Curing Eldergrove

Nov 10, 2023 4:06 am
@CurtFactor,@microtheMacroBear,@Stalker05 Continued from the Trials, Tribulation, and Treasure thread
A surge of energy temporarily blinds you. As you blink back your sight you see a dim, overgrown, and dilapidated chamber. You stand in the middle on this chamber on a square of tiles. A grey stone box covered in runic etchings encases black and white tiles that forms a checker pattern. You feel old traces of magic from the tile floor that hint of greater power. The tiles feel receptive to magical senses, as if awaiting a command.

The tile grid is the only relatively clear area in the room. Though no plants grow through it a few have tendrils that grew over it. However they have been shorn clearly though and are drying or healing over. The sound of a forest can be faintly heard outside. The only sounds you hear inside are the rustle of leaves and a few insects.

Though the plants now cover much of the room it looks fairly simple. The room is about twice as big as the tiles with several open doorways. A few rotting and crumbling doors partially fill a few of the doorways. Through one doorway you see sunlight streaming in through an arches.
Nov 10, 2023 8:21 am
The arcane spells used to transport them through the tiles again confused Vaun. He waited for a few moment to steady himself and then surveyed the room they were in. "So, this is Eldergrove? We have reached the city then?" He took out the folder given to them in the Expeditionary base and started to make a sketch of the room with the charcoal. "I wonder what we will discover here. Let us proceed with caution." Once the sketch was complete, he moved towards the closest door in the room and took a peek to the other side.
Nov 10, 2023 11:56 am
Barley shakes his head as he materializes on the tiles. He looks around eyes focusing on the ancient room choked with vegetation. He notices the writing on the grey stone box. Probably nothing major, but they should make a charcoal impression anyways. He turns towards Vaun and sees Vaun drawing something in the folder. It's a very good representation of this chamber. Vaun speaks aloud and then walks towards the sun speckled door.

"Vaun, not so quick. Hand me that folder and charcoal. We need to make rubbings of any writing we come across. If you wish to make architectural sketches, please take my parchment, pen, and ink. Your sketch is very good and more will be valuable. However, let's leave their paper for it's task." thinks Barley to Vaun fishing out his pen, ink, and parchment offering it to Vaun and holds out his hand for the portfolio and charcoal. "There's some writing on this grey stone, we should capture."

Barley glances at the box surrounding the tiles.
Who wants the medkit, the crowbar, and the shovel?
I think Vaun makes sense for the medkit?
Last edited Nov 10, 2023 11:57 am
Nov 10, 2023 5:51 pm
Date&Time(Beta): 1@09:15
Upon further investigation you realize the black and white tile grid with the grey border is identical the the platform that send you here. You take a rubbing of a corner section, just in case and for comparison. As you do this the others look around the room and see one of the wall has some words carved into it behind some of the vines and plant leaves. The words are in the old "High" script that Vaun and Barley are familiar with. It says

Eldergrove Matrix Node / Craftsman's Burrogh
Nov 11, 2023 1:03 am
Rhidon takes a moment to look around in admiration, "It isn't exactly what I pictured, but it really is something.". He doesn't take too long though, as he wants to make sure they're alone before getting too comfortable.

While you two copy that down, I'll make sure we don't have any company. he thinks mentally to Vaun and Barley before he cautiously explores the room further.
Agree on the medkit for Vaun, I think the crowbar makes sense for Rhidon.
Nov 11, 2023 6:09 am
Vaun turns to Barley and nods, "Yeah, you are right. This was given to us for the writing of the elven texts. I totally forgot." He gave the folder to Barley and took the parchment and pen. "You are right; we need to make a detailed catalogue of all the text. I would also like to have some pictorial representation of this place. It would help others back at the expeditionary base. Ah, so this looks like High script. It seems like teleportation magic and travelling node technology is present everywhere. Was this all crafted by mages from the city of Paphos?"

