Interest Check: Murder Mistery (2 out of min 7)

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Oct 2, 2023 12:02 am
This is an old Forum game i've played a few times, with several iterations and twists. And i´m surprised no one has exported it here yet, so i am fulfilling my duty as a gamer and promoting new ways of playing.

Standard Rules

-The game consists of a single thread, and to a lesser extent, private communications.

-The game loop consists in day and night. On the day, the people discusses and votes to send a player to jail. On the night, the murderer does murdery stuff, eliminating a player and leaving behind a clue.

-The game ends when the murderer is in jail or when the murderer is out with 1 or less other people alive and free.

-Failing to vote twice in a row or three times during the whole game is penalized with jail.

-Every time the murderer murders, he/she/it must leave behind a clue. Clues can be as puzzly as the murderer wants, as long as they are solvable with information that's easily accessible, and whose correct answer leads exclusively to the culprit, be it through its name or another easily accessible information found in this forum.

-Of course, the clue is published by the director at the beginning of a new day.

-Ideally, clues must be debated and solved on the thread, private discussions are not forbidden but should be kept to a limit.

-Gamers are invited to freely season and flavor their posts with roleplaying, as long as they don't divert the focus from the game.

Format Ideas

-If a first edition of the game succeeds, further editions are bound to happen. Game directors are invited to postulate and propose ideas, twists and turns for their own editions.

-Alternatively, this can be left as a "Seasonal" or "Special Event" kind of game.
Last edited October 3, 2023 6:47 pm
Oct 2, 2023 5:33 pm
This sounds pretty cool and interesting
Oct 2, 2023 8:19 pm
This sounds very cool. If you ever end up running it I’d be interested for sure
Oct 3, 2023 12:16 am
For this to work I'd need at the very least 7 players. Because of the format, that means about 3 clues before the Murderer wins. Ideally, we need slightly more. On 7 players I can implement some tricks for The People to stall the game, but they will all be playing on hard more regardless. Around 10 to 12 is the sweet spot where both Murderer and Citizens need to make about the same effort.

I will implement a little modification on the title to account for the amount of players. If we manage to get the bare minimum I will start preparations and we will be starting around end of month.
Oct 3, 2023 12:27 am
I'm interested for sure, but I don't quite understand how the "clues" would work. Could you give us an example?
Oct 3, 2023 5:28 am
A simple example slightly inspired on previous games I've been in:

sHaed ruFo, loSus hTree

1- Heads Four, Souls Three

2- The words are in the wrong order. Let's try with Three Heads, Four Souls.

3- The Wither Boss. The player likes to play Minecraft. There are multiple of those so we need to squeeze the clue some more.

4- The initials are playing an important role on the clue. Minecraft is often abbreviated MC. One of the players, Master Onion, natively speaks Spanish. His nickname is based on a secondary character from Pa'Rappa the Rapper (rappers are also called MCs) and if we translate this character's name to Spanish it comes as Maestro Cebolla, also MC.

My vote goes for Master Onion
Last edited October 3, 2023 5:28 am

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