HcH - Vol. 1 Issue 1

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Wild Claw


Nov 4, 2023 7:46 pm
Wild Claw

Wild Claw let's out a a sound that sounds like grinding stone, not too dissimilar to a growl as they take a threatening step forward to the two villains even as the rest of the teams arrive and form together.
While Claw is currently refusing to acknowledge anyone as leader, especially not Second Phase or who wants it.
Take down the bad guys
Not necessarily mistrust but she definitely doesn't trust the others to have her back or be competent yet.
Don't think they are off balance.
Last edited Nov 4, 2023 9:00 pm
Nov 4, 2023 8:29 pm
As per OOC, rolling to Directly Engage a Threat

For a full success, I want to:
- take something from them: Their ability to communicate remotely
- resist or avoid their blows: They can't use this opportunity for a counterattack on Alloy
Last edited Nov 4, 2023 8:31 pm



(54) + 1 = 10

Nov 4, 2023 9:04 pm
I'm going to wait for all the moves to resolve before posting making another Leo post. So don't wait on me.
Nov 5, 2023 12:56 am
Stunned by the show of force against them, the villains take moment to try to get back on plan. The moment is too long though, as Heatwave raises her hand to summon backup, Alloy Angel darts forward.

Her hand snakes out, lighting fast and unerring. Heatwave weaves her head, with a boxers experience, but her head wasn’t the target. Instead it’s the earpiece she wears. She swings a hook at Alloy Angel which is dodged.

As Alloy Angel makes contact, a splash of static shoots through their comma before going quiet permanently.

And just like that, she’s back to where she stood just a second or two before. The wall behind the heroes continues to crumble from Wild Claw’s rush through the wall.
Whoever wants to go next can.
[ +- ] Who’s next?
Nov 5, 2023 9:43 pm
Solstice sees how tough this fight is shaping up to be. "Why do evil supervillains have to be so evil," mutters Solstice under her breath.

Aria unleashes another bolt of sun power towards Heatwave.
When you enter battle against a dangerous foe as a team, add two to the Team pool.
• Who do you think the leader is? Alloy Angel.
• What is your purpose here? To nullify the enemy threat.
• Do you trust your team and the leader? Yes.
• Do you feel offbalance? No.
Last edited Nov 5, 2023 9:43 pm



(56) - 1 = 10

Nov 5, 2023 11:33 pm
As his teammates charge in, Leo quiets down. He focuses his attention on the man that has him trapped, waiting for an opening to escape.
He takes a moment to get his bearings, looking to see where he might cause the most damage... er, help the most.
Leo doesn't think anyone is the leader yet.
His purpose here is to kick butt.
Leo does not trust the team as a unit yet - just some of the members.
Leo definitely feels off balance.

Edited because he wasn't actually still trapped.
Last edited Nov 7, 2023 11:06 pm
Nov 7, 2023 12:53 am
A Lance of Solar Energy blasts from Solstices hand. Heatwave, sensing the attack, raises a wall of pure heat in front of her. The air distorts and turns orange as it goes up, a smirk on her face.

But Solstices blast is more than just heat or just force. And while that cascades off the shield, the primordial energies punch through, blasting Heatwave in the chest, laying her down and stunning her again, near the base of that hole in the floor. She mumbles about how she should never have come out to this shit show.

But that mumble goes unheard by Solstice who is hit in the chest by a red whip of energy originating from the man. It hurts, but weirdly almost more emotionally than physically, "Lets see how you do with someone with more than just a bit of heat to hit you with! Take your chance with Backlash!" He cracks the whip in the air, and it gets larger, thicker and deeper red and another few feet of the wall behind the team crumbles to the ground.
Solstice has to take a condition. What’s she feeling right now and why?

And who’s next?
[ +- ] Summary

Wild Claw


Nov 7, 2023 7:22 am
Wild Claw
@timplausible As a heads up Leo is no longer trapped I believe. He got out when Second Phase ran into the guy.
As Solstice is hit by the whip Wild claws attention turns to the man. 'Compensating?' Is the only word that leave her as suddenly she starts to move forward to slam into him. It worked with Heatwave, why stop now.
I like the idea of Wild Claw being a sort of juggernaut so let's go for resist or avoid blows, and then create and opportunity for allies as well Actually let's fgo for surprise, frighten or impress again.
Last edited Nov 7, 2023 7:27 am



(53) + 2 = 10

Nov 7, 2023 9:47 am
Nightfly sees Solstice being hit by the red energy whip, sees her face change in ways zir hasn't seen before - sees her loose some of that overwhelming sense of power and confidence that was always such a dominant part of her.

