Descent into the Underdark

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Jan 23, 2024 6:10 am
I will now return to my slumber
Jan 23, 2024 12:27 pm
Math magic! Love it. Yes, that’s exactly what I did with my inventory. Very happy with my shinies :)
Last edited Jan 23, 2024 12:28 pm
Jan 23, 2024 12:38 pm
"Oh, yes, yes! Here I am. Nearly felt like I was in a trance for a moment there, and frankly the Circlet is a distraction too. Keeps pointing to myself now that I have these ale vials. Also, that darkmantle really left me feeling helpless by the end. I even forgot to count the number of shots, Grin! Hah, that's unheard of... to forget about a game."

He then regrouped with them and was able to see Ander and Ishzu up close for the first time. "Blimey. You both are really shiny. Oliver Alchemist's the name. Otter's the business. No, sorry, it's the other way around." He stretched both of their hands at the same time, and paused for a few moments.

"You're Ishzu. But who... what are you? You bring about a few questions to my mind. Even more than the otterfolk bring to me. Y'know, cause small regular otters do move."
Jan 23, 2024 12:59 pm
Bunt says:
"… Grin! Hah, that's unheard of... to forget about a game."
Grin chuckles audibly, looks to Ishzu and Ander, points at Oliver and exaggeratedly rolls his eyes, shakes his head and says: "This guy," with a little laugh.
Jan 23, 2024 1:38 pm
@Arkmenos, you're the last to finish. Your choices are:

bone dice+chalice+magic armor [12.5+25+100gp] + 90gp in coin [total worth: 227.5gp]


bone dice+chalice [12.5+25gp] + 190gp in coin [total worth: 227.5gp]

(You can swap out 50gp for the bracelet, too if you want.)
Jan 23, 2024 1:50 pm
you sit on a couple crates off to one side of the camp after sorting our your own buisness and buisness with the artificer.

A couple of the guards join you and are grateful to hear that you got most of the Darkmantle and only lament that one got away . However they say one lone beast should be easy for them to handle.

They talk about the other local perrils, the spider cavern and gelatenous cube are both known threats but do not wander so are easily avoided. The spider cavern is supected to lead to the surface and the Expedition would like it explored and either guarded or sealed off. For now they simply check the spiders ocasionally, using them as a natrual deterant. The gelantenous cube resides in what must be a manufactured shaft but who built it and why? It too leads up but as none have been able to get past the cube they leave the cube to guard tht for them. The concern is that if it is constructed, perhaps the buildier of the passage have a way to bypass the cube. So it is still watches closely

Besides those two things there is teh cavern with the pink fungus that emits deadly spores to the NW and the magic pool a short way from the camp. Both Fiznik and Valpip have looked at the magic pool and simply told the guards to leave it alone but did not go into details. Ishzo had been tracking a goblin trail that lead towards the region with the pink fungus and/or the passage back to the surface.

What, more goblins? Blast. After skeeve and Blornvid cleared teh tunnels beneath the base we hoped we'd seen the last of them Should have knonw better. We'll report this to commander. If you can find how they are getting back into the caverns and show us, along with any other proof, they will likely reward you.

You chat a bit more and they relay the sotries they have heard about those that ventured deeper into the underdark using the passage that leads down deeper into their depths to the west. Once we seure teh othe passages, ya know the spider, the cube, and now the goblin, then tat will be the last problem and we will likely stick a couple guards there. But fore now there are too many places to watch so we just guard back at the base and here at the camp.
Jan 23, 2024 1:59 pm
"I do not know what I am. I awoke hundreds of years ago. I was on a wooden table in a room filled with magical and alchemical equipment. I found this amulet and nothing else..." He holds out the amulet around his neck.
Sweet 2 potions and 140 gold. Perfect!
Jan 23, 2024 2:24 pm
@Arkmenos , Grin really wants to say goodbye to you as you leave (he has a parting gift).

And sorry Skeeve & Ander, I’m not ignoring you, there’s a lot going on. Grin does want to thank Skeeve and also acknowledge the others. And he will acknowledge the knightlyness of Ander in due time.

And I’ll add something later for him wanting to help with the goblins and possibly get to see this dragon horde…
Ohhh, that’s a pretty necklace!
Last edited Jan 23, 2024 2:26 pm
Jan 23, 2024 2:52 pm
yeah large groups are tough. 3 to 6 seems optimal, at least for my poor brain
Jan 23, 2024 3:00 pm
You do realize that a dragon horde is worth nothing until you kill the dragon. If you take even a single coin or worthless bauble, the dragon will know. And it will hunt you down to get it back no matter how far it has to go to do so. So, to get any of a dragon's wealth, you have to kill the dragon.

... And you might not get full participation on that.

