World Book

Nov 22, 2023 11:01 pm
This thread is for reference, with entries listing all the NPCs, locations, and other lore we've developed during the game. Feel free to post to the thread to provide corrections or point out stuff that should be added; I will update the posts as appropriate.
Nov 22, 2023 11:14 pm
Terrain and regions are brown, cities and nations are blue, establishments and buildings are green.

- Cecily's Road, the road carved through the Dim Forest by Cecily Raptor more than a hundred years ago. Connects Hochoch, Orlane, and Hookhill
- Dim Forest, a large forest that spans southern Keoland and western Gran Marches
- Duchy of Geoff, the Keolish vassal state in which the game is set
- Fantikaflar's Fantastic Items, a general store in Hochoch
- Golden Grain Inn, an inn in Orlane that is the first place the Dungeon Busters visited
- Gorna, seat of the Brenin's government and capital city of Geoff (far to the southwest of Hochoch)
- Gran Marches, nation to the east
- The Grumpy Cube, a Hochoch tavern
- Hochoch, a provincial town in the southeast of Keoland
- Hookhill, capitol city of the Gran Marches
- The Inn of Eternal Rest, a Hochoch inn, Devane Thornhill proprietor
- Jarl farm, a small farm carved out of the Dim Forest north of Cecily's Road, home of Abel, Elista, and all their children
- Keoland, the starting nation of our game (Capital: Niole Dra)
- Mord's mounts, a Hochoch stable
- Niole Dra, capitol city of Keoland (far to the west of Hochoch)
- Northern Grasslands, a large region of the continent that spans multiple small nations. The region patrolled by the Northern Rangers
- Orlane, a village in the lands between Keoland and the Gran Marches
- Pever's Smithy, a blacksmith in Hochoch
- Realstream River, a river that runs from the north out of the Dim Forest, past Hochoch, and continues south, eventually draining into the lowlands of the Rushmoors
- Riven's Crossing, a bustling gnomish city-state of the Northern Grasslands
- Rushmoors, largely uninhabited hills and wetlands that some say were once the home of the capital of the Empire
- Scintiliana, the ancient capitol city of the underground drow empire
- The Temple of Merikka, a large stone structure on a hill overlooking Orlane
- The Temple of Rao, a large place of worship, a hospital, and a hostel in Hochoch, presided over by Diana
- Western Mountains, a mountain range that forms the western border to the Northern Grasslands
Nov 22, 2023 11:31 pm
Current PCs are green, NPCs we've met in-game are blue (former PCs are also underlined), and NPCs we haven't (yet) met in-game are purple.

