Chapter 1: Landing in Calgary

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Jan 3, 2024 8:02 pm

"A guy with glasses in a business suit eh?" He said as he pulled on the bottom of his beard, "we'll definitely look more into that."

He then heard the second question and looked at all three of you.

"Well, it's going to come out eventually, so might as well hear it now, those lowlifes are baiting warforged with a decoy, a fellow warforged that sends off a distress signal to lure in other warforged. They then disable them, and like you saw, take them somewhere, we're not sure what they do to them after they are taken, sometimes we see parts come out of the River, but we don't often see the whole warforged ever again in this city." He explained.
Jan 3, 2024 8:44 pm
That bunch of them seems to be a little bit too organized to just be hating on Warforged. And too well-armed.. Misha thought, really wanting to be done with the mess and let the cops or maybe even the feds handle it, but she already knew this was about to shoot RU467 into knightly knight overdrive mode...
Jan 9, 2024 11:33 pm
Misha can visibly feel the space around her begin to shake as you notice that Sir Bedivere vibrates with rage.

"Hey, you tone that down, we all want justice for them here. They had served in the military and were given the promise of freedom once they came to these lands. They are citizens that have been kidnapped and will be given the same effort that we would anyone else." The Tiefling said to the warforged.

The machine calms down and stops, but states.

"Then if I am not being arrested, I'm leaving." He said as he stood up from his seat and left the room, the Tiefling doesn't do anything but nod to a mirror.

"He's right, none of you are being charged with anything, you do have the right to leave if you want. But, for the safety of you both and your families, we are assigning someone to watch over you for the time being, until these beings are caught." He said to Misha and Carlo. "It's just for protection, please, allow us to do this small thing. They will meet with you shortly at the hospital, we have a ride set up for you both to go there now." He stated.
Jan 10, 2024 11:22 pm
What's this, the cops can spare bodyguards now? They're over their necks. Always have been. They can't spare men... They're up to something.. Maybe I should look into getting some additional protection of my own..

"Right. We got to check on my cousin. Been holding it off long enough." Misha replied as she got up. No sense in questioning the cops' motives now. If she didn't agree they'd do this some other way..
Jan 11, 2024 11:34 pm

"Hope the kids alright." He said as you and Carlo leave the room.

You make your way to the front of the police building, just off to the side you can see a holographic figure appear beside a vehicle.

"Ride for Misha and Carlo." The hologram says and the back passenger door opens for you to get in.

"Alright, let's get going then, don't want to keep the family waiting any longer." Says Carlo as he heads to the vehicle.
Jan 12, 2024 10:54 pm
Misha joined Carlo, then looked over her shoulder at the troubled warforged. He had been an ass, but he was going to get himself killed if he kept this up. The Tabaxi decided to throw him a bone.
"You coming R-U? Or are you in a hurry to go headfirst into trouble again?"
Jan 16, 2024 4:07 pm
R-U looks back over at Misha, his metallic eyes showing a slight sign of pain in them.

"I won't be coming with you, those deaths were caused by my actions, and I need to atone for that, in my own way. I'll see you again Misha, Carlo, be safe out there." He said as he once again activated a jump spell and leapt far away, and soon was out of eyesight.

"He'll be back when he's ready," Carlo joined in, "I'm not sure what he was like in the war, but it seems that he is trying to find his own way to fit in this world, let him do that. We'll also be able to hear about him in the news if he's making trouble."

And with that, you, your partner in the military has taken off to start his own life and do things his own way. You and Carlo get inside and head off to the hospital. You come upon a giant structure, tall, filled with windows, medical neon signs and a large glass door entrance. Once you leave the vehicle you are greeted by holograms welcoming you to the hospital and asking if you would like a pre-scan to see if you required immediate assistance.

"No, I think we're fine." Replies Carlo to the holograms, that then disappear and the doors open automatically. Once inside you tell the front desk who you are looking for and you are given the directions to a room where your cousin is. You take an elevator up a few floors and make your way to the room. In the room, is your cousin, lying on a bed, awake and looking a little beaten up, but ok, with some of your other family members there, including Jacky and Heron, her parents, Misha's parents and few of your cousins, her brother and sisters.

