[ +- ] Masks new generation
Create character
In each move have autocalculate roll that you can use. PLAYBOOK: | playbook
HERO NAME: | hero name
REAL NAME: | real name
LOOK: | quick look
| (can put full detail in BIO below)
| ____ |
[b]PLAYBOOK:[/b] | [_=playbook]
[b]HERO NAME:[/b] | [_=hero name]
[b]REAL NAME:[/b] | [_=real name]
[b]LOOK:[/b] | [_=quick look ]
| [_=(can put full detail in BIO below)]
| [_=____]
Ability 1
Notesdetail 1
detail 1
Ability 2
Notesdetail 2
detail 2
(at character creation, add +1 wherever you choose)
Label | Score | Roll
DANGER: | 0 | 2d6+()
FREAK: | 0 | 2d6+()
SAVIOR: | 0 | 2d6+()
SUPERIOR: | 0 | 2d6+()
MUNDANE: | 0 | 2d6+() |
[i](at character creation, add +1 wherever you choose)[/i]
Label | Score | Roll
[b]DANGER:[/b] | [_danger=0] | 2d6+([_$=danger])
[b]FREAK:[/b] | [_freak=0] | 2d6+([_$=freak])
[b]SAVIOR:[/b] | [_savior=0] | 2d6+([_$=savior])
[b]SUPERIOR:[/b] | [_superior=0] | 2d6+([_$=superior])
[b]MUNDANE:[/b] | [_mundane=0] | 2d6+([_$=mundane])
[_afraid=0/1] | [b]Afraid[/b] | (-2 to directly engage a threat)
[_angry=0/1] | [b]Angry[/b] | (-2 to comfort or support or pierce the mask)
[_guilty=0/1] | [b]Guilty[/b] | (-2 to provoke someone or assess the situation)
[_hopeless=0/1] | [b]Hopeless[/b] | (-2 to unleash your powers)
[_insecure=0/1] | [b]Insecure[/b] | (-2 to defend someone or reject others’ influence)
Modifier | Roll
When you directly engage a threat, roll + Danger.
✴ On a hit, trade blows.
✴ On a 10+, pick two.
✴ On a 7-9, pick one.
• resist or avoid their blows
• take something from them
• create an opportunity for your allies
• impress, surprise, or frighten the opposition
Modifier | Roll
DIRECTLY ENGAGE A THREAT | 2d6+([_$=danger])+([_$=lookupBonus(afraid,1,1,-2)])[/table]
When you directly engage a threat, roll + Danger.
✴ On a hit, trade blows.
✴ On a 10+, pick two.
✴ On a 7-9, pick one.
[color=";display:block;margin-left:2em;"]• resist or avoid their blows
• take something from them
• create an opportunity for your allies
• impress, surprise, or frighten the opposition[/color]
Modifier | Roll
When you unleash your powers to overcome an obstacle, reshape your environment, or extend your senses, roll + Freak.
✴ On a hit, you do it.
✴ On a 7-9, mark a condition or the GM will tell you how the effect is unstable or temporary.
Modifier | Roll
UNLEASH YOUR POWERS | 2d6+([_$=freak])+([_$=lookupBonus(hopeless,1,1,-2)])[/table]
When you unleash your powers to overcome an obstacle, reshape your environment, or extend your senses, roll + Freak.
✴ On a hit, you do it.
✴ On a 7-9, mark a condition or the GM will tell you how the effect is unstable or temporary.
Modifier | Roll
DEFEND | 2d6+()+() |
When you defend someone or something from an immediate threat, roll + Savior.
For NPC threats:
✴ on a hit, you keep them safe and choose one.
✴ On a 7-9, it costs you: expose yourself to danger or escalate the situation.
• add a Team to the pool
• take Influence over someone you protect
• clear a condition
✴ For PC threats: on a hit, give them -2 to their roll. On a 7-9, you expose yourself to cost, retribution, or judgment.
Modifier | Roll
DEFEND | 2d6+([_$=savior])+([_$=lookupBonus(insecure,1,1,-2)])[/table]
When you defend someone or something from an immediate threat, roll + Savior.
For NPC threats:
✴ on a hit, you keep them safe and choose one.
✴ On a 7-9, it costs you: expose yourself to danger or escalate the situation.
[color=";display:block;margin-left:2em;"]• add a Team to the pool
• take Influence over someone you protect
• clear a condition[/color]
✴ For PC threats: on a hit, give them -2 to their roll. On a 7-9, you expose yourself to cost, retribution, or judgment.
Modifier | Roll
When you assess the situation, roll + Superior.
