Session Zero

Nov 12, 2023 11:51 am
Hello everyone! Welcome! Very excited to play with you all!

Lines and Veils
First up, please head over to this Lines and Veils Google Sheet (this one is taken from Happy Jacks) and indicate topics/themes you want excluded from the game, and perhaps some topics you're particularly keen to have included. At the top right please indicate whether/how you are open to romantic action for your PC, and indicate by filling in the box that you've seen/edited the sheet.
Nov 12, 2023 11:54 am
Choosing Playbooks, building characters
So, now we're all together, which Playbooks/concepts do you want to go with?

When building your characters, put everything into the sheet apart from Connections and Personal Directive - we'll add those once all the rest of the Playbooks are put together.

Please ask any questions about the universe, the ship, the game, etc.

Character Sheets
The GamersPlane Custom Character Sheet template/snippet below will hopefully help everyone build their character. You'll still need to edit a reasonable amount of the text according to the specifics of the Playbook you go for.

If any of you want a pregenerated sheet, just let me know, and I'll make one for you.

Here's an example sheet I quickly threw together for The Normal Playbook: Gar-Chat the Normal
[ +- ] Starscape PC V1.0
[ +- ] Starscape PC V1.0
Nov 12, 2023 1:34 pm
Your ship - The Ballerina

There is a Playbook for the ship - usually we would build it together collaboratively, but to keep things simple for me doing this for the first time, I've made it for you here:
The Ballerina's playbook.

I can't see a way to make this editable by everyone, so I'll keep track of and make any changes that are needed to the playbook.
Nov 12, 2023 1:44 pm
How do I save the google sheet when I've filled it out?
Nov 12, 2023 1:53 pm
Thanks for filling it out :) The Google Sheet for Lines and Veils auto-saves - it's a live document. Please also edit at the top right and add your username with a tick to show you've checked out the document.

Thus, please leave any tick-marks already in the document ticked - this way we collect together somewhat annoymously the collected lines and veils.
Nov 12, 2023 1:56 pm
Oops. Sorry. I unticked a bunch of stuff. Was it you? Can you go back?
Nov 12, 2023 1:57 pm
Yes! It was me - no problem, I went back and added them :)
Nov 12, 2023 1:58 pm
Okay cool. I’ll add my name in a little bit when I’m back at my computer. On my phone right now.
Nov 12, 2023 2:46 pm
Looking good :) You are welcome to create any species you want for your character.

First constraint is that it is trivial for them to co-exist on a ship with human crew members (if they need a different environment, they'd need to be in an environmental suit - and they need to be the same kind of size to fit in the cabins etc, and not be poisioning other members of the crew just by existing.

Second is that the personality is such that they're able - and indeed are - part of a team/crew that works together.
Nov 12, 2023 2:55 pm
Basically - feel free to create any lore you want around your characters, their species, the universe in general. It's unlikely I'll veto it. I prefer games where players and GM build the world together :)
Nov 12, 2023 2:57 pm
Can there have been a war some time ago, but still within our lifetimes, a la Firefly? I'd like my broken down merc to have fought for the losing side.
Nov 12, 2023 3:47 pm
@JoshuaMabry is going for The Warrior - go for any of the others you're interested in. We'll make the crew work whatever the composition, I'm sure.
Nov 12, 2023 4:47 pm
I am going to play with The Normal. :)

John Doe, an innocent man, became ensnared in a convoluted investigation. A couple of years ago, a horrible murder happened in a remote space station. False leads and misdirection clouded the investigation, as the mysterious assailant's identity remained elusive. Witnesses offered conflicting accounts, further complicating the case. When the authorities, relying on a dubious police report, labeled "John Doe," as the murderer, the stage was set for a twisted tale of injustice in the cosmos.

Behind prison walls, John crossed paths with a group of smugglers, forming an unexpected alliance that would alter the course of his life. Together, they orchestrated a daring escape and seized control of The Ballerina, a sleek starship that became their ticket to a dishonest, yet thrilling, existence.

Among this ragtag crew, John assumed the role of the starship's mechanic, showcasing his unparalleled skills in keeping The Ballerina operational amid the cosmic chaos. Yet, beneath the metallic hum of machinery, John harbored a secret passion for composing electronic symphonies. In the solitude of the maintenance tubes, he would lose himself in the melodies of a synthesizer he had meticulously crafted.
Last edited November 12, 2023 4:50 pm
Nov 12, 2023 5:01 pm
That's beautiful, @htech!

Need some help putting that into the character sheet? If you go with the Custom Sheet there's a "Starscape PC V1.0" template that you could edit - or I can put something together with you and share the text with you - maybe easiest to do that here in this thread...?
Nov 12, 2023 5:03 pm
@JoshuaMabry maybe you can get the Character Sheet text I've put together for you from this post - quote this post and you can trim out this bit of text and the "quote" tags and I think you can load that into a fresh "Custom" sheet?


Stat name Initial Value Value Modifiers Current Value Conditions
BODY: +2 0 +2 Disdainful Selfish
BRAINS: -1 0 -1 Angry Insecure
COURAGE: 0 0 0 Afraid Disillusioned
HEART: 0 0 0 Hopeless Resentful
SAVVY: 0 +1 (Background) +1 Guilty Reckless


PLAYBOOK: The Warrior
PLAYBOOK TAG LINE: Whether you were born into a warrior culture or chose a military life for yourself, battle is in your blood.
AGE: 25
LOOK: Thick metalic green scales all over, humanoid, 2m tall, brutal look, tactical black outfit.


STAT +1: | Savvy
SPECIALTY 1: | Guns/Laser Weapons
SPECIALTY 2: | Hand-to-Hand Combat
SPECIALTY 3: | Criminality


5 Esteemed
4 Respected
3 Trusted
2 Doubted
1 Suspected
0 Distrusted (instantly triggers Seeing Red)


Edited for each session - a session-specific goal about interaction with another specific PC.
personal directive


There is blood on your hands, but you are trying to leave that behind. What shameful defeat do you still have nightmares about?
You were the only member of your crew of mercenaries - you were their captain - who survived to be put in prison (the prison you broke out of to join the others on The Ballerina). You were sleeping on your watch while hiding out in a space-station and that's how they got the jump on you. You blame yourself for the deaths of your four other companions.


Choose one from this list during character creation
Weapons Locker
Where you store your best toys
Cultural Touchstone
An item that reminds you who you are
Sparring Room
A place to punch and be punched for fun.


