Retreating as quick as he can from the passage, Grin moves to the mouth of the crevice and yells out to his companions:
Oi, I’m alright! There’s some sort of crystals growing in here - embedded as it were, right into the walls of the passage. Only problem is, the crystals reflect the light from my torch so much, that it becomes a little too bright for my eyes! I wasn’t able to go through to the end of the passage, but I could make another try of it if I drape my trusty Veilstitch over my eyes to deaden the light.
He pops his head and shoulders fully through the crevice.
Ishzu, you want to come take a look? We might try to gather some crystals to bring back to show the others, but I don’t rightly know much about crystals with special properties. Perhaps you could take a gander?
Grin steps out into the cave. His cloak changes to a dark sheer fabric that is somewhat transparent. He takes the end of it and drapes it over his face.
How about this? He reaches for his pack that he left by the crevice opening and takes out a crowbar and a bucket.
I could use these to collect some samples for my dear Oli? I just didn’t want to harm the crystal if it might have been precious in some way to you, Ish… I mean to say, I never knew crystals could live such noble, vibrant lives as you, and perhaps these are some of your kin?OOC:
Do I know anything about these crystals or recognize them?
Last edited February 13, 2024 2:48 am