✴ On a 10+, ask two.
✴ On a 7-9, ask one. Take +1 while acting on the answers.
• what here can I use to ________?
• what here is the biggest threat?
• what here is in the greatest danger?
• who here is most vulnerable to me?
• how could we best end this quickly?
Modifier | Roll
ASSESS THE SITUATION | 2d6+([_$=superior])+([_$=lookupBonus(guilty,1,1,-2)])[/table]
When you assess the situation, roll + Superior.
✴ On a 10+, ask two.
✴ On a 7-9, ask one. Take +1 while acting on the answers.
[color=";display:block;margin-left:2em;"]• what here can I use to ________?
• what here is the biggest threat?
• what here is in the greatest danger?
• who here is most vulnerable to me?
• how could we best end this quickly?[/color]
Modifier | Roll
PIERCE THE MASK | 2d6+()+() |
When you pierce someone’s mask to see the person beneath, roll + Mundane.
✴ On a 10+, ask three.
✴ On a 7-9, ask one.
• what are you really planning?
• what do you want me to do?
• what do you intend to do?
• how could I get your character to ___?
• how could I gain Influence over you?
Modifier | Roll
PIERCE THE MASK | 2d6+([_$=mundane])+([_$=lookupBonus(angry,1,1,-2)])[/table]
When you pierce someone’s mask to see the person beneath, roll + Mundane.
✴ On a 10+, ask three.
✴ On a 7-9, ask one.
[color=";display:block;margin-left:2em;"]• what are you really planning?
• what do you want me to do?
• what do you intend to do?
• how could I get your character to ___?
• how could I gain Influence over you?[/color]
Modifier | Roll
PROVOKE SOMEONE | 2d6+()+() |
When you provoke someone susceptible to your words, say what you’re trying to get them to do and roll + Superior. For
✴ on a 10+, they rise to the bait and do what you want.
✴ On a 7-9, they can instead choose one.
• they stumble: you take +1 forward against them
• they err: you gain a critical opportunity
• they overreact: you gain Influence over them
✴ For PCs: On a 10+, both. On a 7-9, choose one.
• if they do it, add a Team to the pool
• if they don’t do it, they mark a condition
Modifier | Roll
PROVOKE SOMEONE | 2d6+([_$=superior])+([_$=lookupBonus(guilty,1,1,-2)])[/table]
When you provoke someone susceptible to your words, say what you’re trying to get them to do and roll + Superior. For
✴ on a 10+, they rise to the bait and do what you want.
✴ On a 7-9, they can instead choose one.
[color=";display:block;margin-left:2em;"]• they stumble: you take +1 forward against them
• they err: you gain a critical opportunity
• they overreact: you gain Influence over them[/color]
✴ For PCs: On a 10+, both. On a 7-9, choose one.
[color=";display:block;margin-left:2em;"]• if they do it, add a Team to the pool
• if they don’t do it, they mark a condition[/color]
Modifier | Roll
COMFORT OR SUPPORT | 2d6+()+() |
When you comfort or support someone, roll + Mundane.
✴ On a hit, they hear you: they mark potential, clear a condition, or shift Labels if they open up to you.
✴ On a 10+, you can also add a Team to the pool or clear a condition yourself.
Modifier | Roll
COMFORT OR SUPPORT | 2d6+([_$=mundane])+([_$=lookupBonus(angry,1,1,-2)])[/table]
When you comfort or support someone, roll + Mundane.
✴ On a hit, they hear you: they mark potential, clear a condition, or shift Labels if they open up to you.
✴ On a 10+, you can also add a Team to the pool or clear a condition yourself.
Modifier | Roll
When you reject someone’s Influence, roll. On a hit, you successfully hold to yourself and tune them out.
✴ On a 10+, choose two.
✴ On a 7-9, choose one.
• Clear a condition or mark potential by immediately acting to prove them wrong
• Shift one Label up and one Label down, your choice
• Cancel their Influence and take +1 forward against them.
✴ On a miss, their words hit you hard. Mark a condition, and the GM will adjust your Labels
Modifier | Roll
REJECT SOMEONE'S INFLUENCE | 2d6+(0)+([_$=lookupBonus(insecure,1,1,-2)])[/table]
When you reject someone’s Influence, roll. On a hit, you successfully hold to yourself and tune them out.
✴ On a 10+, choose two.
✴ On a 7-9, choose one.