Select and mark one every time you fill the experience bar.

Available initial advances
Take a Specialty from your background
Take another move from vour playbook
Add +1 to a stat (max +2)
Mark two Investments for the ship

Available after 5 advances
Take Specialty from your background
Clear a permanent Condition
Mark three Investments for the ship
Take another move from your playbook

Available after 10 advances
Take a move from another playbook
Remove a Seeing Red trigger
Mark four Investments for the ship
Take a Specialty from another background
Choose another Ship Customization
Reset your Stellar Move

Available after 15 advances
Mark an Upgrade for the ship
Take any Specialty from the master list
Take a move from any playbook
Change Playbooks
Add Idolized as a sevent Trust level (Max 6 Trust)


Mark an Advance each time you fill up the experience bar.
Every 5 Advances add a bubble to the bar

Current bar length=5


When one of these triggers occurs:
*When a crewmate doubts your intelligence
*When a crewmate acts like a coward
*When a crewmate openly questions your abilities
*Trust moves to level 0/Distrusted
You must instantly choose between:
*Using either the Confront or Connect basic move
*Mark two Conditions to represent your internalised feelings


When you make a positive personal connection with a crewmate, including providing treatment, roll and add +1 for every true statement:
• You are taking responsibility or apologizing
• You use details from their life to establish rapport
• You are giving them something they want
• You are being vulnerable with them
• You are Trusted or higher

On a 7+, they hear you. If they are receptive, both of you clear a condition and describe why you feel better. If they aren't receptive, you both describe what you learned and mark XP.

On a 10+, you earn +1 Trust or clear a condition in addition to the other results.

When you step up and take the lead in an important narrative moment with one or more crewmates, explain your plan and roll 2d6. Wager up to 3 Trust and add +1 Tor each.

On a 7+, the present crewmates describe what they think and if they will follow your lead.
Majority Yes: get your Trust back plus one more and everyone clears a condition. On 10+, earn additional 1+ Trust. Team Work is triggered if your plan involves actions by three or more crew mates.
Majority No: you lose your wagered Trust, mark a Condition and XP. Everyone else involved marks XP. On a 10+, earn 2 extra XP.

On a 6-, something went wrong when you presented your plan. What was it? Mark a Condition and XP.

When you take action in a high pressure situation, describe your desired outxome and roll +Courage

10+ you do it without difficulty and you give Advantage to a crew mate, describe what you do and how it benefits the other PC. On a 13+, earn +1 Trust.

7-9 you succeed but with some difficulty.
• You are injured or emotionally shaken, describe how and mark a Condition.
• You put a crewmate in a bad position. Describe how and their next roll is with Disadvantage.
• You damage or destroy something important on the ship. Describe it and mark 1 Ship damage box.


When inflicting harm on an opponent, describe your attack and roll +Body. Burn 1 Trust if you attack a crewmate

10+ You succeed. Your opponent is seriously shaken or injured (2 Conditions) and you are unharmed.

7-9 Your attack causes some harm or confusion to your opponent (1 Condition). Chose one:
• You are shaken or injured, mark 1 Condition
• You give your opponent an advantage
• You lose or damage something important
• Your actions put a crewmate in danger
• A new danger or foe is revealed

Under 6, you are shaken or injured, mark 2 Conditions

When you confront a crewmate about something that displeases you, choose one desired outcome and wager 1 Trust for each additional outcome you want.

• They admit you were right.
• They admit fault.
• They apologize to you and/or someone else.
• They commit to a specific task or action.

Describe how you initiate the confrontation and roleplay or collaboratively narrate what happens. Your crewmate chooses which, if any, desired outcomes are met.

• Both of you clear a Condition for each desired outcome that was met. Wagered Trust is returned.
• Both mark a Condition and XP for each desired outcome that was not met. Wagered Trust is lost.
• If all desired outcomes are met, you both earn +1 Trust in addition to other results.

When a crewmate performs (rolls) badly, you can offer help. If they accept, wager 1 Trust and describe how you help, roll 1d6.That result replaces the lowest die in their original roll, regardless of if it makes it better or worse. If it helps, you keep your trust and earn +1 more, if it doesn't, you lose your wagered Trust. Either way you are caught up in the results of the original move that your crewmate rolled.

To deduce what a being is feeling or thinking, roll +Heart. On a 10+ ask three questions, 7-9 ask one. Take +1 on your next roll where you are acting on the information you get.
• What are they feeling? (PCs name 2 Conditions)
• What do they want?
• How could Iget them to ___?
• What are they hiding?
• What do I learn about their culture?

When you influence or manipulate an NPC to do what you want, describe your approach and roll +Savvy. On a 10+ they will do what you want, on a 7-9 they will only do it for a price and you mark a condition.

When you gather data about the current scene, roll +Brains. On a l0+ ask three questions, 7-9 ask one. Take +1 on your next roll where you are acting on the information you get
• What here is useful to me?
• How does this work?
• What here presents an imminent danger?
• What understanding does this give me?
• What's the best way in/out/through/around?

When a PC gets 3 or more crewmates to create a plan where each of them contributes to accomplish something important:

Each of those crewmates adds as much Trust as they wish to a pool

That pool may be spent by any of them during the event to
• Add +1 to a roll, before or after it's made
• Clear 1 Condition
• Add something that helps the crew to the carry out the narrative

Each crewmate uses the appropriate moves to accomplish their assigned tasks for the plan

If the crew succeeds, each crewmember can clear a condition or mark XP for each Trust they added to the pool.

When you suggest a Teamwork that succeeeds, the remaining Trust stays in a pool that can be drawn on by any PC until the end of the session or until it runs out.


Can only be used ONCE by this character - not once per session, once per campaign - it can only be used ONCE.
Thirst for Blood
In a moment of great need you enter a berserker rage. Your ision narrows and your instinct and training take over. You destroy your foes completely, but your crewmates see the bloodthirsty side of your personality. Describe what happens and how you save everyone. Be specific about the bloody and frightening aspects of the scene. At the end of the scene, each crewmate must share if they trust you more or less than they did before. Gain +1 Trust for each "more" and loose -1 Trust for each "less"


Traditional Weapon
The Warrior
You have a unique melee weapon from your homeworld. Add 1+ to Force is Necessary rolls when you wield it in combat.

