Chapter 2 - The Investigation

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Nov 11, 2023 8:15 pm
Surveying the shed, Hazel contemplates two potential strategies to block the trap door. She could hastily create a makeshift barricade by stacking wood, or she could opt to maneuver the workbench over it.

On the workbench lie various tools—a pair of shears, a trowel, and a pair of gardening gloves. Adjacent to the workbench rest a rake and a bucket. Additionally, the fog that had enveloped the area earlier has begun to swiftly dissipate.
A successful DEX save will allow Hazel to move quickly enough to stack wood on the trapdoor. A successful STR save will allow her to move the heavy workbench on top of it. - There may be other solutions that I'm not seeing. Failure in either will result in a skeleton opening the trap door.
Nov 11, 2023 8:39 pm
"Very well then. I am starving." Sky smiles at Mr. Filmore brightly, then adds "I better go and get Hazel before she misses any culinary delights." Where might Hazel be? It is not like her to miss any opportunity to eat, let alone a grand dinner.

"Where might she be, Bay? Will you come look with me or are you preoccupied at the moment?" Bay might know where Hazel's gone off to and Sky really wants to tell her about her find - not to boast, mind you, just to ... share their united...accomplishements. If Bay is playing Filmore though, she does not want to interrupt her friend's move.
Last edited November 11, 2023 8:40 pm
Nov 11, 2023 9:44 pm
"I haven't seen Hazel recently, Sky - but I'm sure she'll be along again soon. I'll join you, Mr Filmon, at dinner - looking forward to hearing some more about the spooky stories of the manor, and meeting more of your guests."

(Bay isn't really worried about Hazel's whereabouts at the moment - and is hungry...)
Nov 12, 2023 7:16 am
"Alright. I won't be a jiffy." Sky looks back towards the living room. Hazel surely isn't there or at the library. The mouse's luminous eyes wander in the direction of the stairs. Maybe Hazel wants to check out some of the rooms, while the guests are in the dining area? I bet she does! She might need some help.

Before Sky makes her way up to the second floor, however, she decides to have a look at the fabled courtyard. She had told Mr. Filmon that she finds it interesting, so having a quick look surely won't hurt. Decidedly she turns and makes for the little garden area. Sky will look around there first, then look for Hazel upstairs.
Last edited November 12, 2023 7:17 am
Nov 12, 2023 8:45 am
With flying paws Hazel stacks wood ontop of the trapdoor. Next she takes the trowel and her little hammer and wedges the tool into the gap between the door and stone. This should gain her some time.

Running to the door of the shed she pushes ... wait! ... tries to push ... it is closed and locked! "Nononononono...! the brown archer bubbles in disbelieve while shaking it another two times, not willing to accept that the situation.

Through looking around hastily she tries to find another exit or a way to manipulate the lock that is on the outside. A crawling space? A hatch in the roof? A loose plank somewhere?
Last edited November 12, 2023 8:50 am


Dex DC 11 - (1d20)

(7) = 7

Wits DC 11 - (1d20)

(9) = 9

Nov 12, 2023 12:44 pm
As Sky enters the courtyard, she's greeted by the sight of a well-maintained lawn and a delightful raspberry bush. In the center stands a woodshed, catching her attention. Drawing closer, she notices a fresh padlock securing its door. Curiosity piqued, she detects a commotion emanating from within—sounds of wood being tossed, hammering, and a voice exclaiming, "Nononononono...!" The door shakes, suggesting a struggle as if someone or something is attempting to force it open.
Nov 12, 2023 1:04 pm
Upon shifting the wood, Hazel uncovers a section of the shed wall displaying signs of weakness from rot. Armed with her hammer, she contemplates breaking through this compromised area to create a hole large enough for her to crawl through and escape the shed.
No roll required to create the hole to crawl through. However, the hammer will take one usage.
Nov 12, 2023 1:24 pm
The dining room is adorned with a delightful spread—bread, cheese, broccoli soup, and a choice between raspberry cordial or water. Seated at the table are Captain Mortimer, Mrs. Sprocket, Pumpkin Jack, and a newcomer, Miss Melody.

Captain Mortimer is voraciously devouring his meal, showing little interest in engaging in small talk.

Pumpkin Jack, seated beside Miss Melody, is earnestly attempting to make conversation with her, a hint of affection evident in his eyes.

Meanwhile, Miss Melody and Mrs. Sprocket are engrossed in a discussion about the eerie atmosphere surrounding the area and the hotel.

Amidst the dining room activities, a bustling cook is seen darting in and out of the kitchen, ensuring that the food is promptly prepared and available for the guests. Mr. Filmon, taking on the role of a waiter, also makes frequent appearances, attending to everyone's needs and ensuring a seamless dining experience.
Pictures of the new characters:
[ +- ] Miss Melody
[ +- ] Maya the Cook
Nov 12, 2023 2:08 pm
As she sat down at the table, Bay introduced herself to the other guests - she is genuinely excited to be meeting so many different mice on her adventures!

Bay tucks into her food enthusiastically - while keeping her ears open to the conversations going on around the table.

If an opportunity presents itself, she will join in the conversation between Miss Melody and Mrs Sprocket - curious to hear whether they have any new information or angles on the mousterys surrounding the manor - particularly the disappearance of the former-owner's son.
Nov 12, 2023 2:23 pm
A few things in their conversation catch Bay's interest.

1. "I heard a rumor that Mr. Filmon has a rich benefactor who gave him money to buy the manor in exchange for some service." This is said in a hushed tone when Mr. Filmon is out of the room.

