Descent into the Underdark

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Jan 29, 2024 12:26 pm
yeah that works for me.
Ishzu, I’ve got your rope! Just mind-speak to me if you need pulling out! Also, maybe see if there’s anything in the spider cave you can mind-speak to as well? Maybe there’s an intelligent spider in there or something?
Jan 29, 2024 1:56 pm
As Ishzu steps up to the small opening to the cave a gentle breeze causes the webs to blow and shift. Stretching out to feel for life . . Ishzu is nearly overwhelmed by the myriad tiny specks of energy that flood the small cave. And there . . Singing connecting them all... With a step further in to sense better Ishzu's foot treads on a web and instantly the webs wipe into a sweating mass of black, grey, white, and brown spiders moving towards Ishzu

Everyone roll initiative 2d6 and declare 1 action for after you spend one to pull Ishzu back. Ishzu can do 2 actions. 1 before, 1 after being pulled out.
Jan 29, 2024 2:19 pm
Delighted otter noises
"Did you find any... Aargh!"

After pulling Ishzu out, Oliver opens the keg at his feet and grabs his sling.
Are both of these things a reasonable action? If not, I'm fine just opening the keg.
Last edited January 29, 2024 2:21 pm


Initiative - (2d6)

(35) = 8

Jan 29, 2024 3:13 pm
Yanking the rope, Grinfletch then takes up his loaded crossbow and lights the cloth at the end of the bolt. He aims and focuses into the spider cavern.
I’m assuming that he can’t light a fire arrow and focus/use quick draw attack in one action? So if so, discount my "focus", just use my action to light the arrow.


Initiative - (2d6)

(12) = 3

Jan 29, 2024 3:19 pm
"We need a way for that torch to stand upright on its own. Uh. It's kind of a terrible idea, but what if you put it in the keg filled with flammable material?"
Maybe do not put it head-first, but you do you.
Last edited January 29, 2024 9:50 pm
Jan 29, 2024 6:14 pm
After helping pull Iz back, Ander assist with leveling the torch and grabs Trusty Sling!.


Vigilant! - (3d6)

(361) = 10

Jan 30, 2024 3:18 am
Ishzu tugs on the rope, and the others can hear a panicked "PULL! in their heads. As he is pulled out, he chucks a sack, containing a few flammable flasks, into the cave. Once safe with the others, he regains his footing and pulls out a torch of his own.
I am hoping the sack will shatter inside the cave so we can set it on fire. Rolling Basic Test.


Ishzu: Test - Init - (2d6)

(36) = 9

Ishzu: Test - Throw sack. - (2d6)

(64) = 10

Jan 30, 2024 1:31 pm
This system is not too worrid about action economy but the basic are you can move short distances and do 1 simpe task for free. I concider droping thing instantanious so you can drrop 1 weapon and grab another for free. Swapping them takes an action.
Torches can drip burning pitch. You NEVER put a lit torch into an open container of combustables or BOOM
As toches are soaked in pitch they do not extinguish easily and can be set or tossed to the ground wihtout fear of it going out. Also, Ander has his helm of the headlight :) so you can all see fine.
At Ishzu's prompt the group pulls him out and hears a shattering from withing the spiders cave. The flasks are of a type common to adventurers, Simple clay containers that are tough enough but shatter when struck hard. Ishzu has just enough of a glimps to see the small sack begin oozing the oils form within as he is yanked out.
Oliver opens his keg and grabs his sling to load and fire in a moment.
Grin lifts his readied crossbow with the bolt tip soaked in oils ready to light and fire in a moment. But the thought of the flame inside the crosbow echanism brings hims a bit of concern as the oils may drip ont the bow itself and the flames will surely be detrimental to it. Sigh, this is likely why fire arsher usually use long or short bows and not crossbows.
Ander loads his sling and prepares to fire it.

Meanwhile a moving carpet of arachnids swarms out of the cave on all surfaces. The flow starts to spread a bit as it gets out of the small cave opening but the majority make their way towards you with other branches moving to go around you or above you. Beyond them the cave is filled with the sight and sound of countless spiders ranging from some the size of sand to other bigger than your hand.
Everyone but Grin can act before the spider swarm envelops you all.
Good luck
Jan 30, 2024 1:51 pm
Jan 30, 2024 2:07 pm
Ohhhh, I totally didn't think about the bow vs crossbow thing. Solid callout



Jan 30, 2024 2:32 pm
The Knight says, "..."
Jan 30, 2024 2:34 pm
with that, I kind of envisioned the cloth being over the point of the bolts. And the bowstring is still behind the bolt. I guess I’m confused about that.
Jan 30, 2024 2:43 pm
How big is the hole the spiders are coming through?
Jan 30, 2024 3:41 pm
The opening is a rough oval about 6' high x 4' wide.
Bows are often fired with an arc.
Crossbow shoot strait. That's why people can use crossbow as beginners with less training. Fire arrows typically have what amounts to a small torch head around the tip which makes it fall quickly. They are also often looking so the flames never touch the bite when drawn. Putting a liner bolt in a crossbow is typically not good as it can throw off the aim by changing the bolt weight vs the the guidance of the crossbow barrel. Many crossbows barely have any bolt stuck past the view itself.
It's not a big deal for mechanics. But since a crossbow can be loaded in advance I figure it should have done drawbacks.
Jan 30, 2024 4:06 pm
Would the barrel we have block a lot of the hole?
Jan 30, 2024 4:10 pm
Gotcha, so if I want to make a crossbow shot and light the cloth on the end, will lighting it take an action and then I can attack? That might account for Grin taking a little extra care to account for the fire and the weight of the bolt?
Jan 30, 2024 11:36 pm
Ander sends a sling-shot into cavernous air! Then grabs the barrel, and attempts to he,p block the hole. At least to bottleneck the flow of arachnids coming out!

We’ll prolly need to firebomb the entire cave, if we’re going to get them all, Ander exclaims!


Sling! - (1d6)

(2) = 2

Jan 30, 2024 11:49 pm
Ishzu grabs his torch, lights it, and throws it into the cave, trying to aim for the smash vials.
He then moves further away from the mouth of the cave.


Ishzu: Test - Throw Test. - (2d6)

(22) = 4

Jan 31, 2024 3:33 am
Oliver slings two alcohol flasks at the smallest chokepoint of the cave entrance.

"Uh oh. We really really need a spark now."


Sling flask 1 - (3d6)

(625) = 13

Sling flask 2 - (3d6)

(632) = 11

Jan 31, 2024 3:54 am
Smiley says:
Would the barrel we have block a lot of the hole?
Not physically, this is a small barrel, like a mini-keg however the flames of the fluids would fill a large area.
Thunder_Lungz says:
Gotcha, so if I want to make a crossbow shot and light the cloth on the end, will lighting it take an action and then I can attack? That might account for Grin taking a little extra care to account for the fire and the weight of the bolt?
Assuming you made preparations in advance then lighting one bolt is no big deal, so free action.

Attacks with flaming pitch on the tips of the bolts is at disadvantage to strike a specific target, like the oils in side the cavern. If you are going to shoot the oils at the cave mouth then the area is big enough to be a basic Test
Aders toss shatters on the lip of the cavern entrence but luckily most of the fluid still spills inside. Ishzu tosses a lit torch into the cavern but it gets a bit tangles by webs as it sails into the cavern and lands a foot from the pool of oil a couple of feet into the cavern. Oliver smashes two flasks at the ground then targets the far wall of the opening from Anders well planned shot.
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