Thousand Yard Stare
The Warrior
You've been with comrades in arms through their darkest moments. Take +1 when you roll Trust Me, Connect, or Confrot, with a crew mate who has the Guilty, Disillusioned, Afraid, or Hopeless Conditions marked.

Iron Will
The Warrior
Ignore the first two Conditions you would normally take due to physical harm in a scene.


Fill in with the name of other PCs during character creation. That PC gets the + or - Trust.


Space for you to make your own notes here


Space for you to make your own character notes here

Nov 12, 2023 5:29 pm
I have submitted my character sheet. Feel free to edit it after you approve. :)
Nov 13, 2023 3:08 am
Hello! Thanks for inviting me to the game, @Beardhare. I'll head over to the lines & veils sheet now.

@RageRed - If you want The Gifted, go ahead and take it. I'm still mulling my choices over. I'll make a decision and get a sheet together by tomorrow (Monday).
Nov 13, 2023 3:49 am
Made my decision already. I'm going to go with The Unfamiliar. I'd like to play an amoeboid alien akin to a Dralasite from Star Frontiers (aka a plasmoid from Spelljammer). They're going to be able to separate off little blobs that become autonomous minions (as the Unfamiliar move) and have the ability to mold themselves into lots of different shapes. Character sheet will still come tomorrow.
Nov 14, 2023 9:23 am
Hi @RageRed

The Gifted has three choices of Background - Hunted, Professional, Untrained Talent. You can see that in the PDF describing the 10 available playbooks. You can get that by going to the Starsacpe page (it's pay-what-you-want which includes getting it for free), or you can get it directly here from my Dropbox.

If you went with the Hunted background, that would make your stats Body +1 (from the background), Brains 0, Courage -1, Heart +1, Savvy 0.

You would also take three from the list of "Specialisations" listed for the Background. If one is bold, you have to take it, so you get "Hand-to-Hand Combat" and then maybe "Criminality" and "Security". If, for any roll, you can justify that your speciality is relevant, you get +1 to the roll.

You begin with trust level 3 ("Trusted") so mark the boxes for levels 0, 1, 2, and 3.

Pick three of the playbook's moves and add them to your sheet e.g. Read them like a Book, Brain Talk, You Knew this would Happen.

Pick one of the three Ship Customizations - what you pick there will be added to the ship.

And finally choose an answer to your Backstory question.

Connections and Personal Directive we'll do together once everyone has their character ready.

Hope that helps. Please hit me with any follow-up questions.

If you ping me with your choices here, I can create the text for the sheet for you to copy-paste into your own sheet.

Because there is so much specific about each playbook, couldn't find a way to make a generic Character Sheet template that covers all of them. Maybe that's something I'll learn with time is possible, though.
Nov 14, 2023 9:56 am
Yes, you're right, Heart +2, my mistake. Sorry it didn't save - have you started by creating your own Custom Character Sheet and choosing the "Starscape PC V1.0" template? If you want to avoid the risk of it being lost again, you can just message me here with the choices you make and I can create the text/code needed to hopefully just copy-and-paste it into the Custom Character Sheet for you.
Nov 14, 2023 10:54 am
That's fine @RageRed - once everyone has their sheets ready, we'll do a quick introduction of the charactrers so people can pick their Personal Directives and Connections, and you can add details to the apperance then.

The tagline's not so important - by it, I meant the bit of text under the title of the playbook. For The Gifted it's "Your mind has special abilities that set you apart from everyone else on the crew".
Nov 14, 2023 8:33 pm
In case you prefer keeping your Character Sheet in a Google Doc rather than here on GamersPlane I just put together this 'generic' i.e. Playbook-independent Google Doc. Make a copy in your Google Drive and then you can edit that as you need.

I'm also running a voice/video game of Starscape and one of the players there is new to TTRPGs - for his The Greenhorn character I also made this The Greenhorn Playbook-specific Google Doc in case that's useful for you
Nov 14, 2023 9:10 pm
Thanks @RageRed - looks good. Your sheet made me think of the Henry Fonda/Terrence Hill film "My Name Is Nobody" :)
Nov 14, 2023 10:15 pm
Great @RageRed. Only things to add are

1. answer to the Playbook-specific Backstory question "You pay a steep price for your fantastic gifts. What is that price and how does it interfere with how you relate to your crewmates?"

2. For "Look" there are suggested descriptors at in the "Character" box at the top of the first page of the Playbook. I'd be guessing you'd go for "Feminine", "Ornamented/Tatooed Skin". Then for personality one or more of the suggested words (Ethereal, Naive, Erratic, Reliable, Unnerving, Charming) or other ones you might prefer. And then a description for clothing/outfit (suggestions are Flowing, Official, Second-Hand, Flattering, Traditional or you could choose something else.)
Nov 14, 2023 10:58 pm
Here's Gloop (not his actual name, but one that's easy for humans to pronounce)
Nov 15, 2023 7:22 am
The hat is a nice touch. Yee-HA!
Nov 15, 2023 7:33 am
First time GMing here - would appreciate your advice on what to do next.

Once everyone has their Character Sheets ready, I was thinking of asking each of you to introduce your character, with a picture and a short text. If so, better to just drop those here, or would you add a Forum Thread e.g. "Character Creation"?

But maybe that's unnecessary if everyone has their Character Sheet set to Public?

Once we can see everyone's character, next step will be to do Connections - hm, which we could discuss in the "Character Creation" thread?

Anyway, your reccomendations on how to do this bit based on your experience on the site are much appreciated.
Nov 15, 2023 8:55 am
Either way works. :) I don't see much difference, as that's still Session Zero, so let me post it here.

My first connection is related to somebody's attitude towards authority. @JoshuaMabry how does Carnon feels about that? Does he have a favorable attitude towards authority, valuing order, control, and strict obedience to established rules and leaders. The opposite - defiance of rules, and a desire for individual freedom? Some middle ground?

You can answer that and then ask timplausible something?
Last edited November 15, 2023 8:58 am
Nov 15, 2023 2:29 pm
BeardHare says:
The hat is a nice touch. Yee-HA!
I can't take credit for the art, but the hat fits great because Gloop is fascinated by human clothes, so I imagine he frequently wears different hats.
Nov 15, 2023 2:38 pm
I'm getting Honey Heist vibes here #BearsInHats
Nov 16, 2023 4:45 am
Nice, @RageRed, thanks - looking good.

