HcH - Vol. 1 Issue 1

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Oct 22, 2023 8:14 pm
Nightfly says:
"How could I get your character to (take this meeting seriously, work with us to find a reasonable Team Name for example?")
Though Leo appears to be ignoring everything, watching closely, Nightfly can see that he actually pays attention to what Wild Claw and Second Phase say, but tries to hide it. One of them could probably talk him into taking the discussion seriously.
Oct 23, 2023 6:41 pm
This is all great stuff guys! Love it. I'll make a simple map with names and locations for us to look at soon.
As the group continues their discussion the lights turn off then turn back on, but everything is covered with a red light. A klaxon gives 3 sharp blasts. Then a light appears on the wall behind Alloy Angel. It's square and about 10 feet tall and 10 feet wide. A projection.

On the left hand side of the projection there are three boxes. One shows a top down map of Halcyon City with a dot over The Hall's Location and one about 15 miles away on the other side of the city, near the industrial district.

Below that is a still image of the location, a Waste Materials Refinery and Repository.

The box below that simply has the time and says "In Process/ Up to Date"

To the right is news coverage. A copter hovers outside the building taking in the site. A large hole is smoking in the east side of the building. A chiron on the bottom says "Roberts' Disposal and Repository Explosion?" As you watch, you find out that this has only just happened and there's no facts about it yet.
What do you do?
Oct 23, 2023 7:51 pm
"Cap," Second Phase just starts to Leo, already sighing at Lex.

Really? None of them get the importance of a good name or a good PR. She rubs her temples for a moment as the lights turn off suddenly. "What?"

Then she looks at the video, intensely. Very intensely. Taking in frame by frame the details.

"This could be a job for the Guardians" she says.
Second Phase can speed read and speed learn, not sure if she could speed learn from a normal speed live feed though
Oct 23, 2023 8:15 pm
'We don't even know its a job yet. Could just be chemical or something' Despite her words there is light glow visible beneath her shirt as the artifact embedded in her chest reacts to her anticipation and a rush of adrenaline at the start of something to do. She silently wills it to settle down. Even if this was a mission she preferred to do things in her usual form first anyway, more accustomed to it.

'..maybe some of us slower one should start heading there, and Princess and Leo update us then catches up?' Even if it wasn't anything they would be able to get out of this room and the pointless discussion. She pulls a mask out her pocket , a vague attempt at a disguise when not shifted. It wasn't like she worked a job or went anywhere where anyone would recognise her anyway. Except nightschool... and Jerry.. maybe a disguise did matter a little bit.
Last edited Oct 23, 2023 9:03 pm
Oct 23, 2023 11:29 pm
Solstice arches an eyebrow as she stares at the display with interest. Then, reaching into a compartment in her utility belt, she pulls out something the size and shape of a Matchbox car. It looks like a toy, and appears to be a 1950s spaceship shaped like a wedge.

Solstice then produces a banana from another utility belt compartment and lays it next to the toy. "Not all of us fly or have super speed, but I can fit all of you into my ship. We can be at that site in a flash."
I have a Kirby-car feature from my playbook -- "You have a vehicle, something from your home. When you are flying your ship, you can use it to unleash your powers, directly engage a threat*, or defend someone using Superior. Strengths - Size-shifting, telepathic. Weaknesses - Bizarre fuel source (fresh fruit), unarmed"
Last edited Oct 24, 2023 2:28 am
Oct 24, 2023 4:22 am
Mirage felt a rush of relief at the alarm going off, though they wouldn't be likely to admit it if anyone had asked. It wasn't as if they didn't care about organization or image, but they certainly didn't know how to talk about it very well.

They slid their helmet on, and though it muffled their voice somewhat, they were noticeably more relaxed as they said, "We should head there. If it's nothing, it's nothing, but I'd rather know as soon as we can instead of loitering around."
Oct 24, 2023 2:16 pm
Nightfly too is kinda glad that this going-nowhere discussion got interrupted - hey, kinda gives zir a chance to step in and support Second Phase by reinforcing The Guardians as a name for the team.

"Yeah, Guardians, let's get out there and see if we can help, you know, do some guardianing"

Nightfly bounds up out of zir seat, and pats Mirage on the back of their shoulders.

"Hey, Mirage, how about us black-clad black-masked badasses stick together? Looks like you've got a bike here, space for one more on the back there?"

