HcH - Vol. 1 Issue 1

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Nov 11, 2023 5:02 pm
Mirage gritted their teeth and tried fruitlessly to keep the construct in place, only for it to flicker out of existence as Riot collided with them.
rolling, will add a bit more depending on the result.
edit: lol lmao i am so cursed! anyway i'm taking "you lose control of yourself or your powers in a terrible way." for the drama, u understand
Mirage took the blow hard, and felt themself go flying through the air. They landed in a heap, and as they tried to will themself to get up, they felt hopelessness welling up inside of them.

Back when they were working under Doctor Metcett, they'd been able to rely on his equipment to boost their strength. He'd had a machine that amplified their powers- a few minutes in an uncomfortable chair before every mission, and they were unstoppable. Without that, they felt so much weaker, unable to do the things that had once seemed effortless to them.

Mirage was starting to feel like they were helpless without Metcett. Just the same sad, scared little kid they had been before they met him, now playing around with stolen power that was already running out.

"No," Mirage hissed to themself. They wouldn't let that happen. That power was still there, they could feel it. It was like it was just out of reach. They closed their eyes, and focused every bit of their effort on reaching out, trying to grasp whatever it was that was missing.
Last edited Nov 11, 2023 5:16 pm


Take A Powerful Blow - (2D6)

(65) = 11

Nov 11, 2023 5:52 pm
Leo had been hoping that one of his teammates might deal with Backlash while Leo was distracting him, but too many other things appear to have happened. Despite having failed in his initial attempt to teleport Heatwave, he decides to attempt it again with Backlash. He 'ports behind him and tries to grab him.
Going to roll Directly engage a threat. He intends to drop him right in front of Wild Claw so that she can take him out.

Excellent! The two options I will choose are: Resist or avoid their blows and Create an opportunity for your allies. The opportunity is that Backlash is unpowered and exposed - vulnerable to an attack.
Last edited Nov 11, 2023 5:54 pm


Directly engage - (2d6)

(55) = 10

Nov 12, 2023 12:05 am
Team: 6
Alloy Angel heads outside to start the run to the lobby, asking for a lift to save some time.

As the drop kick lands on Mirage, something strange happens. Eerie green energy arches out of Mirages back. It’s shoots out of the hole i the crumbling wall and blasts through the smoke, clearing it out. In less than a second it spreads out from their back, and shotgun style, shoots into the air towards the gathering news copters that have angled themselves to try to take images through that wall. Two helicopters manage to get out of the way, dodging the green energy. But two others are gripped in a telekinetic hood and and jerked back the 30 feet that Mirage ended up flying backwards. Metal bends and glass breaks. The engines whine as the helicopter blades stop and the helicopters begin to fall from the sky.

Inside, Nightfly moves with and intentionally against the pulse of zir music, striking riot and angering him. Ze land a flying Ax Kick to the top of Riot’s head when he was expecting a low sweep kick. He yells, smashing the ground. A seismic wave bends out wards from him breaking the ground up and causing an uneven and dangerous surface for everyone. And when he stands up, takes a much more defensive stance. Almost scared.

Captain Teleport, continuing to harass Backlash sees a chance to end the fight with Backlash. Captain Teleport gets behind Backlash, grabs him and teleports him 30 feet into the air. Then let’s him fall. Powerless and unable to defend himself,Backlash’s last thought for the moment is feeling a sense that he’s just not enough to take on these new heroes. Then he’s out.

The quake created by Riot has shot Heatwave into the sky, and she’s upset. The whole room grows hotter.
[ +- ] Summary


Wild Claw


Nov 12, 2023 12:30 pm
Wild Claw
'Wild Claw' Is the only response she gives to Backlashes question. She was currently a hulking form , a beast made of stone not unlike a golems, with moss and vines here and there, including on the antlers emerging from her head.

She turns her focus to Heatwave ready to charge as the fighting begins to break out, only to suddenly hear Alloy call out to her and she pauses, turning to look at her. While in her current form there is little facial expression to read it is somehow clear she is annoyed by what she sees as an order. For a moment she debates deliberately swapping to attack Riot just to prove a point, but eventually just lets out a grinding growl. 'I was going to anyway.'