"Misha, Carlo! You made it, and you're okay!" Said Misha's mom as she stood up and the group came to hug you both.

"Hey Misha, Carlo! Look!" Said the cousin in her bed, she moved her arms in the air and waved them around. "Nothing broken thanks to the clerics that showed up when they did. And now I get all the jello I want!" She said, her voice high with joy.
Jan 16, 2024 9:11 pm
"More like we won't ever hear of him, nor find a trace if he's going to keep running into fights like that." Misha replied to Carlo before they headed out. But she had no way to stop the Warforged. Besides, if this is what he wanted...

At the hospital Misha gave her cousin a tight (but careful) hug. "Lucky you! But don't think jumping in front of cars will get you any more in the future!"

She listened to the diagnosis, and outside of earshot of the children she filled in the family about the mess she and Carlo had gotten into, although she left out the most shocking parts. Best of them not to worry. Besides, the idiots that had done the hit and run were dead now..
Jan 18, 2024 10:32 pm
The briefing comes from a screen that turns to the patient, then to the rest of the group.

Our clerics were able to fix her up as if her injuries had never occurred, we also strongly advise not to get involved with any more vehicles while you are not protected. We are recommending that she stay the night to make sure nothing is wrong internally, if the immediate family would like to stay, you can. As always, your insurance is covered under the government of Alberta, so just please sign the paperwork at the center desk on this floor and we will continue to monitor. Said the machine, it's voice soft, digital, female sounding.

"Yay! I can go home tomorrow!" Said the little cousin on the bed.

"You sure will be." Said her mom, she pats her daughters head and she lets out a little pur.

"We're so very glad that you are alright Misha, your cousin thinks you and Carlo as her heroes now haha." Said your mother.

"It's just terrible, kidnapping those warforged, I hope that they catch whoever is the leader of this." Your father adds.

You all stay in the room for a little bit longer, but the night is getting late and the staff were asking that those who were not immediate family to leave.

As you leave, you see another warforged waiting by the door. He's tall, over 6'3" tall, slim built, black, slick metallic body with a lighter shade of black for a trench coat and a pointed cowboy hat. He looks over and gives his hat a tip down.

"Misha Mau, the names Cooper, and I've been assigned to be your security until this investigation has ended. Carlo, yours is waiting at your home." Said Cooper, his voice metallic, with a southern Texan accent, he reaches out his right metallic hand.

"It's always a pleasure to meet a fellow soldier." He added.
Jan 19, 2024 1:31 pm
"Ex-soldier." Misha corrected the warforged, carefully shaking Cooper's hand. Not all clankers had practiced dealing with handling flesh-and-bone individuals... At the same time she was wary. Why did she suddenly need protection like this? If they thought to see anything interesting in her life by prying they would be sorely disappointed. And for the love of... did all these clankers pick media stereotype personalities to live by? She hoped that would be a phase for them as they grew up...

"Right, I'm tired to the bone, just got home and then all this. So I'm ready to hit the sack. Excuse me." First a shower. A nice, long shower. Oh yes.

She began saying her goodbyes to her family, a lengthy affair that involved a lot of hugging and face-rubbing..
Jan 23, 2024 4:59 pm
"Sorry, ex-soldier, right, right." Apologized Cooper, his hand was indeed soft enough that it did not inflict any pain on you as you shook his hand.

"Alright, alright, alright, it should be okay for Carlo to be taken home by your family, I will get my ride ready for us to head to your place." He said as he placed his right hand to the temple of his head, in a few moments he placed his hand back down. "It's on the way."

He then waited for you to say your goodbyes and then headed with you to the entrance of the hospital.

A police vehicle soon arrives and you both get into the vehicle, after getting directions, you head back to your home. You both walk up to your apartment entrance.

