Descent into the Underdark

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Feb 3, 2024 12:42 pm
Lol, and this whole alcohol finding circlet is coming in super clutch!
Grin scratches his beard… huh… Oliver, I do believe you are the smartest person I’ve ever cave-delved with… what if we leave behind something smoking so we can also see it from up there? And maybe dissuade the spiders from returning while we search?

Wait a minute, where’s our crystal friend got to? Can he sense the thing we’re looking for?
Feb 3, 2024 1:48 pm
Ishzu pulls out two coils of rope and a kit with some climbing gear. He looks up the hole to see what we are dealing with. "We might be able to climb up at least one of us. Need to find where to secure the rope."
How high up are we talking about? Earlier, you said something about something connecting the spiders when I looked around. Where was that at?
Feb 3, 2024 2:00 pm
"Brilliant, that sounds like a solid idea, Grin. If we go with that plan, we will also need your talent as dungeon delver to get to the correct area in the surface."

Oliver was then surprised by Ishzu being so well equipped for the occassion (where was he storing all that??).

"Oh wow. Well, if you can pull that off, there's no need for a plan B."

"Ishzu, before you try to climb, do you mind moving my torch telekinetically here and there to collect some spider web? I want to see if I can make some sticky substance out of it later, but it's too high up for me since we burned the lower webs."
(my torch is unlit)
Last edited February 3, 2024 2:01 pm
Feb 3, 2024 2:24 pm
Ishzu has a simple backpack on his back.
He does what Oliver asks. The torch floats up and twirls around collecting some webs...
Feb 3, 2024 2:25 pm
Our knightly fellow takes wise advice, to feed the fire!
Do we seem to be making any progress, Ander asks. Emerald eyes gazing upon cavernous flames!
Are we making any progress at all, with the plan, or do we need to regroup on that?
Feb 3, 2024 2:52 pm
It sounds like we’re holding off on stoking the flames for now while Ishzu tries to climb up and get a reading on what was connecting the spiders. If we need to, we could use Oliver’s alcohol trick and light a fire and go up to find the hole
Feb 3, 2024 3:48 pm
Maybe to be on the same page:

Ishzu did feed the fire big time by rolling the full contents of the alcohol keg into it (he said oil, but I always assumed he meant that). All the little spiders dispersed. Since that point, we let the fire die out to explore the cave, and now there seems to be no other way but up, where there might be more spiders.
Feb 4, 2024 2:54 pm
The multitude of spider prevented Ishzu from localizing their connections but reaching out he feels a vague similarity upwards. As he begins collecting some of the higher webs a few hand sized spiders scurry higher up once their hiding spots are exposed. The cave looks more like a crevice that stretches and winds up at an angle has been worn with time and possibly earlier weather exposure. Your torchlight ends before the highest point you can see, which is illuminated indirectly from above and to a side. You guess the visible crevice to be well over 50' so the surface is likely 70-90' or so up.
Feb 4, 2024 3:46 pm
Ander flips on Ye Ole Helm of the Bullseye! Intending to grant high-powdered, additional lighting to piercing darkness!
My magically-minded helm may aid your torchlight, good Ishzu! Hopefully so!
Feb 4, 2024 4:06 pm
Grin is keeping his eyes out for spiders, turning around frequently to look behind him. Veilstitch, let’s give these spiders a bit of a fright… he commands his cloak to appear black with two great shiny eyes. Great idea, Ander! What if you and Ishzu climb up ahead and Oliver and I cover you from here? If there’s a big spider up there, Oli could hurl an alcohol flask and I could fire a flame arrow?
Feb 4, 2024 5:14 pm
Anders helm give greater detail but the upper reaches still have some shriveled and soot covered webs that diffuse the light. While you see better there is nothing discernable from your current location.
Volunteers? Who wants to climb with the pyromaniac duende shooting fire bombs near them as they hang from a cliff face? :)
Feb 4, 2024 5:30 pm
Ishzu looks around and tries to figure out the best way to start the climb up. He secure the 2 ropes together and swings the climbing gear to his side.
A piton floats up and slams into the wall. The rope curls and wraps itself around it. He climbs up the step by step forcefully placing pitons with his mind.


Ishzu: Test - Climb? - (2d6)

(51) = 6

Feb 4, 2024 5:33 pm
Our knightly fellow steps up to the plate!
Yes, good Grin! I will make the treacherous climb! And oh how the annals of legend will tell tall tales of all of it!
Hardly waiting for long-awaited acknowledgment, Ander takes up position with rope and hook. And in due time, begins darkened ascent!


Climbing! - (2d6)

(63) = 9

Feb 4, 2024 5:52 pm
Grin places his bright torch down on the rock next to him and readies an alcohol-cloth-wrapped bolt. He aims the crossbow up into the cavern ahead of the ascending party.
Feb 4, 2024 8:04 pm
Oliver gets out some round alcohol flasks and places them in the munition pocket, readying his sling.
"This is definitely not safe, but I'm ready."
Feb 6, 2024 10:47 pm
Oliver cheers at his companions attempt to climb the vertical tunnel.

"Pretty certain you can do it. Maybe. We'll be here to cover you with exploding fiery flasks. Quite sure you'll be fine. Probably."

"Brave heroic knights surely would know a song for this. Oh, I know just the right otter song!"

Flapping, jumping, gasping
scales up in the air
swimming in the river
upstream whence they came!

A calling from their cradle
salmons must obey
And weary, wise, and old they
come back home!
A little lyrical love to give us some momentum :)
Last edited February 6, 2024 10:48 pm
Feb 7, 2024 2:12 am
With his crossbow still trained up and ahead of the ascending heroes, Grinfletch says,

Haha! and he sings:

In the depths of the dungeon,
where shadows dance,
There roams a Duende
with a fiery lance.

With crossbow in hand,
and heart full of zeal,
Through cobwebbed corridors,
he makes his deal.
Last edited February 7, 2024 2:13 am
Feb 7, 2024 2:16 am
Our knightly fellow makes valiant climb! He keeps his sword close, drawing from knightly sheath if and only when his climbing skills afford one free gauntleted hand for to do so.

We will best these beasties friends. Which is better than besting besties. Because we want to keep our friends alive and well!

Oh, that valiant knightly fellow, and his heroic soliloquies. Even within clutches of certain death!
Feb 7, 2024 2:20 am
Right you are, Ander! After this we’ll boast to our besties ‘bout the beasties we bested!
Feb 7, 2024 2:26 pm
Ishzu and Ander begin ascending and get up to about 30 feet without issue but being that they just having difficulty. Ishzu slips the rope through a pitton and secures himself and Ander at that point as they continue higher.

However after only another 6 feet out so three of the largest spiders yet, the size of cats or dogs, climb out from a narrow opening to stand above the pair waving their legs towards them.
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