Then she charges going to try and catch Heatwave in a stony bear hug.
Going to keep with the avoiding harm option.
Last edited Nov 12, 2023 12:30 pm



(33) + 2 = 8

Nov 13, 2023 4:02 am
Changing the "create an opportunity for allies" to be an opportunity in relation to Riot. Leo is going to drop Backlash on top of Riot - or try to. Either way, Riot is distracted and open for an attack.
Last edited Nov 13, 2023 4:02 am
Nov 13, 2023 5:51 pm
Gotcha, Captain Teleport.

Wild Claw takes another one down. Just Riot left in the room.

Alloy Angel, we’ll just say that you get to the lobby in a timely manner if you want or you can be positioned to help the helicopters.
Wild Claw charges at Heatwave again. Jumping up in the air to envelop her into a bear hug. The heat from Heatwaves body is intense, maybe too much for any of the others other than Solstice to bear, but Wild Claw’s stoney form can take it.

Heatwave releases a cry of anger, a roar, into the air but the sound is muffled by Wild Claw. In one last act defiance, her heat blasts out between Wild Claw’s arms. The waves are so concentrated that they can be seen. The rays hit the support rafters in the ceiling, partially melting them and they begin to sag and droop.

As Riot stands up from pounding the ground, Backlash lands on top of him, with perfect placement from Captain Teleport. Backlashes dead weight and Riots concern for him cause Riot some time and distraction as he tries to pull Backlash off without hurting him.
[ +- ] Summary
Nov 13, 2023 5:58 pm
With Solstice too caught up in the ongoing battle to hear Alloy's ask for help, the metal girl decides to change course. Whatever is going on inside couldn't possibly be as urgent as those two helicopters. Unfortunately, there's only one Alloy Angel, so she has to make a choice. Based on nothing really but chance, she positions herself underneath the left of the two and braces herself to try and catch it.

Or, rather, catch might not be the right term. Alloy doesn't have the super strength to properly catch something like this. What she has is unbreakable metal skin. So she mostly just positions herself in the way to let the helicopter crash onto her, hopefully serving as an additional crumple zone to soften the impact of the crashlanding and maybe save someone inside the helicopter.
With her new skin, this impact shouldn't kill her, right? That would be a really shitty way to die.
I guess that would be a Defend roll, as Alloy tries to protect the people inside the helicopter.

If you accept the roll as is, Aegis, then I'll keep them safe, take Influence over someone you protect and expose yourself to danger or escalate the situation. I'll leave the details of the latter up to you but two things I could imagine are either Alloy getting hurt in this, or maybe something like, the rotor breaks off and becomes a flying hazard to the team/situation
Last edited Nov 13, 2023 6:00 pm


DEFEND - (2d6+(0)+(0))

(45) = 9

Nov 13, 2023 6:50 pm
Team: 6
I'll accept Defend. Makes sense to me.
Alloy Angel plants herself beneath the News Channel 3 Helicopter, arms up and waiting. The reminence of green energy that had destroyed the copters and kept them aloft begins to wane disappate, leaving both copters falling.

The Channel 3 copter falls straight down while the Channel 13 copter still has a bit of rotor activity. Maybe enough to land safely?

The Channel 3 Copter meets Ally Angel's palms and she stretches up to meet it, and tries to slow it's descent as well as she can. A series of pops and racks sound as the helicopter settles on top of her.

A moment passes with no movement until a metal hand comes out of the side, followed by the rest of her body. Slowly, maybe a bit painfully, maybe a bit fearfully, she reaches out to open the bent and rended door. After some effort, pulling it open, it seems that all hands survived the crash. Along with the rest of their bodies.

5 people pile out. Incredibly thankful for Allooy ANgel.

Just then the other helicopter crashes down. While not falling TOO fast, it's tilted crazily to the side. A propeller blade hits the ground and violently tears itself from the copter, shooting itself towards the opening in the East Building and the brawl. The copter itself is shot about 10 feet back into the air before falling back down and catching on fire.
You probably said it before, but what does her outfit/supersuit/uniform look like?

