Descent into the Underdark

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Feb 16, 2024 5:23 pm
I can stand watch during a time of rest, friends. I believe we’ve earned it. The time of rest, I mean!

Knightly intuition tells me…perhaps we speak with our gnomish benefactor at base Camp, about ways to burn-out the cavern? Take care of the problem once and for all?
Feb 16, 2024 5:23 pm
"I need to speak with the Leaders of the camp. See if they can get a crew to delicately remove the crystal. If that doesn't work I have another idea. I am going to head back." Leaving the ropes in place Ishzu starts heading back to camp.

Feb 16, 2024 5:26 pm
Ander follows back to Camp.
Ah, good call, my crystalline friend! A safe removal of the Crystal would be best indeed!
Feb 16, 2024 7:42 pm
Grin offers his hand to Oliver so they can be on there way too. Right! We’re coming with you! I don’t think we should be gone too long in case the spiders come back! Should we set something alight to smoke while we’re gone?
Feb 16, 2024 8:03 pm
A deep voice rumbles throughout the cavern "Only you can prevent wildfires" and Grin feels a massive and ancient presence glaring at him from the darkness
Feb 16, 2024 8:06 pm
lol!…Sm-m-m-mokey? Is that you?

nah… on second thought! Let’s get out of here and catch up with the others!
Last edited Feb 16, 2024 8:08 pm
Feb 16, 2024 8:14 pm
Psybermagi says:
A deep voice rumbles throughout the cavern "Only you can prevent wildfires" and Grin feels a massive and ancient presence glaring at him from the darkness
Should we answer this OOC? Does that mean it's happening irl? :O
Feb 16, 2024 8:24 pm
You make it back to the research camp to find Fiznik grumbling at the Matrix Node and no sign of Valpip
Feb 16, 2024 9:30 pm
Ander arrives at Base Camp and gazes emerald eyes all around.

Fiznik, we come seeking advice. We think we’ve discovered the secret to yon spider cave, but we need…a tool, or tools, some means to remove crystal from stone. Probably something a bit…heavy duty, in order to remove a large bit safely.

Would you great base campers have anything like that?
Last edited Feb 16, 2024 9:31 pm
Feb 16, 2024 9:34 pm
We might need a crew to excavate a large area of underground psychic powered crystals. Is there a crew of workers that could be assigned to assist? Transportation for the crystal back to this camp would be required also.



Feb 16, 2024 9:51 pm
The wizard, interrupted from his musings glares at Ander then Ishzu then stops at the mention of "psychic crystals". What?!? Are you daft? Get a gaggle of untutored menial workers together around a large concentrations of crystalized thought? Are you mad?

He continues his rant as he marches back towards his tent shouting orders at guards about "sending a runner", "where's that blasted gnome", "You lot, stop slacking and start packing up everything I will need" to the guards who look bemused as the wizard disappears into his tent, then look at the crates of equipment, then to each other. Too slow! booms the wizard as he reappears and with a casual wave of his hand the guards are flung back out of the camp as it erupts into motion. Several crates are empties as invisible hand move things about then loaded back up and ties to sets of transport poles. The guards are rudely moved over to the crates and shoved under the poles.

Nodding his head in satisfaction he glares at the guards not conscripted to being porters and snaps See no one disturbs the area or touches anything. Sound the alarm if there is trouble With a final glare the turns back to face you and smiles.

Lead the way, not time like the present. Off we go.

Or, did I just disrupt weeks of research and my nice comfy camp for a prank
and he looks you all over meaningfully.
Feb 16, 2024 10:15 pm
Oliver stares at the spectacle of Fiznik's outburst from a safe distance, grinning, with the headache now receding. He dared not speak a single question to the very intense wizard.

"Shall we? Right that way."
And he pointed in the direction of the cave, following after the crystal expert, who just so happened to be a sentient crystal himself.
Feb 16, 2024 10:52 pm
Ishzu leads Fiznik to the crystal"I convened with the crystal. The whole thing seems to be a almost sentient entity. The spiders were drawn to it and feasting on the crystals. It was slowly mutating them." He points to the ropes and the small cave holding the crystal. "I believe it needs to be moved but I would be best to keep it fully intact."
Feb 16, 2024 11:04 pm
Grin, with his head in a box of edible goodies stands up just in time to see the party leaving the site and runs to catch up.
Feb 16, 2024 11:13 pm
Our knightly fellow shrugs dragons-baned shoulders.
Well…that was pretty easy, he quips to his friends. On we go, then!



