E1M1: The Black Gate

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Oct 30, 2023 9:12 am
"It is malfunctioning. The process has been interrupted. What a calamity." A lance of yellow light emitted from The Oculus of "The Monitor."

A blue fac similie of it floated about Badger's head. "Curious. Primitive. With crude implements of war. Your species is Ill equipped to survive what is coming "Interloper." Badger had the distinct feeling he was naked before this automaton. "Feeble for a heavy gravity world specimen and yet..." A yellow light flashed a beam onto McCleod.

McLeod stumbled in surprised involuntarily sighing in relief. Even indirect exposure ellicited a moderate euphoria. McCleod didn't say anything but tilted his head. "I think it just scanned me."

"That is correct Interloper." The address came from the Oculus that was busy orbiting the commander. "This is unfortunate. Your physiology may not possess the robustness or intellect to interface successfully. Though this emanation, like a chitin in your species ancient literature, Ancient Sumer to be precise."

The oculus recalled its holographic counter part and fixed Zand in its stare. "Oh my! That is quite fortunate. Greetings Reclaimer. I am the Monitor of Installation Alpha, you may refer to me as Zero Zero One - Pious Mendicant. With the destruction of the Autodidact, I will lose function within the next few hours. I am The Monitor, Reclaimer, I must teach you. But this anomaly, it is consuming power rapidly, we must find some way to disrupt it." Turning its focus to the Commander and the pink aura he was seemingly trapped in.

It turned to McLeod. "You body is withing acceptable parameters to survive contact with the event Interloper. You may be able to extract the commander by sheer force."

"That thing is Radioactive as hell McCleod, lets get you some iodine before you do anything stupid." Tseng acknowledged but had reservations of the plan. "Radiation isn't that dangerous but it pays to be cautious."
Oct 31, 2023 3:20 am
This was a lot for Zand to take. Another friend gone and changed into… this.

"Reclaimer? What do you mean by that? What do you mean, Monitor? " while speaking he turns half of his attention to the Commander. He looked for a good place to wrap the chord around. Somewhere to give him leverage or at least an anchor.


Guile - (1d12)

(6) = 6

Oct 31, 2023 4:17 am
Several lenses within the Oculus contracted, dilated, there was series of clicks within the Automaton. It regarded Zand, and Zand had the feeling that it was vivisecting him.

"Your genetic profile contains a particular gene. You may activate and interact with technologies your forebears left for your education. Hence you are a Reclaimer. It is my purpose to observe and educate, the very definition of "Monitor."
Oct 31, 2023 10:23 am
"Was disintegrating Rochenko part of that education? Is that what hallens when we interface?", Badger clenches his jaw staring directly at the machine. Loosening the grip on his gun, he racks his brain if he has ever EVER seen anything like this apparently ancient tech.

"Relax, it's just tech. No matter how advanced, ancient, or evil, it is just tech.", he thinks.


wits 8 - is there anything Badger can gleam to help us not die during interface - (d12)

(3) = 3

Oct 31, 2023 8:02 pm
Zand shakes his head. This is a lot. Too much almost too fast. He prioritizes. The Commander seems to be the only real danger he can do anything about right now. Seems is the operative word.

He turns his back on the Monitor for right now and refocuses on the Commander. "… I’ve got you McLeod. Let’s get him out of there. " Zand begins to tug to get the Commander out.
Nov 2, 2023 9:42 pm
Rochenko had made a comment about how the field resembled a defensive matrix, how he died was not at all dissimilar to how burnout in a firewall would have occurred, though faster and far more violently.

"It was unfortunate, upon my activation my security protocol was also activated. The loss of the interloper was beyond my control. Regrettably this caused a surge within my housing. I too am, for lack of a better word dying." Pious Mendicant responded to Badger who had surmised the interface was specifically designed to reject the interloper.

Zand angled the rope, it was incredibly difficult, like ice fishing only upside down and backwards. Still after steadily easing it into place, Zand and McCleod managed to find a second point of purchase. Together they heaved and with immense effort managed to pull the commander free of the field.

As he exited the field, it collapsed and the Commander fell to the martian surface. As it collapsed, the dust storm began to abate. The AO clearing, radio transmission restored as the Tx Indicator on the HUD showed 3 out of 5 bars.
Nov 2, 2023 11:11 pm
Badger takes a quick look around as the storm abates and gives a sidelong glance at the oculus, backing up slowly to the fallen Commander and his comrades. His body floods with adrenaline and it's all he can do to keep his hands from shaking.

"Was the storm part of your security field? What do you mean our forebearers?" he says to the the machine.
Nov 3, 2023 7:53 pm
"Tseng! Check out the Commander!" Zand gets down to look the Commander over. Looking for motion, signs of life, anything and everything.

He’ll also check to see if communications had been reopened to call for transport and medevac.

Hearing that the… machine was dying as well, Zand asks "How can we repair you? I’ve still got questions for you and I need you to last until we’re out of this crisis. "
Nov 12, 2023 10:33 pm
The Monitor considered deep in thought. "We caculate that the storm is a byproduct of the immense electromagnetic distortion that emanated when the Autodidact detonated. This Unit was not programmed with redundancies, regrettably I see no alternatives to my deactivation. A sufficient power source could not be found with your people's level of energy density. You are primitives compared to your Forebears. Though, their legacy it seems is available to you. This Autodidact, a library, meant to imprint upon your Forebear's mind. We have yet to identify the cause of the malfunction. Perhaps your Commander's brain lacked the processing capability for the volume of knowledge it attempted to grant him. This is problematic. The Coming War must be won in humanities favor."
Nov 13, 2023 12:09 am
"This is...this is unreal.", Badger thinks and asks the thing, "Is that what happened to Zand? Did he interface?"

