HcH - Vol. 1 Issue 1

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Oct 30, 2023 8:54 pm
Where are you trying to take Heatwave?
I think the idea was to put her right into our running path so we can give her a nice running punch as she's depowered. Unless Cap has other plans of course. It's his teleport.
Oct 30, 2023 9:04 pm
"Team, Solstice here. I've completed a sweep of the area. Something's off. In the building lobby, I spotted people sitting calmly despite the chaos - potential hostages, or maybe they're in on it? No obvious destruction in the robotics lab or the warehouse.

Here's my read: This isn't about destruction or random violence. It feels like a heist, or they're after someone or something specific. The people in the lobby could be a distraction, or they're guarding something. And there's definitely something or someone important in that hole Captain Teleport mentioned.

I'll stand by; contact me if you need me."
Oct 30, 2023 10:57 pm
"Here we go."

Leo intends to teleport behind Heatwave, give her a surprise bear hug, then teleport her to where Alloy and Wild Claw are. Then he intends to port a short distance away (still near the fight, but out of reach - teleporting is just quicker than walking).
I'm taking +1 forward for acting on info from his Assess the Situation success.
Edit: ouch.
Last edited Oct 30, 2023 10:58 pm


Directly Engage a Threat - (2d6+1)

(14) + 1 = 6

Oct 31, 2023 3:38 am
Well, this is definitely the most fun result you could have rolled.

Don't forget to mark potential
Oct 31, 2023 1:12 pm
Michelle looks at Leo teleporting out, and then at the place she'd expect him to return.
Hopefully he won't take too long.

But her mind is also set at the possible people in trouble in the lobby.
don't want to take too much action and see how Cap does :)
Last edited Oct 31, 2023 1:13 pm
Nov 1, 2023 4:08 pm
Team: 1
Captain Teleport blinks into existence behind Heatwave. The puff of air as he incorporates doesn’t seem to announce his presence but in that split second a sharp pain and incredible tightness slaps across his chest and arms. Binding them tightly.

"Gotcha." There’s a sense of movement as he's pulled from his feet and thrown across the room and up against a wall. The man begins walking toward him, his right arm starts glowing red. While pressed against the wall, Captain Teleport tries to teleport out of whatever has him bound, but whenever he tries to access his power... there's static. He can't quite touch it. He's stuck.

"I was wondering when someone would come." Heatwave starts running towards the hole in the wall, outside. "Heatwave, stay there... I guess, nevermind." He has a thick lower Halcyon City accent as he says this looking over his shoulder towards where she used to be. He touches his ear "All points... we have an intruder."

A radio crackles. <Azimuth or Doorman?>

"Niether some brat. I've got him locked down. He's lucky I wasn't charged up when I grabbed him."
Alloy Angel and Wild Claw come around the corner in time to see Heatwave running out of the building, looking around, scanning the area for trouble.

Solstice can see her from the sky, Heatwaves jumpsuit shines in the daylight. Solstice can also see Nightfly and Mirage just a few moments out, tearing down the street on their bike.

Behind cover, Heatwave can't see Second Phase, but she's running straight at the hero.
What do you all do now?
[ +- ] Summary
Nov 1, 2023 4:15 pm
Only a short distance ahead, the Alloy Angel sees Heatwave, not teleported out by the captain, but running out by herself. And Captain Teleport himself is nowhere to be seen. "Damn it," the half-machine girl curses. "I guess there's a change of plan. One of us handles Heatwave, the other goes in to check on the captain. Which one's going to be you, Claw?"

Wild Claw


Nov 1, 2023 6:27 pm
Wild Claw

''Both' Wild Claw's voice is deep and guttural as she surges forward heading straight for heatwave. She said she would protect Leo if things went wrong. She said she would protect Alloy Angel from Heatwave. So the simple solution was bring them back to the same spot...

It quickly becomes clear to everyone watching that as she charges Heatwave she has no intention of stopping, hoping to slam into the villain and take her with her back into the building, through the wall if need be.
Hoping it to be a directly engage a threat so will roll that, and if allowed use the following ability if her crashing with Heatwave back through the wall making the hole bigger would suffice. If not no worries 9(Also no worries if she can't bullrush Heatwave and she gets stuck fighting her.
If not directly engage a threat will reroll, just though in pbp its easier to assume a roll sometimes and ignore if not needed :P.

