Chapter 5 - Plumage and Paranoia

Oct 4, 2023 6:51 pm
The next chapter begins with individual scenes depicting everyday life for each character. When you're ready, please establish the scene and describe what unfolds. I will then join in with descriptions, character actions, or questions. Keep in mind that these scenes are driven by the players, allowing you to shape them as you see fit. While they can include various forms of trouble, they don't have to. The main distinction from the mystery chapters is that these scenes are shorter in length.
Oct 5, 2023 9:47 am
At breakfast, Tanya is browsing her notebook, thinking of the recent strange events.
Mom and Dad are also having breakfast at the kitchen table.

Tanya is wondering whether she should tell her parents about the state of Gunnar's house (and about their obvious absence from it). After all it is their friend... but they will ask me why I was there... and I cannot tell them we sneaked in following Majsan...

She decides for a casual, "Mom, what was that thing on the fridge the other day, about Gunnar and Lena's vacation?" She asks it while crunching cereals. "Where did they go?"
Last edited October 5, 2023 11:02 am

Anna, mum

SpiritualSocket Inactive forever!

Oct 5, 2023 1:39 pm
Anna, mum
Her parents exchange a meaningful glance, and her mom takes the lead in responding. "Oh, that note was just a little joke I left for your dad. You probably haven't seen them interact too much when they've come over, but your dad and I sometimes tease each other about them. We think Gunnar might have a little crush on Lena, and it just so happened they both took off from work at the same time. There was a rumor going around that they went together, but we don't want to spread gossip. I shouldn't have left that note; it was rather immature," she admits, then looks to Viktor for support.

Viktor chimes in, nodding in agreement. "Yes, I agree. You know, spreading those kinds of things can hurt people, right? It's like writing fictional stories—it's not a productive use of one's time."

Anna interjects gently, "Victor," giving him a look to suggest he might be taking it a step too far.
Pausing here in case Tanya wants to respond or ask questions. If she doesn't, her parents will continue. fyi, I like that you include a picture of their home.
Oct 5, 2023 1:55 pm
When Robbie gets home, Freddie on her shoulder, she finds to her surprise and delight the delivery van that Tyra drives standing by the side of the house. "Freddie, come and meet Tyra. She's Emilia's mom and really cool!" she tells the pigeon. Then she pauses. "Wait, maybe it'd be better if you just watch. Adults can be weird around weird stuff. Not that you're weird, just unusual." Great, now she's already beginning to verbally embarrass herself in front of a pigeon. "How about you sit over on that roof and then you can watch," she suggests.

She then hurries over to find Tyra moving crates that the Åströms have laid out into her vehicle. "Hey Tyra!" Robbie exclaims happily. "I didn't know you were coming today." Usually, she has all the dates marked in her calendar, but in all the excitement around Freddie and the strange birds, she must have forgotten.

Tyra looks up from her work and smiles when she recognizes Robbie. "Roberta," she says. Tyra is a tall woman. She has broad shoulders and strong, muscular arms under her rolled up sleeves, but she still always manages to look beautiful and feminine like Emilia. Robbie is pretty jealous of her for that, because all that Robbie's muscles make her look like is a wardrobe. "Your parents said you weren't home."

"I wasn't. I just got home," Robbie says as she immediately picks up a crate to help her friend. She likes talking to Tyra while helping her work. "I was actually hanging out with Emilia. She's really cool."
Let me know if anything I say about Tyra clashes with your vision, Light
Oct 5, 2023 7:13 pm
She rolls her eyes, having clocked where this is going.
A little more sharply than she intended, she replies, "Well that's just great, Mom and Dad! Glad you are getting the itch to write fiction too! Must run in the family after all! " Her tone is heavily sarcastic.

Calm down, girl... You're gonna stir up more trouble than is worth... Why are you so prickly? she asks herself.

Anna, mum

SpiritualSocket Inactive forever!

Oct 5, 2023 10:11 pm
Anna, mum
Her dad immediately interjects, his voice firm. "Hey, you watch your tone."

Shifting the topic slightly to keep tension low, her mom says, "You know what? I had a wonderful idea, let me see if I can find it." She gets up from the table. "I was talking to Sandra Eriksson, you know, Izzy's mom."

Her dad, now with a hint of approval in his voice, adds, "Now, Izzy, that's a good kid. You could learn a lot from her, Tanya."

Returning to her seat, her mom continues, "I think Sandra is trying to start a local swim team. I know it's not academic, but Izzy and her friends will be on it. Maybe it could be good for you to expand your circle of friends, step away from those books a bit, and open yourself up to new opportunities." She hands Tanya a piece of paper with information about the swim team.

