04. Dues for the Dead

Oct 31, 2023 9:12 am
Despite very much running your separate lives in between your adventures, Zrukz, Augustine & Chitkree, still spends time together from time to time, either getting a drink or a meal or, like you're doing on this day, go for a walk through Phlan just to see if anything interesting is happening. As you get to Podol Plaza, the city's market square that has seen better days, you see a single piece of parchment that has been nailed to a very worn notice board. As you get closer it reads:

Holy Knights,
Blessed Warriors of the Gods,
and other bold slayers of the Undead.
Reward commensurate with risk.
For particulars, contact Doomguide Yovir Glandon
at Valhingen Graveyard, City of Phlan
Vaxis & Aramil, you can introduce your characters into this scene as well
Oct 31, 2023 3:50 pm
Lord Aramil Liadon, clad in his noble attire and armed with a sense of purpose, strides gracefully into Podol Plaza. With his keen elven senses, he notices the solitary parchment nailed to the weathered notice board. His piercing blue eyes fixate on the details of the announcement, clearly piquing his interest.

A sense of duty and intrigue guiding his actions, Aramil, observing the uncommon presence of a nearby goblin, approaches him and inquires, maintaining an air of composure

"Excuse me, my good friend. Could you direct me to the Valhingen Graveyard?"
Oct 31, 2023 4:20 pm
Augustine can't help but crack a smile while he waits for Zrukz's reply. He too had caught sight of the paper and was about to broach the topic of it when he heard the question.
Oct 31, 2023 5:14 pm
Ucabanga ukuthi ilapha? Yebo ngiyazi ukuthi wawushilo, kodwa noma kunjalo...
Nginesiphetho sokuletha ibhalansi, kodwa leli yidolobhana nje elingasho lutho.

A blond girl of some elven heritage is talking to herself - or small dragon on her shoulder. She is dressed in some silken material that does not look like something ever seen before.
[ +- ] full image
yOu! She points to a person nearby*. hOw to get. gArden of dead? vAhingen She is clearly struggling with the common langue and her pernaunciation and inflections are odd. Like she have read it, but never spoken it.
*Could be a player or some random NPC
[ +- ] draconic
What time of the year is it? Summer, Winter? Spring?

Btw, I'll be changing the avatar as I'm not really feeling the current one
Last edited October 31, 2023 7:53 pm
Oct 31, 2023 5:36 pm
Goblin (who don't seem to care to read the parchment - who knows, perhaps goblin not intelligent enough to read common) quickly try to turn keep positive conversation and turn in into a business opportunity: Delightful attitude toward a goblin is rarity! Zrukz the farseer at your service, my good friend. Graveyard? If you seek a grave, my ability to speak to souls of the departed could be of help to you.
Oct 31, 2023 10:53 pm
"Thank you, Master Zrukz, but I don't need such esteemed services right now. I am Lord Aramil Liadon, at your service. I wish to contact Doomguide Yovir Glandon at Valhingen Graveyard, here in the city of Phlan. He offers a reward commensurate with risk for bold slayers of the Undead. I hate undead. Can you point me towards him?"
Last edited November 1, 2023 11:51 am
Nov 1, 2023 12:51 am
Having accompanied Zrukz to review possible listings Chitkree keeps his cloak up high to remain anonymous. Staying to the periphery he listens to the conversations but keeping out of the way for now
Nov 1, 2023 8:35 am
It's currently the early parts of autumn, but the region is generally considered quite cold and grey all year around
Vaxis, the townsman jumps, startled by your sudden inquisition and the small dragon on your shoulder. "Oh, er, we-well it's on the other side of the river. You can't miss it." He then quickly walks away while throwing nervous glances over his shoulder.
Nov 1, 2023 9:10 am
Lord Aramil Liadon, the gods have bless you today! You just met the most bold party of slayers of the Undead in Phal! More over the team welcome new members should they be brave enough to face the dangers... Zruzk annoucne pompus and add quitly and to work in a team with some extra ordinar creatures.
He introduce Aramil to Augustine and Chitkree, warning that the last one will be talking to him only by means of telepathy.

Goblin also ask newcomer You are new in Phlan, aren't you? Where and why have come here? You can share your story on the way to Valhingen Graveyard. If you wish so that is
Nov 1, 2023 11:40 am
"Greetings" he says to Augustine and Chitkree. "Please, lead the way. I don't judge a book by its cover. Extraordinary creatures are also people."

"By the way, what does he means by telepathy? Can you read my mind... Sir? Madam?" - he asks the thri-kreen.

As the troupe advances toward the graveyard, Lord Aramil accompanies them, sharing fragments of his life—a mastery in both the bow and sword, a penchant for history, diplomacy, and negotiations, and his unwavering aspiration for a fairer, more egalitarian world. While some may dismiss his ideals as just a noble sentiment, unmarred by personal experience of prejudice, his sincerity shines through his words.