If Roll stands will pick - resist or avoid their blows
-create an opportunity for your allies
And for the extra wall smashing - impress, surprise, or frighten the opposition
[ +- ] In a china shop
Last edited Nov 1, 2023 7:36 pm



(54) + 2 = 11

Nov 1, 2023 6:30 pm
When Alloy sees what Wild Claw is planning to do, she slows down just a little bit so she won't get in the way. As she watches Wild Claw collide with Heatwave, she comments, "Okay, that's badass!"
Nov 1, 2023 8:04 pm
Seeing Wild Claw and Heatwave get in a fight, Second rushes forward to find Captain Teleport.

Bolting straight through the cover she hid behind and going at top speed straight for the building Heatwave and Teleport were in, entering the building through a side wall.

While in the building she'll attempt to locate Cap and, if she realizes that he is trapped by something, attempt to release him from it.
I am guessing that could be Defend? If it'd be something else, just give the call :)


SAVIOR: - (2d6+(2))

(24) + 2 = 8

Nov 1, 2023 8:12 pm
Solstice has exited the flying car some moments ago (it is now miniaturized and in a pouch in her utlitity belt again). As she flew independent of the Horizon Hawk, she observed with a smile Wild Claw rushing in to deal with Heatwave.

Over comms, Solstice announces: "Going in to check on the Captain."

I hope Leo is OK, muses Solstice as she flies in like a bird of prey.
Nov 1, 2023 10:52 pm
What has Teleport trapped? Is someone holding him? Is there a physical restraint? Is it an invisible force? And how trapped is "trapped"? Can he move any parts of his body? Can he talk?
Nov 1, 2023 11:40 pm
Ah. Yeah. My bad. What CT is captured by is is an invisible psychically generated whip. The guy you’re fighting is called "Backlash". Kind of a weaker version of Psylock. Except a man and white a whip. Because he caught you in the whip, it’s causing psychic feedback that canceling your powers. Your arms are bound but you can still walk and talk and maybe do something with your hands other than break out.

"Capture someone" is a GM move for if a player gets a miss, that’s why he’s captured. And "Put them in Chains" is a GM move against delinquents, so it works doubly.

So to get out, someone needs to help you, which they are on the way to now, or use "Unleash your Powers" to overcome this obstacle.

I hope that clarifies. If not, let me know. I’ll try to be more clear about this stuff going forward.
Nov 2, 2023 2:07 am
No problem. You don't have to spell out your GM moves. I just wanted to understand the details to decide how Leo would react.
So you're Heatwave's newest flunkie sidekick, huh?"

Leo has no idea what he's talking about. He's just trying to distract this guy while the team is coming.
Last edited Nov 2, 2023 2:08 am
Nov 2, 2023 8:35 am
following up on my previous post, now I understand the situation better
Michelle sneaked into the building through the sidewall, phasing through it.
Noticing the man holding Cap by his whip.

"Got it, Solstice," she whispered back through her com "Some dude has him in a whipthing. Hurry up and we tackle him together."

She held ready to charge at the man and surprise ram him at full speed the moment Solstice showed up for back up.
Nov 2, 2023 5:41 pm
Solstice barrels in from above and surveys the scene. Hovering about 5 feet from the ground, she then shouts "Let. Go. Of. My. FRIEND!" and uses her heliokinesis power to blast a bolt of solar energy at the enemy holding Cap captive.
@Chloe, I figure we could either (1) make it a combo attack (our attacks could be simultaneous), or (2) maybe you rush to Cap to make sure he is free and OK? Not sure if my attack with disable the psychic whip.
Last edited Nov 2, 2023 5:42 pm


UNLEASH YOUR POWERS - (2d6+(2)+(0))

(25) + 2 = 9

Nov 2, 2023 11:35 pm
Kinda already set up to attack, so going on with that
Michelle sees Aria charge in and blast solar energy.
At that moment she also rushes forward, faster than speeding car, and readies to tackle the man with the whip.
I feel like a direct engage here?
Unleashing powers is a bit hard to get - but as there is a more specific option the book suggests to follow that.
[ +- ] Fight the good fight

Rolled a 10. If I am doing this right I can pick 2. So I'd pick
1. create an opportunity for your allies
2. resist or avoid their blows
Michelle rushes at the guy and takes at top speed kicks slams up to him just as Solstice's sunbolt lights the room. Knocking him over in surprise, before he can hurt her back and hopefully creating momentum for Leo to escape.
Last edited Nov 2, 2023 11:42 pm


SAVIOR: - (2d6+(2))

(35) + 2 = 10

Nov 3, 2023 8:20 pm
Team: 3
The red energy unwinds around the man’s right arm. The tilts his neck from side to side releasing a series of cracks and pops. He points his left arm at Captain Teleport and says "I didn’t want to make a name for myself by taking out a kid playing hero. But I’ve got to provide for the family somehow. " it falls to the floor, creating a whip. His right arm goes up, around and then finally, forcefully, down. And the whip follows the same trajectory, up around and down on to Captain Teleport…

Or at least where he had been an instant before.