Anyway, no slight read. We've only briefly met, and we're splitting up again. Plus we lost two members between entering the dungeon and now. I think one is now in the background of the settlement (the duende cook), but we don't know what happened to the other (the dwarf merchant).
Jan 23, 2024 3:04 pm
Psybermagi says:
yeah large groups are tough. 3 to 6 seems optimal, at least for my poor brain
Still, I think it was a good thing to do. It got the characters to know each other a little, and that through the fire of combat! So that's a very good thing. Plus, you got to run it and see what you comfortable with. And, since it was only a temporary setup, you're not now stuck with it. All-in-all, I think it worked out well and you did a great job!

And thank you for being lenient on Skeeve and Ishzu.
Jan 23, 2024 3:14 pm
daryen says:
[ooc]You do realize that a dragon horde is worth nothing until you kill the dragon. If you take even a single coin or worthless bauble, the dragon will know. And it will hunt you down to get it back no matter how far it has to go to do so. So, to get any of a dragon's wealth, you have to kill the dragon.
Don't Kill the dragon. He is my friend...
Jan 23, 2024 3:19 pm
"Next time we meet at the tavern, folks, I've thought of this ama-azing game. Everyone gets an ale and one needs to catch the others blindfolded... except... that one gets to wear this", and he pointed at his Circlet. "It's gotta feel funny, not being able to see, but knowing where the nearest one is."

"Plus, when you're caught, you get to wear the Circlet, and you need to drink your beer or you'll be blind for real."

"Heh, might even play it now, with that dwarven ale backpack. I'm sure Fiznik and Valpip wouldn't mind a few broken tables and whatnot. Right fellas?"
Jan 23, 2024 3:37 pm
I don’t think Grin would want to steal anything. He wants to be gifted something perhaps for helping the dragon? But he doesn’t yet know the relationship and such… he wants to ask Ishzu about it.
Jan 23, 2024 4:30 pm
Thunder_Lungz says:
I don’t think Grin would want to steal anything. He wants to be gifted something perhaps for helping the dragon?
The gift of a dragon is that it doesn't kill you out of hand. You're probably not getting anything out of its treasure.
Jan 23, 2024 4:43 pm
daryen says:

[ooc]The gift of a dragon is that it doesn't kill you out of hand. You're probably not getting anything out of its treasure.
Gotcha. Well, I’ll be asking Ishzu about particulars. I know Oliver wants to go to places with plants and such. Our characters both seemed interested in an underground lake, but I’m flexible. Will want to hear from Ander too about his goals.
Last edited Jan 23, 2024 4:43 pm
Jan 23, 2024 4:55 pm
Sounds good! Good luck on your adventure, and I look forward to seeing what you find at the underground lake!
Jan 23, 2024 5:13 pm
We shall meet soon enough! <3
Jan 23, 2024 10:44 pm
"Well, it's time we set ourselves to business. Did I mention you two look very shiny? I think I can say the same thing about Grin as well now, haha."

"Now, before leaving this research camp, there is a little experiment I want to run. Shouldn't take long if you would be so kind to allow me to use a controllable flame, Fiznik. I promise that the outcome could be interesting to you as well."
For the sake of narration momentum, I will assume Fiznik said yes and continue from there. I can backtrack if @Psibermagi decides on a different answer.
Once at the research station controllable flame, Oliver adjusted the Circlet that he was already wearing and produced his alchemist gear, as well as the five ale vials. He moved them around to confirm that the Circlet properly allowed him to magically know the position of the closest vial.

"So far, so good. After all they are all alcoholic beverages".

"But what would it take for them to stop being beverages, or to stop being alcoholic? Pure alcohol is definitely not a beverage, but poison. And non-fermented malt is evidently not alcoholic. My hypothesis is that by distilling their contents we should be able to split each vial into the substance that causes it to be a beverage -according to the Circlet- and into the substance that causes it to be alcoholic -likely a purer form of alcohol-."

Oliver attempted to distill the first vial into both substances, making sure that the Circlet detected the substance again when they got mixed together.
I will assume that the experiment was successful. Correct me in case I need to roll.
After a while, Oliver reappeared with ten vials of substance in his hands. Half of them were nearly transparent, and half of them were more dense and brown. He handed a vial of each kind to Grin, Ander and Ishzu. "If we're ever separated and you need to send a distress signal, mix the contents of both flasks, and I'll know where to look for you. Then, to turn the signal off, just drink the flask."
Last edited Jan 23, 2024 11:10 pm
Jan 23, 2024 11:10 pm
Grin, with his mouth hanging open says, Huh… Well… But… supposing… well, supposing I’m feeling a wee bit thirsty… do I drink them both together? Or just one of them?
Where in the world did you come up with that? Genius!
Last edited Jan 23, 2024 11:15 pm
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