@Dreamweaver,@Chloe - you’re up.
[ +- ] Summary
Nov 13, 2023 7:02 pm
You probably said it before, but what does her outfit/supersuit/uniform look like?
You mean Alloy? She's not really wearing a supersuit, since it's her own appearance that's the recognizable part. She's basically just wearing a gym outfit - workout top and leggings - because it's practical.
Nov 15, 2023 7:53 pm
Team: 6
Time seems to stop for a brief moment...

Alloy Angel is outside and safe, a small crowd gathering around her to thank her for the rescue. Her athletic wear is dirty and smudged, but light bounces off her metallic parts, making her look heroic to the remaining news cameras up above.

A Helicopter propeller blade is careening end over end into the East Building where almost everyone is. It moves so fast, there will only be a split second before catastrophe strikes.

Heatwave in trapped in Wild Claw's arms as darkness takes her. Backlash falls to Riot's feet as Riot carefully tries to unentangle them and Nightflyer dance battles around them.

Captain Teleport hangs in the air, riding the residual momentum of his teleport.

Mirage lays on their back, getting ready to leap back into the action.
Anyone can move that wants to.
[ +- ] Summary
Nov 15, 2023 8:33 pm
Nightfly goes in to finish off Riot - if his superpowers weren't about super-strength and other physical abilties, ze'd try and manacle or cuff him. But given that ze doesn't have anything on zir that ze feels could hold him, ze just moves up to him and - changing the properties of zir fist to the hardest densest material she can - slams it into his head, aiming to knock him unconscious.

Hm, ze thinks to zirself - maybe next time I'd like to bring along something like a tranq gun or somthing like that so I don't have to risk causing these perps brain damage when I'm trying to knock them out...
I'll roll in case this is Directly Engage a Threat

Rolling a 7-9 I take "Impress the opponent"
Last edited Nov 15, 2023 8:34 pm


Directly Engage a Threat - (2d6)

(45) = 9

Nov 15, 2023 9:04 pm
While finishing putting Backlash on the ground, Nightflyer blasts Riot in the jaw with a mean right uppercut. Riot goes down on his back.

He hits the floor with his right hand, breathes out, then kips up back to his feet. The look in his eye is determined, almost maddeningly so. Like he’s blocking out anything else and only has his eyes on the prize. His eyes are on Nightflyer when he says "And what’s your name, kid? They call me Riot…"
Riot has one more condition. Because of the opportunity that Captain Teleport made, Riot isn’t returning the blow.
[ +- ] Summary
Nov 15, 2023 9:52 pm
Wild Claw drops heatwave as she turns to look at riot, one leg beginning to scrape at the floor as if to ready a charge. 'Rest of you. Helicopter, rescue. I've got this.' In this form she wasn't going to be the best at the fancy moves of the others. She was good at smashing and the helicopter had people inside. Smashing villains on the other hand...

As he's distracted by Nightfly she unceremoniously charges for a shoulder barge. It was his own fault, combat wasn't a time for talking.
Sorry she's all attack, but.. that is what she is. Going again for resist blows.
Last edited Nov 15, 2023 9:53 pm



(61) + 2 = 9

Nov 16, 2023 4:41 am
Hey, Riot - you can call me Nightfly. I don't usually mix it up like this, not usually a big fighter, but your chin was just begging to be smashed so, you know, I thought it'd be rude not to give it what it was asking for. Any last words before you are out for the count?"
Not trying to mechanically distract him here - as I can see that Wild Claw is about to knock him out - but just want to give him a bit of chit-chat back, let him know that I see him and ain't scared or impressed.
Nov 16, 2023 2:03 pm
Team: 6
You all are rolling too well, lol. No chance to make moves over here. Good for you.
"Nightfly... I'll rem" is all he can make out before Wild Claw runs him over like a Mack Truck and sends Riot flying.

