Descent into the Underdark

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Jan 12, 2024 12:11 am
Woh! Good hit! If you roll all 6s, is there a special result?
Jan 12, 2024 12:14 am
Thanks so much! Not sure. I think you just want to get A 6, or a 5.
Jan 12, 2024 12:16 am
A distraction. Thinking, wow, good idea.

As he is running to follow Grinfletch, hey, Ander. Well met, I'm Ealdwig. Gotta run, talk later.

Trying to keep up, any ideas how? Ealdwig turns on the light in the chromacloth that adorns his head.
Jan 12, 2024 12:41 am
Ignoring the newcomers for now, Ishzu mentally scans the darkness for another mantel to throw against the cave walls.


Ishzu: Test - Basic - (2d6)


Jan 12, 2024 1:57 am
By the stars, you've a lamp on your head! Point it that aways towards those creatures. He gestures towards the black clouds ahead. Maybe your light, along with some intermittent noise as we approach will scare the beasties away, or at least hem them in a bit?

Now, Veilstitch, shall we brighten up the place? Grinfletch's cloak suddenly changes to a perfect white with a glossy texture.
Jan 12, 2024 2:39 am
Ealdwig surprised by the changing cloak, shines the light off Grinfletch's bright white cloak wondering if that'll cause a reflection. Well let's see if that works.
Jan 12, 2024 2:51 am
Skeeve is hesitate to start zapping indescriminantly without knowing where the good guys and bad guys are. And he's only magic, not psychic, ...
How long does it take to create a rune?
Jan 12, 2024 4:42 am
Skeeves orb of light sails into the swirling mist or darkness and vanishes. It's brief passage and sudden disappearance illuminates the area before being swallowed by the mists. In the mists you hear the gallant challenge and welcome call. My what a cheerful and optimistic fellow.

Skeeve move, magic
Ealdwig move, nock arrow
Blornvie move, move
Oliver move, alchemy (add a roll to your earlier post by editing it)
Grin move, move
No ranged attacks if you can not see the target
Ander - It has not been stated before so I will change your action to a sword swing at a form that moves past him in the dark
To clarify: Ander and Ishzu are engulfed in a thick cloud that essentially blinds them
I allow critical hits with 2 6's rolled. One advantage of weapon mastery. This is a rule I was planning on introducing to the newcomers about now. So there ya go.
Ishzu : fails to lock onto the mental presence of the attackers. I assume his second action is an Evade without a target unless he wants to try attacking with disadvantage against the darkmantle that attacked him.
Belagroff is passive. We'll see what is going on with him if Ishman returns to the game



Jan 12, 2024 4:46 am
Round : 4
As you rush forwards a large stalactite suddenly drops strait at Blornvid. Though it strikes him hard enough to stagger to stalward dwarf his armor seems to keep the creatures wickedly pointed tip from goring him. In the misty darkness around Ander and Ishzu they hear odd flapping noises. The party sees two of the darkimantle, that are larger than any of those present, seemingly swim through the air and try to gain altitude as they swish here and there.
ranged attacks with disadvantage to hit the two far ones
You are up
Ander and Ishzu are basically blind but know the clouds are not so large that they can not leave the mists in 1 move action
Blrn:8 -|- Skv:7 -|- Eld:5 -|- :And:4 -|- Grn:5 -|- Iz:7 -|- Olv:6


2 damage attack vs Blornvid - (3d6)


Jan 12, 2024 7:23 am
Added (unsuccessful) alchemy roll
Jan 12, 2024 12:36 pm
Gasp! Grin is surprised to see Blornvid’s attacker drop down upon him before his eyes are drawn to the two other darkmantles floating upwards from the fray.

He points: There! Ealdwig, your lamp-helm spooked’em! He raises his crossbow and focuses on one of the larger darkmantles rising from the clouds of darkness ahead. He fires.

Actions: focus, attack
Last edited Jan 12, 2024 12:36 pm


Attack (with focus and marksman) - (2d6)


Jan 12, 2024 1:38 pm
Did it? Where? Ealdwig draws, concentrates, and fires his arrow at the same target Grinfletch points out.
Do I get two actions? Can I try and focus to get a 2d6 vs 1d6 or do I just shoot 2x with 1d6? I'll roll all of them, you just take what works.


