Still chewing a mouthful of apple, Lothar the Fireblooded is barely able to smirk and wink with his one good eye before the redhead on the road guffaws and
hurls a throwing knife at him. But he shows no alarm -- rather he catches that blade in the most practiced of manners, then pivots and throws it straight into a tree in one fluid motion.
Then, wiping a bit of juice from his stubbled jaw with the back of his hand, the rough-hewn man -- clearly a fighter, a sell-sword or the like -- nods, swallows, and calls out his own greeting.
"Ahoy! If it ain't Krisanna the Bold! I remember Svalberg all right," he says with a grin as he moves to first retrieve the knife, then greet the group.
"'An Holvikstad besides! How could I forget?"
The scruffy man with the shaved head wears mail, a well-used wooden shield on his back, and a sword on his hip he looks comfortable with. He is traveling lightly, carrying only a leather pack beyond that, and he holds the dagger out grip first as he offers it to the woman, along with an appraising and appreciative look.
"You've been well, then, I trust?" he asks.
Love it! And thanks for the intro, GM. Quick question -- what's dangerous in these parts that might have set Lothar back, perhaps ate the rest of his party?
Last edited Jan 14, 2024 6:47 am