Here is a rough map of the city for you to peruse. I'll add this to the top post of the worldbuilding thread as well. https://docs.google.com/presentation/d/1tyLPvcuoQDBDDH2rPBy4RXpbn3B-uBozOgJBA-PwvPk/edit#slide=id.g1e9985da754_0_0
This is a link to a Google Slide that we can use for some of these NPCs and whatever else... I'm not sure yet.
The team splits off, making their way to the location of the waste facility. From the sky the trip is fast and easy. No traffic to compete with, just a few helicopters in the air also making their way tot he site. Soon, a plume of smoke can be seen billowing up into the sky.
You start at the edge of the business district. Towers of cement and glass surround you. Graffitti and grime cover everything, and the brown of the cement and rememnants of smog are uniform. Moving towrads the site, you go over a corner of the residential district. Blocks and blocks of apartments, some ok, some nice, go out into the distance. This is where the bulk of the "city folk" live that can't afford to live downtown or the suburbs. And finally you reach the industrial park area. While some do live here, this location is mostly for the trades. Warehouses, labs, workshops, parking lots, quarries, and any other eye sore that any city needs, but doesn't want taking up valuable realistate and aesthetics are here.
From the sky, the building is part of a compound, surrounded by a fence. The buildings east side is still smoking with a large hole going through the thick side of it. There appears to be some sort of lobby area and what feels to the group, from the outside, some sort of warehouse location.
For those on the ground, while you start near the edge of the business district, traffic at this time of day is heavy. Cars pack the streets and while Halcyon isn't a walking city anymore, there are some pedestrians on the sidewalk. An accomplished biker can split traffic and hop the curb to make their way faster than traffic would allow. But it will still take some time to get there.
So from what I saw Mirage/Nightfly are on the road on a bike, right? Are you driving safe or just trying to get there fast and not too concerned about laws and public health?
Second Phase is riding too but what do we feel her top speed is and what's her cruising speed? Like when she's just running to get somewhere?
Everyone else is in the Kirby Car. What's it called? What's it like inside?
For the building, I'm basically saying there are four zones that you can see that may be worth investigating. There could be more as well.