HcH - Vol. 1 Issue 1

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Oct 26, 2023 1:21 pm
Nightfly doesn't notice Mirage wince at the physical contact of zir hand on them - if ze had, ze would have apologised for maybe making them uncomfortable.

Ze gets the feeling, though, that something isn't great between the two of them, as Nightfly's encouragement is ignored to have fun, take some risks, on their ride over. And if they don't feel good about having zir arms wrapped around their waist, zir chest pushed into their back - if they're maybe stiff about that, recoil from it a bit - then ze would have noticed that.

And that's tough for Nightfly. Ze wants to be liked, and this would feel like ze is being disliked, like ze is behaving wrongly. So when ze climbs off the bike, ze calls:

"Hey, Mirage, I'm sorry I asked to ride behind you, rather than waiting to be invited. I realised as we rode over, that I'd have found it hard to say no to that request in your place, and I really hope it wasn't uncomfortable for you.

In the future, would it be better if I leave you to invite me, rather than me asking for it?"

To try and hide zir neediness, how important it is for zir to be liked by Mirage, ze adds with an extra dose of bonhomie:

"You know? Just wanna make sure that this pair of black-clad badassess will be feeling good about kicking some ass - and feel good about doing it together - you know?"
Last edited Oct 26, 2023 1:32 pm
Oct 26, 2023 1:52 pm
"Damn show-off," the Alloy Angel complains to Lex when Leo teleports down. "Should we leave the hole to him then and check the wider area, Wild Girl?" The wrong codename is definitely on purpose. "Should you and I stick together? Maybe check that warehouse right there?"
Oct 26, 2023 2:29 pm
Lex rolls her eyes as Leo immeadiatly disappears. 'Show off' She mutters. It wasn't just aimed at him either with the casual way Alice mentioned surviving the drop. Not that Lex couldn't while shifted. She'd learnt she could take a lot of punishment as Wild Claw. She just didn't want to shift right of the bat, it was a lot easier giving in to the artefacts power than it was put it back again.

'Sure thing Metallica' She retaliates immeadiatly against the misname as she goes to open the door. 'Solstice move us a little lower? You joining us? Or keeping an eye from the skies?
Oct 26, 2023 7:07 pm
"Taking her in for drop-off." Solstice telepathically guides the craft towards the warehouse, where the ship lands with barely a noise.

After all passengers depart the Horizon Hawk, Solstice shrinks the craft back down to miniaturized size. She stoys the device in her utlilty belt.

"Let me run recon for a bit from above. I'll alert you to anything I see. I'll listen on our comms for any urgent need and I can join in when needed."
Making a move to 'Assess the Situation', knowing that I might know anything right away but I'll hopefully notice things over time.


ASSESS THE SITUATION - (2d6+(2)+(0))

(65) + 2 = 13

Oct 26, 2023 8:10 pm
Team: 1
Great stuff.

I think going by motorcycle and being "careful" aka driving responsibly and not trying to hurt people, will take a beat or two. So those two will arrive a little later. So the Nightfly Mirage conversation doesn't happen just yet.

BUT! if you want to get there nowish...Mirage can make an "Unleash your Powers" roll with the obstacle being, essentially, city geography and roads and traffic. She'll unleash when she gets to the Industrial Park side of town, according to Mirage's Narration. Otherwise, I'll let you know when they get there.

As such, when we start engaging, it won't be with the "Team Pool" yet.
The Blackclad Biker Badasses are making great time as they go through the city. Mirage drives excellently, picking up speed when able, but otherwise driving very safely. To pedestrians and civilians, these two are some of the most considerate motorcyclists they've seen.
What does teleporting feel like to Capt. Teleport?
Captain Teleport hides behind the wall and peaks in. His eyes scan the area. He sees a manufacturing area. Robotic arms and movers and huge industrial machines line the wall and fill the space. The far wall is very far back, it's a big space. Standing inside the warehouse he sees two people looking into another smoking hole in the ground and not talking.

A man dressed in a black vest and pants and a long beard in three braids. He's large and muscular with wide hips.

The woman is wearing an orange jumpsuit. Night tight, but definetly showing off her form. She's of average height but a fit and athletic build.

The Woman is the one he knows. The biggest threat. Heatwave. She's a known super powered thug, not quiet villain, with heat manipulation powers.
Oct 26, 2023 9:24 pm
Aegis says:
What does teleporting feel like to Capt. Teleport?
The travel is instantaneous, with no sense of in between. He's one place, then he's somwhere else. There's a fraction of a second between when he thinks the thought to teleport and when it actually happens, and during that fraction of a second, his entire body starts to feel... something. Maybe it's pain, but then he teleports and that feeling is gone. On the other end, there's an odd sensation on his skin from pushimg the air out of the way. When he first got the power, teleporting would make him feel a little disoriented, but he's adapted to that.
Leo ducks completely behind the wall when he sees Heatwave. He looks around and then teleports to a spot farther away from the hole, but still out of sight of the crew in the building. He's just trying to get out of earshot.

