Descent into the Underdark

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Jan 12, 2024 11:34 pm
I'm slightly losing track of who has acted in the round and who hasn't. Makes me unsure of whether to post or wait for a darkmantle to do something
Jan 12, 2024 11:35 pm
I just wait for Psybermagi to give the go ahead for the next round.
Jan 12, 2024 11:37 pm
OK : big groups get confusing. Check! :)
From now on no posting until you see a new round mark like this. W have a couple that got out of order, or rather just got ahead of me. So I will reorder this and have locked the thread while I work on it
Round : 5



Jan 12, 2024 11:43 pm
Blornvid and the surrounding are is suddenly is enveloped in pitch black as the Darkmantle attacks him.
The other two Darkmantle, having gained altitude drop onto Ander and Ishzu with their deadly hardened tips but both are avoided or blocked by a shield.
[ +- ] map
Blrn:8 -|- Skv:7 -|- Eld:5 -|- :And:4 -|- Grn:5 -|- Iz:7 -|- Olv:6


darkmantle vs Blornvid (1 damage) - (2d6)


darkmantle vs Ander (2 damage) - (3d6)


darkmantle vs Ishzu (2 damage) - (3d6)


Jan 13, 2024 12:22 am

Good shot, Oliver! We’re tied, you and I! Come on, Ealdwig, don’t let the Otter show up a Duende! Ha ha!

He focuses, then quick draws and fires another long shot at the distant darkmantle he had previously hit.
Actions: Focus, attack
And that’s a hit!
Rolls Crossbow attack (focus, marksman, disadvantage) - (1d6) : (4) = 4
Ealdwig Swiftfoot

Ok here goes nothing! He lets the arrow fly at the large, ugly Darkmantle harassing Blornvid. Then he'll ready another arrow.
Oof! Not good. I rolled well the other day and I seem to be paying for it today.
Oh Hells! Ealdwig kicks a small pebble. It's not my day.
Rolls Ranged attack - (1d6) (1)
Psybermagi says:
You could switch your Chromacloth to yellow. activate it, and take the fight to the enemy


Having moved knightly self into better tactical position, Ander grabs Trusty Sword and swings at the Darkmantle
I’m ok with a Big Boss fight, anything anytime, am flexible.
Rolls Sling! - (d6) (6)

To Ealdwig: Nah, don’t take it to heart, lad. You strike me as a stout brawler, anyway, and the battle’s not over yet. You can still win the day!


Secret Roll

Jan 13, 2024 12:26 am
All of the Darkmantle have been injured. The one on Ander is severely hurt, the one on Ishzu less so, and the one on Blornvid is now hidden in darkness. (Blornvid can attack at disadvantage)
Let me know if I missed anything
Jan 13, 2024 12:30 am
Outta curiosity, what happened to the NPC with two shields?
Skeeve is gonna try his Shatter again. Since now knows where they all are, I am assuming that if he gets in hit, he'll still damage all three. Gotta hit on one die, though ...


Skeeve: Shatter #1 - (1d6)


Skeeve: Shatter #2 - (1d6)


Jan 13, 2024 12:40 am
Npc are filler when there are not enough players. Garic stayed with Fiznik and Valpip
Jan 13, 2024 1:05 am
Oh, how heavily injured, our knightly fellow!
I may soon be a goner, friends! But I will continue carrying on with stone aligning and knightly quibble, for as long as possible!
Undeterred, Ander loads his sling and takes another valiant shot!


Secret Roll

Jan 13, 2024 1:19 am
@WhiteDwarf wait for round 3. I know you're excited. Breathe relax, and maybe get some first aid for those cuts

I added HP trackers for each round so you can see how your teammates are faring
Jan 13, 2024 2:06 am
Skeeve calls out to Ander, "Fall back to my position! You're better off alive than dead! I can help you!"
Skeeve can do some healing, but it's slower than most.
Jan 13, 2024 3:41 am
Blornvid takes a swing at the darkmantle before he loses sight of it. Afterwards, he calls out to Anders and the others, "Follow the sound of my voice. Pull back out of this dark cloud. Let's regroup." He then uses his second action to move out of the darkness.