After a long pause, her mom announces, "I've already signed you up! Won't that be great?"
Edit: changed Izzy’s mom name from Lana to Sandra. I can’t have a Lena and a Lana in the same story. I’ll get too confused.
Oct 6, 2023 7:30 am
She widens her eyes, gasping horrified at Mom. "You did WHAT????"

She stands up and steps away from the kitchen table. "I am NOT going. I hate swimming and I HATE Izzy! All I could learn from her is how to be a shallow idiot!!! I can find my own friends, thank you very much... as a matter of fact, I just made a new one, without YOUR HELP, Mom!"

She storms off, wanting to get out of there before tearing up. "Swim team..."

She grabs her notebook and coat and gets out of the house before they can call her back.

She walks through the woods to let the fresh air work its magic. But after twenty minutes, her mood is still foul. She is furious at Mom's meddling in her life and at Dad's dismissing her writing at every opportunity.

Without Tanya consciously realising, her feet start leading her towards Professor Hedstrom's house.
Oct 6, 2023 12:57 pm
Tyra nods appreciatively as Robbie joins in to help with the crates. "Emilia is quite a remarkable young lady, she replies and then adds, I didn’t know that you and Emilia knew each other. She’s never mentioned it, but it's good that you two are getting along."

As they load the crates, Tyra takes a moment to wipe her hands on her jeans before turning her attention back to Robbie. "So, what have you and Emilia been up to. Any exciting adventures or discoveries?"
npc image can change. Just threw something on there.
Oct 6, 2023 12:59 pm
Feel free to move right into a scene at Professor Hedstrom's house.
Feel free start your own scene, ask me to provide one, or jump into Robbie's. Just let me know what you're thinking.
Oct 6, 2023 2:00 pm
"I think Emilia is the prettiest girl in school," Robbie admits. It's not a thought she would have so easily shared with anyone else, including her parents. "But we only became friends the other day, when we were in detention together because that was when we met the birds." She wonders whether she should try to explain the whole situation to Tyra, but decides that it's probably best to keep it between the kids for now. "We are investigating a mystery together!" she instead just says. "But it's not only us. My friend Tanya is also part of it." As she and Tyra are lifting a heavy crate together, Robbie says, "Tanya is the smart one and Emilia is the pretty one." She thinks for a moment. "I guess that makes me the strong one. But I wish I could also be the pretty one, like Emilia."
Oct 6, 2023 2:34 pm
While they continue working, Tyra wears a thoughtful expression as Robbie shares her thoughts about Emilia. She gives off a subtle hint of concern when she hears about the detention, but she doesn’t say anything.

With a warm smile, Tyra gently places a hand on Robbie's shoulder, a gesture meant to convey both comfort and encouragement. "Roberta," she says, "you are a remarkable young lady, too. You are beautiful. And remember your beauty isn’t just in your physical appearance. It comes in many forms, and you have a strength and a spirit that are just as beautiful as anything else."

As Robbie mentions the mystery and their adventure, Tyra's eyes light up with amusement, but she doesn't take it too seriously. "Ah, investigating a mystery together? Sounds like quite an adventure for young ladies," she chuckles. "But remember, it's not just about being the pretty one or the smart one or the strong one. It's about being yourself. Embrace your unique qualities, Robbie. They make you who you are, and that's something to be proud of."
Oct 6, 2023 3:30 pm
Tyra's compliments make Robbie smile happily. Somehow, whenever her parents insist that she is a very beautiful girl, Robbie never believes that they actually mean it. But Tyra has a way of complimenting Robbie that always feels sincere. "Thank you," she says a bit sheepishly. "And yes, it is a bit of an adventure, but I can't tell you about it. It's only for our group." She grins at the woman, enjoying the idea of being a bit mysterious for a change. "And I guess I know what you mean," she acknowledges Tyra's comments about everyone's unique qualities, even if she isn't entirely sure.

As they continue moving everything into Tyra's vehicle, Robbie then moves on to simpler topics, just talking about her grades at school, or how she doesn't like gym class or which teacher said something funny the other day...
I don't really have anything more to say in the scene. If Emilia wants to join in, she can whenever she feels like it. Or if you still have something to bring to it, Socket.
Oct 6, 2023 5:11 pm
Sorry was blanking on start of own sce. Had been thinking just getting caught at the store or something buying herself food or something, and then brain went.

Although actually have an idea as writing this, as there is that second pigeon :p
Oct 7, 2023 7:59 am
Tanya makes her conventional knock at Professor's Hedstrom's window.

The scholar's voice answers from within.

Prof. Hedstrom
"In the study, come on in."
Tanya walks in (the prof keeps the front door unlocked) and makes her way to the scholar's den. A cozy room filled with books and journals, a calming place of knowledge and letters that Tanya loved from the moment she set eyes on.
The book spines pad the room from sounds and texture it in leathery colours, promising literary treasures untold, hidden within.

