2e, huh? Any thoughts on a campaign setting? I am familiar enough with 2e to run it and there appears to be some interest. What would you prefer? Forgotten Realms? Ravenloft? Greyhawk? Dark Sun? Spelljammer? Maztica? Oriental Adventures? Al-Qadim? I'm not familiar enough with Birthright to pull that off, and I'm not overly fond of Planescape, but everything else is on the table. Would some classic modules be okay, or would you rather homebrew?
I’m partial to FR and Greyhawk (in that order), but then I’m pretty traditionalist in terms of games I really like. I could get into any of them though.
Classic modules are great, but I’m not opposed to whatever homebrew you might have.
As you can prolly read, I’m pretty flexible.
I think all the settings are great. I've never played in Greyhawk proper or Al-Qadim so they'd be my top choices. Modules/homebrew adventures: whatever the DM prefers.
Forgotten Realms 1270-1280 DR. Neverwinter, Luskan, Mirabar, and Ten Towns (yes, because of CRPGs). Also, I'm not familiar with Ravenloft personally, but I heard good things about it being a horror setting. I might be interested in that too.
I suspect pretty much everyone in this thread has more experience with AD&D 2e than me, but I'd be willing to run a game once NaNoWriMo is over in a couple of weeks.
It looks like there might be two willing DMs as well.
It looks like the most popular choice is Forgotten Realms, so we'll start there (though I will not promise not to drift into the mists at some point). I haven't decided exactly where it will begin yet, but I'm considering either going with Rena's suggestion (Icewind Dale) or Arabel in the Dalelands. The only issue with Icewind Dale is my relative unfamiliarity with the video games. Give me some time to think on this and to set up the boards and I'll send out invites.
I am happy to share GMing duties and I don't intend to start until after NaNoWriMo, so you should be good there, Phil. I will allow the use of kits (except the bladesinger, because it is horribly unbalanced) if everyone agrees to such. If someone is opposed, we won't do it. Be thinking about what kinds of characters you intend to play.
I think we will go with Icewind Dale, c. 1275, if that influences anyone's choice of character.
Phil_Ozzy_Fer and I are in discussion to alternate DMing duty. Would anyone else be interested in DMing on occasion? If so, we will add you to the discussion.