An enormous crash sounds behind him. Wild Claw, with Heatwave dazed in her arms, has taken out a chunk of wall and tosses Heatwave at the feet of the man.

As he looks down and the woman sprawled on his feet, his arms slows and in that briefest moment, Second Phase sees her opportunity. She shoulder charges him from oneside, as a solar flare from Solstice hits him from the other. Caught between the two, he screams and his red energy fizzles.

Captain Teleport begins to fall to the ground, but instantly blinks to be near the wall with the hole. Second Phase goes to join the group just as Mirage and Nightfly arrive.

Nightfly backflips off the bike and lands in a classic 3 point superhero pose.

The two villains stand, pained but intent, and arrayed before them with the sun at their backs with streams of light cascading through the open wall and the smoke, are our 7 Next Generation Heroes in shiloutte. The team finally reunited and truly ready.

The man seems lost and confused. Heatwave reaches up, slowly to touch her ear. Disheartened. "We could use some backup here."
Everyone answer the following in your post, it has to be unanimous to get the team point:

When you enter battle against a dangerous foe as a team, add two to the Team pool.
• If the leader has Influence over every teammate, add another Team. Who do you think the leader is?
• If everyone has the same purpose in the fight, add another Team.What is your purpose here?
• If any team member mistrusts the leader or the team, remove a Team.Do you trust your team and the leader
• If your team is ill-prepared or offbalance, remove a Team. Do you feel offbalance
[ +- ] Summary
Nov 3, 2023 8:44 pm
"Oh no, you don't!" the Alloy Angel's tinny voice calls out as the supervillainess reaches for her headset. She reaches out a metal hand and tries to connect to the woman's headset, interrupting the connection and destroying her comms before the message gets out.
• They haven't chosen a leader yet, but lacking that, Alloy treats herself as the leader of the group.
• Alloy's primary purpose is for the team to look good here, which will probably include as secondary purpose stopping the crime in progress.
• She doesn't mistrust anyone on the team in particular.
• I don't think we're particularly offbalance. We didn't have much preptime, but we weren't taken by surprise or ambushed.
Nov 4, 2023 1:58 am
HI sorry this took so long!!! i am alive again now, gonna try and get caught up haha

if i understand right, the 9 @beardhare got on the comfort or support roll means i can mark potential for having mirage open up a bit, so that’s what i’m going for. playin a little fuzzy with the timeline as well, but hopefully it makes enough sense to work.
Mirage was quiet for a while after Nightfly spoke. They were surprised that ze had picked up on how they were feeling, and while it made them feel a bit exposed… It wasn’t all bad.

At the very least, they felt like if Nightfly was going to be one at about zir feelings, it was only fair to do the same. A little bit, anyway.

"Don’t be too hard on yourself. I… kind of like hearing you talk. I’ve never exactly been very outgoing. I don’t really know how to put myself out there, or say what I think a lot of the time. I…" they hesitated, not for the first time. "I think it’s cool that you’re able to do that. Even just talking like this, I don’t think I would have been able to do it if you hadn’t said something first. So… I appreciate it."

Mirage fell silent again, partly because they weren’t sure what else to say, but partly to listen to the communications from the rest of the team. It was hard to follow exactly what had been happening so far- but it was hard to miss where Wild Claw had smashed a hole in the wall.

They closed the distance, and once they were reunited with the group, surveyed the area, trying to get a sense for what they were dealing with.

Time to immediately undermine the unanimous answers, eh-heh.

• Mirage thinks Second Phase made the best case for being chosen as leader at the earlier meeting.
• They see this as a chance to prove that the group can act as a team to get things done.
• They generally trust the team. At least, they know they can be relied on in a fight.
• They don’t feel off-balance. I think their conversation with Nightfly helped them feel more at-ease than they did at the meeting, and the obvious fight situation gives them a sense of focus and purpose.

Also, I’m gonna try to assess the situation. If I succeed, I’ll edit my questions in.
edit: but i didn’t! two fails in a row, haha
Last edited Nov 4, 2023 1:59 am


Assess The Situation - (2d6+(0))

(33) = 6

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