He taps his comm. "Ok, gang. We got a big gun in the building - Heatwave. Also some big guy with a beard and another woman. The place looks like an automated factory. The baddies may be trying to get at something below. They've made another hole in the floor."

With that, Leo looks around for any of his teammates.
Oct 26, 2023 9:33 pm
Lex steps out of the Kirby car and doesn't even bother to check Alloy is following her as she starts to move towards the warehouse to check it out, just assuming she will.

Just as they reach the door however Leo comes across on comms and she curses. 'Of course they're bloody there. Should have trusted my instincts.' She taps on the com. 'On the way.'

She turns and starts to run towards the building with the hole. To those watching it's not clear if her intent is to join up with Leo or just charge straight in.
Oct 26, 2023 10:43 pm
ye i'll go for the roll
edit: lol
Once Mirage felt they were clear of people, and they had started to pick up speed, a faint green telekinetic aura shimmered around the bike. They hoped to be able to give themself an advantage to both speed and control- though they were still getting used to how it felt to use their powers without any support from Doctor Metcett's equipment.

Once they arrived, Mirage turned to face Nightfly, the tinted visor of their helmet hiding their expression as they listened to him.

"No, no," they started their tone revealing how flustered they felt. "You didn't do anything wrong. Sorry if I made it seem that way."

They let that statement hang awkwardly in the air for a moment before adding,

"And I uh, don't really think I'd call myself a 'badass.' I'm still trying to get used to..." they gestured broadly, "All of this. Just give me some time."
Last edited Oct 26, 2023 10:49 pm


Unleash your Powers - (2d6+(2)+(0))

(13) + 2 = 6

Oct 27, 2023 4:24 am
Alice follows along with Wild Claw and turns at Leo's announcement that he has found the villains responsible for the attack. As she runs with Lex, she, referring back to Lex' previous joke, comments, "Well, I was going to recommend we Seek & Destroy the attackers, but it looks like the captain took care of the Seek part. How boring."
As they approach the hole, she grows more serious and adds, "I haven't had a chance to test this body against heat yet. So, uhm, I would appreciate if you guys don't let me melt. Captain, can't you grab her, teleport her out and in our path and we slug her while she's still cooled off from the transport?"
Oct 27, 2023 6:55 pm
It's obvious how flustered Mirage is feeling - Nightfly feels pretty awful that ze seems to have made them so uncomfortable. Ze is going to be much more careful about physical contact with Mirage in the future. Although ze also hopes ze can maybe help Mirage feel more comfortable around zir eventually (because, hey, zir really really wants other people to like zir... and tends to try what some people would describe as "too hard" to make that happen...)

Ze tries to shrug off the awkwardness and make light of it:

"Hey, oh, yeah, of course, Mirage - you take all the time you need. Really glad to have you here. And, I mean..."

(there is an awkward pause)

"I guess the main thing about asses, good or bad, is that we go out there and we kick some that need kicking...?"

Ze smiles kinda shyly over at Mirage, gives them a wink, and mock-flexes zir arms in a bodybuilder's pose.
This is not supposed to be Nightfly flirting with Mirage - the wink is intended by Nightfly as a little 'hey, just joking and teasing around here', trying, and maybe/probably failing, to put Mirage at ease.
Collecting zirselves, switching back to professional mode, Nightfly returns zir attention to the reason they're out here together, and calls out to Solstice on zir comms unit:

"Hey, Solstice! Can you see us from up there? Got a sitrep for us? Where can we go to help out?"
Oct 27, 2023 7:41 pm
Alloy Angel says:
"Captain, can't you grab her, teleport her out and in our path and we slug her while she's still cooled off from the transport?"
"That's certainly possible. I'm not terribly thrilled about the idea of porting alone into a group of baddies though. Is everybody ready to come save me if things go south?"
Last edited Oct 27, 2023 8:12 pm
Oct 27, 2023 7:52 pm
'Hey don't worry no ones getting melted. Not while I'm around.' Lex gives Alloy a wink before her game face is back on. She has however slowed down as a plan starts being discussed. 'I can be near enough to rush in if need be. Princess you good to be on standby? She queries Michelle over comms.
Oct 27, 2023 7:53 pm
"I'd be a shit leader if I let one of the Guardians get killed on my watch," Alice responds to Leo over the comms. Is she serious about calling herself the leader? Her metallic tone is definitely unreadable enough to not give a clue. "Now go in there, Cap. And more importantly, come back out!"
Oct 27, 2023 8:39 pm
'Hold up, what.' Lex stops her attempt to get hold of Michelle. ' We didn't agree on a leader, so that had better be a joke.' Though it would be funny to see Alice and Michelle, who she suspected also wanted the title arguing over it. Either way she wasn't listening to either of them.

