Wenlan's Escape

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Nov 19, 2023 6:01 pm
"I'm great now that I'm out of there, but these woods have a lot of funny things going on in them too. There's supposed to be some groups out here working against The Order though. The day patrols are supposed to be to root them out, but I heard they're having trouble with some that are 'getting too organized'... when I heard that I started planning on escaping. I don't know where they are though."

She looks around and seems a little more scared now that some of the adrenaline has worn off. Wenlan can see doubt start to creep across her face, but Tanya shakes it off and keeps going forward.
Nov 21, 2023 3:28 am
All right.... I don't really know about that. The woods are big though. I suppose we should thread on for a while and then set up a camp for the night. We can keep watches?

Wenlan will keep an eye out for a place to set camp in. Is the weather okay?
Nov 21, 2023 4:15 pm
It's a clear night and quite mild, after going a bit longer you find a good area that's somewhat secluded but still has good visibility. Tanya hesitates at first, but quickly relents and seems relieved to rest once she is able.

After a quick meal, some fresh bread from Wenlan and jerky provided by Tanya, she seems quite worn down and you both agree that she should be the first to rest while Wenlan keeps watch.

The evening is quiet at first, just some small animal noises. A few hours in though Wenlan notices for the second time some movement in the trees just at her peripheral vision.

Let's roll a WIL and DEX save to see what she can make out.
Nov 21, 2023 5:38 pm
Okay Wenlan tries to figure out what's going on. She jumps up and takes a torch and lights it up.
Last edited November 21, 2023 5:38 pm


Will - (1d20)

(12) = 12

Dex - (1d20)

(12) = 12

Nov 22, 2023 2:54 am
Wenlan can't quite make out what it is, but some sort of creature appears to be leaping from tree to tree faster than her eyes can track it. Just when she thinks that she knows where it is, she suddenly hears leaves rustling and sees movement in an entirely different direction. Although she can't see the creature, she has the distinct feeling that these movements are bringing it slowly closer to her. There are no barks or growls though, just the sound of the leaves rustling as it moves.
Nov 22, 2023 4:54 pm
Wenlan will wake Tanya up by giving her a stern push with her foot. Then she'll take a stand with a sword in her right hand and a torch in her lef, still trying to make sense of what's happening.
Nov 23, 2023 12:49 am
Tanya gets up and looks around trying to follow the movement as well. She holds a dagger in her hand as gets close to Wenlan and whispers, "What the hell is that?" and tries to focus on where the creature is going, instead of where it is.

Following the movements despite the creature's speed, Tanya exclaims "There's at least three of them.... there... there... and there!" and points with each 'there' said.

Since she pointed them out and helped Wenlan see there are several creatures, as a bonus result of Tanya's Critical Roll Wenlan can do another WIL and DEX save.


Tanya WIL (10) - (1D20)

(16) = 16

Tanya DEX (14) - (1D20)

(1) = 1

Nov 25, 2023 5:23 am
Wenlan tries to see the things and react.


Dexterity - (1d20)

(20) = 20

Will - (1d20)

(8) = 8

Nov 25, 2023 4:50 pm
Wenlan is able to pickup on the pattern and make out the three entities, they seem to be moving in a manner meant to confound and confuse observers. She tries to turn suddenly hoping to catch a better sight of one but accidentally trips in the process and ends up flat on her face.

As Tanya offers Wenlan assistance back in her feet, one of the creatures seems to scurry from the leaves in the trees to the ground, where they make movements in a shrubs about 50 feet away from their camp. The movement in the trees continues around them.
Nov 29, 2023 2:58 am
Hey @Roachtrout , just checking in to see if you were around.
Nov 29, 2023 6:44 am
Is it possible to escape somewhere?
Wenlan shouts to Tanya: Let's get out of here if we can!

Wenlan will try to set a fire to the grass/ground in front of them and escape by running to the woods, if the distraction works.
Nov 29, 2023 6:45 am
I'm awfully sorry about the delay. Had a busy couple of days but I'm still here!
Last edited November 29, 2023 6:45 am
Nov 29, 2023 3:31 pm
No problem at all, there will probably be some busy days coming up for me in December as well
Roll a DEX Save to try and escape as described
Nov 30, 2023 5:39 am
Wenlan tries to escape.


Dexterity - (1d20)

(1) = 1

Nov 30, 2023 3:57 pm
Wow, a handy Critical!
The smoke seems to bother whatever is causing the movement, and you see one of the creatures drop down a branch and try to wave it away by flapping. They look like blue monkeys, but with wings.
While their visitors are distracted by the smoke, Wenlan and Tanya make a quick dart into denser wood. After about half an hour of running they take a break to listen and are confident that the monkeys did not chase after them.

However, you both notice a haze in the air and smell smoke nearby. It's coming from the direction you're going, not where you came from, so you're certain it's not the fire set by Wenlan.

Wenlan and Tanya can go in the direction of the smoke to investigate further, or avoid it entirely and go in another direction looking for a place to finish resting or perhaps just getting an early start to your day. (An early start could result in taking fatigue if you don't rest by midday).
Dec 2, 2023 5:29 am
Wenlan says to Tanya:

Let's investigate that smoke, I don't want any more surprises!

And they proceed towards the smoke, carefully.
Dec 3, 2023 2:11 am
The smoke seems to be coming from a nearby clearing. As Wenlan and Tanya get closer they see several people, more than four, on the ground around some sort of smoldering pile. They are in the same red robes you saw members of The Order wear, the ones who patrolled outside of the town.

As they get closer to the edge, they notice another one of them a bit further up, looking around in a panic holding up a dagger. There is another one in red robes on the ground at his feet. It's still dark so it's hard to make out more without getting closer and potentially seen.
Dec 3, 2023 5:35 pm
Wenlan whispers to Tanya:

I don't like this, these red robes give me the creeps! Do you know if they are doing a sacrifice or something? Have you seen anything like this?
Dec 3, 2023 8:08 pm
"This guy looks pretty freaked out," Tanya whispers back. "I don't like the Robes either but I'm wondering what caused all this if it wasnt him..."

She takes a couple steps further and squints for a moment. "Looks like there's some kind of building at the back of the clearing."
"Robes" seems to be a casual derogatory name used to refer to members of The Order.
Dec 6, 2023 1:33 pm
Wenlan will try to sneak around the clearing to get a better look at the building.

You stay put and watch my back, Tanya. I'll try to sneak to get a better view of the building.
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