And zir heart aches as ze sees this. Solstice is always damn MAGNIFICENT to behold! But seeing her vulnerability here, in the middle of the fight, zir heart swells with concern, connection, and er yeah desire for this incredible unearthly being.

Pulling zirself together, Nightfly bellows up at Solstice:

"Hey, Solstice, babe!"

"You've got this! Shake it off!"

"We're here, together, with you, we're going to take these asshats down!"

"And you're going to be up there making it happen!"

"Doing what you do best, being freaking AWESOME, and looking SPECTACULAR while doing it!"
Using "Comfort or Support" here to give Solstice, hopefully, a chance to clear a condition if she wants to.
Having rolled an 11, I'll add a Team to the pool - @Dreamweaver/Solstice, if Solstice opens up to me, you get to either "mark potential, clear a condition, or shift Labels"
Last edited Nov 7, 2023 9:51 am


"Comfort or Support" move - (2d6+3)

(26) + 3 = 11

Nov 7, 2023 9:56 am
When you enter battle against a dangerous foe as a team, add two to the Team pool.

Who do you think the leader is? Second Phase (well, that's at least who Nightfly would most like to follow, and Nightfly has no particular interest in being leader zirself)

What is your purpose here? Save the city from the baddies!

Do you trust your team and the leader? Yes.

Do you feel offbalance? Yes - Nightfly usually feels off-balance, messed up in zir conflict between mundane and hero roles, constantly seeking affirmation and connection with those around zir to try and build up zir sense of esteem and confidence. With the team being so new and fresh, that offbalance feeling is strong - even though connecting with Mirage earlier was good for this, helped zir out a bit by making zir feel a bit more grounded.
Nov 7, 2023 4:38 pm
Solstice takes the 'Hopeless' condition after getting hit.
Reeling from the crack of Backlash's whip, Solstice’s breath catches in her throat, the strike leaving a searing blow to her spirit. Her blazing white eyes seemed to dim under the weight of an unfamiliar hopelessness. "Is this it?" she wonders silently, her home planet feeling a million light-years away. Aria had long been a loner, and in past times she was able to tackle any obstacle with easy success. But the power of these super villains left her feeling hopeless, and as always, alone.

The villain's taunts cut through the air, but it's Nightfly's voice that anchors her, pulling her back from the edge of despair. "You've got this! Shake it off!" Nightfly's other words reminded Aria that she wasn't alone, not anymore. She was part of a team, and the weight of responsibility was not hers alone.

Solstice locks eyes with Nightfly, her posture unsteady but her resolve clear. "I have always fought alone," she admits, her voice a quiet force amid the tumult. "And alone, I see I cannot stand."

Aria rises to hover in an action pose, her smile a flicker of light in the dark. "But here, with you, I found true strength — not in solitude, but in unity."

With a nod to Nightfly, her eyes shine with newfound determination. "We're a constellation, not lone stars. Your trust is my armor, Nightfly. Let's finish this, together."
Solstice, assuming the GM agrees that this qualifies as Aria opening up to Nightfly, will now remove the 'Hopeless' condition.
Nov 7, 2023 11:02 pm
It seems that somehow I missed the GREAT BIG POST that said Leo got free. I'll retcon his last non-action (just the flavor).
Leo sees Backlash strike Aria. "Dude, you are really pissing me off." Leo teleports directly in front of Backlash. "Boo! he screams, then immediately teleports behind him. "Over here!" Then he ports to one side and taps him on the shoulder. "No here!" Leo keeps blinking around Backlash, taunting him, hoping to distract or confuse him enough for someone to get an opening.
Attempting the Are you watching closely Delinquent move.

Success! I will choose to Confuse them for some time and Avoid further entanglements. Backlash gets spun around so much that he gets dizzy, and I'd like Leo to repeatedly dodge attempts by their attempts to hit him - just to look cool.
Last edited Nov 7, 2023 11:31 pm


Are you watching closely? (+superior) - (2d6+3)

(55) + 3 = 13

Nov 8, 2023 1:42 am
Team: 6
I love that Wild Claw is just rampaging. Wild Claw is still in human form right?

Yeah. I’d call that Solstice opening up to Nightfly. That’s great both of you!
In response, Wild Claw rushes Backlash, head and horns down and shoulder down in a classic bull rush. He tries to bring his whip around and strike her, buts at a weird place in its arc and doesn’t connect. Wild Claw makes contact right in his torso, sending him flying as well. The whip trails after him but he lands in a heap next Heatwave who is still recovering from the blistering attack.