@timplausible @JoshuaMabry @htech please add either full info as @RageRed did there about her character in "The Crew/Characters" thread , or if you prefer a shorter text and image for us to have as a reference.
Nov 16, 2023 11:06 am
htech says:
My first connection is related to somebody's attitude towards authority. @JoshuaMabry how does Carnon feels about that? Does he have a favorable attitude towards authority, valuing order, control, and strict obedience to established rules and leaders. The opposite - defiance of rules, and a desire for individual freedom? Some middle ground?
All right, finally getting some time to work on this. I've made some changes. My warrior is now a human named Hank "The Tank" Harper. He's a broken down and bitter old mercenary with a well hidden heart of gold. @htech He has a strong distrust for authority, having worked with too many incompetent officers in his time. This attitude frequently got him in trouble with the guards of the prison.
Nov 16, 2023 11:11 am
@timplausible Gloop knows about a shameful defeat from my past. What happened?
Nov 16, 2023 11:22 am
JoshuaMabry says:
He has a strong distrust for authority, having worked with too many incompetent officers in his time. This attitude frequently got him in trouble with the guards of the prison.
Great! I think that's good for crew morale (+1 Trust), as we are a bunch of renegades, fugitives and misfits. So @BeardHare does that gives +1 Trust to Hank, John or to both? I didn't understand how that works.
Nov 16, 2023 12:37 pm
Hank sounds like the kinda person you want on your team, @JoshuaMabry #MuscleArmEmoji

For the Trust linked to Connections - it's easiest to wait until everyone has filled in their answers to all their three Connection questions. Once I can see those, I can let you know what happens to your Trust scores.

(when you fill in an answer with a PC's name, and that Connection statement indicates +1 Trust, then the PC whose name you filled in gets +1 Trust - once everyone has filled their Connections in, we'll check how many +/- values each person got and add that total (one + cancels out one -) to that person's trust score.
Nov 16, 2023 12:40 pm
We could try each of you posting your three Connections filled-in with names in one post, and then check in with each other if you are OK with how the others have indicated their trust to you?
Nov 16, 2023 3:07 pm
BeardHare says:
We could try each of you posting your three Connections filled-in with names in one post, and then check in with each other if you are OK with how the others have indicated their trust to you?
Ok! I think we need to see the complete character thread and also discuss the questions, though. I don't know how to fill them.

It's very easy and fast to that in the table, but PbP is asynchronous, it will take a couple of days here. ;)
Last edited November 16, 2023 3:22 pm
Nov 16, 2023 3:21 pm
For example, I need to choose somebody to hang out on occasion and somebody else to have done things that I don't approve, although they had no idea that I was there.

Anybody has a suggestion?
Nov 16, 2023 3:28 pm
Sounds good - yes, I agree, this works best when we can see everyone's character in the Crew/Character thread and be inspired by what we see there.

I could also look at the character sheets/descriptions once they're up and make my own suggestions for which PC names to include in which Connections, based on what I read? You could then use that set of suggestions as a basis for discussion? Maybe that would speed things up, although it takes a bit of agency from the players?
Nov 16, 2023 3:32 pm
I like the idea of a suggestion for the connections, adapting the rules for a faster PbP experience.

I don't feel like it takes player agency as that's just a suggestion and we should be able to talk about and change it ;)
Nov 16, 2023 3:52 pm
Sweet :) Thanks, @htech - I'll try it that way, then. I'll wait until @timplausible and @JoshuaMabry have posted in "The Crew/Characters" thread and then do that i.e. suggest connections here in this thread.
Nov 17, 2023 9:44 pm
Gloop is up in the character thread. I'll try to look at the other characters later tonight and figure out who gets what question.
Nov 18, 2023 9:38 am
I'm working on a suggested set of connections atm - should post them soon, as a starting place for putting this together. I'm incorporating the comments/suggestions already made in this thread.
Nov 18, 2023 10:41 am
I'll post below proposed Connections between all four PCs. I've suggested them so that each PC has one Connection to and from each other PC.

These are just proposals, hopefully a way of making this part of Session Zero a bit quicker in a PbP Context. None of it is set in stone, and I think it's important that both sides feel like a Connection is a good fit. So, if you want to move away from having one Connection with one of each of the other PCs, please go for it.

Also, if you feel a Connection just doesn't work for your character (e.g. Gloop/The Unfamiliar/@timplausible's "I am observing _____ to learn more about romantic interactions. (+1 Trust)" then I encourage you to look at the Connection questions in the other Playbooks and pick a Connection that would feel more appropriate for you.

I've added some follow-up questions and an attempt at clarification after some of the Connection questions. If you want, I could imagine it could be neat if you updated your Charcter Sheet on the basis of how/if you decide to answer those questions.

Sorry this is taking so much time to get to actually playing - FWIW I feel I'm learning a lot about running PbP at the moment. Thanks for your patience.
Nov 18, 2023 10:53 am
Nova Blue - The Gifted - @RageRed
1. You are pretty sure that you could buy Hank "The Tank" Harper/The Warrior/@JoshuaMabry's loyalty in a pinch. Is that reassuring (+1 Trust) or disappointing (-1 Trust)?

[You decide, @RageRed, if that's reassuring or disappointing]

2. You suspect that Gloop/The Unfamiliar/@timplausible has similar motivations to your own. (+1 Trust)

[If you want, @RageRed, you could speculate on what that motivation might be]

3. You thought John Doe/The Normal/@htech could help you with one of your endeavours, but you were mistaken. What didn't you understand? (-1 Trust)

[If you want, @RageRed, you could briefly describe the endeavour and how it didn't work out.]

John Doe - The Normal - @htech
1. You are fascinated by Hank "The Tank" Harper/The Warrior/@JoshuaMabry's attitude towards authority. Do you think it's good for Crew morale (+1 Trust) or does it harm it? (-1 Trust)

[You decide, @htech, if you think Hank's attitude towards authority is good or bad for morale - Hank "has a strong distrust for authority, having worked with too many incompetent officers in his time".]

2. Gloop/The Unfamiliar/@timplausible actually knows your name! You even hang out on occasion (+1 Trust)

3. You have seen Nova Blue/The Gifted/@RageRed do things that you don't approve of, although they have no idea you were there (-1 Trust)

[If you want to briefly describe some of those things, @htech, please go ahead and do that

Hank "The Tank" Harper - The Warrior - @JoshuaMabry
1. Despite their lack of fighting skills, John Doe/The Normal/@htech has helped the crew out of some dangerous situations. Has that earned your respect (+1 Trust) or do you dislike their methods (-1 Trust)?

