Chapter 1: Landing in Calgary

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Apr 10, 2024 6:55 pm
Through your previous knowledge of the items that were in your possession, you are able to easily take it apart without doing any damage and are able to find the serial number for the machine.

Cooper quickly places his hand on his ear and begins to speak with his superior. After a few moments, it looks like Cooper receives a reply back with more information for the two.

"Looks like these ones were made from a factory in this city. We have troops on the way there now, if you would like, we can go and hear what they have to say there, even maybe have a chance to talk to them ourselves or see if a smart person, like yourself, might find something they don't. But if you want, we can let the police handle it." He suggested.

In that time, you are able to put the machine back together, repair it to working order and it activates, the lights turn on and you can hear the little air boosters begin to work, the thing looks at you with it's sensors, but stays a blue colour, instead of turning red, it beeps a couple of times and scans you, recording that you are now its new owner.

Misha has now acquired a little familiar machine! You can communicate with it and when it replies with beeps, it will change to common in your mind.

It currently is saying, "hello, I am L33T 5, nice to meet you new master, I am your standard ranged fighting machine, model 231106, what can I do for you?"
Apr 11, 2024 5:08 pm
Misha was on the fence on going to the factory. She wasn't running this investigation. Then again, the police wasn't lkikely to stay on her side forever, and she might as well use them to get her ass covered from these assholes.

The drone brought a sense of familiarity though.
"Hmmm, they packed it with some combat software." Misha mused, looking at the drone. "Isn't that illegal outside the army?"

The tabaxi leaned her head to the side, her cybereyes whirring as she locked onto the drone.
"List previous owner and last ten directives."
Apr 17, 2024 7:37 pm
Cooper nodded in agreement, the machines in Calgary were definitely not supposed to be designed with combat software. It would always come up in politics if that law should be removed, but to this day, machines like this were supposed to be designed for maintenance and act as a companion bot.

"I don't like that, military tech getting into criminal hands is never good. Keep thinking back to your statement before about the beeping, makes me wonder, could someone from the military have been kidnapped and forced to make these modifications? Or could it just be someone with the tech knowhow to modify them to be combat ready?" He pondered.

The little sphere beeped and whistled as it was given a command, it responds.

Previous owner is Haldren Corolus, last ten directives were:
- Search and follow targets, Tabaxis (gives your description and your cousin's, but doesn't mention your names)
- Find where they live
- Follow patterns, learn schedule
- Find area to attack
- Send information to Haldren and wait for further orders
- Attack, knockout if possible, death if necessary
- Explode protocols activated if necessary
- If successful, and other mission is incomplete join with them
- Both successful head back to base to be repaired
- Await new orders from Haldren
Apr 18, 2024 9:07 pm
"Ech... Anyone with a little tech know-how and able to replace a chip on a printboard can cook this up. The software they probably got off the dark web. Once out there once, it stays out there." The tabaxi ducked deeper over the printboard, looking at the welds. "Heck, it could've been filched off a downed drone in Europe and put up on the web from there. Who knows? Ten bucks says if I dug who made the code it probably would just point to uncle Sam's suppliers. But the beeping means that that's about the limit of our would-be gadgeteer. A real expert would make some modifications to do away with the timer, but you need to know how to change the embedded instructions on the bombs for that without blowing yourself up. Nah, this job is quick and dirty. But also cheap. No one sheds tears if they lose a couple of these. If they blow up, that is. Because these idiots left their calling card all over this."

"Got a name for you." Misha stated happily as she went over the results. It was interesting that this drone was spying on her before. That was new.
"They know where I live now though. And about the garage. And about you."
Last edited April 18, 2024 9:07 pm
Apr 23, 2024 5:40 pm
Cooper lets out a couple of quick jabs.

"Yeah I'm used to it by now, comes with the job." He said as he put his hands down. "The sooner we bring them down, the sooner we can figure out what the gov't will have to do in order to make this right for you. Thanks for the name, it rings a bell, like I've heard it in passing before, but can't quite put a face to the name."

After some thinking of what to do next, he looks to you.

"I think we'll let the force handle the company, for now, let's head to my office and look into the name and follow that lead."
Apr 24, 2024 9:24 pm
"Yeah, sounds good. And do the other cops around here drink coffee? I take mine black." Misha replied as she gathered her things, as well as making sure she had a copy of the data. The warforged didn't need to worry about basic bodily needs, but she sure could use a shot of caffeine right about now..
Apr 25, 2024 10:38 pm
"Coffee you say? Well we can accommodate that, I'll make sure to have a nice big one get to the office." He said as he once again placed his hand onto his temple, relaying a message, most likely to a lesser ranked officer, he ends with "...and make sure it's black, nothing in it alright?" He then puts his hand down.

"Getting you a fresh one right now, let's get going." He said as he opened the door and let you out of the room, he then took the lead again and had you walk up from where you came and onto an elevator, going up three floors, the doors slide open and you continue to walk. There are a number of office doors, all with glass walls that could be blocked by a simple command. At the end of the hallway, on the right hand side you see a door with Cooper's name on it. He punches in a code, and the door unlocks and you both go in.

