Descent into the Underdark
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Oliver desperately slings an alcohol flask at one of the dog-sized spiders, and follows with another flask for the other spider.
"With so many eyes, I hope alcohol alone is irritating enough to stop them."
Sling 1 - alcohol flask (spider 1) - (3d6)
(141) = 6
Sling 2 - alcohol flask (spider 2) - (3d6)
(122) = 5
Ishzu! Try moving around them and projecting a warning that we will start more fire if they don’t let us pass!
Grin picks up the torch, waves it once in the air and lights the loaded bolt in his crossbow with it. He also takes some bonus action movement forward towards the party.
Perhaps next time say something in character?
Some players will not respond to ooc in character for a more immersive role play. Also roll a test for better results. Just asking gets bare minimum
You see 2 missiles fly overhead missing all possible targets but splashing nearby, frightening Ishzu and Ander...
The spiders hiss and two rear on hind two sets of legs to spray webbing down onto those below
Oliver and Grin roll a save test to avoid being engaged on the web. If webbed you must break free as an action before doing anything else
The spiders move freely on the walls it is doubtful that Ishzu and Ander can out maneuver them
Random guy location, 1 Ander, 2 Ishzu, 3 above then, 4 left, 5 right, 6 above slider - (1d6, 1d6)
1d6 : (4) = 4
1d6 : (5) = 5
Web save - (2d6)
(14) = 5
Web save - (2d6)
(21) = 3
Gathering knightly nerves, Ander continues cavalieric climb!
Sword on Spider! - (2d6)
(66) = 12
Spider assault on Ander 2x2 - (2d6, 2d6, 2d6, 2d6)
2d6 : (54) = 9
2d6 : (31) = 4
2d6 : (26) = 8
2d6 : (41) = 5
Crossbow bolt (fire) - (3d6)
(544) = 13
Ishzu: Test - Basic - (2d6)
(21) = 3
It is perhaps only through knightly valor, or valorous knightliness, that Ander is able to reach gauntleted hand to sticky strands just in time. Perhaps avoiding lethal tumble into cavernous darkness!
Test - (2d6)
(36) = 9
Oliver wiggles free, and tries once more to sling an alcohol flask at one of the spiders who bit Ander.
"Here comes an eyesore!" For the spider, hopefully.
Sling alcohol flask - (3d6)
(156) = 12
Weapon Mastery - (1d6)
(2) = 2
Tracking limited resources is a good idea. Thank you for doing so.
no proficiency attacks with disadvantage 1d6
weapon proficiency is basic test 2d6
weapon mastery is with advantage 3d6
As these are small flasks I am saying that each can only cover 1 normal creature, it will not burn for too long, and does not damage directly upon impact. As stated earlier these spiders are bigger. You do not need the burning area affects to target them.
As the spiders are small and Ander is below them . . . 1 of the spiders and Ander are now flammable, congratulations :)
p.s. Ander should be cautious of the flames to his right for the next bit.
Ander and Ishzu can still act this round
TrustySword! - (3d6)
(152) = 8
He expertly loads, aims and fires two crossbow bolts at the spider(s) closest to Ishzu.
Spirits of the wild, forgive us for hurting these creatures.
Crossbow shot - (3d6)
(361) = 10
Crossbow shot - (3d6)
(535) = 13