Descent into the Underdark

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Mar 5, 2024 4:20 pm
Ander moved near Ishznu. To help his crystalline friend dislodge whatever was submerged in the vile slime!
Do we still have the telescopic pole, or did we give that back already?
Mar 5, 2024 5:32 pm
"Don't get eaten too much, Ander!"
Mar 5, 2024 5:36 pm

You had complete access to, and permission to use, the "standard" set of trinkets Valpip and Fiznik lent out. So, really, you can have any of them, including the pole. If I was a stickler, I would say you already had your chance to take something, but since we didn't really touch on that, that's on me, too. So, yes, you can have the pole with you if you want. You just have to return it when you leave this set of caverns.
Mar 5, 2024 5:51 pm
Nothing much happens with Oliver's experiments. Again, the slime works slowly, so nothing happens fast. However, the two wine components do not appear to harm the slime.

With effort, Ishzu is able to get enough of a grasp on the object to drag it up and out of the slime to their side of the cavern. As the object is pulled out, the slime just slides off of it. It has kind of a lumpy main section, with three long tentacle like things out of the main section. No one really recognizes what it is at first, but finally Oliver's eyes go wide and bright. "It's a dead mimic!" he exclaims. Ishzu did not find any loot around it, so apparently if it had any, whoever killed the mimic already took any loot.

As Oliver investigates the dead mimic, he can see it is far from fresh, so any ichors or other extracts are long since lost. However, aside from the natural deterioration caused by being dead, it seems remarkably unconsumed ...
Mar 5, 2024 6:10 pm
Maybe if we search around a little more deeper in the slime we’ll find an answer? I’ll wear this rubber stuff to keep the slime off of me.
Last edited March 5, 2024 6:11 pm
Mar 6, 2024 7:01 am
Brewner raises higher his torch trying to perceive the ceiling of the cave. Does he sees something odd?
Mar 6, 2024 2:48 pm
It is with knightly disdain for filth, that Ander refuses to get himself all slimed-up, even for his friends!
Eh, I will stand safely back whilst slime is sensibly searched. But I have my sword, not to mention Trusty Sling, at the ready, if there is trouble!
Last edited March 6, 2024 2:48 pm
Mar 6, 2024 3:05 pm
As an aside, remember that the point of investigating the pink slime cavern is to see how the goblins are getting in. It is a fairly safe bet they are NOT coming up from the bottom of the depression in the middle of the cavern. The boots and gloves are not a full wetsuit, so Grin is not geared for deep slime diving. He is, however, well equipped to wander around the periphery of the cavern to see what can be found ...
The cavern is roughly circular, meaning the ceiling looks to reach as high as 60 feet or so. While it is hard to tell, there appears to be nothing lurking up there. (The remaining darkmantle does not appear to have settled here.)
Last edited March 6, 2024 3:07 pm
Mar 6, 2024 7:52 pm
Grin searches around the periphery of the cavern.
Last edited March 6, 2024 7:53 pm
Mar 6, 2024 10:12 pm
Oliver put the flasks away, contemplated the dead mimic and scratched his chin.

"Agh, I can't really make sense of all this. What's a dead mimic doing here? And why is it not consumed by the slime?"

He paused for a moment and stared at his companions.

"Well, I reckon we should leave these questions drying in the shore and look for marks that can lead us to the goblin whereabouts. Do you see any exit around there, Ishzu and Grin?"
Mar 6, 2024 11:13 pm
Grin makes his way along the southern cavern wall without finding anything. When he reaches the opposite side of the cavern from where they entered, he finds an opening (which they already thought was there). However, he finds a distinct lack of anything even hinting at goblins on this side. He does see that some activity has happened at the opening, but they don't match the goblin activity they saw on the other side. In fact, they look as if those who made the tracks treated the pink slime as a barrier. The opening does seem to continue on down as far as his torchlight will carry. However, rather than exploring on his own, he loops back around along the northern wall. About a third of the way back, he sees a relatively small opening that does show signs of goblin activity. Presumably, this is where they put on their boots to cross, so the marks of activity are quite evident. Humorously, the opening is impossible to see from the side of the cavern from which they entered. In fact, if Grin had moved around in the opposite direction, he could have missed it. (Well, not Grin, he's a dungeoneer!) But, since he was approaching from the "correct" direction, he could easily see it.

He quickly waves Ishzu over and they both take a look. They agree this is likely where the goblins entered from.
So, what do you want to do? You have a few obvious options:
1) Explore the goblin passage.
2) Explore the passage on the opposite side of the cavern.
3) Go back, and check out one of the other open mysteries in your set of caverns here.
4) Go down to the deeper underdark.
5) Skin the mimic and make galoshes for everyone!

Remember that your base instructions are to finish clearing the caverns around the Maxtrix Node and identifying entrances. You have done that here now. But these are general directions, not orders. You can go wherever you want.
Mar 7, 2024 2:09 pm
On the mimic, perhaps it is dead because another adventuring party (looks away for a moment) ran across it and killed it, then moved on after taking whatever loot it had. And it was originally here because it was apparently a perfect hiding spot for it because the pink slime didn't affect it. As for what to do with it, Oliver is the alchemist. I figured he would have been more excited to see it ...
Mar 7, 2024 2:25 pm
ohh a mimick skin cloak or armor
Mimic face cream to allow facial reconstruction
Acid resistance
.. Ideas ideas. 😁
Mar 7, 2024 3:17 pm
Grin heads back to the others and shares their findings with them. What should we do now? Keep exploring? Follow the passage to the goblin’s hideout? Maybe we want to tell Fiznik about this area so he can post guards here?
Mar 7, 2024 3:26 pm
"My blood boils just thinking about the goblins, we should take revenge on them, make them regret their boldness" Brewner takes a long breath "But perhaps it would be prudent to explore other areas"
Mar 7, 2024 3:28 pm
Do we know how to use the matrix to get anywhere? Have we been shown? I’m wondering if we find the goblins and there’s a node there, maybe we can use it?
Mar 7, 2024 3:29 pm
Fiznik and Valpip can use it
Other PC are leaning
It requires a the appropriate mystical trait or a talisman charged by Fiznik or Valpip
Mar 7, 2024 4:51 pm
daryen says:
On the mimic, perhaps it is dead because another adventuring party (looks away for a moment) ran across it and killed it, then moved on after taking whatever loot it had. And it was originally here because it was apparently a perfect hiding spot for it because the pink slime didn't affect it. As for what to do with it, Oliver is the alchemist. I figured he would have been more excited to see it ...
Oh, he was excited, yes, but also felt slightly guilty of not focusing too much on the goblin problem, hahaha. It shall be an excellent research specimen, though. If we opt to go back, he'll carry the whole monster back home
Mar 7, 2024 10:25 pm
"I say we continue to the goblin hideout until we localize the crystal. There were still too many unanswered questions about it. What say you?"

Oliver sounded determined, but then looked at the freshly unearthed mimic carcass, begging to be taken home and dissected.

"Though that mimic is very tempting to take to base too, to be honest."
Mar 7, 2024 10:53 pm
" Like i said before i won't mind given this goblins lesson and retrieving the crystal"
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