The office is simple, a desk with an up to date computer, and a bookshelf, filled with some books, most likely just for show, some of his military awards. There were also a number of picture frames with different types of animals in them. As Cooper takes a seat, he reaches into his desk and pulls out a laptop before looking at the picture frames.

"Oh, I don't own any of those animals, they are just stock photos, people say it makes them feel comfortable when they are in here. The books are just for show too." He said before the question could be asked, he then commanded the walls to become opaque and in a couple of minutes, your coffee arrives.

"Well alright, see what we can dig up on this Haldren fella." He said as he then went to work on his computer.
If I could have an investigation check with advantage please with your next post.
Apr 29, 2024 1:35 pm
Weirdo. Misha thought as Cooper explained the pictures. This guy needed a hobby, or watch fewer detectives. But she needed to get this over and done with so she pulled up a chair. But she kept wondering what pictures, if any, the warforged should put up.
"You should go on some vacation and take some pictures there." But she suspected that Cooper wasn't the vacationing type as she said it.
"Anyhow, yeah, Haldren fella. Do your police magic.." she said as she watched Cooper dig into the database..


Investigation (advantage) - (2d20h1+6)

(1112) + 6 = 18

May 2, 2024 10:40 pm
As you both begin your search, without looking up, Cooper replies.

"Hm, so you're saying that pictures of things and places that I have been on these vacations would be better than having random pictures of animals. I will take that into consideration then next time I take some time off." He then continued his work.

As you both search, you are able to find a bunch of stuff about Haldren Corolus, and not all great.

Turns out, he was a regional manager for a major weapons manufacturing company that originated in the USA, but was released for unknown reasons and has instead been working as a consultant for a much smaller manufacturing business now. Using his rank, Cooper is able to get you access to the reason why he was fired, turns out, it was due to corporate espionage, stealing designs and selling them to an unknown group.

Looking more into his life, you see something that catches your keen eyes. It's a photo of Haldren with the business that he used to work for, a group shot of engineers, holding what looks like the floating sphere that flies by you now. In the background, far in the background, you notice a man, human, that, with enhancing tech. clearing the photo up, looks like the guy you saw at the train station that left with the Tieflings.
May 3, 2024 8:18 pm
Misha pointed out the fellow as her fur rose at the sight of him. "Hey! That's the dude in charge over at the train station. Looks like these work buddies have a little side business going."

Thinking on it, she had a suspicion on what might be going on here.
"This new company.... could it be a cover?"
May 8, 2024 7:48 pm
"Well ye-ha indeed, we got something!" Cooper says excitedly as he looks at the image of the person that you just found.

"I'm right with your theory." He replied as he went back to his computer, using the information of where you found the image, he also finds it and does some typing and scanning, "jackpot" he then turns the screen around and shows you a clear mugshot of the man that you saw and pointed out.

"The name of this person is Lando Humphry, a talented engineer, it appears that he also used to work at the same company, but something happened to him, what he worked on was redacted from the file, but it says that he was arrested for treachery a few years back. Was against our involvement in the war, and instead of taking the path of peacefully protesting, he got violent, and deadly. Killed a number of people within that very company. Was sentence to multiple life terms, but escaped, and had disappeared. Until now." He explained, reading from the report before looking at her. "Haldren and Lando seem to be connected, I'm beginning to think that if we want to get ahold of this Lando, we should see what Haldren has to say and see if we can get the truth out of him. His home can be easily found and we can finally get something that could lead us to getting Lando."
May 10, 2024 9:46 pm
"Ehh, me? I don't think I'm the right person for that.. Shouldn't you get some cops to do that?" Misha asked surprised. Helping pick apart a drone was one thing, but arresting and interrogating people was another. Generally the cops didn't like civvies involved..
May 13, 2024 10:28 pm
"You're right, I've been getting too involved in this case, my duty was to protect, I'll send this info to my superior and they'll get the proper people to work on this. Sometimes I just get tunnel versioned, part of my old work I guess." He said as he transferred the information from the laptop to his own computer, then sent out the information to his superior.

"As for you, we are having a team heading over to your place and searching the area for any signs of another attack and have been given permission to set up security cameras outside of your door and building, just for the time being." He relayed after you see him pressing his fingers to his head again. After only a few moments, he receives a call.

"Alright, looks like the area is clear, if you want, we can go back to your home and you can get yourself some rest, or, we can get you a hotel room for tonight if you don't feel safe going back there."
May 21, 2024 8:01 pm
The tabaxi stretched, happy to quit after a job well done.
"Ahhhh! Home is fine. I got WHISKER to look after me now after all."
Misha spent too long away from home just to give it up again after one night. Hopefully these idiots would figure out she was too much trouble by now. With the cops watching the area and one call away she figured she could manage. Still, she wasn't going to receive family at home any time soon. That meant a lot of disappointed nieces and nephews, but safety came first..
May 23, 2024 10:02 pm
You all leave the office and and get into the vehicle you came in, the engines pur as Cooper hits the accelerator and you leave the precinct for your home.

