Into the Mist Vale

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Dec 25, 2023 11:18 am
"You're welcome, though I do wonder what you're doing out here?" Felskrudd says, his body still on edge from the fighting.
Dec 25, 2023 6:01 pm
Browyn left his cover from the boulder as the battle finally ended with the fall of the Warg and it's rider. He surveyed the battlefield and slowly proceeded to meet with others who were in the company. Visibly shaken from the encounter, colour was draining out of his face. He trudged on and came to meet the survivors while investigating the dead.

"That was quite a fight. I wasn't expecting goblin raiders so close to the town. Maybe we better keep on our toes." He looked at the woman and said, "Greetings, my lady. Indeed, like my friend here, I want to inquire about what you were doing in the wilderness (he turned to look at the dead companion this woman previously had). It looks like we all lost someone in this fight. I am Browyn Silentstep, what might be your name?"

OOC: I don't know how loot works in this game but I will be looking for items that can be scavenged from the dead goblins.
Last edited Dec 25, 2023 6:01 pm
Dec 27, 2023 3:50 am
She looks over at her companion and then at the party, you can tell that she is trying put her thoughts together.

Oh my name is Elaria, I was coming to investigate a statue that has been in my family. We heard that we could find out more about it here. There is someone in outskirt we were told by a merchant that they could help tell me more about it. We were heading to find the lady he told us about. We were ambushed here just before you arrived.
Jan 2, 2024 6:58 am
Browyn scratched his chin in deep thought. "A statue, M'lady? Some kind of family heirloom? We can help you reach the person you are looking for or the place you are searching, but these are dangerous lands. You better have someone to guide you. We were going through this region anyway. Maybe we can escort you. What do you say?" He looked back at his companions for their opinions.
Jan 2, 2024 10:27 am
Felskrudd shrugs. "There's room on the wagon if you're tired," he says moving over to calm down the donkey and makes sure the wagon hasn't taken any damage.
Jan 3, 2024 4:08 pm
Thank you, I would appreciate the help.
Yes. It is a family heirloom. It was taken out of the misty vale many generations ago while the dragon empire still stood.

If it is not to much, can we bring my companion along, I would like to see if I can get him a proper burial in Outskirt.

I have a map of the area. It was given to me by a person who knew a little about the statue like it was divided into four parts. The base which I have is even on the map as well as the other parts.
I put the pdf of the map in world information so you can access it.
Searching around you do not find anything valuable. The goblin armor and equipment is roughly made. Most likely if anything you might get scrap price if anything for it.

The only thing of use is their arrows (12). Still not great but usable.
Jan 5, 2024 5:47 am
Browyn looked at the map and scratched his chin. "This sure is a detailed map, M'lady, and I guess it will help us navigate Misty Vale with greater clarity. We definitely won't keep your companion lying down here; do you have a cloak or something? We need to umm....cover the body and place it in the cart."

He turned to Felskrudd, "I think we can carry the body on the cart, right? What do you think Master Silvergrin?" He then turned to Elaria, "So, after we bury your companion, where will we go next?"

Browyn continued to collect the arrows as he conversed with Elaria.
Last edited Jan 5, 2024 11:09 am
Jan 5, 2024 10:40 am
Felskrudd nods and helps get the body onto the cart.
Jan 8, 2024 9:33 pm
Elaria helps load up her companion on the cart as you do also with you fallen companion.

Well, once I get the information that I need to get I was planning on exploring the Misty Vale. I am sure we could help each other out as I do have some skill with magic that I can help with and I could use a few people to help keep me safe as I go as well.
Jan 9, 2024 1:01 am
Krisanna cocks an eyebrow at the mention of magic and darts a glance at her companions. "I can't imagine that some skill with magic wouldn't be helpful. Is it the healy or the...," she makes an explosion-like sound and gesture, "kind?"
Last edited Jan 9, 2024 1:03 am
Jan 10, 2024 3:34 am
Elaria give a quick chuckle and says,

I considered the healing type but my father felt the more explosive kind would be more beneficial, so throwing orbs of fire is more in line to what I was taught.
Jan 10, 2024 6:22 am
Browyn helped Felskrudd load the dead bodies on the cart and then surveyed the horizon while comparing the map that he got from Elaria. After orienting himself with the locations, he mentally plotted a course and rolled up the map. Confident with himself, he approached Elaria, "M'lady, I think I have found a safe path to our next destination. Your map has helped me; I believe we can avoid any further ambush and reach our destination before sunset."

