The Crew/Characters

Nov 15, 2023 10:59 am
Please share a short description of your character including an image.

This thread is intended as a quick reference to info about the characters - please discuss character building in the Session Zero thread.
Nov 17, 2023 9:43 pm
(real name unpronounceable)
Pronouns: they/them (Ulians have no defined genders)

Gloop is an alien from the planet Ulia, which lies "just beyond the borders" of whatever we are adventuring in (empire? quadrant?). Ulians have only recently made contact with <insert cutural/political entity here> (humans? the empire?). Very few people that the crew encounters will have seen an Ulian before.

Like the rest of his species, Gloop has a gray amorphous body that they can shape in many different ways. Their body is translucent at the surface, but quickly becomes opaque farther from their skin. Gloop's skin is a sensory organ for touch, hearing, smell, taste, and to a lesser extent light sensitivity (can detect changes in light intensity). He has two "eyes" that float freely inside his body, which they can move around at will.

Gloop speaks by vibrating part of his skin like a speaker. It produces a warbling, low-toned sound not that unlike the sound of someone trying to talk underwater.

Gloop's species are practically immortal, usually dying only from severe injury or disease. However, their brains can only hold a hundred years or so of memories, so much of Gloop's distant past is available to them only as notes from their past self.
[ +- ] Character Sheet
Nov 26, 2023 1:24 pm
Captain Nour Gadfly
pronouns: they/them
Image license CC BY-NC-SA 3.0 Deed
Image created by Starbase118 on DeviantArt
Escaped with you from prison. They previously been captain of a smuggler vessel similar to The Ballerina so were an obvious choice as captain.

You all have a positive relationship with Captain Gadfly - mutual respect and trust.

Well-presented, dapper, they sound loud like the roaring of engines when they speak.

Their personality is warm, like a young sun's glow, and were trained as a farmer.

They are from Lorchat, an outpost planet that is a valuable source of glomar, an ore needed for powering starship warp drives.
Conchita Nguyen
pronouns: she/her

Image license Royalty Free
Image created by Maxim Lupascu on DreamsTime
Escaped with you from prison, which is where you met her.

You all have a positive relationship with Conchita - mutual respect and trust.

She is private, does not share much about her history or private life, and is a hard-working crewmember. She is very committed to and admires Captain Gadfly, and appears to be focused on being a reliable member of their crew.

She has training as a paramedic, so helps with medical treatment when needed - otherwise she's a springer, helping out with a range of different roles in the ship.
Pardo Breech
pronouns: he/him

Image license CC BY-NC-ND 3.0 Deed
Image created by Blazbaros on DeviantArt
Pardo is a golath - a pink-skinned, 1-metre-high humanoid non-human species from the planet Orbat.

Pardo escaped with you from prison, which is where you met him.

He is very gregarious, enjoys everyone's company, shares lots of stories about his life back on Orbat. He misses his life there, where he worked as an engineer – but also enjoys very much the company of the crew, and doesn't have any current plans to leave The Ballerina.
Nov 30, 2023 9:51 am
The Ballerina
pronouns: she/her
License CC BY-NC-ND 3.0 Deed
Made by Blazbaros shared on DeviantArt
Most of the starships in known space look (and are) the worse for wear these days. But not The Ballerina. Commissioned just a few months before you, er, "acquired" it (to make good your getaway from prison), the vessel is sleek and state-of-the-art.

Built as a fast cargo transporter for top-of-the-end clients - elites, militaries, galactic administration - for runs where the typical slow cargo transporters would be too slow. For these clients to have the safety they seek when making these valuable runs, it is also fitted out with a set of energy shields and energy weapons, and is highly manoeuvrable. It's huge, with 5,000,000 cubic metres of multi-purpose storage space (size of a huge sports stadium). Being so unusual, and so large, it sticks out and catches the attention of everyone who encounters it.

You've got three other crew members - Captain Gadfly (they/them, human), Conchita Nguyen (she/her, human) and Pardo Breech (he/him, golath - pink-skinned, 1 metre high humanoid).

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