Descent into the Underdark

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Mar 11, 2024 5:27 pm
Brewner still has it in mind to capture these goblins for interrogation, is everyone on board with that?
Mar 11, 2024 5:35 pm
Ishzu is a simi peaceful being. He would rather talk and work thingw out then attack. He is more retaliatory. If something attacks first then he will attack back.
Mar 11, 2024 5:38 pm
Head-speak sound very refined to me, hahaha
Can Ishzu telepatically tell us his intentions so that we don't jump on the goblins right now? Oliver is just about to ambush as well
Mar 11, 2024 5:56 pm
well, we set an ambush in the wrong direction. They’re moving away from us back towards the goblin headquarters.
Grin points to the fading lights of the goblins and nudges Oliver. He sneaks over to the Southern cave mouth where Brewner and Ander are waiting and he quietly says: Looks like they’re leaving. Should we follow? Ishzu said they might take him to their base.
Mar 11, 2024 8:13 pm
Visibly disappointed, Oliver puts the bat down and nods.

"Sadly, that's a very prudent and sensible idea. Let us tag along, then, and keep our distance. Ishzu is a surprisingly good infiltrator considering how notorious he is."

He stared at the sillhouettes of Ishzu and the crystal goblins, walking ahead.

"They don't seem so evil now, do they?"
Ishzu and the crystal goblins
Mar 11, 2024 8:23 pm
Oliver, I think you might be right. Is it possible that the goblins are just trying to protect their territory? Maybe this whole area is theirs? And we are intruding and they see us as the thieves?
Mar 11, 2024 8:45 pm
I thought that to take Ishizu the goblins would enter our cave area
Mar 11, 2024 9:21 pm
I don't have a ready-made map. Picture a circle. You entered from the bottom of the circle. There are multiple passages off of the circle, including one to the right. You had torches and they had torches. Each side saw the torchlight of the other without seeing the other yet, because you were completely inside the circle, outside their view, and they were inside their passage, outside your view. Ishzu, then left your circle and stepped into the mouth of their passage.

At this point, Ishzu was just outside your sight, though you knew exactly where he was. They could easily see him, but couldn't see you. Ishzu distracted them with conversation and kept them talking, so the idea there was more than just Ishzu didn't occur to them. You all quickly quenched your torches and kept quiet, so you didn't cause suspicion. Note that, except for Ishzu, none of you have actually seen the goblins at all. You have only heard them. (While these goblins don't have a problem with someone using head-speak on them, it never occurs to them to try and use it back. They just talk normally.) Had Ishzu led them back into the circle, you could have jumped them. Alternatively, you could have charged into the corridor spent one move (to get to them) and one attack in a surprise round.

What the goblins originally wanted to do (assuming you weren't there) was to go into the circle, and enter the passage you came out of, go to the pink slime, and then see what they can find in those caverns. When they found Ishzu and heard his story, they were trying to decide whether to not believe Ishzu, then take him with them to find out what happened; or to believe Ishzu, turn around, and take him back to camp for interrogation and further orders. They have apparently decided to believe Ishzu and are turning around to take him back to camp for interrogation.

Also, let me know what you are doing regarding trying to map or keep track of where you are. The goblins know these caverns. You most definitely do not.

As far as goblins in general, they are highly nuanced.

Unlike hobgoblins which have a organized structure with decent cohesion, goblins are very fractured. Hobgoblins in the area are part of a single nation-state. Except for the goblins under those hobgoblins' thumbs, goblins as a whole are not cohesive. Any given goblin group could have a different structure, a different style, a different belief, and a different attitude towards others. And it isn't just the leader. Some groups have a strong leader, but most do not. Individual goblins can have an even wider range of personalities and approaches than even humans. The two main constants are their individuality and impulsiveness. Goblins are chaos. Not always destructive chaos; just unpredictable chaos.