[You choose, @JoshuaMabry, whether or not they earned respect or dislike. If you want, you could briefly describe one such situation]

2. You have spent time improving Nova Blue/The Gifted/@RageRed's fighting skills. They may not be an expert, but you know that they are brave and will serve to the best of their ability (+1 Trust).

3. Gloop/The Unfamiliar/@timplausible knows about a shameful defeat from your past (-1 Trust).

[@timplausible - what was this shameful defeat? What happened?]

Gloop - The Unfamiliar - @timplausible
1. Nova Blue/The Gifted/@RageRed seems more curious about you than anyone else. Is their interest genuine intellectual curiosity (+1 Trust) or do you suspect they have an ulterior motive (-1 Trust)?

2. I am observing John Doe/The Normal/@htech to learn more about romantic interactions. (+1 Trust)

3. The choices that Hank "The Tank" Harper/The Warrior/@JoshuaMabry makes seem illogical. You will need to continue to observe them to understand them better. (-1 Trust)
Nov 18, 2023 11:36 am
I like all your suggestions, and if it's all right with everyone will go forward with them. I'll try to do some follow up on them today.

@BeardHare For myself no apologies needed. There's a lot of work that's involved in getting a game going.
Nov 18, 2023 1:46 pm
John Doe
1. You are fascinated by Hank "The Tank" Harper attitude towards authority. Do you think it's good for Crew morale (+1 Trust) or does it harm it? (-1 Trust)

I think that's good for crew morale (+1 Trust), as we are a bunch of renegades, fugitives and misfits.

2. Gloop actually knows your name! You even hang out on occasion (+1 Trust)

Sounds good to me!

3. You have seen Nova Blue do things that you don't approve of, although they have no idea you were there (-1 Trust)

I'll describe that during the game, I think. We'll see more of our characters by then, and I feel it will be better to have that In Character.

Can we leave it vague, as it is, until a relevant situation comes up and we "flashback"/detail it? I think flashbacks works really well in PbP, even better than in tabletop
Last edited November 18, 2023 1:48 pm
Nov 18, 2023 1:48 pm
That all sounds good to me, @htech!
Nov 18, 2023 3:36 pm
Sounds good to me, @RageRed - please go ahead and pick other questions and share how you answer them here.
Nov 18, 2023 3:46 pm
OK. I'll go and have a look at the PDF and see if I can work out what the intended questions are. Sorry for the confusion.
Nov 18, 2023 3:48 pm
Looking at the PDF, I think the questions intended for The Gifted are:

1. You once used your gift to help XXXXXX but they did not appreciate your interference. Are you trying to make it up to them (+1 Trust) or are you giving them space (-1 Trust)?

2. You go to XXXXXX when you want to talk about your feelings (+1 Trust)

3. You know XXXXX is capable, but you sensed something that makes you not trust them. What did you sense? (-1 Trust)
Nov 18, 2023 3:50 pm
And, yes, this set of questions are for The Civilian:

1. You are pretty sure that you could buy XXX's loyalty in a pinch. Is that reassuring (+1 Trust) or disappointing (-1 Trust)?

2. You suspect that XXX has similar motivations to your own. (+1 Trust)

3. You thought XXX could help you with one of your endeavours, but you were mistaken. What didn't you understand? (-1 Trust)
Nov 18, 2023 3:59 pm
Maybe I have The Civillian ones as the default in the Character Sheet I shared and didn't flag clearly that they were from that Playbook, or something like that. Sorry for the confusion.
Nov 18, 2023 4:13 pm
Thanks @RageRed - and you can add specific answers to the questions (e.g. "What did you sense?") either now, or as we finish up the Character Sheets, or during play, as works best for you.
Nov 18, 2023 4:20 pm
I’m starting to picture the relationship between Hank and Nova Blue like Wolverine and Jubilee from the 90s X-Men cartoon. Mentor and mentee.
Nov 18, 2023 4:28 pm
I love that! So stealing it.
Nov 18, 2023 4:36 pm
It isn't stealing if its being given away. ;p
Nov 18, 2023 6:46 pm
For Hank's shameful defeat, I have an idea, but it really needs @JoshuaMaybry to buy in. What if Hank wasn't captured at the end of the insurrection because he made some kind of deal with potential captors. It could be something really shameful, like he gave up a location or person in the insurrection, or maybe something more benign like he bribed the potential captors somehow.

I don't know how Gloop would know this, however. Gloop is a computer guy, so maybe he stumbled across it while hacking some Republic system. Open to ideas. Or we could figure out the details as we go.
Nov 18, 2023 6:48 pm
@timplausible I’m all in! Betrayed one of the leaders of the insurrection for my freedom only to be captured after all decades later.
Nov 18, 2023 6:52 pm
As for the studying someone to learn about romance, my question is this: do any of the other three characters seem like they would exhibit any obvious knowlege or experience with romance? Or if not romance, maybe they are the kind to comment on if someone is attractive or not?

If not, maybe we should change this question somehow? I could be watching someone to learn about something else. Gloop doesn't fully understand some other things like family and aging. He's also very curious about clothing and fashion, though that may not be as interesting of something to be "fish out of water" about.

Edit to add: Since John Doe is the "Normal", maybe Gloop is just trying to use him to learn about humans in general. Hank and Nova both seem like outliers, while John appears to be an average person. So let's say not just romance, but all the aspects of human nature that Gloop doesn't understand.
Last edited November 18, 2023 7:03 pm
Nov 18, 2023 6:56 pm
As for Nova Blue's curiousity about Gloop, let's tie that in with Nova Blue coming to Gloop to talk about feelings. Since that seems like a positive relationship, let's go with the +1 Trust option for Gloop's question: he believes her interest to be genuine intellectual curiousity.
Nov 18, 2023 7:40 pm
Nice. Sounds like we've found people to fill in the blanks for each of the Connection questions now. I'm going to go through this thread, and add all the names to a post that I'll put in the Crew/Character Thread for easy reference, and for us all to go and check before we move on with Session Zero (we're almost there...)
Nov 20, 2023 5:26 am
I've edited the Crew/Characters thread to include the results of the discussion about connections - here it is. If there's anything in there that I got wrong or needs changing, please let me know

The one last thing remaining is for Hank "The Tank" Harper/The Warrior/@JoshuaMabry

"1. Despite their lack of fighting skills, John Doe/The Normal/@htechJ has helped the crew out of some dangerous situations. Has that earned your respect (+1 Trust) or do you dislike their methods (-1 Trust)?"

