Nov 11, 2023 8:15 pm

Surveying the shed, Hazel contemplates two potential strategies to block the trap door. She could hastily create a makeshift barricade by stacking wood, or she could opt to maneuver the workbench over it.
On the workbench lie various tools—a pair of shears, a trowel, and a pair of gardening gloves. Adjacent to the workbench rest a rake and a bucket. Additionally, the fog that had enveloped the area earlier has begun to swiftly dissipate.
A successful DEX save will allow Hazel to move quickly enough to stack wood on the trapdoor. A successful STR save will allow her to move the heavy workbench on top of it. - There may be other solutions that I'm not seeing. Failure in either will result in a skeleton opening the trap door.