Descent into the Underdark

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Mar 9, 2024 10:01 pm
Bad luck double duck. Howeeever... wouldn't your magic cloak arguably give you advantage to camouflage as goblin like? Te-heh? Ofc, Daryen has the call. Feel free to blast me off to space for suggesting such heresy
Mar 9, 2024 10:41 pm
Just a couple quick notes.

When I call for a roll, that is because there is risk and uncertainty. In many circumstances, it is truly success/fail (e.g. in combat; you hit or you don't). However, when things are free-form, then the reading of the dice is more flexible and helps the GM determine how to guide what follows. Just because the dice roll is a failure doesn't mean what you are trying to do is utterly failed in the worst possible way. (Well, roll snake eyes, and, yeah, that's not good. Roll box-cars and it will ludicrously bend in your favor. Everything between is nuance.) Instead, it gives the GM guidance in how to handle that situation.

Also, if you think you should have advantage on a roll, always call that out and say why. It could be magic, circumstances, background, trait, whatever. I do not promise to accept the reason and give the advantage, but you think there is a legitimate reason why you should get advantage, never hesitate to ask. Just remember there has to be a reason for it. Just like if I pull disadvantage on you, I have to tell you why. I may need to wait to explain why, but I should always be able to say why.

In this case, we'll stick with the roll as it. Don't worry, it isn't fatal or anything.

Also, state whether you are giving Ishzu his chance or not.
Mar 9, 2024 10:57 pm
Aight, thanks for the note
Mar 9, 2024 11:14 pm
sounds good! Give Ishzu his chance! :)
Last edited Mar 9, 2024 11:14 pm
Mar 10, 2024 1:47 am
The crystal being leaves the group and approaches the flicker torch light. Speaking into the holder's mindI am looking for the Hunt Master. I am supposed to have a meeting with him. Can you take me to him?
Mar 10, 2024 7:42 pm
As Ishzu turns the corner, he sees three goblins approaching. As the light of their torches flicker off of his form, they stop cold. One of them says, "Who said that?" The other two look at each other and one says, "Who said what?" The first one starts to get angry, but quickly catches himself and turns back to Ishzu, saying, "Are you using 'head-speak'?"

Ishzu replies, Yes, to the one asking, then repeats himself to all three of them. I am looking for the Hunt Master. I am supposed to have a meeting with him. Can you take me to him?

The first one to speak seems to have quickly recovered and scoffs, "If the Hunt Master was expecting to see anyone, I would have known about it. But I don't, so he isn't. Besides, why would the Hunt Master even need to speak with you? And telling me that he's the only one who can know isn't going to get you anywhere."
You have successfully distracted them for the moment. They are guarded, but they also outnumber you three-to-one, so they aren't overly worried.
Mar 10, 2024 7:55 pm
Where is everyone else right now? Should we hope Ishzu runs back to us and then we jump the Goblins? Just thinking about how we will get the three melee fighters into range so we can coordinate an attack.
Hearing the Goblins are alert and talking to someone, Grin wonders if his act is up. Maybe I should find Oliver and prepare to attack them from a good dark vantage point.
Mar 10, 2024 8:07 pm
"Dlank said he would get Hunt Master. Bring Hunt Master here to speak with me. Been waiting for a while. Can you bring me to Hunt Master? Ishzu says to the goblins mind. "I have a deal to make with Hunt Master. Must Speak with him.
Last edited Mar 10, 2024 8:08 pm
Mar 10, 2024 8:18 pm
Please give me a roll on your attempt to bluff/convince them.
Mar 10, 2024 8:29 pm
Not Bluffing but I am trying to Convince. :)


Ishzu: Test - Basic - (2d6)


Mar 11, 2024 12:13 am
"Dlank could never promise to get the Hunt Master. You must have misunderstood." The goblins pauses for a moment. "Unless Dlank lied." Then all three have a good laugh over the joke.