The drive is calm and peaceful, soft synthwave music plays on the radio, Cooper hums to it, clouds had formed in the sky while you were in the building and droplets of rain begin to fall onto the glass of the vehicle. You see the people around that were caught outside trying to find somewhere dry to continue walking, others, who were more prepared, lifted their umbrellas, opened them, and continued on towards wherever they were going.

The city lights are bright, advertisements everywhere, and little food vessels travel around off the ground, waiting to see if someone will wave them down for a night meal.

"Hey, Cooper says as he speaks from the drivers seat, "if you're lucky, you might catch one of those passing by your place, I know you had coffee, but you should have something better for yourself, a fed body is a functioning body."

You then come around to your place, the area that was attacked had been taped off so you had to go use another set of stairs, it takes a couple minutes longer, but you get to your room easily. The only thing that he does when you enter the room is to quickly check the windows, closet, any spaces that seemed like a good place to hide. He didn't find anything and wished you a good night as he stepped out of the room.

The place is yours to do as you want, you do see a couple of the food vessels coming by.
May 30, 2024 10:00 pm
Misha watched the city pass by through the car's window, glumly imagining the raindrops washed away some of the grime that coated the city. In the end, it would all just amass as sludge at the bottom. This place had never been pleasant, kind, or good. But it was home. Cooper's comment about food was on point, but she wasn't in the mood for street food.

Cooper entering her apartment to clear it was met with a frown. But if the 'forged felt better about it, that was fine. As the door locked behind him she sighed and rubbed her eyelids as the augmetics switched to dark at the muscle movement. This place, this whole situation, it was just a mess. Not how she had imagined coming home and starting a new life. She wanted peace and quiet. A simple job. Instead she was waging war with some high-tech crime ring. A very one-sided war, as apart from Cooper she wasn't sure the cops were giving it their all. And Cooper, well, somehow she felt unsure the warforged fit in with the cops. Or better said, the cops accepted him in their midst. Cops were not exactly the people known to accept the new and the minorities. But that was something for Cooper to navigate, not her.

Crashing on the couch that doubled as her bed, Misha buried herself in the copious number of pillows with a groan. She flicked on the holo-tv, flicking through advertisements until she reached a channel with some bullshit that hardly registered to her. WHISKER settled down next to the couch, dutifully monitoring the tiny apartment. She supposed she had to do something about food, so she got up and walked to her mini-kitchen. Checking the small closet she found some insta-ramen and settled for that. Then she went through her mail, picking out the welcome back cards and the drawings and crafts from various cousins and nieces and arranging them on her lone shelf. That picked up her spirits a little, but then she felt alone. Not odd, as she was so used to sharing a bunk for so long. Maybe she should get to work on finding that handsome tabaxi fellow her mother expected her to settle down with, but she wasn't in the mood for that today. That said, just wasting away in her apartment was not her plan either.

Thinking about it a while, Misha settled on a compromise between safety and boredom and went back out, taking WHISKER along. And her gun. She decided to go to the mall. Get some stuff she needed for her house. Some new clothes maybe..
Sorry, I've been ill for a while now so my postrate is dropped. I have paused on my other games but as this is a 1:1 I'll post when I can.
Jun 3, 2024 10:26 pm
You have decided to go to the mall, you have a couple of options, you are able to go out just through the front door, this would have Cooper tag along with you to the mall.

You also have the option to go out the window, through the fire escape that has been built on the outside of the building. But you would need to roll a stealth check with advantage if you didn't want to let Cooper know that you were going out with WHISKER. Or if you have any magic that would allow you to get out of your place without notifying him, you could also use that.
No problem, get better! Will reply to post soon.
Jun 13, 2024 10:19 pm
When she stepped outside, Misha was surprised to see Cooper standing there. Was.. was he really going to guard her day and night? This seemed absurd..
"I uhhh... am going to the mall. Shopping.."
Jun 21, 2024 7:17 pm
Cooper was just placing his hand down from the side of his face, the look of it has a little concern on it, he then turns his head and sees you leaving your place.

"Going to have to be without me on this one, got called in from the higher ups, must be something important about the case. Here." He says as he holds out his hand, palm up, "Place your hand over mine and I'll send you my comm. info so you can reach me in case something happens and you need me there. If you call and are being held up, mention 'High noon' and I'll know you're in danger without you having to say it." He explained.

"Have fun at the mall, they have some nice shops there." He said.


You get into a cab and make your way to the mall, the vehicle is operated by a machine, a little keyboard comes out where you sit and you type in the location that you want to go.

Once the mall has been put in, the keyboard folds back into the front half and the vehicle proceeds to take off and get you to your destination. It only takes a few minutes this way and it parks and opens the door when it gets to it's target location, you pay the small fee and are now at the entrance to the mall.

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