Now that everyone is in position ...
After what feels like forever, but has only been about an hour since they first met the fleeing goblins, they hear movement through the marshes. From their hidden vantage points, they see the first of the controlled goblins appear and head straight for the entrance of the thicket. As they enter, finally you see the apprentice appear. Next to her is a tied-up goblin (presumably Zigg) and the large crystal carefully suspended in a surprisingly ingenious hardness. The harness (the crystal within) is carried by four goblins. (The hardness is made from strong branches that make a frame around the crystal to suspend it inside, protect it from simple falls, and make it easy for four people to carry.) However, after the first four make the thicket entrance, the entire group comes to an immediate halt.
At this point there are five goblins in front of the apprentice. Next is a central group consisting of the apprentice, the captive (Zigg), and the four goblins holding the crystal in its harness. There are two goblins on each side of the central group. The rest are behind the central group, but they can't be easily seen. (By math, it'll be the last three.)
The apprentice grabs Zigg and states,
"That thicket is very narrow! Are you luring us into a trap!?"
Zigg replies,
"Our camp is just on the other side of the thicket! Of course it narrows! Do you think we'd live out in the open!?"
The apprentice pushes him back and mutters to herself,
"Maybe it will be better if we follow the thicket around ..." As she says this, the other goblins (except for Zigg) all seem to freeze ...
At this point the group has not yet entered the trap. With the exception of Ishzu, all of the goblins are outside the thicket and there is no easy access to the apprentice, though Oliver and Grin and easily hit them with their ranged weapons. Ishzu is the exception. He is just above the lead goblins, near to the apprentice.
To try to illustrate this, let's center on Ishzu. Ishzu is Close to/directly above the lead five goblins. They are all in the same range. One range away from Ishzu is the apprentice and the central group in one direction, and the rest of the party in the other direction, making both of them Near to Ishzu, but Far from each other. (The rest of the party is Near to the lead five goblins and Far from the apprentice and the central group.) All of the goblins inside the thicket are Far from Ishzu. It takes one move action to change a range. So, for example, if Ander or Brewner pop out of their hiding spots, they would have to take a Move action to be able to melee with the lead five goblins. (This is not advice; just an example.) Ishzu can "drop" for free, so with one Move action, he can be at the central group.