Looking at Solstice, ze says:

"Thanks for the offer of a lift in your bananamobile, Solstice! But cool as that sounds, I LOVE biking through our glorious city when I get a chance. Keeps me keen!"
Last edited Oct 24, 2023 2:19 pm
Oct 24, 2023 3:02 pm
'A ship? You been holding out on us ET?' Lex raises an eyebrow as she looks at what Aria is holding. She'd seen enough weird things last few months not tp doubt her.

'I call shotgun'
Oct 24, 2023 3:19 pm
Solstice levitates and drifts out of the room, the toy car in one hand and a banana in the other. "Anyone who wants a lift, join me outside."

Outside, Solstice presses a recessed control on the small car and places it on the ground. It begins to swell in size until it was the size of an SUV. All sides on the alien craft gleamed with a chrome finish, and small wings protruded from the sides.

Solstice opens a slot in the side of the car, about where a gas tank lid might be, and places the banana, peal and all, inside. The flying car hums to life. "Fructose power, so much more clean and safe than the fission and fusion technologies of this planet," muses Solstice out loud.
Oct 24, 2023 3:30 pm
Alice eyes Nightfly for a moment when ze requests to join Mirage on their bike, but then heads outside after Solstice. She whistles appreciatively at the freshly-grown ship, then muses, "I don't think I've ever seen that kind of technology before. I wonder if I could interface with it."
Oct 24, 2023 9:38 pm
Leo perks up a little when Solstice starts talking about a ship.

"Cool. Guardianmobile." he says, tacitly implying his acceptance of the name.
Nightfly says:
"Hey, Mirage, how about us black-clad black-masked badasses stick together?"
"Guess I'm not a bad-ass," he mumbles. Then he disappears, leaving behind a popping sound as air rushes to fill the void where he used to be.

A few minutes later, while Solstice is explaining fructose power, Leo appears nearby. His teleport in is less noisy, producing merely a whooshing sound. When he reappears, he is dressed in his "costume" - black cargo pants, black boots, black jacket, black mask and a black hood.

"Nice ride," Leo says.
Oct 25, 2023 5:45 am
Second's eyes twinkle at the sight of the spaceship thing.

"That, I gotta try!" she says. As everyone is getting outside and Leo shows off with his teleport, she'll take the shortest route outside. Literally the shortest, straight line. Ignoring walls and closed doors, walking though as if they weren't there.
Oct 25, 2023 5:53 pm
Here is a rough map of the city for you to peruse. I'll add this to the top post of the worldbuilding thread as well. https://docs.google.com/presentation/d/1tyLPvcuoQDBDDH2rPBy4RXpbn3B-uBozOgJBA-PwvPk/edit#slide=id.g1e9985da754_0_0

This is a link to a Google Slide that we can use for some of these NPCs and whatever else... I'm not sure yet.
The team splits off, making their way to the location of the waste facility. From the sky the trip is fast and easy. No traffic to compete with, just a few helicopters in the air also making their way tot he site. Soon, a plume of smoke can be seen billowing up into the sky.

You start at the edge of the business district. Towers of cement and glass surround you. Graffitti and grime cover everything, and the brown of the cement and rememnants of smog are uniform. Moving towrads the site, you go over a corner of the residential district. Blocks and blocks of apartments, some ok, some nice, go out into the distance. This is where the bulk of the "city folk" live that can't afford to live downtown or the suburbs. And finally you reach the industrial park area. While some do live here, this location is mostly for the trades. Warehouses, labs, workshops, parking lots, quarries, and any other eye sore that any city needs, but doesn't want taking up valuable realistate and aesthetics are here.

From the sky, the building is part of a compound, surrounded by a fence. The buildings east side is still smoking with a large hole going through the thick side of it. There appears to be some sort of lobby area and what feels to the group, from the outside, some sort of warehouse location.

For those on the ground, while you start near the edge of the business district, traffic at this time of day is heavy. Cars pack the streets and while Halcyon isn't a walking city anymore, there are some pedestrians on the sidewalk. An accomplished biker can split traffic and hop the curb to make their way faster than traffic would allow. But it will still take some time to get there.
So from what I saw Mirage/Nightfly are on the road on a bike, right? Are you driving safe or just trying to get there fast and not too concerned about laws and public health?

Second Phase is riding too but what do we feel her top speed is and what's her cruising speed? Like when she's just running to get somewhere?