He rolls over onto his feet, and for a moment looks up, as if to pray. He looks back at the team, a feeling of hopelessness is across his face looking at everyone. Then he kneels back down and yells into the hole "Hey! Help! Wrap it up down there and come up here!". Then he points to Wild Claw, in beast form. "Who are are you? I guess your charge huh?"

Until Captain Teleport appears right in front of his pointer finger. "Boo! " angry and confused Backlash is immediately overcome with emotion and lashes out at Captain Teleport, to the exclusion of everyone else for now.

There’s a pause in the action except for Captain Teleport who is busy keeping Backlash busy.
Heatwave will get back up pretty soon. Second Phase is up then I’ll go for Mirage.
[ +- ] Summary
Nov 8, 2023 6:44 am
No, she did shift when we had the teleports heatwave plan. Like to think when she's human she has a more precise martial arts style, and then when Wildclaw a lot more of this :p
Nov 8, 2023 5:22 pm
Gotcha. Made some small changes to the narrative to reflect that. Must have missed it.

Now that a little more time has passed , in your next post, describe the Beast Mode, or Wild Form or whatever the comic term would be (X-Treme Form, lol), looks like. How big it is etc…

@Chloe- you’re up
Nov 10, 2023 4:44 pm
Chloe can chime in when they get back. We’ll keep going to keep the momentum. Anyone who wants to go next can.
Captain Teleport keeps Backlash distracted with his harassment and teleport spamming. Heatwave is still struggling to get to her feet, but it seems like she’s rallying will get up soon unless stopped.

What do you do?
Nov 10, 2023 4:51 pm
"Claw, why don't you play with Heatwave a bit to keep her occupied," the Alloy Angel suggests. "I'm little use here so how about I check out the situation inside the lobby, with those people by the window. Sol, maybe you can help me get there. Unfortunately, I'm a flightless angel."
Last edited Nov 10, 2023 4:51 pm
Nov 10, 2023 10:05 pm
Mirage had hung back near the crumbling wall as they tried to get caught up on the situation. Their hesitation cost them time, though thankfully, the other members of the team seemed to be doing a good job picking up the slack, pushing the attack and keeping their adversaries busy.

They watched as Wild Claw tossed Backlash through the air, and as he in turn shouted into the hole. His shouts spurred Mirage into movement, and they rushed in, tossing their hands out in front of them as they tried to block the hole with their powers, an expanse of green energy rippling over the open space.

They were dimly aware of Leo appearing nearby, and they hoped he'd be able to keep Backlash busy enough to let them hold off whatever backup was coming.
Assuming this is an Unleash Your Powers roll for now. edit: amazing. my rolls have been so bad lol
Last edited Nov 10, 2023 10:06 pm


Unleash Your Powers - (2d6+(2))

(13) + 2 = 6

Nov 11, 2023 4:33 am
oof. Yeah. At least you’re getting some XP, lol. Maybe the dice will balance out later. But until then…
Mirage’s lattice work of green energy to keep whatever is in the hole, in those, is almost complete. But at the last second, something shoots through. The speed and power of it distorts the lattice as it rises into the air.

Still a blur, it seemingly effortlessly switches directions as it falls from the sky. And lands two boots directly into Mirage’s chest. Mirage flies backward, to land amongst the team as he lands: Riot.

Riot is a well known for hire supervillain. Sometimes he does his own schemes and heists but usually he’s someone else’s right hand man.

Riot is a man with an all white costume and skull mask. He has incredibly increased physical prowess (enough to go toe to toe with Azimuth and win) brawling abilities.

"Looks like I made it just in time, huh , Backlash? Heatwave, get up. We’re almost finished down there. "
Mirage has to take a powerful blow. Rolling low here is actually really good!

Nov 11, 2023 1:02 pm
"Talk and feelings and all that are all fine and good" thinks Nightfly to zirself "but sometimes, a body just gotta step up and hand some baddie their ass on a plate..."

Ze flips on the strobing dancing pulsing halogen-lamp-bright patterns weaving over zir skin to distract Riot, dancing and weaving zirself in time with the patterns, flipping zir stereo system in zir backpack on and letting loose with some deep bass powering syncopated electronica - tries to lures him into the spell of the noise and the movement and then BAM moves in with zir fist flipped to mimicking the properties of a diamond - hard, tough, and damn painful.
this is intended to be "Directly Engage a Threat" - 7-9 I pick "resist or avoid their blows", 10+ I pick additionally "frighten the opposition"


Directly Engage a Threat 2d6+0 - (2d6)

(63) = 9

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