He omits his allegiance to the Harpers, at least for now. They are a semi-secret society, after all.
Nov 1, 2023 2:01 pm
With a garbled rush of what most might interpret as a rather sharp set of cussing aimed at the goblin along with a glare Chitkree joins the pair.
I am no mind mage to pluck thoughts from your head. But, my vocal anatomy limits my ability to speak the common languages so I use mind speech when needed. This is a gift of my kind. But as my kind often does not get along with the fleshy races of the cities I do not like my presence advertised in general.
Chitkree explains his origins and a bit of his abilities. Being one of the smaller Thri-kreen he was often ostracized by the larger ones that dominated their society. So he left to find things he could do to contribute to his people and managed to get admitted to a college and learn a bit of magic and now is a druid. Though he focuses on his magic he is also a decent scout and knows a bit about traps and whatnot from his time with his people.
[ +- ] Thri-kreen Telepathy 120'
Nov 1, 2023 5:16 pm
Vess follows the group of a human, a goblin and a giant ant. They seem to go in the suggested direction.
Nov 1, 2023 6:25 pm
You all walk to Valhingen Graveyard, Vess a few paces behind everyone else, and the two newcomers can’t help but be surprised at just how neat and pristine this place is, it looks more like a park than a graveyard with gravel pathways wending between tall trees, well tended shrubberies as well as clean headstones and statues. A couple of acolytes direct you to a small, simple stone chapel in which the Doomguide, Yovir Glandon, is sweeping leaves with a worn broom. He looks up at the main group as you enter and smile at the sight of Augustine, Zrukz & Chitkree. "How good to see you again". He also shakes Aramil’s hand, "And very good to meet you. I am the Doomguide of Kelemvor’s Faithful, you can call me Yovir". He looks around, "Where’s the other fellow? Big man, made of metal?". He also looks behind you as Vess approaches the entrance, "And is she with you?"
Nov 1, 2023 6:56 pm
iT iS pLeasing tO sEe tHat yOu hOnor yOur dEad wIth tHis gArden.

yOu aSked fOr hElp. iN wRiting.

She sighes after butching the centisies. The she speak perfect draconic, and by the tone and body langue, she seems to be complaining.
Waluqalekisa kabili lolu limi! Kungani ilukhuni kangaka futhi ingagculisi? I-Silverin iwulimi oluculayo kanjalo ne-elven eyenziwe lula. I-Draconic ngakolunye uhlangothi inophiko lwesikhathi
[ +- ] draconic
She smiles to the priestes and the group. i wIll hElp
Nov 1, 2023 7:15 pm
"How good to see you again". He also shakes Aramil’s hand, "And very good to meet you. I am the Doomguide of Kelemvor’s Faithful, you can call me Yovir".
"Lord Aramil Liadon, at your service." - he says, before letting Augustine and the rest of the group take over the conversation with the Doomguide and Vess
Last edited November 1, 2023 7:16 pm
Nov 2, 2023 10:25 am
"Good to see you again as well, Yovir. As it seems often in this city, our company has changed again. Pierce has departed in search of his true art." He pauses for a moment to assess the newest newcomer. "It would seem that you've five of us now to answer your call. What is stirring trouble this time?"
Nov 2, 2023 12:56 pm
At the mention of his request for help, the Doomguide grows serious and his face shows a deep look of concern. "I would be grateful of your aid in this matter as it is serious indeed. Valhingen Graveyard was not always as beautiful as it is now, 100 years ago it was overrun with the undead. The Kelemvorites have worked hard a tirelessly ever since to transform it into a final resting place that the city of Phlan can be proud of. The people of Phlan have a hard life, filled with toiling and strife, and Valhingen Graveyard, as morbid as it may sound, is seen by many as a reward for all the hardships they've been put through, so we take a lot of pride in maintaining it".

Yovir puts the broom up against the wall, walks over to the entrance and looks out at the trees rustling in the sharp autumn wind. "About a month ago, a novice Kelemvorite went missing. I thought little of it at the time, many novices leave the order without any notice, it is not for everyone after all. However...a week later, Brother Rasoran also disappeared. That was more troubling, because he's been a devout servant of the order and Phlan for almost 10 years. Then Sister Bethel went missing and...well...a few days ago we found her, or should I say...we found some of her. Partially eaten."

Yovir turns back around to face you all, his jaw clenched and his eyes filled with both anger and worry. "We believe the undead has returned to our beautiful sanctuary. Me and a few other Kelemvorites went into our oldest catacombs to try and investigate, however we didn't find anything. We sealed the entrance to stop any spreading, but we need someone with more experience into re-enter to try and get to the bottom of this. Are you up to it?"
Nov 2, 2023 1:22 pm
Vess steps forwards and nods to Brother Yovir. She doesn't bother speaking right now until she has a better grasp of the langue.
Last edited November 2, 2023 1:23 pm
Nov 2, 2023 1:33 pm
We can assist your with this.
Do you have any maps and a set of keys?
Nov 2, 2023 1:55 pm
can anyone hear your telepathy or just the one you are speaking to?
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