[color=";display:block;margin-left:2em;"]• Clear a condition or mark potential by immediately acting to prove them wrong
• Shift one Label up and one Label down, your choice
• Cancel their Influence and take +1 forward against them.[/color]
✴ On a miss, their words hit you hard. Mark a condition, and the GM will adjust your Labels
Modifier | Roll
When you take a powerful blow, roll + conditions marked.
✴ On a 10+, choose one.
• you must remove yourself from the situation: flee, pass out, etc.
• you lose control of yourself or your powers in a terrible way
• two options from the 7-9 list
✴ On a 7-9, choose one.
• you lash out verbally: provoke a teammate to foolhardy action or take advantage of your Influence to inflict a condition
• you give ground; your opposition gets an opportunity
• you struggle past the pain; mark two conditions
✴ On a miss, you stand strong. Mark potential as normal, and say how you weather the blow.
Modifier | Roll
TAKE A POWERFUL BLOW | 2d6+([_$=afraid+angry+guilty+hopeless+insecure])[/table]
When you take a powerful blow, roll + conditions marked.
✴ On a 10+, choose one.
[color=";display:block;margin-left:2em;"]• you must remove yourself from the situation: flee, pass out, etc.
• you lose control of yourself or your powers in a terrible way
• two options from the 7-9 list[/color]
✴ On a 7-9, choose one.
[color=";display:block;margin-left:2em;"]• you lash out verbally: provoke a teammate to foolhardy action or take advantage of your Influence to inflict a condition
• you give ground; your opposition gets an opportunity
• you struggle past the pain; mark two conditions[/color]
✴ On a miss, you stand strong. Mark potential as normal, and say how you weather the blow.
I have influence over... | Adult with no influence
| |
I have influence over... | Adult with no influence
[_=] | [_=]
[_=] | [_=]
[_=] | [_=]
[_=] | [_=]
[_=] | [_=]
[_=] | [_=]
[_=] | [_=]
Note what you want to remember here:
[i]Note what you want to remember here:[/i]
NotesTriaump Detail
Triaump Detail
NotesShared vulnerability Detail
Shared vulnerability Detail
[i]In each move have autocalculate roll that you can use. [/i]
[abilities=BASIC INFO]
[b]PLAYBOOK:[/b] | [_=playbook]
[b]HERO NAME:[/b] | [_=hero name]
[b]REAL NAME:[/b] | [_=real name]
[b]LOOK:[/b] | [_=quick look ]
| [_=(can put full detail in BIO below)]
| [_=____]
# Ability 1
detail 1
# Ability 2
detail 2
[i](at character creation, add +1 wherever you choose)[/i]
Label | Score | Roll
[b]DANGER:[/b] | [_danger=0] | 2d6+([_$=danger])
[b]FREAK:[/b] | [_freak=0] | 2d6+([_$=freak])
[b]SAVIOR:[/b] | [_savior=0] | 2d6+([_$=savior])
[b]SUPERIOR:[/b] | [_superior=0] | 2d6+([_$=superior])
[b]MUNDANE:[/b] | [_mundane=0] | 2d6+([_$=mundane])
[_afraid=0/1] | [b]Afraid[/b] | (-2 to directly engage a threat)
[_angry=0/1] | [b]Angry[/b] | (-2 to comfort or support or pierce the mask)
[_guilty=0/1] | [b]Guilty[/b] | (-2 to provoke someone or assess the situation)
[_hopeless=0/1] | [b]Hopeless[/b] | (-2 to unleash your powers)
[_insecure=0/1] | [b]Insecure[/b] | (-2 to defend someone or reject others’ influence)
[i]Every time you roll a miss on a move, mark potential. [/i][f=centre][color=";zoom:150%;display:block;margin-top:10px;margin-bottom: -30px;"][_=0/5][/color][/f]
[abilities=BASIC MOVES]
Modifier | Roll
DIRECTLY ENGAGE A THREAT | 2d6+([_$=danger])+([_$=lookupBonus(afraid,1,1,-2)])[/table]
When you directly engage a threat, roll + Danger.
✴ On a hit, trade blows.
✴ On a 10+, pick two.
✴ On a 7-9, pick one.
[color=";display:block;margin-left:2em;"]• resist or avoid their blows
• take something from them
• create an opportunity for your allies
• impress, surprise, or frighten the opposition[/color]
Modifier | Roll
UNLEASH YOUR POWERS | 2d6+([_$=freak])+([_$=lookupBonus(hopeless,1,1,-2)])[/table]
When you unleash your powers to overcome an obstacle, reshape your environment, or extend your senses, roll + Freak.
✴ On a hit, you do it.
✴ On a 7-9, mark a condition or the GM will tell you how the effect is unstable or temporary.