Please let us know whether it's the +1 or the -1 Trust option.
Nov 20, 2023 1:13 pm
A Recent Adventure
In summary

Before starting the game proper, we'll describe together a recent dramatic event experienced by the whole crew.

So! Please share thoughts/answers on the questions highlighed in red below - I'd like everyone to have input to what we come up with here.

In a bit more detail

To bring in a bit of collaborative world-building (the game-as-written has lots more of that in the pre-game set-up that we've skipped due to it being presumably very slow via PbP), I'd like to try the A Recent Adventure element from the rules (p45).

For this, we'll describe together a recent dramatic event at which all PCs were present.

After that, we'll assign PC names at 'random' (we'll use the alphabetical order of your PC names i.e. Gloop, Hank, John, Nova - I'll roll a d4 to decide which of you we'll assign to the first statement) to the blanks in the a set of statements describing the event. This will impact your Trust score AND we'll build some lore as you share details about the statements associated with your PC. We'll collect those together in a single post in the Crew/Characters thread for reference.

The questions we'll start off answering together are:

A. We ended up in a dangerous situation and our ship was badly damaged. What happened? What was damaged?

B. Our actions impressed or displeased someone with a lot of power and influence. Who? Why?

C. How long ago was this event? It should be within the last two weeks.

For reference – once we have agreed a general answer for the above questions, we'll work with the following set of statements:

1. XXXX tried to avoid the danger but failed (-1 Trust)
2. XXXX (+1 Trust) and XXXX (+1 Trust) teamed up and got something vital back online.
3. XXXX lost something that they deeply cared about.
4. XXXX (+1 Trust) saved XXXX's life (-1 Trust) but neither has talked about it since.
5. XXXX impressed us with their courage (+1 Trust)
6. XXXX (-1 Trust) was unaccounted for during the most dangerous moments.
7. XXXX nearly left the crew because of this incident (-1 Trust)
8. XXXX holds secret suspicions about the event
Nov 20, 2023 2:55 pm
Sincere question: Won't that be slower / less fun / more complicated than simply playing the adventure?
Last edited November 20, 2023 3:00 pm
Nov 20, 2023 2:59 pm
When playing 'live' I've seen it take maybe 5 minutes - so it's much less time than RPing it. But maybe with PbP it ends up taking ages.

Was including it as a way to hopefully relatively quickly get input from everyone in the initial situation - and perhaps to use what you come up with as some inspiration for the scenario - but if you'd rather just start playing, we can also do that.
Nov 20, 2023 3:08 pm
In my experience, players in PbP tend to be more "passive" when it comes to open-ended, undirected questions (i.e. anyone can answer). We receive much less feedback from each other, and we can't tell if the other players liked the idea and wants to contribute or improve a scene or decision. So we stay quiet.

My suggestion would be for you to "answer" with an opening plot related to this question: "We ended up in a dangerous situation and our ship was badly damaged. What happened? What was damaged?" and we would take it from your answer as part of an adventure, by describing only our own character actions.

But I do not know. If anyone wants to answer the red questions, I can contribute.

PS: Normally I would wait quietly, but since it's your first PbP game, I wanted to bring this discussion to the group.
Last edited November 20, 2023 3:12 pm
Nov 20, 2023 3:14 pm
@htech really appreciate you sharing your experience like this for my first time trying this out!

And, yes, I'll do exactly that. I'll answer the red questions i.e. set up a scenario for you all, and then ask each of you to just give individual input on the indivdual statements at the end of that post, just the ones mentioning your character.

That sounds like a good compromise between speed and getting a bit more involvement in lore-building from everyone.

Thanks again!
Nov 20, 2023 3:18 pm
I'm travelling the rest of this week to deliver a course - doing the training is pretty tiring and time-consuming so I might be too tired to post much


I'll be delighted to have something else to think about than training and will be all post post post heh
Nov 20, 2023 4:20 pm
What I've done / experienced with these world-building type of things in PbP is the GM assigns the different questions to specific people. The first person answers the first question, then other players can offer suggested changes. Then GM closes that question and prompts the next player to answer their question, and so on. It provides some structure and direction without completing abandonthe process.

It can take a little while, but I've always enjoyed the process.
Last edited November 20, 2023 4:20 pm
Nov 20, 2023 10:11 pm
At the suggestion of @htech and @timplausible, I've adapted the "A Recent Adventure" tool to bring a bit more direction to your contributions to the story of something that you recently experienced together.

I've come up with such a situation, such an incident, below. After my description of the incident, there are 8 questions I'd like to hear your answers on.

The Incident
You're currently on a job smuggling a herd of Jasmian mega-cows from the Anisor system to the Razaar system. You've got 100 head of cows in your cargo bay, they make a lot of mess, and need a lot of looking after, but they should also net you a very tasty profit from the cartel of livestock farmers you're delivering them to.

The trip is a long one - about 30 lightyears in total, and you need to make about 6 inter-system jumps from start to finish (you only have fuel for about 10 lightyears of fuel at a time, and there isn't even a vaguely straight line you can take between Anisor and Razaar.

To be able to jump safely, you need to travel to the distance of about 4 light-hours from a star the size of Sol - and your in-system impulse drive can move you at around 1 light-hour/day - with refuelling, and then 4 days to/from safe jump distance, you need about 10 days per jump - so this trip is about 60 days of travel.

While making your way in-system to refuel before your previous jump, about half of the way out to safe jump distance, you detected an SOS beacon calling for help. The crew aren't heartless - and wouldn't want to leave people in need if they could help them. But also, maybe when you arrive there's no one left to help and some tasty salvage is to be had. But also, maybe it's a trap... So you decided to go and take a cautious look at the source of the beacon.

You got within hailing distance of the beacon but couldn't raise anyone. You could see that the beacon was coming from a wrecked spaceship.

All seemed safe as you approached the wrecked ship - but as you prepared to dock, a net of energy sparked off from the derelict and covered the surface of The Ballerina - and started to knock out ship systems seemingly at random. First up, it disabled the ship's navigation system. Then a few minutes later the ship's heating circuits switched off. And then more and more systems dropped offline.