"I'll be outside the door in case you need me m'am."
Jan 25, 2024 7:41 pm
If there is anything you want to explore information wise, let me know and make the appropriate rolls, or else I'll move us into the next day.
Jan 25, 2024 10:40 pm
Sorry, I had a busy week.
"Right..." Misha replied, thinking she might tell him where to get some soya-coffee, but clankers didn't need to drink, or caffeine to stay awake. She headed inside and upstairs. Her ident-chip in her wrist opened the door to her new home. Her family had already done some basic unpacking and moved her furniture in from the storage unit but most of her possessions were still in the boxes for her to sort out herself. That was for another time.

Hot water rinsed her fur moments later as she soothed her muscles with the heat to get the strain of travel and the day's events out. It was her first shower since leaving the army in perfect privacy and she sighed contently. For a moment she tried not to think of the mess she was seemingly in. It frustrated her not knowing what the police was up to with her. But it might be smart to get some backup of her own. She had a good idea to use the souvenirs the army left her with. But that was for tomorrow.

After the blow-dry her fur stood up nice and fluffy, and she hit the pile of cushions that served as her bed. In moments, fatigue overtook her, and sleep came..
Jan 29, 2024 11:15 pm
No worries, just wanted to let you know, real life comes first, I'll be here!
You fall asleep in the comfort of your home as Cooper watched over the place. It seems that no one this night had chosen to disturb you, you don't wake up from any alarm, just the warmth of the morning sun rising, greeting you into the next day. Since you've been gone for so long, your home hasn't reconfigured itself to activate when you would normally wake up, leaving the area quiet and calm.

You are now fully rested and beginning a new day!
Jan 30, 2024 8:33 pm
Sleeping by herself was both wonderful and odd after a long time of being bunked up with others. Refreshed Misha stretched and did her morning exercises (the drill sergeant would be proud). She opened the clothing boxes and put together her standard attire of shirt, pants and leather vest. Her fridge was practically empty and some shopping would need to happen, but she had enough for breakfast. Some shopping would be nice in fact. And of course she had to go by her garage for her little plan.

She had almost forgotten Cooper as she stepped outside..
Feb 1, 2024 8:32 pm

You see Cooper leaning against the wall, the brim of his hat covering his face. As he hears the door open he pushes off the wall and greets Misha. You see that there are others coming out of their own rooms, starting their own days, they look over at the warforged, some looking interested, some showing small signs of fear. Cooper seems to not mind and turns towards you.

"Good morning, glad to say that we had no interesting characters show up around here last night. Took a look around the building earlier for any suspicious vehicles and glad to report, nothing out of the ordinary here." He said as he tipped his hat to Misha.

"So what are the plans for today?" He asked her.
Feb 6, 2024 10:39 pm
He's such a cowboy... Misha thought.
"We're going shopping. Then off to my garage. I got a special project in mind." She looked at Cooper, her cybernetic eyes hiding her thoughts. Truth was, he wasn't going to be around to protect her forever, so she might as well put some souvenirs to good use..

The shopping took them past a few hardware and electronics stores, finishing at the Quick-y-mart to fill up her fridge. Before noon, they came to the garage blocks, endless lines of hired garages stacked on top of another creating a concrete wasteland. Her ident-chip bleeped on the lock of one of the endless doors and with a hefty haul Misha hefted the rolling door open. Inside was not exactly a treasure trove. An old, beat up ground car, a rust bucket she and some of her Tabaxi kin had once tried to restore but had largely given up on when college came around. There were workbenches with some basic tools for soldering and welding, on which Misha deposited the boxes she had brought. She unpacked them there, showing a wild collection of junk iron, a broken drone, some customizable print plates, wireless controllers, electro-engines and batteries. She rolled up a chair and began taking most of the stuff in front of her apart. The truth was, out of her kin she had been the only one good at tinkering, maybe even had a knack for it. But an old car bored her. She had neglected it in favor of more modern toys. Now that she had something in mind her old spirit was kindled and she looked up diagrams and blueprints on the net that she could apply to her design. Soon she was bending iron and welding things together, then she was putting a print plate together, testing it with the wireless controller, then taking the controller apart in turn.