Modifier | Roll
DEFEND | 2d6+([_$=savior])+([_$=lookupBonus(insecure,1,1,-2)])[/table]
When you defend someone or something from an immediate threat, roll + Savior.
For NPC threats:
✴ on a hit, you keep them safe and choose one.
✴ On a 7-9, it costs you: expose yourself to danger or escalate the situation.
[color=";display:block;margin-left:2em;"]• add a Team to the pool
• take Influence over someone you protect
• clear a condition[/color]
✴ For PC threats: on a hit, give them -2 to their roll. On a 7-9, you expose yourself to cost, retribution, or judgment.
Modifier | Roll
ASSESS THE SITUATION | 2d6+([_$=superior])+([_$=lookupBonus(guilty,1,1,-2)])[/table]
When you assess the situation, roll + Superior.
✴ On a 10+, ask two.
✴ On a 7-9, ask one. Take +1 while acting on the answers.
[color=";display:block;margin-left:2em;"]• what here can I use to ________?
• what here is the biggest threat?
• what here is in the greatest danger?
• who here is most vulnerable to me?
• how could we best end this quickly?[/color]
Modifier | Roll
PIERCE THE MASK | 2d6+([_$=mundane])+([_$=lookupBonus(angry,1,1,-2)])[/table]
When you pierce someone’s mask to see the person beneath, roll + Mundane.
✴ On a 10+, ask three.
✴ On a 7-9, ask one.
[color=";display:block;margin-left:2em;"]• what are you really planning?
• what do you want me to do?
• what do you intend to do?
• how could I get your character to ___?
• how could I gain Influence over you?[/color]
Modifier | Roll
PROVOKE SOMEONE | 2d6+([_$=superior])+([_$=lookupBonus(guilty,1,1,-2)])[/table]
When you provoke someone susceptible to your words, say what you’re trying to get them to do and roll + Superior. For
✴ on a 10+, they rise to the bait and do what you want.
✴ On a 7-9, they can instead choose one.
[color=";display:block;margin-left:2em;"]• they stumble: you take +1 forward against them
• they err: you gain a critical opportunity
• they overreact: you gain Influence over them[/color]
✴ For PCs: On a 10+, both. On a 7-9, choose one.
[color=";display:block;margin-left:2em;"]• if they do it, add a Team to the pool
• if they don’t do it, they mark a condition[/color]
Modifier | Roll
COMFORT OR SUPPORT | 2d6+([_$=mundane])+([_$=lookupBonus(angry,1,1,-2)])[/table]
When you comfort or support someone, roll + Mundane.
✴ On a hit, they hear you: they mark potential, clear a condition, or shift Labels if they open up to you.
✴ On a 10+, you can also add a Team to the pool or clear a condition yourself.
Modifier | Roll
REJECT SOMEONE'S INFLUENCE | 2d6+(0)+([_$=lookupBonus(insecure,1,1,-2)])[/table]
When you reject someone’s Influence, roll. On a hit, you successfully hold to yourself and tune them out.
✴ On a 10+, choose two.
✴ On a 7-9, choose one.
[color=";display:block;margin-left:2em;"]• Clear a condition or mark potential by immediately acting to prove them wrong
• Shift one Label up and one Label down, your choice
• Cancel their Influence and take +1 forward against them.[/color]
✴ On a miss, their words hit you hard. Mark a condition, and the GM will adjust your Labels
Modifier | Roll
TAKE A POWERFUL BLOW | 2d6+([_$=afraid+angry+guilty+hopeless+insecure])[/table]
When you take a powerful blow, roll + conditions marked.
✴ On a 10+, choose one.
[color=";display:block;margin-left:2em;"]• you must remove yourself from the situation: flee, pass out, etc.
• you lose control of yourself or your powers in a terrible way
• two options from the 7-9 list[/color]
✴ On a 7-9, choose one.
[color=";display:block;margin-left:2em;"]• you lash out verbally: provoke a teammate to foolhardy action or take advantage of your Influence to inflict a condition
• you give ground; your opposition gets an opportunity
• you struggle past the pain; mark two conditions[/color]
✴ On a miss, you stand strong. Mark potential as normal, and say how you weather the blow.
[abilities=PLAYBOOK MOVE]
I have influence over... | Adult with no influence
[_=] | [_=]
[_=] | [_=]
[_=] | [_=]
[_=] | [_=]
[_=] | [_=]
[_=] | [_=]
[_=] | [_=]
[i]Note what you want to remember here:[/i]
[abilities=TEAM MOVE]
Triaump Detail
Shared vulnerability Detail