OOC: I can take the medikit but I also have a healing trait. So won't it be better if someone other than me carries it?
Nov 11, 2023 6:55 am
The room is fairly plain, other than the tiles on the floor. A couple of doors lead into the building interior gloom. Though you can tell there are windows in the other rooms the thick foliage blocks out most of the light. The looking down the connected corridors the building appears quite extensive. Walking a short ways down each you note that light spills into several of the rooms. You also find several staircases, two leading up and one down. (no sign of any creatures, or spider web). As you explore you occasionally hear a soft hissing noise but you can not isolate its source.

The air is thick with the smells of nature including a variety of pollens and the subtle scents of blooming flowers and damp earth. Standing there you feel a thick life energy of the natural world around you. As you explore the room you note that some of the plant seem to shift, but somehow never when you are watching. Still the leaves and vines shift and you suspect there will be stronger and larger plant guardians hidden within the ruins.

Moving off the cleared tiles you crunch across the leaf strewn floor down the hall and cautiously peer outside. You see tall trees, plant covered ruins of a large city. Though you hear forrest sounds, birds, wind in the leaves, insects buzzing, it all seems oddly muted. As you listen you feel oddly oppressed almost as if you are sad and don't know why.
Nov 11, 2023 11:47 am
"I agree, a pictorial study would be handy, Vaun. Rhidon, I maybe crazy, but be cautious. I think the plants are moving.", Barley thinks, opens the folder and closes his eyes.

A piece of parchment and charcoal floats from the folio and towards the high speach sign. The charcoal starts to rub on the back of the paper.

"A little trick I know, it only works on tiny objects. Thankfully parchment isn't that heavy."
The trait says that tiny objects don't need a roll for telekinesis, and I'd rather not touch the vines.

I'll roll anyways if that's too many actions to take that impression. I don't want to bog down the adventure describing everytime evertime we need to get some writing, but this is an opportunity to try out something different in my trait :)

I'll take the health kit. Vaun can use the shovel.
Last edited Nov 11, 2023 11:49 am


Telekinesis (if needed because of weight of items) - (2D6)

(44) = 8

Nov 11, 2023 12:05 pm
"As to the question who crafted this, it certainly points to the mages of Paphos. Maybe we'll find part of the mystery here." thinks Barley.
Nov 11, 2023 5:41 pm
"I wonder... is this plantlife the disease or the cure? There seems to be some movement for sure. I'm not sure how good my fists would fare against living vines, so we must definitely remain careful."

Rhidon reflects back on the stories told to him by the Ranger, and tries to find a place he can patiently observe the vines and plants. In an area with so much life, there is a lot of information to take in if you slow down and know where to look.
Not sure what kind of roll this would be so I'll just do 2d6, but he's effectively trying to look at this place with the same methodology as the Ranger by being patient and still trying to see if any patterns emerge.


Roll for Ranger-motivated careful look over the possibly moving plants - (2d6)


Nov 12, 2023 7:17 am
Vaun took the shovel that was handed to him and wore it on his back. He observed all the flora and fauna residing in this ruined city. Nature has truly claimed it, but there seems to be some hopeless aura emanating all across them. Is this the sickness the thief was talking about? He unsheathed his dagger that he picked up from the crypt; maybe it would help in cutting and unknotting the vines growing in the path. He felt the movement of the plants too. However, the spores and pollen of this lush, verdant flora can also be a cause of hallucinations. He looked around and started to observe if there was any dangerous vegetation that had a poisonous or hallucinatory effect.

OOC: Using educated trait to find out if there is any dangerous vegetation ahead that might be poisonous or lethal.


Information roll on dangerous plants - (2d6)


Nov 12, 2023 5:29 pm
Most of the plants are common and easily recognizable. The odd thing is that they have grown in atypical ways. As you look about the room you note that most plants seem to be slowly moving away from you while others move to fill spaces emptied by the other plants. So they do not approach you but almost shuffle themselves around to keep specific plants closer to you and others further away.

