combination but I want you to enjoy the game so what you prefer I can make work.

I am all for making rolls ahead of time so it saves on time as it can be a bit of time such as: You say you want to do X, then I tell you roll for X, and then you roll to see if X happens then I narrate the result of X.

One way to help that could be you say what you want and make a roll even if you are not sure the skill or you assume the skill. I can correct you if another skill would have been better and keep your roll, just to keep gameflow going.

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