Descent into the Underdark

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Jan 23, 2024 11:15 pm
Oliver chuckles and snorts. "Definitely together. Don't want you drinking pure alcohol, do we? Mind you, it's less than one fifth of a pint. You'd be fine."

"Or maybe I don't know. It's technically magic ale. If you do drink a single vial, let me know what happens."
Jan 23, 2024 11:31 pm
Ishzu raises his hand and asks Oliver."What if there is another source of alcohol closer, then we are to you when we mix the flask? What if more than one of us gets lost at a time? " He stores the vials carefully in his bag. "I cannot drink the flask. Would you want me to just dump it out?"
Last edited Jan 23, 2024 11:31 pm
Jan 23, 2024 11:42 pm
@Smiley - When Ishzu talks to one person, does only that person hear him?
Last edited Jan 24, 2024 12:30 am
Jan 23, 2024 11:47 pm
"When the distress is over, I reckon Grin would gladly drink it."

"And yeah, those are good questions. If there's a dwarf drinking an ale between me and you, this won't work. But I'll take my chances in the underdark. I'm not expecting to find a tavern in the middle of nowhere. I guess many more things than just this could go wrong. We'll improvise when that happens."
Jan 24, 2024 12:09 am
Ishzu nods. "What is our plan now? Some sunlight would be nice. Would you rather deal with Spiders or a Slime Cube? Both have passages that lead to the surface."
Assume everyone can hear him speak, unless otherwise stated.
Last edited Jan 24, 2024 1:07 am
Jan 24, 2024 1:10 am
Ander stands proudly in his chic new armor!
I am game for either excision, my crystalline friend! This is a good group, just happy I’m a part of it!
Jan 24, 2024 1:23 am
Sounds good, thanks Ish!
Right-o, spiders, slimes, I’m game for either. Maybe we can bribe the spiders with one of the darkmantle corpses? Actually, I’m quite hungry too. The sooner we get up and eat, the sooner we can come back and do… whatever it was we were planning on doing?

Oh, and Sir Ander, your new armor looks pretty on you… actually, are those web-like patterns in the armor? Very nice! Maybe it’s a sign we should go through the spiders, aye?
Last edited Jan 24, 2024 1:27 am
Jan 24, 2024 1:42 am
Oliver quickly discovers that the brew produced by the keg is rather special and qualifies both as an alcoholic drink and a potions. As soon as it is distilled it looses all magic and produced no alcohol. Interested in the proceeding Valpip offers a wine skin to the expermiments and you soon have 5 sets of small metal flasks. Valpip takes one and mixxes it back together and declars it a horible process for distilling the flavor but works well enough to keep a mouthfull of oddly flavord water and half that much alcolhol.
I gave you the options earlier. Let me know your plans when you are ready
Date&Time(Gama): 1@12:30
Jan 24, 2024 2:48 am
Though I love the link with web-like patterns in Ander's armor, I think the slime cube would be more sensible, as we have no area of effect, which they really warned we should have
Jan 24, 2024 2:52 am
Psybermagi says:
Valpip takes one and mixxes it back together and declars it a horible process for distilling the flavor but works well enough to keep a mouthfull of oddly flavord water and half that much alcolhol.
Yup, fits the bill. That's what happens when an alchemist enters brewer territory.



Jan 24, 2024 3:05 am
The Knight says, "Don't alchemists have alchemical bombs? Or alchemical fire?"
I'm glad someone remembered. 🙂 Also, while Ander is the only one who can hear his knight, I thought this would be a more fun way to ask the question.
Jan 24, 2024 3:27 am
lol, love the knight! I seem to recall something about peaceful spiders? Somewhere down here? Was it a city of them? Also, Ander’s armor lets him walk through webs and gives him bonuses against poison, which was one reason we might have an edge there. But I’m happy to go the slime route too.
Jan 24, 2024 3:29 am
oh!! Can I use the Dungeoneer trait to help?! It’s such a niche trait and I kind of regret grabbing it, but maybe it’s useful this once?
[ +- ] Dungeoneer
Maybe I can get some useful GM guidance from a good roll on which direction we should take (slime vs spiders).
Last edited Jan 24, 2024 3:34 am


Knowledge about spiders/caves - (3d6)


Jan 24, 2024 4:18 am
OK, I can't justify filtering this through the Knight ...