Blornvid: Test DC: 5 - Dis - (1d6)


Jan 13, 2024 7:50 am
"Oh no, the golden knight is in trouble!"
Oliver aims at the darkmantle on Ander and slings two rocks in succession.
Action 1: load-n-sling (disadvantage)
Action 2: load-n-sling (disadvantage)
"Two", Oliver mutters after landing a hit. They may be in an emergency, but the game is still on.
Last edited Jan 13, 2024 7:53 am


Sling 1 - (1d6)

(4) = 4

Sling 2 - (1d6)


Jan 13, 2024 2:49 pm
Grin and Ealdwig target the far Darkmantle as the Darkmantle that was attacking Blornvid is not concealed in another inky black cloud. Ander slings another stone at the Darkmantle but misses as it is flying away. Skeeve unleashes another magical waves that crash over the area harming the two visible Darkmantle. Inside the darkness Blonvid tries to strike the Darkmantle but is unable to strike the hidden monster before retreating out of the darkness and into the light. Oliver slings another set of attacks and strikes the Darkmantle near Ander.
Ander has 4 HP. I realized I missed that he blocked the Darkmantle last round with his shield.
Ishzu is up
Jan 13, 2024 4:09 pm
Ishzu searches the darkness for another mantle. He tries to pull one of them out of the darkness and hold it in mid air for the others to get some better shots at it...
Hoping to just briefly hold on immobile in the air for the others to take down.


Ishzu: Test - Basic - (2d6)


Ishzu: Test - Basic - (2d6)


Jan 13, 2024 8:03 pm
Ishzu grabs the Darkmantle that attacked him and pulls it down and away from the dark cloud.
[ +- ] map
Jan 13, 2024 8:35 pm
Woah! Way to bring the blanket down! You rock!
Uh... that wasn't an offensive thing to say to a Crystal, right?, Oliver muttered to his allies nearby.
I am assuming Oliver does not know the name of Ander or Ishzu yet



Jan 14, 2024 2:14 am
The darkmantle near Alder slides back into the inky blackness of the cloud to hide. The Darkmantle, held by Ishzu's telekinetic grip, struggles free and moves in to attack him. Meanwhile as Blornvid moves to leave the darkness tendrils grab his feet to trip him and drag him back to the center of the darkness. The tendrils manage to trib him but Blornvid scrambled forward dragging the Darkmantle out of the darkness with him.
1. Ander 2. Ishzu 3. Belagrof 4. Blornvid
5. Skeeve 6. Ealdwig 7. Grin 8. Oliver
Blrn:8 -|- Skv:7 -|- Eld:5 -|- :And:2 -|- Grn:5 -|- Iz:7 -|- Olv:6
Only Ander and Grin can see the one fighting Ishzu but the other Darkmantle if visible to all with the 3rd retreating.


Attack Ishzu - (2d6, 2d6)

2d6 : (41)

2d6 : (33)

Trib & Drag Blornvid - (2d6, 2d6)

2d6 : (46)

2d6 : (41)

Jan 14, 2024 3:06 am
Ishzu moves closer to the others, and everyone hears inside their heads. I will try to hold one still. Focus on it and kill it.

He focuses on one of the mantles and tries to pull it out of the darkness and hold it still in mid-air.


Ishzu: Test - Basic - (2d6)


Jan 14, 2024 3:34 am
Ealdwig is startled by hearing someone in his head. What was that? He moves so he can see around the darkness, looking for the sound of the voice. When he sees the Darkmantle frozen in the air, held in place by an invisible hand, he takes a shot with is bow.

He consciously slows his breathing and concentrates on the frozen monstrosity. [i]Ok, you can do this.[/b]

He lets out a deep breath and let's it fly.
I assume I have enough movement to get a view. If not you can ignore whatever the roll is.


ranged attack - (1d6)


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