- Aanbo Earthshaker, a dwarven monk hermit and member of Dungeon Busters
- Abel Jarl, a crofter in the Dim Forest near Cecily's Road; Elista's husband
- Albertus, a junior Keolish knight and member of Dungeon Busters
- Ansola Behir, the Reeve with oversight over the region that includes Hochoch
- Anzu, Xana's partner in crime who betrayed her
- Lady Arya Arkon, a human cleric acolyte (devotee of Pelor) and member of Dungeon Busters
- Bandit Black, a mysterious figure who has been organizing bandits to waylay travelers on Cecily's Road
- Barragar Hordebreaker, Ogbar's father
- Bertram Beswill, the human proprietor of the Golden Grain Inn in Orlane. Tried to drug and abduct the party. Killed by the Dungeon Busters.
- Bradley, a human resident of Hochoch, works as a cooper.
- Cadelia, the beautiful, wealthy, and vindictive young noblewoman who pursued a vendetta against Quest
- Cecily Raptor, famed elven adventurer and founder of Dungeon Busters
- Chase Brandstone, heroic human ranger and member of Dungeon Busters
- Cook, a decrepit, taciturn, elderly elf; chef at the Inn of Eternal Rest
- Cormac, fightmaster of Hochoch. Fighter trainer
- Cyclops, a tamed giant beast, Durren's companion, now missing
- Devane Thornhill, human owner and proprietor of the Inn of Eternal Rest, Soraya's husband
- Devek Jarl, 10-year old son of Abel and Elista, revived from a magical coma by the Dungeon Busters
- Diana, Priestess of Rao in Hochoch. Cleric trainer.
- Durik Battlebeard, judgmental dwarven weapons master of Clan Ironshield
- Durren Elderblade, a human orphan raised by elves and member of Dungeon Busters, figured out all the class trainers in Hochoch
- Elista Jarl, a crofter in the Dim Forest near Cecily's Road; Abel's wife
- Emiless (8), Abella (12), Torren (6), Wenderly (2), the other children of Abel and Elista, Devek's siblings
- Erdan Moonwhisper, elven noble and member of the Sentry Corps
- Evelyn Everfaire, a lovely woman who ran away from Niole Dra to become an adventurer
- Foonbo Earthshaker, Aanbo's best friend at the Earthshaker monastery
- Fus Bardagaskegg, legendary dwarven hero, mythic champion of Clangeddin
- Grognak Bearthumper, chieftain of the Frozen Blood, Ogbar's rival for Olga
- Hale Arneson, a human man in Hochoch who was nearly killed in a bandit infiltration of his mill
- Brother Jamin, a devotee of Delleb in Hochoch who helps discover knowledge (helped interrogate prisoners with Zone of Truth)
- Jerek, gnome assistant brewer in Hochoch; Maul's son
- Jobram Dantavy, local drunk
- Jonbon the Busker, an Orlane man who drugged and kidnapped Abel's family
- Joseph Nimblefingers, halfling rogue hero and member of Dungeon Busters who went missing in Orlane
- Karliel, a half-elven bard entertainer and member of Dungeon Busters
- Keb Miller, a human man in Hochoch; Shalla's husband, Hale Arneson's son-in-law who was coerced by Black's thugs into attacking him
- Klak Jarnskjoldur, dim-witted dwarf paladin of Clan Ironshield and member of Dungeon Busters
- Kons Gradeskej, Hochoch merchant
- Kragga Moonweaver, half-orc wizard acolyte and member of Dungeon Busters
- Leeson Gatloc, Hochoch cartographer/bookseller
- Lienne Vereel, friendly, talkative human woman, Hochoch's town gossip
- Louis Marks, Reeve Behir's assistant, a Hochoch local
- Manthis the Mask, human fighter circus performer and member of Dungeon Busters
- Matilda, a young widow and object of Victor's affections
- Maul, gnome brewer of Hochoch; Jerek's father
- Mironund, a wandering mystic who mentored Quest. Mystic trainer.
- Morgran, sybaritic dwarven pirate, cleric of Kord, and member of Dungeon Busters
- Myrtha, human fighter hero and member of Dungeon Busters
- Nawanda, a human residentn of Hochoch; Nyomba's mother
- Njall Magnusson, dwarven paladin of Clangeddin. Paladin trainer.
- Nyomba, a human child of Hochoch; Nawanda's daughter, Thacogygax's friend
- Ogbar, human barbarian outlander, tribesman of the Frozen Blood, and member of Dungeon Busters. Left Hochoch to return home
- Olga, Ogbar's love
- Olpert Razorson, Cecily Raptor's lieutenant and steward, setting up the Dungeon Busters franchise in Hochoch
- Owen, Brenin of the Duchy of Geoff, vassal state of Keoland
- Quest Damoran, mystic half-elf and member of Dungeon Busters. Disappeared after the party apprehended Jonbon
- Ramne, an old man in Orlane. Has a pet weasel, Whiskers.
- Rellie, a human resident of Hochoch
- Reptile, human barbarian, former city watch and member of Dungeon Busters, killed in Orlane
- Rosemary Flitwhistle, halfling barbarian baker and member of Dungeon Busters
- Rufus, the human resident of Hochoch, works as a wainwright. Rufus loaned a wagon and a brace of oxen to Dungeon Busters for a scheme to bring Black to justice
- Sara Stone, human ranger hermit and member of Dungeon Busters
- Selena Ebonlocks, Durren's best friend, a high elf ranger abducted by kobolds
- Shalla Arneson, Hale's daughter, Keb's wife, kidnapped by Black's thugs, rescued by the Dungeon Busters
- Soraya Thornhill, human host of the Inn of Eternal Rest, Devane's wife
- Svall Wilson, Victor's cousin, who moved out of Orlane a few months ago
- Tap, the halfling server at the Inn of Eternal Rest
- Thacogygax, blue dragonborn/alien sorcerer, ex-slave-soldier, and member of Dungeon Busters
- Theran Nailo, haunted elven druid and member of Dungeon Busters
- Tuan Vo, master of the Monkey School. Monk trainer.
- Victor "Blackguard" Wilson, human warrior who retired in Hochoch, storyteller and apparent barfly
- Wellin, a merchant who narrowly escaped being murdered by Black's thugs in an ambush on Cecily's Road
- Xana Beren, a gnome warlock and member of Dungeon Busters
Nov 23, 2023 12:02 am
- Archfey Hyrsam, the Prince of Fools and patron of Xana
- Clan Ironshield, a dwarf clan
- Dungeon Busters, an adventurer's guild trying to establish itself in Keoland
- Earthshaker Temple, a monastic order dedicated to the contemplation of the earth
- Knights of Holy Shielding, the elite Keolish military order to which Albertus belongs
- Merikka, goddess of farmers and agriculture
- Northern Rangers, a far-off, multi-national peacekeeping organization
- Pae, an ancient sun god possibly related to or an aspect of Pelor
- Pelor, god of sun, healing, and light
- Sentry Corps, the branch of the elvish military to which Durren belongs
- Stormreaver Clan, an orc clan to which Kragga belongs
- Swordmasters Guild, a elvish martial arts society
- Temple of Clangeddin Silverbeard, dwarven god of battle and patron of Klak
- Temple of Kord, the Suel god of brawling and courage and patron of Morgran
- Tribe of the Frozen Blood, a barbarian tribe of the distant north to which Ogbar belongs
Dec 17, 2023 3:45 pm

Mug - a standard drink size: one-fifth of a skin
Skin - one-twentieth of a firkin, or 5 mugs
Firkin - the size of a bucket: one-fourth of a barrel, one-half of a cask, 20 skins, or 100 mugs
Cask - half a barrel, 2 firkins
Barrel - a standard-sized barrel, 4 firkins, 2 casks

Finger: one-tenth of a boot, one-fifth of a hand
Hand - half a boot, 5 fingers
Boot - the cobbler's standard size of a boot: two hands or 10 fingers
Pace - the distance a character takes in one step. A size M pace is 2.5 boots, a size S pace is 1.7 boots. So a size M character takes 2 paces to cross a normal "square" of terrain (5'), and a size S character takes 3 of their paces to cross the same distance. A size L creature takes 1 pace to cross that same distance. In primarily human, dwarf, or elf communities, paces default to size M. In gnome and halfling communities, paces are assumed to be size S. But people in cosmopolitan communities are generally good about converting paces from their size to those of their audience when they're giving directions or describing measurements.
Feb 10, 2025 7:36 pm
CurrencyThe coins of Keoland (depicted in another post) are:

- the copper lion, or "Cub"
- the silver "Seal" (worth 10 cubs)
- the gold "Eagle" (worth 100 cubs)

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