Everyone else is in the Kirby Car. What's it called? What's it like inside?

For the building, I'm basically saying there are four zones that you can see that may be worth investigating. There could be more as well.
Oct 25, 2023 6:20 pm
'Okay I could get use to this.' Lex gives Solstice a wink as she slides into the passenger seat. Given her living circumstance it was walking or a rickety pedal bike for transport. 'What does a girl need to do to borrow this from time to time?'

She tries to act unimpressed by the view from the sky, but gives up part way through, watching out of any available windows. As they fly over the site she points to the building with the hole. 'Drop me there. I can check that part out. Either as a group or I can handle it by myself.'
Oct 25, 2023 6:39 pm
"I can drop down with you," Alice offers. "Literally drop, I mean." She knocked on her shoulder with one hand. Even where the skin looked mostly normal, it sounded like metal on metal. "I'm a lot sturdier than I look. And we can peek inside together."
Oct 25, 2023 7:58 pm

Second Phase is riding too but what do we feel her top speed is and what's her cruising speed? Like when she's just running to get somewhere?
Good question. She's basically a mix between Shadowcat and The Flash.

According to Google the Flash's top speed is roughly 8.3 million mph. Well. Nope. That's not Second Phase.

I kinda assumed her to run car-at-high-way speed while running normally.
And car-at-high-way-getting-tickets speed when in a hurry.

Loads faster during a moment of truth when she unlocks the full legacy's power
Oct 25, 2023 8:15 pm
If Mirage is good with going by bike, Nightfly will definitely be encouraging them to progress quickly through the traffic, taking cheeky options like the sidewalk to get them there sooner - and, er, to also enjoy being fast and flashy on a bike...
Oct 25, 2023 8:42 pm
Aegis says:

Everyone else is in the Kirby Car. What's it called? What's it like inside?
Before take-off, Solstice had telepathically summoned the flying car to open up. The roof slid back and disappeared into the rear of the car, seemingly defying physics. "I call her the Horizon Hawk. We don't have hawks on my planet but as earth birds go, a hawk seems cool."

The inside of the flying car was much like the outside: gleaming chrome all around, with grey seats morphed shape to accommodate the body shape of whoever sat in them. There were no visible controls. "I can control Horizon Hawk telepathically," said Solstice after seeing the quizzical looks of her passengers. "Anyway, we're in a hurry, so ..." and Solstice seemed to concentrate while falling silent. "I told her 'Dome Up'," explained Solstice, as the roof morphed out of the rear of the car and covered them in a protective dome. Inside they could see outside the car clearly, as if the bubble dome that surrounded them were made of glass. From the outside though, this roof had been chrome and didn't let you see the occupants inside.

As the Horizon Hawk took to the sky, Solstice looked over to Alloy Angel. "I've never used them, but there are some manual controls and, um, something like a neural link maybe? I don't know if you can interface with it but you're welcome to try."

Moments later they were over the target area. Solstice nodded to Lex. "Agreed, the building with the hole seems worth investigating." Solstice slid back the roof telepathically, and took the Horizon Hawk in for a closer look.
Oct 26, 2023 12:31 am
Leo's still going to call the ship the Guardianmobile.
If anyone pays attention to Leo, they can tell that he seems impressed with the Horizon Hawk. This is of note because Leo usually takes pains to seem unimpressed with everything. He doesn't say much during the trip, just stares out the dome.

After arriving, Leo listens to the group... barely. "Building with the hole. Check." And then - POP - he disappears.

A fraction of a second later, he appears on the ground, maybe 100 feet from the hole. "So what do we have going on here?" He says to himself as he scans the building.
Gonna try to assess the situation. I got a 9, so I get one question.
What's the biggest threat here?
Last edited Oct 26, 2023 12:34 am


Assess the situation: roll +Superior(3) - (2d6+3)

(42) + 3 = 9

Oct 26, 2023 3:47 am
Mirage winced at the physical contact, but nodded to Nightfly before making their way outside. They boarded their bike without a word, but gave Nighfly time to get situated before starting off.

While in the business district, they drove carefully, ignoring Nightfly's comments. They wouldn't have admitted it easily, but they weren't quite as used to the more populated areas of the city- or driving with a lot of traffic, for that matter.

As soon as they were clear of the more populated areas, they picked up speed, doing their best to make up the lost time.
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