The crew desperately tried to free the ship from the net, fought to re-start the lost systems. They went outside the ship to try and sever the net, they tried to get inside the derelict to see if there were something inside it controlling the net that could be switched off...

Eventually the crew managed to free The Ballerina - but it was touch-and-go whether they'd be able to survive this...

The Questions
Please answer the questions that mention your PC below:

1. @htech/John Doe tried to avoid grave danger but failed (-1 Trust).
What danger? How and/or why did they fail?

2. @RageRed/Nova Blue (+1 Trust) and @JoshuaMabry/Hank (+1 Trust) teamed up and got something vital back online.
What did they get back online?

3. @timplausible/Gloop lost something that they deeply cared about.
What did they loose? How?

4. @htech/John Doe (+1 Trust) saved @RageRed/Nova Blue's life (-1 Trust) but neither has talked about it since.
What was endangering @RageRed/Nova Blue's life? How did @htech/John Doe save them? Why haven't they talked about it since it happened?

5. @JoshuaMabry/Hank impressed us with their courage (+1 Trust).
What did they do that impressed us?

6. @timplausible/Gloop (-1 Trust) was unaccounted for during the most dangerous moments.
Where were they? What were the most dangerous moments?

7. @htech/John Doe nearly left the crew because of this incident (-1 Trust).
What part of the incident made them want to leave the crew? Why did they, in the end, decide to stay with the crew?

8. @RageRed/Nova Blue holds secret suspicions about the event.
About what? About whom?
Nov 21, 2023 8:02 pm
Love it :) Thank you, @RageRed!
Nov 21, 2023 9:56 pm
RageRed says:
Its always the Empire. Right?
If we go with the war Hank fought in, it's "The Republic."

You are not the plucky hero, the Alliance is not some evil empire, and this is not the grand arena.
Nov 21, 2023 10:15 pm
3. @timplausible/Gloop lost something that they deeply cared about.
What did they loose? How?

Up until this event, Gloop had a space/environment suit from his homeworld. It was made with high-tech materials allowing it to strecth and reshape along with Gloop's body. The suit was damaged during the event and cannot be repaired outside his homeworld. Now he has to use humanoid suits like the rest of the crew.

6. @timplausible/Gloop (-1 Trust) was unaccounted for during the most dangerous moments. Where were they? What were the most dangerous moments?

Gloop was one of the crewmembers that went outside to shut off the net. There was some disagreement about whether the net could be deactivated from the outside or whether it would be necessary to go inside the ship. Gloop said he thought inside was the best bet. The team found an external hatch, but couldn't open it all the way. Only Gloop could fit through. After he went in, the team lost contact with him. The crew on the outside ended up disabling the net. When Gloop reestablished contact, he said something had attacked him an torn his suit, but he didn't know what. A search of the other ship did not find anything that might have attacked him. Some on the crew think Gloop isn't being honest about what happened.
Nov 21, 2023 11:30 pm
1 and 7. John was against approaching the ship. He tried to convince the crew that it was a trap and that they should sent a drone or shuttle instead of approaching with the precious Ballerina. He felt that they didn't hear him and almost left. After talking to Gloop, he decided to stay.

4. John used his Medical skills. But he doesn't want to talk about it. He is still sad about the whole episode with the net and the dangers from the wrecked ship and Nova gave him the breathing room that he needed. He stayed at the maintenance tubes most of the time and plans to talk about it later.
Last edited November 21, 2023 11:34 pm
Nov 22, 2023 11:32 am
5. After helping Nova Blue keep the ship from exploding in a methane fueled fireball, Hank was the first out the airlock to try cutting the net off of the ship. He was already hard at work when Gloop joined him. All of a sudden, Gloop took a misstep and went spinning away from both The Ballerina and the derelict. Hank launched himself out into the black and retrieved Gloop, in the process discovering the derelict's escape hatch.
Nov 22, 2023 5:32 pm
Thanks everyone! I'll compile your answers to the "A Recent Adventure" questions, post that in the Crew/Characters thread, and let you know the changes to Trust scores - and then we're good to go with the first scene.
Nov 22, 2023 5:33 pm
The one last thing remaining is for Hank "The Tank" Harper/The Warrior/@JoshuaMabry

"1. Despite their lack of fighting skills, John Doe/The Normal/@htechJ has helped the crew out of some dangerous situations. Has that earned your respect (+1 Trust) or do you dislike their methods (-1 Trust)?"

Please let us know, @JoshuaMabry, whether it's the +1 or the -1 Trust option.
Nov 22, 2023 5:57 pm
John has earned Hank's respect. Getting the job done is more important than the method by which you do it.
Nov 22, 2023 5:58 pm
Thanks @JoshuaMabry
Nov 22, 2023 8:18 pm
@RageRed yes, good idea, I'll do it like that, combining the two sources of Trust level modifications.
Nov 22, 2023 9:03 pm
Summary of starting Trust levels taking into account Trust changes due to Character Connections and the Recent Adventiure

Hank "The Tank" Harper/The Warrior/@JoshuaMabry
+1 (Nova Blue, Connection 1)
+1 (John Doe, Connection 1)
-1 Trust (Gloop, Connection 3)
+1 Trust (Recent Adventure Q2)
+1 Trust (Recent Adventure Q5)
Total Trust level adjustment = +1 +1 -1 +1 +1 = +3
-> "Esteemed" (5) (Maximum Trust Level)

Gloop/The Unfamiliar/@timplausible
+1 (Nova Blue, Connection 2)
+1 (John Doe, Connection 2)
-1 Trust (Hank Harper, Connection 3)
-1 Trust (Recent Adventure Q6)
Total Trust level adjustment = +1 +1 -1 -1 = 0
-> "Trusted" (3)

John Doe/The Normal/@htech
-1 Trust (Nova Blue, Connection 3)
+1 Trust (Hank Harper, Connection 1)
+1 Trust (Gloop, Connection 2)
-1 Trust (Recent Adventure Q1)
-1 Trust (Recent Adventure Q7)
+1 Trust (Recent Adventure Q4)
Total Trust level adjustment = -1 +1 +1 -1 -1 +1 = 0
-> "Trusted" (3)

Nova Blue/The Gifted/@RageRed
-1 (John Doe, Connection 3)
+1 Trust (Hank Harper, Connection 2)
+1 Trust (Gloop, Connection 1)
+1 Trust (Recent Adventure Q2)
-1 Trust (Recent Adventure Q4)
Total Trust level adjustment = -1 +1 +1 +1 -1 = +1
-> "Respected" (4)
Nov 22, 2023 9:13 pm
With that we're good to go! I'll probably post a new thread for the first scene at the weekend - on a work trip at the moment, and not feeling at my freshest or most creative rn heh.
Nov 26, 2023 6:53 pm
I've got the first scene ready to go - just waiting for a few more bits of additional character information.