The peaceful spiders where one of the stops through the teleporter platform. If you want more information on the teleporter platform, ask in the general topic and we'll just assume we briefly covered it in more detail that time in the tavern.

The spiders in this cave system are relatively normal spiders. I assume they are about the size of your hand or something. So big in real life, but tiny in a fantasy setting. And this cave has lots and lots and lots and lots of them. So, if you can carpet bomb them, it might be worth the shot. But you aren't going to kill them one at a time.
Jan 24, 2024 4:35 am
sorry guys busy day. that's the most discussion i've ever seen about the loot. I still haven't been able to read 6 pages of posts. Think I still have three to go.

Ealdwig doesn't need or want anything other than coin. Oh, and the dice he pocketed. So whatever you work out is fine. He'll sell whatever he is provided. Just let me know what the total is. I assume it was figured out somewhere back there in the posts.

When I can catch up I'll post.
To go back a little in time:
Yeah, hi, I'm Ealdwig. Nice to meet you all.
Last edited Jan 24, 2024 4:37 am
Jan 24, 2024 5:25 am
All good @Arkmenos, yeah, it was a long loot discussion. Take your time to catch up. For your loot you could pick one of these two:

Ealdwig 1: bone dice+chalice+magic armor [12.5+25+100gp] +90gp in coin [total worth: 227.5gp]

(The magic armor lets you reroll one evade roll per combat, which is very nice since you're a duende)

Ealdwig 2: bone dice+chalice [12.5+25] +190gp in coin [total worth: 227.5gp]
Jan 24, 2024 5:31 am
@arkmenos, also check the Manor thread as that is where Ealdwig is now.

I figured you were going to take the cash, so you've got the bone dice, chalice, and 190gp in coin. So you now have a decent chunk of cash to your name. (You only got two dice, not all four, because Skeeve took the other two. 🙂) You'll probably wanna keep that chalice for when we party at the Manor!
Last edited Jan 24, 2024 5:32 am
Jan 24, 2024 5:37 am
daryen says:
@Arkmenos, you're the last to finish. Your choices are:

bone dice+chalice+magic armor [12.5+25+100gp] + 90gp in coin [total worth: 227.5gp]


bone dice+chalice [12.5+25gp] + 190gp in coin [total worth: 227.5gp]

(You can swap out 50gp for the bracelet, too if you want.)
I can do the first option if the armor doesn't hinder movement in any way. As an acrobat I'll need to move freely. I don't know how to add it to my inventory.

I finally caught up. Wow that was a lot.
Ealdwig listens intensely to Ishzu's tales while partaking in Blornvid's magical ale. Then, mouth agape, he listens to Oliver present his ale theory. Amazing! How did you come up with that Oliver?

To Grin, smiling widely it was great meeting you. I haven't seen one of our kind in a while. Hopefully, we'll meet again in the future. Good luck in the underdark. Stay safe, my friend.

Before heading to the Manor, Ealdwig stops by the little magic shop and picks out some armor, hoping it'll help keep him alive a little longer.



Jan 24, 2024 7:12 am
One of the guards hears you talking about the gelatinous cube and informs you in passin Best be careful if you try and hunt that thing. They are resistant to many forms of attacks. Swords, arows, mace. All just dissolve when they strike it. You best have a good plan.
[ +- ] Recap of the cube tunnel
Jan 24, 2024 9:47 am
daryen says:
The Knight says, "Don't alchemists have alchemical bombs? Or alchemical fire?"
"What? Who? That sounded like some good advise, though. Closest thing I have to fire is a corroding substance and alcohol which is flammable."

"Oh. Alcohol could work against the spiders. We could buy a good batch of wine from Valpip and distile us some pure alcohol. We put it in some nice round flasks, and also drench the alcohol on cloths around Ander's sword and Grin's arrows, to set them ablaze. Ishzu and I can chuck more flasks."
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