Descent into the Underdark

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Apr 16, 2024 12:13 am
I suggested splitting up before because i miss read. I thought we were already pass the pink slime.
I am assuming we are all fully healed and rested?
Apr 16, 2024 12:52 am
Bunt says:
Sorry, can't post today. Crazy busy day (but hey, I'm a doctor now). Tomorrow early afternoon it is.
Woohoo!! Congrats, Dr Bunt: Alchemical Genius!
Apr 16, 2024 5:44 pm
Bunt says:
Sorry, can't post today. Crazy busy day (but hey, I'm a doctor now). Tomorrow early afternoon it is.
Apr 16, 2024 9:06 pm
Smiley says:
I suggested splitting up before because i miss read. I thought we were already pass the pink slime.
I am assuming we are all fully healed and rested?
I think we will have been healed up. Normally the assumption is that your character heals us up in between fights.
Apr 16, 2024 9:50 pm
Thaaanks! <3
While Ishzu and Ander were doing the heavy carry duty, Oliver had been playfully contemplating the crystal and visualizing the area of its magic, from what they had concluded in the experiment. When the centipedes suddenly appeared, he was mildly surprised. Just what more could happen in a single day?

"Hey, at least these are not trying to take control of our minds... yet."

Oliver takes out the blazeball bat (do these things like fire?) and swings two fiery rocks at the centipedes.
Last edited Apr 16, 2024 9:54 pm


Fiery rock 1 - (2d6)


Fiery rock 2 - (2d6)


Apr 17, 2024 11:18 am
After Grinfletch and Oliver make theirs range attack Brewner engages his enemies in melee, Warhammer high in the air.
" Meet your end, creature!"
He will try to hit any that his already injured
1- move 2- attack
Last edited Apr 17, 2024 11:18 am


Attack - (2D6)


Apr 17, 2024 3:45 pm
Should Brewner have weapon mastery at this point in time?
Apr 17, 2024 4:01 pm
also, was Brewner at the front with Grin? Does he need to make a move action or can he just attack twice?
Apr 17, 2024 4:12 pm
Lol. Everyone trying to buff Brewner in real time.

My turn: Doesn't Brewner have a megaultramagic hammer that deals extra damage on crit?

Oh, and which allows him to jump very high too. And fly.
Apr 17, 2024 4:15 pm
Apr 17, 2024 8:03 pm
Brewner's weapon is a heavy weapon, so he only gets one attack. I can't see his character sheet, so I am not sure what state he is in the Rookie/Novice/Veteran progression. But he should have three Traits (not including his human bonus Trait, so four total), plus Weapon Mastery. So, yes, at the worst he gained it over the feast as a result of the goblin encounter. Please do roll with Advantage from now on with Brewner's axe.

Yes, Brewner was up front with Grin. Grin was providing the "dungeoneering" help, while Brewner was using his new map to help guide them on their path.

Yes, everyone is completely healed.
Giant centipedes are not the toughest of monsters. Grin damaged one badly, Oliver's attacks left a smoldering corpse. While Brewner meant to attack the one that Grin damaged, he couldn't reach it easily, so attacked a fresh one, smashing it in one blow.

Ander puts down the harness with Ishzu, then gets ready, so doesn't get a chance to make an attack this turn. Ishzu can still make a single attack with his remaining Action. I am going to go ahead and run the centipedes for this turn, but Ishzu should still take his one allowed attack this first turn.

There are four moving around that will each making an attack. Behind them, two more appear, though they cannot attack this turn.

Brewner gets two attacks on him from one centipede (since he is adjacent to it). The other three move and attack Grin, Ander, and Oliver.


Brewner, Ander, and Oliver all take a hit. Each must make a Save Test or be poisoned. If poisoned, then your attacks are at Disadvantage. You get a save each turn until you throw off the poison, and suffer Disadvantage until you do throw off the poison. Note that subsequent Save Tests after an initial failure is also subject to Disadvantage.
Last edited Apr 17, 2024 8:05 pm


~TinyCoGM~: Attack 1 on Brewner DC:5 - Basic - (2d6)


~TinyCoGM~: Attack 2 on Brewner DC:5 - Basic - (2d6)


~TinyCoGM~: Attack on Grin DC:5 - Basic - (2d6)


~TinyCoGM~: Attack on Ander DC:5 - Basic - (2d6)


~TinyCoGM~: Attack on Oliver DC:5 - Basic - (2d6)


Apr 17, 2024 8:04 pm
xD i can't attack twice because the warhammer is two handed, but i can focus attack. I assume we are not immediately in melee range and Brewner land a hit so it doesn't matter he can't attack twice.
Apr 17, 2024 8:07 pm
Ricardoi91 says:
xD i can't attack twice because the warhammer is two handed, but i can focus attack. I assume we are not immediately in melee range and Brewner land a hit so it doesn't matter he can't attack twice.
These creatures are the perfect opponent for Brewner. You can focus, make your one attack, and if you hit, it dies straight up.


Ander: Save Test DC:5 - Basic - (2d6)


Apr 17, 2024 10:20 pm
Question: since Oliver's armor absorbs the first hit... do I still roll for poison? Not trying to weasel out of it (lol); I'm genuinely asking.
Apr 18, 2024 12:49 am
Oh, that is a perfectly reasonable question. Please know that I asked the exact same thing as a character! And the answer is, no, it doesn't affect you on hits absorbed by your armor. You're good for another turn!
Apr 18, 2024 3:37 am
We don’t have to kill them all! Here, move ahead here with me and throw the centipedes some food or light some torches - they’re cave bugs; they’re very hungry and they hate bright light. Using his memory and experience with dungeoneering, Grin hopes they can avoid unnecessary destruction of the local ecosystem. Last round he moved up ahead to get some distance to make a ranged shot. From ahead, he lights a torch and holds it up in front of him.

Actions: Talking, lighting torch
Last edited Apr 18, 2024 3:40 am
Apr 18, 2024 4:31 pm
"Damn you creature!" Brewner says with a snarl as he feels the claws of his opponent


Poison test with Resolute trait - (3d6)


Apr 18, 2024 5:38 pm
Just waiting for Ishzu's second Action to finish the first round. In fact, @Smiley, just go ahead and make your one remaining action from Turn 1 and your two actions for Turn 2. Once he does, everyone else can also take their two Actions for Turn 2.

Brewner made his save for this attack. Good job!
Apr 19, 2024 12:06 am
Can I use my 3 actions just to heal the others? I use it to cure posion if they are posioned.
Rolling 3 Test to Heal them


Ishzu: Test - Basic - (2d6)


Ishzu: Test - Basic - (2d6)


Ishzu: Test - Basic - (2d6)


Apr 19, 2024 4:56 pm
Ishzu cures Ander from his poison, but both Brewner and Ander still have their wounds from the centipedes' successful attacks.

Everyone else can now act for this second turn. The centipedes are not retreating and they are definitely acting very hostile. While they do avoid the torch (fire burns!), they are not retreating or anything. They are simply moving around it to continue to attack.

Iszu's actions are done and, I think, Grin's actions are done (though they didn't have the effect he had hoped for. So, Brewner, Olive, and Ander now have two Actions each in the second Turn.
Ander has finally heroically entered the fray! He takes two swpies with his mighty sword!

He strikes a centipede, damaging it. His second strike then finishes it off spectacularly!
If the rolls had been in the other order, then it would be one dead and one damaged centipede. But, because of the order, he ended up overkilling one centipede.


Attack 1 DC:5 - Adv - (3d6)


Attack 2 DC:5 - Adv - (3d6)


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