The Professor is part of the very fabric of this magical place, the core of the magic. Always with a book on his lap, inhabiting his reading armchair like a wizened alchemist, each wrinkle and line on his face a motherload of knowledge in Tanya's imagination.

Prof. Hedstrom

SpiritualSocket Inactive forever!

Oct 7, 2023 1:40 pm
Prof. Hedstrom
The scholar's eyes brim with genuine warmth upon seeing Tanya. "Tanya, my dear, it's always a pleasure to have you here," he warmly greets her, his voice resonating with wisdom.

Tanya's gaze naturally gravitates to the book in his lap, its cover worn from years of exploration, and the pages bearing the sepia-tinted beauty of age. The professor, noting Tanya's interest in the novel, flashes a knowing smile. "Ah, 'Pride and Prejudice,' a literary masterpiece," he remarks. "But, I'm certain you're already acquainted with it."

He then shifts his attention to Tanya's demeanor, sensing her distress. "But it seems something is troubling you. Please, have a seat and share what's on your mind," he encourages warmly, inviting her to open up and seek solace in the sanctuary of his scholarly haven.
Oct 7, 2023 2:37 pm
Tanya moves some books from a nearby chair, placing them carefully on a desk.
Touching the books makes her remember.

"Oh! Professor... I forgot to bring you the Strindberg book you asked me! I got it from the library, then left it home!"

She sits down, shaking her head, "too many things are on my mind, that is the trouble... And my parents are NOT helping! My mom had the nerve to sign me up to a stupid swimming team without asking me! Just because this dull, brain-dead Izzy girl goes there, and they want me to be friends with her..."

She realises she's been venting and apologises.
" I am sorry... That's all boring teenage stuff. "

Prof. Hedstrom

SpiritualSocket Inactive forever!

Oct 7, 2023 3:19 pm
Prof. Hedstrom
He reaches for the worn copy of "Pride and Prejudice" in his lap and gently closes it, placing it on a nearby table. "As for the Strindberg book, don't worry. It's not urgent. Whenever you have the chance to bring it, we can continue our discussions on that fascinating author."

Leaning back in his reading armchair, he gestures for Tanya to make herself comfortable. "Now, about this swimming team," he says with a hint of amusement, "I can see why it might be bothersome if it feels forced upon you.

The professor nods thoughtfully. "You know, many famous authors throughout history faced their own trials and tribulations," he begins. "Suffering, both great and small, often served as the wellspring of their inspiration, driving them to create literary masterpieces."

With a reassuring smile, he adds, "I'm sure that if it's truly something you don't want to do, your parents will eventually come around to your way of thinking. As far as parents go, they don't seem too bad," he chuckles. "In the grand story of life, this may just be a subplot, and you have the power to shape how it unfolds."
I'm not sure if there is more to this scene. Please feel free to have Tanya ask questions or interact more. When you're ready, I think you can have Tanya jump into Robbie's scene.
Oct 7, 2023 5:47 pm
"I do hope you are right, Professor..." she says, already somewhat comforted by the scholar's reassuring tone.

She then perks up, "my friends and I noticed something strange is happening to the birds, around here. Have you ever heard of experiments to make birds talk, Professor? We spotted a group of pigeons that can speak! It sounds impossible, but... they do! We even captured two. They all have a little cut, and wait... we saw one bird dissected, it had this electronic thing inside."

She shows the Professor the microchip she pocketed at Gunnar's house.

"Oh, the pigeons are at war with the larger birds, and they are building this massive communal nest on a a cliff in Spånviken..."

Prof. Hedstrom

SpiritualSocket Inactive forever!

Oct 7, 2023 6:05 pm
Prof. Hedstrom
The professor's mind seems to drift back to his own past adventures, and for a moment, he appears lost in a memory of a past mystery. "This area does have a tendency to bring about strange occurrences," he muses, his gaze distant.

"I believe your account, but I fear time may be of the essence. If everything you say is true, there's a real risk of harm or worse, and we mustn't take that lightly."

He leans forward, his eyes focused once more on Tanya. "Perhaps a good place to start would be to research more about this chip at the library. Surprisingly, our local library, despite the lack of avid readers in this community, does hold a wealth of knowledge," he says with a hint of frustration, as if lamenting the underutilization of such a valuable resource.
Oct 7, 2023 6:11 pm
"Oh. I'm always at the Library, but I didn't think of researching this chip... " she comments, surprised at the suggestion.
She springs up on her feet. "Thank you Professor Hedstrom! I will do as you say, and keep you informed on what we find out!"

She rushes to the door with the eagerness of youth, then turns to say, "you'll have to tell me everything about the strange occurrences around here!" before running outside the Professor's house, and heading to Robbie's farm to tell them the new lead the Professor suggested.
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