Feb 17, 2024 2:20 am
You return with the wizard who asks for more details and gets the full story by time you reach the cave. There he works with Ishzu to perform a few simple test and grumbles about the rareness and difficulty of the find. Asking everyone to stand back the wizard pulls out two scrolls and with a sigh reads one after the other. The first scroll has no apparent effect at first but then the ground in front of him bulges up, and up, and up. After a moment a massive earth elemental stands before him. Giving it a few instructions the waits for it to mov into the rock face below the crystal formation then reads the second. With that done a large section of the cave wall begins to soften and flow like thick mud.

As the mass flows down into the cave the elemental emerges with a large crystal shaped like a star bigger than any of you. You note that there are several other small fragments in the mud and Fiznik suggest collecting them as they are prime material for crafting many enchantments. After seeing the crystal the wizard seems slightly shocked and performs a few tests before calming down. He proclaims that with the crystal now removed from the stone it will cease growing and after wrapping a few charms on the structure he indicates it should now be safe.

This type of magic is not really my specialty and moving it will be difficult but if we can find the right buyer for it this would sell for quite a bit of money as long as we can keep it intact. You four found it so it is your to do with what you will. Gather up a sack full of the largest of those smaller fragments and I will take that as payment for assisting you. What do you say?

After taking about potential uses for the crystal and the process to move and sell it Fiznik mentions he saw the passage above with natural looking daylight and asks if you have explored where it comes out yet.
Feb 17, 2024 3:41 am
Well, Ishzu, I’m going to leave it to you to decide what becomes of the big crystal. It is very shiny and pretty, but I can’t carry it away! As for the little ones, if we each held one, would we be able to melt our minds or whatever you said before? Maybe with the big one gone, we won’t get headaches from it?

Oh, and of course, I’m talking about some of the smaller shards, giving the larger ones to you, Master Fiznik, does seem the fairest payment I think. Though we also cleared the cavern of the spiders and we’re about to see where the cave leads too. So that should be worth something as well, no?
Also, do the crystals shine still?
Last edited Feb 17, 2024 3:42 am
Feb 17, 2024 1:46 pm
Our knightly fellow relishes in this our party’s recent success! His elation is surely catching!

Well done, friends! @Master Fiznik, we certainly wouldn’t have managed as well without you, I find your offer sensible enough. Everyone else in agreement?

We should see if the crystals we have, if they still hold magical property for us collectively. Such items could be an important asset as an adventuring company.

Would…would you good people be interested in bonding together as an adventuring company? This is a good group.
Feb 17, 2024 2:42 pm
Ishzu gives Master Fiznik a bit of space to remove the crystal. "What type of charms did you put on it? I wish to communicate with the crystal more. " Ishzu softly touches the Crystal and caresses it. "I might have a buyer, but I would love to spend some more time with it before getting rid of it. Could the crystal get transported about to camp"



Feb 17, 2024 5:29 pm
Fiznik explains that the crystals are a rare mineral, similar to mithril and adamantium. However there are records that indicate if crystals gain enough magic and grow in specific patterns they can create natural arrays. Metals can do this too but this is less common as the metals tend to be found in seams that are stretched out and do not have the necessary arrangement to form natural magics.

All of the smaller crystals an innately magical, or psionic if you prefer, and can be used in crafting mystical equipments. On their own they are as useful as a lump of unforged mithril. The massive star shaped crystal lattice has formed a simple natural array and so does have some magical properties of its own at this point but that is nothing to what it might achieve if it were to be enchanted further by skilled craftsmen. The charms he put on it are simply isolating it from external mental energies.
loot says:
1 star crystal formation 8' across and about 400 lbs ~ about 8,000 GP
4 x large 4" crystals 100 GP each to Fiznik
8 x medium 1" crystals 50 GP each (best option to enchant for your use)
26 x small 1/2"crystals 25 GP each
65 x tiny 1/4" crystals 10 GP each
51 x lbs of small 1/16" crystal fragments
If you already have a buyer in mind I will leave it with you. Be aware that those talisman will lose their efficacy within a tenday week or so. If you need moving or shielding it after this I will help but it will cost you.

Now if there are no further questions I really must get back to figuring this thing out
and he wanders over to the Matrix Node
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