2. "Have you heard the sounds at night? I know it's likely the wind blowing against this old manor, but it sounds like there's a ghost in the house trying to escape."

3. "I heard that this house became cursed after the family who lost their son didn't go out looking for him. It's affected every owner of this manor."
Bay can pose a follow-up to any of those statement or just continue to listen quietly.
Nov 12, 2023 3:38 pm
After crawling through, Hazel springs back up from her knees and paws and starts moving very deliberately in the direction of the dining hall. Running into Sky a few heartbeats later, she stiffens for a moment but relaxes as soon as she recognises her friend. Breathing heavily, the brown furred archer starts to dust herself, flinging mud from her mantle and rearranging her stuff back onto its places. "Mr. Filmon ... he has some skeletons in his closet." she huffs at her old comrade. "Tell to you later." she adds, before continuing to the dining hall. When The Walking Dead would break out of the shed, Hazel plans to be in a completely different room. With as many witnesses around as possible, that she had nothing to do with those creeps.

Catching her breath and smothering her hair before entering the dining hall, Hazel smiles in a friendly manner at the other house guests and aims for a nice spot to sit. "Good evening everyone." Food would be good now. Calming her nerves through shoving tasty things into her mouth always worked since her mom did that to her as a toddler.
Nov 12, 2023 3:52 pm
Bay definitely wants to follow up on these promising tidbits of information...

1. "Oooh, that sounds intriuging - did you hear anything about what KIND of service he might have provided his benefactor?"

2. "Did you hear the ghostly noises coming from outside the house, from outside your bedrooms, or somewhere else in the house?"

3. "Did you hear anything about WHY the family didn't go out searching for their lost son?"

And also:

"Hello Hazel! Hope you had a good afternoon here in the manor - do tuck in, the food is excellent!"
Nov 12, 2023 8:19 pm
Sky, completely puzzled by her friend's sudden appearance, needs a moment to clear her head. She flattens her hair and twists her whiskers, then follows after Hazel into the dining area. Something is not right, but things will have to wait for now...

Even before she enters the dining room, the smell makes her stomach growl. Sky decides to take a quick look into the kitchen area to see, how many workers were responsible for the splendid dinner. She sees the cook on one of her quick trips from one room to another. Are there any more mice in the kitchen?

After having satisfied her curiosity, Sky joins her friends, introduces herself briefly and takes a plate of her own. She enjoys the food without joining into the conversations at first, then - after the initial digging in - she states: "I have managed to repair the clock and put it where I thought it might belong. It should be able to count the time once more. I wonder when it stopped to do what it was made to do. "
Last edited November 12, 2023 8:22 pm
Nov 12, 2023 10:05 pm
Hazel, Sky, and Bay notice that Mrs. Melody has a fragment piece pinned to her dress that she’s using as a brooch.

Responses to Bay’s questions:
In regards to the Mr. Filmon’s provided service, rumors state that Mr. Filmon is protecting somebody’s identity.

In regards to the ghostly noises at night, they sound like they are coming from somewhere inside the manor.

In regards to the family not looking for their son, they were too scared. They believed that some of the local flora causes people to do strange things.

Sky’s kitchen observation: It appears that it is only the cook and Mr. Filmon preparing all of the food.

Mrs. Sprocket

SpiritualSocket Inactive forever!

Nov 12, 2023 10:05 pm
Mrs. Sprocket
Mrs. Sprocket responds to Sky’s news of fixing the clock with excitement. "How splendid. Thank you. Thank you. Thank you," she exclaims. "I’m so happy to have some more free time. If you ever have a moment, stop by my room, so I can congratulate you properly."
Nov 12, 2023 10:06 pm
Just before dinner ends, the three mice pick up on a argument in the kitchen. The cook is telling Mr. Filmon that he needs to go into Port Black to pick up some supplies to fix the oven which apparently broke halfway through meal prep. Mr. Filmon is upset because he likes to spend his evenings in the courtyard, but won’t have time for it today. The cook is too busy with breakfast preparations to go into town.
After the meal it starts to become late. The group can retire for the night and sleep. This will recover the HP lost from earlier. They can also choose to stay up and investigate during the night. However, not resting will give everyone the exhausted condition which will take up one of your inventory slots.

A note about inventory: if your inventory is full, you are encumbered which means you cannot run and all your saves are made at disadvantage.
Nov 13, 2023 4:59 am
As the guests are leaving the dining room after their meal, Bay falls in step with her two friends.

"That felt like a busy day! I learned several exciting new things about the manor, about the moustery we are here to learn about, and about Mr Filmon - how did you all get on?"

"I'd like to talk about what we got up to today when we get up to our room - and then probably get an early night after our long day"
Nov 13, 2023 8:41 am
Joining Ms. Melody and Mrs. Sprocket in their discussion about eerie atmospheres, Hazel is keen on learning what the two women find especially weird. Maybe the clicking of bones? In the beginning the brown archer steals a sideglance to the entry of their room quiet often, but as no skeletons seem to have gotten out, the river mouse relaxes a bit and asks the strikingly pretty Ms. Melody: "That is a very nice brooch you are wearing, dear. If I may so bold: where did you get it?" If the nicely dressed mouse seems open to such things, Hazel will try to barter for the piece.
Nov 13, 2023 8:44 am
Hazel would love to share news with you guys. :)

Maybe we could ingame or outgame make a summary how many parts we already got and what facts & rumors about the manor and its guests we discovered so fare.
Nov 13, 2023 8:50 am
Yes, a summary sounds like a good idea! How about we wait for Hazel to finish her conversation with Miss Melody, and then in-character we could meet up in our bedroom to talk things through?
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