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Nov 9, 2023 2:07 pm
In terms of game mechanics, every day your character can perform any number of currently available actions (but not two actions of the same type in one day).

Besides that, characters can freely communicate with each other during the day to exchange information, agree on cooperation or services.
Requests for actions can be left in private - you can tell other characters what you will do that day, but you have the opportunity to lie and actually do something else.

Action types and resolve order:
[ +- ] 1. Town interaction
[ +- ] 2. Ability
[ +- ] 3. Object interaction
[ +- ] 4. Service

About post frequency and action performing.

All the actions players decide to perform during the day resolve simultaneously. Players will learn the consequences of their actions only at the beginning of the next day.

So you can change the list of actions your character does any number of times before the end of the day. Some stated actions will not be able to be performed (for example, if you are killed before you have time to do it).

If your post contains several actions of the same type, the first of those that can be performed will be performed.

1. Surveillance (player 4)
2. Murder (player 3)
3. Pay with coin (target: charon, service: Transportation(target: player 2 alive -> dead))
3. Pay with coin (target: player 5, service: Sell the mirror)

In this example there are two object interaction actions. If Charon fulfills the conditions, the first transaction will take place. If the first deal with Charon fails, the deal with the merchant will work (if he fulfills the conditions).

This is a small game, the plot of which is designed for no more than a month of real time. If at any point you don't know what to do next, or maybe have no time or mood to make something interesting, just leave a post with actions available to your character during this day and move on. Maybe, at the next day you'll figure something out.

Try to create a final list of actions for the day no later than 48 hours from the start of the day.
About your side.

The fact is that at the beginning of the game, your character does not know who she is - the opener or the closer. The player also does not have this information.

- In a five-player game, one random player is assigned the role of opener and another is assigned the role of closer. The roles of each of the three remaining ones are determined randomly, each of them can be opener or closer with a probability of 50%
- If there are four or three players in the game, the role of each of them is determined randomly, with a probability of 50%

So you can end up being either an opener or a closer. Your character will not be able (and, by default, will not want) to change her side during this game. Be prepared to play for either an opener or a closer.
Nov 9, 2023 2:08 pm
Select a role from the list below, then click on "Create Character" in the appropriate character sheet. Come up with a suitable name. Place a picture with a portrait of the character. No need to fill out anything else. Then submit your character.

Charon (unique):
[ +- ] Ten days
Merchant (unique):
[ +- ] Ten days
Moneybag (1-3 in the game):
[ +- ] Ten days
As a portrait, you can use one of the ready-made drawings below (by @Uni_sielu), or any other of your choice.
[ +- ] Character pictures

Character sheet
[ +- ] Role
[ +- ] Status
[ +- ] Services
[ +- ] Inventory
[ +- ] Side-dependent abilities
[ +- ] Additional abilities
Nov 11, 2023 10:38 am
During the game, your character can, and most likely will, die at least once. But death is not the end here.

Dead characters can't:
- use any abilities of secret role
- speak or trade with alive

Dead characters can:
- speak and trade with Charon
- speak and trade with other dead
Nov 11, 2023 10:39 am
Services are work in another way then any other actions. You can say to another character you'll give them a coin if they tell you about the place you interested in. And then don't give them a coin, while they tell you what you need.
But the world works in such a way that a contract for the provision of services cannot be violated.

For example, player 1 negotiates transportation with Charon.

Charon perform action (Service):
- Transportation (buyer: player 1, target: player 2 alive -> dead)
Player 1 perform action (Object interaction):
- Pay with coin (target: charon, service: Transportation(target: player 2 alive -> dead))

The transaction will not take place if (service will not be provided, the coin will remain with the owner):
- one of the participants does not perform the required action (for example, charon trys to perform transportation, but player 1 doesn't pay with a coin.
- charon is trying to provide a service that is not what the customer is paying for (example: Charon: Transportation (buyer: player 1, target: player 3 dead -> alive), player 1: Pay with coin (target: charon, service: Transportation(target: player 2 alive -> dead))
- the service cannot be provided (example: player 2 is killed by an action murder and transported dead -> alive at the same day. Murder is a side-dependent ability (2nd in the list of actions), so it is resolves before transportation (service, 4th). That means when charon tryes to transport it to the world of the dead, she is already there, so transaction fails.
On the other side, if player pays for transportation dead -> alive to transport a character who is already alive at the beginning of the day, the transaction can take place if he dies during the day.
Nov 11, 2023 10:40 am
There are two side-dependent abilities that can end the game: No one can stop me now and Knowledge is all I need.
After the tenth day, the game will end, and if neither side can achieve an advantage during this time, the consequences will be dire for everyone.
Nov 26, 2023 11:25 am
[ +- ] Character pictures
Nov 28, 2023 6:19 pm
Item description:

Mirror: shows you which side you're on and breaks after use.

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