Current PCs are green, NPCs we've met in-game are blue (former PCs are also underlined), and NPCs we haven't (yet) met in-game are purple.
- Aanbo Earthshaker, a dwarven monk hermit and member of Dungeon Busters
- Abel Jarl, a crofter in the Dim Forest near Cecily's Road; Elista's husband
- Albertus, a junior Keolish knight and member of Dungeon Busters
- Ansola Behir, the Reeve with oversight over the region that includes Hochoch
- Anzu, Xana's partner in crime who betrayed her
- Lady Arya Arkon, a human cleric acolyte (devotee of Pelor) and member of Dungeon Busters
- Bandit Black, a mysterious figure who has been organizing bandits to waylay travelers on Cecily's Road
- Barragar Hordebreaker, Ogbar's father
- Bertram Beswill, the human proprietor of the Golden Grain Inn in Orlane. Tried to drug and abduct the party. Killed by the Dungeon Busters.
- Bradley, a human resident of Hochoch, works as a cooper.
- Cadelia, the beautiful, wealthy, and vindictive young noblewoman who pursued a vendetta against Quest
- Cecily Raptor, famed elven adventurer and founder of Dungeon Busters
- Chase Brandstone, heroic human ranger and member of Dungeon Busters
- Cook, a decrepit, taciturn, elderly elf; chef at the Inn of Eternal Rest
- Cormac, fightmaster of Hochoch. Fighter trainer
- Cyclops, a tamed giant beast, Durren's companion, now missing
- Devane Thornhill, human owner and proprietor of the Inn of Eternal Rest, Soraya's husband
- Devek Jarl, 10-year old son of Abel and Elista, revived from a magical coma by the Dungeon Busters
- Diana, Priestess of Rao in Hochoch. Cleric trainer.
- Durik Battlebeard, judgmental dwarven weapons master of Clan Ironshield
- Durren Elderblade, a human orphan raised by elves and member of Dungeon Busters, figured out all the class trainers in Hochoch
- Elista Jarl, a crofter in the Dim Forest near Cecily's Road; Abel's wife
- Emiless (8), Abella (12), Torren (6), Wenderly (2), the other children of Abel and Elista, Devek's siblings
- Erdan Moonwhisper, elven noble and member of the Sentry Corps
- Evelyn Everfaire, a lovely woman who ran away from Niole Dra to become an adventurer
- Foonbo Earthshaker, Aanbo's best friend at the Earthshaker monastery
- Fus Bardagaskegg, legendary dwarven hero, mythic champion of Clangeddin
- Grognak Bearthumper, chieftain of the Frozen Blood, Ogbar's rival for Olga
- Hale Arneson, a human man in Hochoch who was nearly killed in a bandit infiltration of his mill
- Brother Jamin, a devotee of Delleb in Hochoch who helps discover knowledge (helped interrogate prisoners with Zone of Truth)
- Jerek, gnome assistant brewer in Hochoch; Maul's son
- Jobram Dantavy, local drunk
- Jonbon the Busker, an Orlane man who drugged and kidnapped Abel's family
- Joseph Nimblefingers, halfling rogue hero and member of Dungeon Busters who went missing in Orlane
- Karliel, a half-elven bard entertainer and member of Dungeon Busters
- Keb Miller, a human man in Hochoch; Shalla's husband, Hale Arneson's son-in-law who was coerced by Black's thugs into attacking him
- Klak Jarnskjoldur, dim-witted dwarf paladin of Clan Ironshield and member of Dungeon Busters
- Kons Gradeskej, Hochoch merchant
- Kragga Moonweaver, half-orc wizard acolyte and member of Dungeon Busters
- Leeson Gatloc, Hochoch cartographer/bookseller
- Lienne Vereel, friendly, talkative human woman, Hochoch's town gossip
- Louis Marks, Reeve Behir's assistant, a Hochoch local
- Manthis the Mask, human fighter circus performer and member of Dungeon Busters
- Matilda, a young widow and object of Victor's affections
- Maul, gnome brewer of Hochoch; Jerek's father
- Mironund, a wandering mystic who mentored Quest. Mystic trainer.
- Morgran, sybaritic dwarven pirate, cleric of Kord, and member of Dungeon Busters
- Myrtha, human fighter hero and member of Dungeon Busters
- Nawanda, a human residentn of Hochoch; Nyomba's mother
- Njall Magnusson, dwarven paladin of Clangeddin. Paladin trainer.
- Nyomba, a human child of Hochoch; Nawanda's daughter, Thacogygax's friend
- Ogbar, human barbarian outlander, tribesman of the Frozen Blood, and member of Dungeon Busters. Left Hochoch to return home
- Olga, Ogbar's love
- Olpert Razorson, Cecily Raptor's lieutenant and steward, setting up the Dungeon Busters franchise in Hochoch
- Owen, Brenin of the Duchy of Geoff, vassal state of Keoland
- Quest Damoran, mystic half-elf and member of Dungeon Busters. Disappeared after the party apprehended Jonbon
- Ramne, an old man in Orlane. Has a pet weasel, Whiskers.
- Rellie, a human resident of Hochoch
- Reptile, human barbarian, former city watch and member of Dungeon Busters, killed in Orlane
- Rosemary Flitwhistle, halfling barbarian baker and member of Dungeon Busters
- Rufus, the human resident of Hochoch, works as a wainwright. Rufus loaned a wagon and a brace of oxen to Dungeon Busters for a scheme to bring Black to justice
- Sara Stone, human ranger hermit and member of Dungeon Busters
- Selena Ebonlocks, Durren's best friend, a high elf ranger abducted by kobolds
- Shalla Arneson, Hale's daughter, Keb's wife, kidnapped by Black's thugs, rescued by the Dungeon Busters
- Soraya Thornhill, human host of the Inn of Eternal Rest, Devane's wife
- Svall Wilson, Victor's cousin, who moved out of Orlane a few months ago
- Tap, the halfling server at the Inn of Eternal Rest
- Thacogygax, blue dragonborn/alien sorcerer, ex-slave-soldier, and member of Dungeon Busters
- Theran Nailo, haunted elven druid and member of Dungeon Busters
- Tuan Vo, master of the Monkey School. Monk trainer.
- Victor "Blackguard" Wilson, human warrior who retired in Hochoch, storyteller and apparent barfly
- Wellin, a merchant who narrowly escaped being murdered by Black's thugs in an ambush on Cecily's Road
- Xana Beren, a gnome warlock and member of Dungeon Busters