Rhidon recall the ranger talking about how many dangerous environments while have methods to determine newcomers place. Probing attacks, observation, deliberately obvious but misleadings, all of these methods and more are often pitted against adventurers and other foreign entities. The ranger though it was interesting that even normal environments without any magical control or coherent overwatching consciousness had the same feel and effect. He cautioned against wanton destruction as you never knew how this might be interpreted by the local food chain.

Vaun nots that the plant growth is unusually diverse and prolific. Plants were blooming and had thick green leaves inside beyond the reach of most wind and sunshine. Though the air feels thick with an odd feeling he decides the air contains no more pollen and spores than he would expect with the abundance of plant life in the city.

The are is safe enough while you examine the room and you are left with two basic paths forwards. Head towards the daylight and the obvious path outside or explore the building further.
Nov 12, 2023 6:31 pm
The rubbing is done. Though the sunlight is nice, I have a feeling our path leads into darkness. Rhidon, Vaun, what say you? I'll scan the area for living beings.", Barley says putting the folio away. He moves further away from the party towards the darkness and reaches out with his mind checking for any sentient beings.


Detect minds - (2d6)


Nov 12, 2023 7:13 pm
Barley senses only faint traces of small minds.
Nov 12, 2023 7:32 pm
Rhidon cautions Vaun and Barley, Try not to harm any of the plantlife if you can help it. We don't know what this environment may consider a threat.

In response to Barley's suggestion he responds, I agree, better to approach the dark path when well rested.

Rhidon's intentions for now are to ensure there's no immediate dangers, and generally looking for things that stand out as "odd" in their environment as possible signs of "sickness".
Nov 12, 2023 11:06 pm
Other than the odd growth patterns and rapid stealthy shifts in position the plants are normal. Some look bigger than the ones you are familiar with but besides that they are normal, ish.
Nov 13, 2023 11:48 am
"I only detect small minds, most likely rodents or something akin to that. Malachi!", Barley thinks and his spirit familiar appears beside him.

"Go as far as you can into that darken way and check for traps, once back. Report, if there are no traps, I will follow.", he says to Malachi.

Barley takes out his torch, clicks his finger to produce a flame, then lights it.

"Might as well start, yeah?" he thinks to his companions.
The sheet says a spirit familiar can only communicate with me directly via telepathy. But, I can allow several individuals to communicate together using the psychic trait. Could I use my psychic telepathy trait to allow him to communicate with everyone else?
If there are no traps, I'll enter. Rolling for a curious cat.
Last edited Nov 13, 2023 11:49 am


Malachi - looking for traps on the Dark path (50 ft. movement) - (2d6)


Nov 13, 2023 2:31 pm
Vaun nodded at Barley and Rhidon, "I agree; the dark path is probably the way forward. Maybe it leads to the heart, which we are supposed to cure from sickness." He raised his lantern in order to have a light source.

He looked at Malachi, "Ah, your familiar. It will be a great help to have Malachi scout ahead. We should proceed as well."
Nov 13, 2023 3:16 pm
Out of combat Barley can relay things from his familiar
The familiar quietly moves down the darkened hallways. The wisp of light Barley created following reveals damp and dusty corridors and rooms. Malachi finds scraps of wood, dust, dried leaves, dirt, mischievous scraps of the virus former life, and mud. A set of stairs are found a ways down one of the halls and a set of stairs leading down in a side chamber of that range hall, you now assume to be the main hall. Malachi has to stay through the dark much of the time, as Barley's light can not leave his line of sight, but there is enough light to make out most rooms. Barley gets the sense this is either a private estate or public facility based on the buildings size and composition.
Nov 14, 2023 1:16 am
Rhidon would stay fairly close to Vaun, and proceed as well but look behind once in a while just to ensure no one sneaks up on them.

At one point he'd turn to Vaun and ask a few casual questions, "So Vaun, what kind of doctor are you? How long have you been travelling on your own?"
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