'Ready when you are Le.. Teleport' She remembers they shouldn't be using real names, but she wasn't calling him Captain. The artefact in her chest begins to glow as she starts to shift into a hulking form, ready to wait for Heatwave to be delivered to them or rush in if things went wrong.
Oct 27, 2023 9:31 pm
Michelle had been running through the city and through the walls and buildings. Through cars and shops. In a straight line. And when she arrived she just smiled at Leo. "Hi", without breaking a sweat, watching the skies for the Horizon Hawk.
Michelle nods to Lex and Leo. "Yeah, I'm ready to rush in, Cap, if things go wrong. But you can do this. for sure."
"We can discuss leadership another day, Alloy. Now, we need to make sure Cap doesn't get toasted. Everyone get at the ready!"
Sorry for the short snippets all. It was just A LOT happening to catch up to...
Oct 27, 2023 9:45 pm
I have the feeling Mirage and Nightfly still haven't arrived yet

@Aegis, if you want to ping me when you feel Nightfly/Mirage will be on-site with the others, you can let me know to wait for your call - otherwise I'll just jump in at some point.
Last edited Oct 28, 2023 8:27 am
Oct 28, 2023 1:08 am
I purposefully had Leo charge in without waiting for the others. Not trying to rush the game. Just Leo being impulsive.
Oct 28, 2023 12:39 pm
BeardHare says:

"Hey, Solstice! Can you see us from up there? Got a sitrep for us? Where can we go to help out?"
I figure Solstice will continue recon from the sky to ascertain (1) which of the areas in the compound have active threats (there may be more than one group of threats), (2) what is the motive of the creatures behind the threat. Once the GM resolves my 'ASSESS THE SITUATION' for this I'll radio out on comms what I've seen. If Heatwave and their companions appear to be the only threat, I'll announce that and then Solstice will fly in to rendevous with the rest of the team.

Oct 29, 2023 8:38 am
Just a bit of social interaction here between Nightfly and Mirage/@amymist - not pushing the plot forward, feel free to skip over it.
Nightfly gets a strong vibe from Mirage that they are struggling to fit in, feel comfortable, and that resonates very strongly also with zir. Ze is scared of making zierself vulnerable here, but ze also really wants to reach out and connect to them - sharing that they are maybe both feeling the same way might help both of them deal with this all? You know? Like, even just being a super hero and a teenager at the same time is a LOT. So while waiting to hear back from Solstice, Nightfly turns to Mirage.

"We didn't have much of a chance to chat, since we started working here together - you know, in The Guardians, if that's the name we're going to go with here. It feels like you had a pretty rough time before we all got together - and that maybe you're still having a pretty rough time of it."

"I know, I talk a lot. You know, I try and talk less, but it just comes out of me when I'm trying to fit in, trying to deal with feeling like I'm out of place. And I really want us all to get along well - and, yeah... for you all to like me."

"And, Mirage, I like you. Even though I'm feeling awkward saying this, I'm glad to be here with you, facing this with you, and I really look forward to us becoming friends. If you ever, you know, just wanna hang out, maybe silently, feeling kinda awkward, but also it kinda helping to be around someone else who likes you, you know where I am.".

And Nightly makes a kinda goofy set of thumbs-up towards Mirage - trying to make what is actually a really important moment for zir seem a bit less risky, a bit less vulnerable, to Mirage.
Nightfly is trying to "Comfort or Support" Mirage here - er, maybe that's the last thing they want or need, but it seems ze are trying it anyway, clouded as ze may be by zir urge to connect to others.


"Comfort or Support" move - (2d6+3)

(42) + 3 = 9

Oct 30, 2023 8:39 pm
Team: 1
Gotcha. Rushing in is definetly something a Delinquent would do.

And I love the Mirage/Nightfly Scene. After Captain Teleport starts this confrontation, we'll get the bikers in. I'll still ping you when the time comes.
Solstice flies the Kirby Car around the building, doing some reconnaissance. She sees Wild Claw and Alloy Angel start running to the location that Captain Teleport is at. Follwoing the smoke trail.

As she flies in the direction counter to the runners, she notices something strange through a window to the lobby of the building... some people seated near a window. And also seemingly peaking out through a window. You'd think with the building on fire and probably unbder attack. Most people would leave, not sit "calmly" in the building. He gut says there is a threat in the lobby.

She continues to fly until she gets back to where the others are. From the air, she saw no signs of anything out of the ordinary in the robotics lab or the warehouse.

She takes in everything she's seen and heard and tries to figure out why they would be here. The potential hostages in the lobby and the two people standing over the whole in the East building? Other than some holes in the wall and floor, no real damage? If it's not destruction they are here for and there no wanton violence? Theft maybe? Then there must be someone in that hole that Captain Teleport saw. Another threat.
Second Phase stands near Captain Teleport as he hunkers down, waiting for backup to arrive. Even as the Alloy Angel and Wild Claw continue thier approach, he takes one more look at his target, then blinks out of Second Phases sight.
Captain, give me a directly engage the threat roll. Where are you trying to take Heatwave?
[ +- ] Summary
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