The day went by, with Cooper standing outside. The sun had set when Misha finally came out straightened her back. Her arms were covered in grease and oil, but she seemed pleased. Then something metallic steps followed, and a giant metal cat-droid stepped outside next to her. It was covered in thick iron plates that still held sharp edges and scratches from the salvaging process but its legs and back seemed quite nimble. It seemed almost like a crude war-droid, although it lacked weapon platforms. It looked at Cooper, its eye-cameras staring at him as if it held some sort of curious intelligence.

"Neat huh? It's connected to my jack. Nothing like the hunter-killers we had to shoot up Europe, but this thing will keep me safe from an idiot in the streets."
Achievement unlocked: Misha has made her Steel Defender!
Feb 9, 2024 11:27 pm
Cooper followed as Misha came out of the building with a plan in her mind and time on her hands, the warforged followed, holding what she couldn't hold and commented that he was to be her security, not her butler. But he noticed her determination and was interested in seeing what she was up to.

As he watched outside, he listened to the tinkerer doing her thing and soon, day turned to evening, him bringing her some cold sandwiches in order to keep her nourished. When she was done, a cat like droid appeared beside her. He looked the thing up and down and gave a robotic whistle and a hand clap.

"Very good work you did there ma'm, I can clearly see why they wanted you overseas." He complimented as he took a closer look at the machine. "The force could use someone like you, ever think of becoming a deputy?" He asked her, "and what should I call your new compadre?"
Very cool! Love the description of it, a very nice addition to your team!
Feb 10, 2024 12:23 am
"WHISKER - Wireless High-tech Intelligent System for Kitty-like Exploration and Retrieval!" Misha proclaimed proudly, clearly having put her mind to work on that questionably acronym while putting her new friend together.
"Patent pending. Anyhow, I'm done following orders for a while. I joined the army because of the draft, I'm not going back into some command structure just when I got out. Besides, no offense, but you guys aren't exactly winning out there." She indicated the crime-infested city where just yesterday her cousin got hit by a speeding criminal who shortly after got shot by other criminals who subsequently blew up a whole lot of warforged as if it was nothing.
"...well, that sounds mean. You guys try I suppose. But I'm done shooting people for a living for a while. For the rest of my life if I can help it." Despite that Cooper could see Misha hadn't left without her side-piece. The Tabaxi had good intentions backed up with some solid sense of realism. She began wiping oil from her hands with a rag while her cybereyes fixed onto him as if they had a target lock..
"So how about you tell me about the mess I got stuck into."
Last edited February 10, 2024 12:25 am
Feb 12, 2024 11:32 pm

"Like the name, hope the patent thing goes smoothly." He replies, "I can understand where you're coming from, it wasn't all that fun over there, personally, I thought the same at first when I got here, wanted nothing to do with violence like that ever again. But I grew to like some of the people around here, and didn't like how they were treated, so I found the most legal way to help out and just been doing it ever since."

"You do what you need to do to feel protected around here, may you never have to pull that weapon out and use it anytime soon, not while I'm around." He then stated as he tipped his hat and then made a robotic sigh.

"Well, if you want to hear about it, I guess it would be in both our best interest to have you up to date, just don't report it to the bosses alright?" After a moment, he continued.

"We believe that this group is being run by three Tieflings, triplets actually, don't know where they had come from, but they didn't seem to originate from here. But boy oh boy, did they make a mess of things when they showed up. Started out small, drugs, brothels, extortion, but something changed, when my kind started to arrive they took a great interest in us, seems that our parts are of some financial significance. Started out with a few kidnappings here and there, but it's clearly grown, and worth putting many lives at risk to no be caught, or let them go free to tell what they heard and saw. We also fear that possibly, some of my own kind have joined them, for reasons I don't know or understand. Rumour has it we have some people on the inside working undercover, but those details are above my pay grade. One thing for sure, as you saw, they are ruthless, and don't much like loose ends, so we believe that they might come after you, since you saw some of them. I'm actually quite surprised that they haven't tried already, but I'll keep watch, hopefully with WHISKER here as well, we'll be able to catch them before they try something and maybe, just maybe get some information to further our case." He explained.
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