He pauses. His thoughts reel.
"Forebearers? What the hell? Humans on Mars? Maybe super advanced A.I?"
Badger thinks through thousands of possibilities and they are all frightening, but also exciting. He's always been good at computers, always. Maybe this is his chance to merge with the machine, gain the knowledge of the universe.

What about his comrades? What happens to them?

"How about me? What if I interface? What happens to me?"

Badger walks closer to the machine.
Last edited November 13, 2023 12:09 am
Nov 13, 2023 1:03 am
"The Reclaimer Zand was indeed within the construct, this is however unexpected. The machine was not built for multiple users. Interface is possible, necesary, but your physiological differences will make the coupling hazardous. It might kill you. Given the malfunction it is ill advised to risk more than one."

The Oculus focused on Zand indicating its choice.

"Your commander has already made this journey. This one took the first steps. But the way is open to all."
Nov 13, 2023 2:33 am
Tseng was busily checking vitals but kept shaking her head, gasping, it was like she couldn't believe what she was seeing. "This is impossible! He is completely fine. But he's in some sort of trance. Like psychedelics, or nootropics. Both maybe? Its lucky, he could do some serious damage to himself, or any of us if he was conscious."

She ran a CT scan. "Alpha and Beta waves are null, Thetas off, like he is in a deep dream. Delta patterns are several thousand magnitudes greater than baseline as well. It looks like a Grand Mal seizure. But he's perfectly still, like paralysis, maybe he got hit with the defense matrix?"
Nov 13, 2023 12:02 pm
"One more question, more of a request really, Wake the Commander up. Will you do that?" Terry says stepping in front of the Oculus blocking it's view of Zand.
Last edited November 13, 2023 12:03 pm
Nov 13, 2023 12:05 pm
"Will you?"
Forgot the command roll
Last edited November 13, 2023 12:06 pm


Compell monitor to wake up Commander (Command =3) - (d12)

(10) = 10

Nov 13, 2023 8:38 pm
I can interface with the Library? What is going on! Confusion, guilt and anger all cover Zand. " So what are the next steps? How do we walk the path?"
Nov 14, 2023 12:46 am
The Monitor emitted several rapid clicks and whirrs as it processed the command. "Regrettably I cannot wake your Commander. The trauma may break his mind. He is too important to your continued survival. However, your Commander shows signs of recovery, he is within the standard recovery curve in spite of the malfunction." Turning it faced Zand and began to orbit the sphere of evaporating pink energy. "The path is perilous, little remains in the datas integrity. Though what remains should be enough to find the remaining Autodidact on the Jovian moon, Titan moreover this should grant you access to an index that will make your future query of the Creator's machines less hostile."

There was a shift in the Monitor, the lights inside it began to wane. "Regrettably, it seems my original calculations were incorrect, the severity of damage was beyond my initial scope. Allow me to give my last remaining power to shield your interface." The monitor shifted its gaze back and forth between Zand and Badger expectantly.
Nov 14, 2023 3:34 am
I think its time to wrap this mission

One of you may make the interface, you will have the benefit of a -2 on their roll as the Monitor assists, the other may also attempt at the penalty of +1 on their roll to represent the difficulty of interfacing with the information field.

Or neither of you have to do so. The commander has already made and survived an interface with the Autodidact.

Decide for yourselves.
Nov 14, 2023 11:53 am
Badger looks from the machine to Zand and then back at the machine, scared but with mounting excitement. He's always been good at computers, always, but perhaps he should heed this ones warning. It said it could fry his system. "Then no more Badger...but still...", he thinks

He turns to Zand, "What do you think?"
My highest stat is in wits (8), so it makes sense game-wise for Badger to roll, but story wise, Zand makes more sense.

I think one of us should touch the big shiny red button, unless you think otherwise. Badger is definitely curious about it.
Nov 15, 2023 9:22 pm
I agree that story wise, Zand makes more sense. So I’ll go for it.
Zand shakes his head. His guts are hot and he feels like he’s never been this tired before in his life. He feels like he may be on deaths door too, whether he is or not.

"I think I should do it Badger. I’ve already been on the other side. I feel like I’m half baked from the inside out. I’m the… Reclaimer? Reclaimer. Yeah. This is on me." He goes to badger and gives him their special handshake. He gives Tseng a tap on the shoulder that lasts maybe a few seconds longer than needed.

Then, walking to the Monitor, he says to Tseng on a private channel "I wish I’d said everything I needed to to you." Then back on the open channel "Who wants to live forever? Let’s go!". And interfaces.
I want to use guile. Zand is a Reclaimer and he’s going to trust his guts and his previous experience with the weird stuff, to interface.

Damn, damn, damn… :( lol.
Last edited November 15, 2023 9:22 pm


Interface with Guile (TN 9) - (1d12)

(11) = 11

Nov 15, 2023 11:12 pm
With the -2 you made it on the numbers.

This wont prevent Badger from interfacing. Does he want to?
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