I just called the sea cans carts so they would fit in the space.
Yes, SB is for Sir B. an M is for Misha, if you would like to have it changed, let me know! It was just in case anyone was colour blind and maybe couldn't see the colours I put up.
Numbers are your enemies, just so you have a reference when attacking someone and the different shades of green is something that just started happening on my excel document, didn't need it to do that, but it decided that it should and I don't know how to change that haha.
I am also making combat just a little easier since it is a play by post, if you can surprise your enemy in any way, you get to roll with advantage, and if you hit that enemy, you immediately get to take them out. But if they see you or you miss them with a melee ranged weapon, then you have to fight them normally, until you get to a high enough level that a simple hit would obliterate them. If you miss with a long range weapon, you get the chance to hide again by rolling a stealth, acrobatics or athletics check to get out of their sight. If you miss again, then you are seen and must fight normally.
Let me know if you have anymore questions before we begin!
what is a "sea-can"?
"Cart" = car?
is SB = RU467 "Sir Bedivere"?
and M = Misha Mau?
The numbers are civilians?
What does the different shades of green mean?