Wanted to ask how you would like to deal with posting-frequency? I hope the game can keep some momentum - and of course non-game-life stuff gets in the way and means we don't always post as often as we hope.

How about - if we are waiting for a post from a player for more than 3 days, then I as GM will make a move/response for them?

Would you prefer a longer or shorter period before I step in like that?

Or some other response to significant slow-downs in the game like that?

Would be great to hear what you've seen work well for that in the other games you've played/run here on GP.
Nov 26, 2023 6:57 pm
I've been reviewing your character sheets, looking for ideas on how I could bring in your backstories into the action.

It's not holding us back from starting in-character play, and if you wanted to, I've some questions about Nova, @RageRed, that might be useful for that purpose:

Nova was genetically engineered and created in the lab.

Did she escape from a lab, from control or ownership of others?

Or did she leave her creators without any bonds, without any expectation that she fulfils a mission or purpose for them?

Is she being hunted or pursued by her creators, or others due to her engineered nature? Or is she free from those aspects of her past?
Nov 26, 2023 8:31 pm
Great, thanks for that, @RageRed
Nov 26, 2023 10:08 pm
Pushing things along after 3 days is fine with me. I'd also be ok with 2 days.
Nov 26, 2023 11:52 pm
I’m fine with two days.
Nov 27, 2023 5:14 am
Thanks for that @JoshuaMabry @timplausible - if I don't hear feedback from anyone else, I'll go with two days. When I'm travelling for work I'll be slow at posting myself - so no shade or blame for anyone when it happens. I'll aim to let you know when I'm likely to be slowed down like that.
Nov 27, 2023 8:04 am
I'm fine with that. :)

PS: I usually post daily, but may miss this 2 days deadline sometimes, and hope that's ok.

3 days would work better for me during some weekends and also let me handle hectic work days occasionally, but I don't mind a 2 days deadline if most of you wanna keep the game moving with a faster pace. =)
Last edited November 27, 2023 8:31 am
Nov 27, 2023 8:32 am
Three days it is :) Also gives me more sense of flexibility for the times when I've got a lot on myself!
Nov 30, 2023 9:56 am
Alright! Have decided that we'll start today!

I've added top the Crew/Character thread a description of your three additional NPC crewmates, and a description of The Ballerina. I've made character sheets for both the NPCs and The Ballerina, hopefully you're able to see those through the "Characters" tab.

@JoshuaMabry is missing a little bit of their character sheet, but I think we can move ahead despite that - we'll resolve any issues with that when we encounter a situation where they could be relevant.

Please let me know if you expect you'll be unable to post for a few days or longer - I'll aim to keep you up-to-date about my likely availablity too, if I expect it's going to be less than I want (for me that'll mostly be the occasional vacation, and the weeks when I'm delivering training).

I'll start up a new thread for our first in-character action later today (maybe very soon?) and look forward to seeing how this develops!

Welcome - again - to Starscape!
Nov 30, 2023 10:08 am
I've made character sheets for both the NPCs and The Ballerina, hopefully you're able to see those through the "Characters" tab.
Nope. We can see their descriptions in the thread, as usual, but just the GM can see all character sheets. I can only see my own character.

To share NPCs (or useful handouts) with the players, you have to do some advanced configuration. Here's the Adam's guide for that:
Last edited November 30, 2023 10:08 am
Nov 30, 2023 10:46 am
Thank you for that, @htech - I'll check that out this afternoon.
Nov 30, 2023 11:57 am
Can you see the NPCs now? I added:

{"background": {"image": ""},
"diceRules": [],
"characterSheetIntegration": {"gmSheets": [], "playerSheets": [{"Handouts": "custom/27927"},{"Handouts": "custom/27927"},{"Handouts": "custom/27929"},{"Handouts": "custom/27738"}]},
"diceDefaults": {"rerollAces": false}
Nov 30, 2023 12:35 pm
Yup. But the captain is showing twice (you repeated the code there) and you should name then instead fo calling them all "handouts" :D

"playerSheets": [{"Nour Gadfly": "custom/27927"},{"Nour Gadfly (again)": "custom/27927"},{"Pardo": "custom/27929"},{"Ballerina (Ship)": "custom/27738"}]},
Nov 30, 2023 12:37 pm
Thank you so much for that @htech!

Noooooo we have to have those tubes in there...! Should be able to sort that quickly.
Nov 30, 2023 1:54 pm
How do I access the NPC character sheets?
Nov 30, 2023 2:11 pm
In the bottom. =)
Nov 30, 2023 4:05 pm
Nov 30, 2023 4:24 pm
Next question: what are the roles / expertise of Conchita & Pardo?
Nov 30, 2023 4:54 pm
I'd thought of Conchita and Pardo as fairly generic, able to slot into various roles - not very well defined, but maybe useful to just have a couple of extra crew around.

AND would totally be up for fleshing them out - happy to do that this evening, but, also, if you have any ideas for developing them @timplausible or indeed anyone, please throw them in here. I'll probably take most/all of what you come up with.
Nov 30, 2023 5:06 pm
Probably my "this is the first time I PbP GM" showing through here - thanks, everyone, for your patience as I get more used to both the technology but also the kinda of social, communication stuff that seems to work better. Have changed my plans for the two other games I'm doing Session Zeros with on the basis of your feedback. So thanks also for helping me learn!
Nov 30, 2023 9:21 pm
On the right column of the Ship character sheet there's an "Areas" section. The first set of "areas" are the tick-box ones that I chose (if we play voice/in-person these are chosen by the players) - and then below that are the "Playbook Customizations" - these are the areas you indicated on your character sheets that you had chosen for the ship.

I've added Nova's there as "Sanctuary - Away from other's thoughts/feelings - Nova" - is it visible? It wasn't the way I'd initially added them to the sheet, so maybe it's still not showing them?

Thread locked