HcH - Vol. 1 Issue 1

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Dec 5, 2023 8:23 pm
Nightfly makes a face - part of zir wants to dash out of the building, leave these villains to their fate, go and see if there are other people around, civilians, who need zir help.

But. Also. Ze can't bring zirself to leave these three stuck in there as this building is about to collapse on them. Maybe with their powers they'd survive. But maybe not. Nightfly feels like ze couldn't forgive zirself if ze didn't try to save them from this.

Ze is a small slight figure - but ze is unnaturally strong, and she tries zir best to gather up the subdued villains and drag them out of the about-to-collapse building.
Maybe this is a Defend roll? I'll make one in case it is.
Post-roll: on this mixed success, if it is Defend, I'll take "expose yourself to danger".

I keep them safe, and take Influence over one of them that is still conscious.

If none of them are conscious I'll take "add a Team to the pool".

If I can only Defend one of them at a time, I choose to save Riot - given, I dunno, we connected a bit over our banter...
Last edited Dec 5, 2023 8:29 pm


Defend roll +0 - (2d6)

(63) = 9

Dec 6, 2023 12:24 am
@dreamweaver - I don't think Captain Teleport has actually gotten any people to safety yet. Unless I'm reading things wrong, he just teleported outside the helicopter, and is making a split second decision about whether to try teleport people out or do something more conventional. I don't know if that changes what you would have done.
Dec 6, 2023 12:09 pm
timplausible says:
@dreamweaver - I don't think Captain Teleport has actually gotten any people to safety yet.
Ah, my bad, I misread the last post. I took out my first sentence that misinterpreted that.

How about this -- let's have Solstice wait a moment to see what Captain Teleport is going to do and if he needs help. After Captain's teleport's move, Solstice will either (1) jump in to help, or (if not needed), then (2) Solstice's move to assess the warehouse will trigger.
Dec 8, 2023 8:39 pm
Leo gives a brief thought to trying to teleport in and out of the burning helicopter to rescue the occupants, but he just can't convince himself that he'll be able to pull it off. Remembering the fire extinguisher, he teleports to its location, grabs it, and the teleports back to the burning chopper. He yanks the pin out, points the nozzle, and then squeezes the operating mechanism. He focuses on the helicopter's door, hoping that if he can suppress the fire around the exit the people can get out.
Dec 18, 2023 5:01 am
hi sorry for the long delay! i am alive
Mirage rushed for the exit, glancing back long enough to see Nightfly trying to help the defeated villains. They hesitated for a moment, then continued. If Nightfly wanted to risk zirself for a group of people who had been attacking the group just moments ago, that was zir own business.

Once clear, Mirage turned their gaze toward the warehouse, trying to get a feeling for what had just happened there.

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