Your calm demeanor and non-threatening approach have completely overcome the goblins' wariness. "There's just you. I doubt you're that dangerous. We can take you back to camp, but first we have to check on our warband. They are overdue, and that's a bad thing. I'd ask if you've seen them, but if you had, you'd probably be dead now." At that the goblins have another good laugh.
Ok, Ishzu has completely sidetracked the goblins for the moment. You have a small window to get out of their way without being seen. Or you can attack with complete surprise. Also, they are still talking, so you can let Ishzu try to get more info. They obvious intend to try and follow where the warband went, if they can. You have lots of options here.
Mar 11, 2024 12:24 am
Ander stands aside, his sword ready. Please do your best, he says to his crystalline friend.
Mar 11, 2024 12:33 am
War Band attacked a nearby camp and used a teleportation node to flee. Took big shiny and killed many. I watched in shadows. Ishzu explains to the goblins.

To the party They might take me camp. They think I am harmless.
Mar 11, 2024 12:34 am
so in my brain i’m imagining a big round cave with a tunnel that goes down South and one that goes East (that we know of). We came up from the South and the Goblins from the East. And to the right of the Southern tunnel we entered by, there is a campsite of sorts with a fire pit. I’m imagining the Goblins can’t exactly see that space since when they came in from the East they were yelling some questions at us thinking we were their buddies. So Ishzu walked up to meet them and they can’t really see us yet.

If that is close to a correct picture, we could all go West and avoid the Goblins entirely, or we could lay an ambush around the tunnel to the South that they are about to investigate. Does that sound right?
Grin backs up from the campsite and abandons his ruse, turning his cloak back to black. He goes back to the others and quietly discusses their options with them. He agrees to play whatever part they suggest in the coming minutes (he will go along with whatever is suggested by the group).
Mar 11, 2024 7:22 am
Silently as possible Brewnner says "We should try to ambush and capture them for interrogation is also a opportunity to thin their number"
Mar 11, 2024 8:25 am
Oliver whispered next to his companions.

"Let's do that. I'm not too eager to negotiate with them this time around. Don't want to murder them either, though."

He then drew his bat eagerly and started moving into position.

"Plus, I REALLY want to see some fire."
Mar 11, 2024 10:47 am
Grin slinks into the shadows with Oliver to flank from the West, assuming that Brewner and Ander go to hide in the mouth of the South tunnel.
Last edited Mar 11, 2024 10:49 am
Mar 11, 2024 3:18 pm
@Thunder_Lungz, yes, that is basically it. Ishzu has prevented the goblins from entering this specific cavern yet. As such, you can freely, if quietly, move about within that cavern to hide or prepare to ambush. However, when the goblins start moving again you'll need to be prepared or they will easily see you.

Whoever is the sneakiest needs to give me a roll to get into position. (The one roll will cover for everyone.)
The lead goblin says, "You're pretty shiny to be hiding in shadows." He stops for a second and one of the others whispers in his ear. Looking back at Ishzu he continues, "Are you sure they left using the Pop Squares? That wasn't ..." He suddenly catches himself, realizing he is probably saying too much.
OK, I am going to need another roll, but this time from Ishzu. This will determine whether the goblins believe Ishzu or not. Ordinarily, this would be a secret GM roll, but since the results will happen immediately, I want the player to roll it. :-) Either way, this doesn't change their base reaction to Ishzu; it is just to determine which way the goblins will go. Obviously, the other players' actions can also make the roll moot, too.

I am intentionally using different terms for things just because I figure the goblins wouldn't use the more refined terms. Like head-speak for telepathy and Pop for Teleportation. Plus it's fun trying to come up with the new terms.
Mar 11, 2024 3:33 pm
Rollin Rollin Rollin


Ishzu: Test - Basic - (2d6)


Mar 11, 2024 4:01 pm
They believe you!
The goblins whisper some more and the leader says, "If that's the case, we'd better get back and let the others know. You're coming with us!" With that, they grab Ishzu and hurriedly start backtracking the way they came.
For the rest of the group: There is quite a bit of whispering going on. You have time to react to the situation before they leave. They no longer plan to enter the room, but Ishzu could lure them in pretty easily, as they plan to grab him to take him with them. So, you can ambush them, jump them where they are, or let them go with Ishzu and follow along behind. Ishzu will be able to guide you so you don't have to follow too closely. Silent communication is brutally effective! :-)
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