So, if you meet one goblin, do not make any assumptions about what group they are part of until they actually tell you. You can't know unless they are wearing a uniform, and that's not even guaranteed. And extremely rare. But if they tell you, it's probably true. Most likely.
Mar 11, 2024 10:24 pm
Ok thanks for the clarifications
Mar 11, 2024 10:27 pm
Brewner shrugs "I still don't like them or trust them...but better to follow them unnoticed"
Mar 11, 2024 10:34 pm
how do we map the area? I seem to recall a magical map or something?
Mar 11, 2024 10:56 pm
[ +- ] Dungeoneers Map Case @ Ander
So it only maps what you are aware of though with perhaps better accuracy and greater speed. So if you are blind or unconscious it does not do much good.
Mar 11, 2024 11:23 pm
Our knightlybfellow follows the gob,Ins, from a distance, in lieu of better options.
Mar 12, 2024 1:22 am
Psybermagi says:
So it only maps what you are aware of though with perhaps better accuracy and greater speed. So if you are blind or unconscious it does not do much good.
Gotcha. So don’t become dead. I’ll try.
Mar 12, 2024 8:18 am
Brewner follows behind Ander
Mar 12, 2024 1:50 pm
Oh, right! I completely forgot about the auto-map. Wonderful! Now we don't have to worry about it at all. Just follow and see what happens.


On the next steps, it is going to take me until later today to post the response. Sorry for the delay.
Mar 12, 2024 2:01 pm
yeah, I didn't hand that out just to make my life easier. Totally just part of the story. No ulterior motives, cough cough sloth, at all 😁
Besides, have your every tries to follow written instruction in nature? "Go to the third really big tree and turn left then head to the cubby looking rock"
Mar 13, 2024 4:14 am
The goblin leader looks at Ishzu and says, "Come with us. Maybe you'll get to deliver your message after all." He looks at Ishzu to blindfold him, but not seeing any eyes he shrugs and says, "Let's get going."

Over what feels like forever (but is really around six hours or so), they make their way to the entrance. Ishzu keeps in mental contact with the rest of the group to let them know any time the goblins do anything that could confuse the trail. He is also sure the goblins are taking an intentionally long route to get where they need to go. Likely to try and confuse him. In fact, it did work, as Ishzu is not sure exactly how he would get back to the pink slime cavern anymore. Fortunately for them, Ander's trinket sees all. Later when they check it, they will see that they did indeed pick a horribly messy route that crossed itself multiple times. Fortunately, there were never any immediate double-backs, so the party following was never caught. When the goblins and Ishzu finally make it out of the caverns, they find themselves in a protected cave. It is still light outside, but getting late. The goblins stop here. "It is still too light outside. We wait here for it to be dark."
The surprising lack of encounters in this set of caverns is presumably because the goblins had cleaned it out.

If Ishzu wants to ask anything before continuing out of the caverns, please feel free to insert it.
The goblins wait until it is night time, taking turns to get in a couple hours of sleep each. This is convenient for the rest of the group, and allows them to get some rest in before continuing. Once it was apparently dark, the goblins roused themselves to start get going. Ishzu alerted the rest of the party that it was time to go, and did some subtle stalling to give them time to get ready.

The terminal cave opens up into an open plain not far outside the end of the swamp area of the ruins. They emerge from the side of a small hill. The goblins look around carefully before heading before fully leaving. Apparently, they think it looks clear enough and say to Ishzu, "Let's go. Be quick. We are exposed out here." They set off at a quick pace. After they leave, the rest of the party sees them leave and wonders how to follow without being seen. However, just as Brewner, Oliver, Grin, and Ander get a good look, they see a pack of five feathered lizards tracking down Ishzu and the goblins from their rear.
I'm gonna say the moon is out so you can see well enough. But then, so can the feathered lizards. The lizards are about four feet long and will surprise the goblins and Ishzu if the party does nothing. The lizards are obviously highly effective hunters. The lizards will be able to attack next round. The party basically has surprise on the lizards, but are far enough away that it will take both moves to get into melee range. Ranged weapons are fully in range.

What do you do?
Mar 13, 2024 7:08 am
"Look at those things..we need to help, Ishzu is in danger"
If the goblins suspect our presence here, we will say that we are hunting these lizards and this is just a big coincidence
Mar 13, 2024 11:34 am
Grin quickly and quietly aims and fires two shots from his crossbow at the lizards. He tries to hit the two front most lizards so that the other lizards see they are under attack.
Last edited Mar 13, 2024 11:35 am


Crossbow - (3d6)


Crossbow - (3d6)


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