Ranged attack (w/ focus) - (2d6)


Ranged attack - (1d6)


Second ranged attack - (1d6)


Jan 12, 2024 1:55 pm
Ander stammers at blinded disadvantage!
Agh! Seems I am fast becoming infective on this battle! I shall reposition my knightly self, friends!
Valiant declaration duly declared, Ander strides out of darkened cloud. Then launches another stone at the nearest dark mantle!


Moves, away, then Slingshot! - (2d6)


Evade! - (2d6)


Jan 12, 2024 2:11 pm
Skeeve, finally seeing a target, uses Onyx Shatter twice. Since he's already at disadvantage, why not. If successful, he damages the two dark angles he can see.
Haven't tried this yet, and it seems the perfect time to try!
[ +- ] Onyx Magic


Skeeve: Shatter #1 - (1d6)

(4) = 4

Skeeve: Shatter #2 - (1d6)


Jan 12, 2024 2:59 pm
Oops, forgot about disadvantage. Arkmenos, my character likes yours (Duende archers stick together?) and he’s a bit pushy, so feel free to disagree with him ;)
Last edited Jan 12, 2024 3:24 pm
Jan 12, 2024 3:04 pm
Ishzu moves back and out of the darkness. He looks around the room, scanning to try and figure out how many mantles they are really dealing with.
Just Move. Can I psychically scan the area to get a full count of how many mantles we are dealing with?
Jan 12, 2024 3:19 pm
Arkmenos says:
Do I get two actions? Can I try and focus to get a 2d6 vs 1d6 or do I just shoot 2x with 1d6? I'll roll all of them, you just take what works.
You get two Actions per Turn. However, with the bow, you have to spend an action to reload. You reloaded the prior turn, so you can fire immediately this turn. However, after that, you must reload to fire again.

Focusing takes one of those actions. It gives you success on 4, 5, or 6 (instead of 5 or 6), but doesn't change the number of dice you roll. Besides which, Disadvantage trumps everything (with rare exceptions that don't apply here). So you are only getting to use one die.

Putting them all together, you can do one of two things here:
Focus, then Fire. In this case you roll a single die and succeed on 4, 5, or 6. However, doing this means you will have to reload as your first Action next turn in order to fire next turn.
Fire, then Reload. In this case you roll a single die and succeed on a 5 or 6. Next turn, you will be reloaded and can fire at will.

Also, as a side note, unless you took Ranged Weapon Proficiency when you bought the bow (which would cost you 8 XP), you will always be firing the bow with 1d6, regardless of any other consideration. And if you really want to start using the bow more, you'll always want to blow 10 XP on the Quick Shot trait so that reloading is not a separate action.
Jan 12, 2024 4:00 pm
Thunder_Lungz says:
Oops, forgot about disadvantage. Arkmenos, my character likes yours (Duende archers stick together?) and he’s a bit pushy, so feel free to disagree with him ;)
My guy is young and naive. So at this point he doesn't know your pushy. He's a quick learner though.

Skeeve, Ok thanks for that. I am glad your proficient with the rules, since I don't really know any of them.

I guess I missed then (with my 1) and I'll use the second action to reload. It'll be a while before I can get proficiency, I took Trapmaster with my XP.
Last edited Jan 12, 2024 4:01 pm
Jan 12, 2024 4:05 pm
Oh Hells! I missed!
Ok, so what exactly am I looking at? What is a darkmantle and how big is it?

Did the light from the chromacloth have any effect on the darkness or the darkmantle itself?
Last edited Jan 12, 2024 4:08 pm
Jan 12, 2024 4:15 pm
The magical darkness from the darkmantles overpowers your light within their "darkness clouds". However, this is still a big, dark cave, so your light is helping us see the two big ones outside the darkness. And if the two guys trapped in the darkness don't kill off their attackers before their darkness fades, we'll be able to see them, too, with the help of your headband. I have no idea if the darkmantles are dazzled (or whatever) by the light. At this point, probably not.

As for what they look like, take a gander at the GM's post as a darkmantle. That should give you a good idea. Think of an octopus with webbing between its tentacles and a hard, pointed head with which it attacks you. And eyes around its body, instead of just having two.
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