The propeller blade careens into the room, impaling itself into a wall, behind where Riot was standing just a second ago. The ceiling continues to creek as the weight settles on the ruined beams.

There's a moment of peace, without the immenent threat of violence in the room. Which is shattered by the sound of a large explosion coming from the location of the warehouse.
[ +- ] Summary
Nov 17, 2023 3:58 pm
The chaos of the battle is slowly subsiding, but Solstice feels a renewed sense of urgency at the sound of the explosion from the warehouse. With her team having incapacitated most of the threats, it's time to pivot to rescue and damage control.

"Team, that explosion could mean civilians are in danger. We need to move fast!" Solstice calls out, her voice cutting through the aftermath of the fight. Solstice takes to the air and swiftly flies out of the room, looking to find the source of the explosion and also looking to make sure civilians are safe. Are all the helicopters now accounted for and safe? she wonders.
Based on the 11, looks like I have two questions I can get answered, which will be:
• what here is the biggest threat?
• what here is in the greatest danger?
Last edited Nov 17, 2023 4:01 pm


ASSESS THE SITUATION - (2d6+(2)+(0))

(36) + 2 = 11

Nov 18, 2023 10:01 pm
Mirage lifted themself off the ground with a groan, not completely sure of what had just happened. They looked up just in time to see the helicopter blade hurtling into the wall, and it's a good reminder that they still need to focus. Their gaze flicks around the room, and they see that the fight seems to be over- and that the building has taken more damage than it's likely to be able to sustain.

"Everybody out!" they shout in a shaky tone. As they make for the hole in the wall, they aren't sparing much thought for Backlash, Heatwave, or Riot. They're more interested in seeing their team get out safely than worrying about what becomes of their foes.
Nov 19, 2023 6:20 pm
Leo teleports over to the helicopter, trying to peer through the flames. Is anyone in there?
I guess I'll make an Assess the Situation check... FULL SUCCESS.

Leo wants to know:
* How can we best end this (the threat to people trapped in the helicopter - if there are any) quickly?
* What here can I use to... rescue anyone trapped in the helicopter

Leo worries that trying to teleport into the burning chopper to retrieve people could go horribly wrong (i.e. "Savior" is his weakest trait), so he's looking for other ways to resolve the situation if possible).
Last edited Nov 19, 2023 6:27 pm


Assess the situation: roll +Superior(3) - (2d6+3)

(55) + 3 = 13

Dec 4, 2023 9:20 pm
and we’re back!

Team: 6
Solitice takes to the sky to survey the area. She's happy to see that the remaining helicopters appear unharmed and she can hear police cars beginning to approach, but still pretty far out. The Team is still on thier own.

Concerned about the civilians, from what she can see and tell, the biggest active threat is the below helicopter that is on fire. While what's happening in the lobby is unknown, as far as she can tell there are no screams or cries coming from there. So that situation is potentially stable.

However a prickling of intuition tells her that there could be danger in the warehouse. The explosion from there certainly could precede an emergent threat.

Captain Teleport blinks into existence next to the expanding fire of the helicopter as Alloy Angel takes care of business some feet away. A glance into the copter tells him that there's space enough for him to move, and if he pushes himself hard enough and Unleashes his Power, he can teleport in and out of the helicopter fast enough to save the 4 occupants inside before anything can happen.

The debris of earth and metal thrown up with the crash, any number of simple tools or rams can be made to shatter a window or pry the door from the helicopter. He also knows that inside the East Building they were just in, there is a fire extinguisher on the wall. It may be enough to help slow or even put out the fire.
[ +- ] Summary
Anyone can go.
Dec 5, 2023 1:45 pm
Over comms, Solstices says, "The warehouse explosion ... I think there is some danger there. Going in to investigate."

Aria flies to the warehouse to investigate.
I will investigate from just outside the warehouse, and then enter the warehouse if I don't see a threat in order to get a closer look.

My two questions from the roll:
• what here is the biggest threat?
• how could we best end this quickly?
Last edited Dec 6, 2023 11:59 am


ASSESS THE SITUATION - (2d6+(2)+(0))

(45) + 2 = 11

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