+ attack (1 damage per success unless stated otherwise)
+ evade (Until you can act again Test at disadvantage any time you are hit to avoid damage)
+ move (move to a new room/field)
+ focus (improve the odds on you next roll)
+ other test
I mentioned attacks against the further Darkmantle are at disadvantage, 1d6. Grin rolled 2d6, Ignoring the 2nd dice, still a hit. Ealdwig rolled a bunch so.. I am taking the middle 1. Please roll @ disadvantage if I have declared it. If I did not declare it but it is still in effect I just take the 1st d6 rolled.
Ander can Move and load his weapon or move and evade. He is currently listed as attempting 4 actions.
Ishzu can see all 3 darklings at this time as one is attacking Blornvid in the clear and the 2 that were in the darkness are flying up towards the ceiling. The party has enough light sources that unless otherwise stated you can see the targets. I will start marking hidden figures like so Darkmantle
There are 3 Darkmantle visible so Skeeve can add another attack to his earlier post.
To keep this simple melee attacks can be done on the darkmantle if it attacks you or anyone near you then you can attack them once.
1. Ander | 2. Ishzu | 3. Belagrof | 4. Blornvid |
5. Skeeve | 6. Ealdwig | 7. Grin | 8. Oliver |