Rules Reference

Oct 26, 2023 10:44 pm
Best practices
• Ask lots of questions. Make notes. Draw maps.
• Work together. Devise schemes. Recruit allies.
• Dice are dangerous. Clever plans don’t need to roll.
• Play to win. Delight in losing.
• Fight dirty. Run. Die. Roll a new mouse.

Roll d20 equal or under an attribute:
STR: tests of physical strength and resilience.
DEX: tests of speed and agility.
WIL: tests of strength of will and charisma.
Opposed saves: Both Save, lowest successful value wins.
Advantage: When making a Save from a strong position, roll 2d20 and take the lowest result.
Disadvantage: When making a Save from a weakened position, roll 2d20 and take the highest result.
Attribute damage: When an attribute is reduced by damage, roll d20 equal or under the reduced value.

Invest 1-3 Power (up to number of unused dots)
Roll d6 for each Power invested.
Mark usage for each die of value 4-6.
The spell effect happens, using [SUM] and [DICE]
Mishaps: For every 6 rolled, take d6 WIL damage. Make a WIL save, gain Drained Condition if failed.

On your turn, move and take an action.
Surprise: If enemy is surprised, you go before them. If enemy is not surprised, make a DEX Save to act first.
Attacks: Roll your weapon’s die and deal that much damage to an enemy, minus any armour. When an attack is impaired, roll d4 for damage. When an attack is enhanced, roll d12 for damage.
Damage: Dealt to HP first. Once HP is depleted, take damage to STR. After taking STR damage, make a STR Save. On failure, take an Injured Condition and become incapacitated.
Death: If STR is reduced to zero, or you are incapacitated for 6 Turns, you die.
Usage: After combat, roll d6 for each weapon, ammunition and armour used. On 4-6, mark usage

Short: Takes a Turn. Restore d6+1 HP.
Long: Takes a Watch. Restore all HP. If HP is full, restore d6 to an attribute score.
Full: Takes a week. Fully restore HP and attribute scores

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