OOC: Rolling Bushcraft to find a safe path to our next location.
Last edited Jan 10, 2024 6:26 am


Bushcraft roll - (1d20)

(2) = 2

Jan 10, 2024 7:52 am
"I like her already. Can we keep her?" Krisanna says brightly. "And that, Browyn, is even more good news." Her face darkens as her eyes pass over the cart and its contents. "And good news is very welcome after this day." She offers Elaria a sympathetic look, then gathers herself and meanders to the front of the cart, speaking quietly to the donkey while patting it gently on the neck.
Last edited Jan 10, 2024 7:53 am
Jan 13, 2024 5:43 pm
You continue to travel down the pass and it begins to widen into the vale. The mist covers the land filtering the sun and making it overcast and in some area you see fog where visibility would be an issue.

Still as you head down you see a person further down the road sitting on a downed tree eating.As you approach he notices you and rises, you can tell he seems wary but still quite not make him out.

Jan 14, 2024 5:02 am
Krisanna's eyes narrow as the caravan approaches the man seated by the roadside, and then suddenly open wide in incredulity. "Well I'll be flogged," she says half to herself before bursting into a hearty peal of laughter much too large for her diminutive size. "Keep an eye on this one, boys," she calls out, loud enough to reach the man's ears. "I've seen some shady characters in my day, and this one looks about as shady as they come. Still remember Svalberg?" And with that she tosses one of her knives in a low arc towards the man.
Lothar may recall a scuffle the two got into in that miserable excuse for a town where things were going south in a hurry. Krisanna had been wounded in her good arm and Lothar was staring down the business end of a mage's staff mid-spellcast - too far away to reach with his blade. In the moments before the spell went off, she tossed him one of her throwing knives with her off-hand, which he duly caught mid-flight and threw in a single motion, catching the mage in the shoulder and disrupting the spell.
Jan 14, 2024 6:46 am
Still chewing a mouthful of apple, Lothar the Fireblooded is barely able to smirk and wink with his one good eye before the redhead on the road guffaws and hurls a throwing knife at him. But he shows no alarm -- rather he catches that blade in the most practiced of manners, then pivots and throws it straight into a tree in one fluid motion.

Then, wiping a bit of juice from his stubbled jaw with the back of his hand, the rough-hewn man -- clearly a fighter, a sell-sword or the like -- nods, swallows, and calls out his own greeting.

"Ahoy! If it ain't Krisanna the Bold! I remember Svalberg all right," he says with a grin as he moves to first retrieve the knife, then greet the group. "'An Holvikstad besides! How could I forget?"

The scruffy man with the shaved head wears mail, a well-used wooden shield on his back, and a sword on his hip he looks comfortable with. He is traveling lightly, carrying only a leather pack beyond that, and he holds the dagger out grip first as he offers it to the woman, along with an appraising and appreciative look.

"You've been well, then, I trust?" he asks.
Love it! And thanks for the intro, GM. Quick question -- what's dangerous in these parts that might have set Lothar back, perhaps ate the rest of his party?
Last edited Jan 14, 2024 6:47 am
Jan 14, 2024 7:08 am
Browyn watched the exchange between the rogue and the weathered, hardened man; their flavorful camaraderie proving their past acquaintance. He moved forward and greeted the man, "Greetings traveller, I believe you know Krisanna. We are on our way to the settlement of Outskirt. Unfortunately we got ambushed by a band of goblin raiders. The fight was bloody and we lost few comrades. It seems you are alone here. Your stance speaks of your confidence and capabilities but the Misty Vale is far too dangerous for a lone man. My name is Browyn Silentstep and I am guiding our party through these lands. If you don't mind, perhaps you can join us as we move to Outskirt to give a burial to our fallen"

OOC: Giant spiders can be a good choice for wiping your party.
Jan 14, 2024 7:39 am
"Well met, Browyn, I be Lothar," the newcomer says with a nod. "And aye, we know one another, we two. Thick as, you know, thieves, at one point. And so happens now that I'm without, ah, gainful employment. Happy to lend my sword to your cause for a share and all that."

Lothar also nods at the other woman, and the dwarf, before he cranes his neck a bit, trying to see who or what's in the cart.
Jan 14, 2024 3:23 pm
The dwarf grumbles as he contemplates splitting the income further. "I'm Felskrudd Silvergrin," the dwarf finally says. "I reckon you know how to swing that sword?"
Jan 14, 2024 3:50 pm
As Lothar and the others greet he spots an what looks like an attractive young woman who kind of stands back behind the rest of the group watching you carefully but also an eye on the group. You don't know if it was just some daylight breaking through but it looked like flame danced across her fingers on one hand.
gaint spider would work, or a group of orcs.
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