Chapter 2: Fate's Fell Hand

Nov 23, 2023 12:47 pm
Several months have gone by since your adventure beneath the Cave of Secrets. While Brother Tim has parted ways with the group, Aislynn has stayed on with Honey, Hyde, and Kip, the three original companions who ventured through the Hole in the Sky.

Aislynn, Honey, Hyde, and Kip:

Honey has built her new temple to the Lady in Blue, slowly gathering worshippers for her enigmatic patron. Of course, not all look kindly upon the forces of Chaos, especially the zealots of Law. One would-be paladin made the fatal mistake of underestimating Honey and challenging her to a duel. Honey made short work of the fool, cutting his head off as an offering to her goddess.

But as she held the severed head, the face suddenly changed into that of an older man with a long beard! "Champion, free me!" the head speaks. "Two wicked wizards hold me in thrall in the Tower-Beyond-the-Moon! Aid me, and this sage shall serve you to the end of my days!" Honey sees an image of a path rising to a shallow cave, and then the face vanishes, replaced by the slack-jawed stare of the dead paladin.

Honey feels an urging from the Lady in Blue to follow up on this lead...


Tim the Enchanter:

In the course of your arcane research, you came across a scroll describing a cave: the mystical hermitage of Al-Hazred. After reading the scroll, you were haunted by a series of dreams, progressively revealing the cave and then a vale beyond the cave. In the seventh and final dream, a robed figure emerged from the darkness bearing a thick grimoire. The hooded arch-magus silently offered you the tome, but before you could accept, a misty gray serpent materialized from the mists, devouring the magus.

If you want the grimoire and the secrets it contains, you'll have to seek out that cave...



While tending to the graveyard behind your church, a large sewer rat with a scroll tied to its back sought you out. Tied to the scroll was a platinum hair-pin set with a single ruby (worth 15 gp). The scroll was rendered in ancient Nimorian, and written in a flowing, feminine hand. Once translated, it read:

seek the cave beyond the cave
the realm of three wizards and none
free me from my watery grave
earn the gratitude of the Lady

On the reverse of the scroll was a crude map depicting the location of the cave. The scroll itself bore the faint scent of roses. Intrigued, you decided to check out the cave...


After traveling for several days, you all finally reach the cave at around the same time. The cave is shallow and dry, little more than an overhang carved into the side of the dark stone cliffs. Rustling twigs and dried leaves cover the floor, and decades worth of guano cake the back wall – hardly the mystical portal that you had expected to find...
Nov 23, 2023 4:24 pm
"Well, here we are Honey. I hope your dead man's tale pays off in more than gratitude."

Hyde pokes and prods around the entrance to the unassuming entrance with his new sword, Sparklefang, which seemed to have some propensity towards killing vampires. Hyde removes his pack and takes out a torch which he sparks to life before stepping into the cave...
Nov 24, 2023 7:09 pm
Ever the protector, Kip follows Hyde and tries to learn from the sellsword
Nov 25, 2023 12:54 am
Tim rounds the bend and spots the cave that he saw in his dreams. He quickens his pace to the mouth of the cave, but upon arriving at it, he hears voices inside. Annoyed that someone beat him to it, he stomps into the cave. "Hey! What are you lot up to?"
Nov 25, 2023 1:29 am
Rook hears shouting as he approaches the cave. With a few more steps he sees the others present. Hmm. Seems like I wasn't the only one invited. He stops where he is and waits to hear a response to the shouted question. If anyone looks at him, he smiles and waves.
Nov 25, 2023 4:42 am
Aislyn finds it all very annoying. She taps Hyde and addresses Tim with the pointy end of her sword.

To Tim:
"Well, if we'd wanted to gain the element of surprise, you have put that question to rest now haven't you," says Aislyn trying to keep as quiet as she can.

She eyes Tim warily, her sword still aimed at his neck. She points at Rook and motions him to get in line next to Tim.

To Tim:
"Keep that yammerin' up and I'll rid you of your thought processes once and for all, now shut it and get in line with the rest of us, we've some exploring and some rescuing to do, and be prepared to hold yer own...unless you're here to fight us, then you better state yer business. Me sword hand is itchin' for a dip," she snarls.

To herself:
"Amateurs..." she says under her breath.
Nov 25, 2023 5:16 am
Hyde, about to head into the cave, starts at the tap on his side by Aislynn's sword then snaps his attention to the newcomers. He says nothing as the warrior woman scolds the two unknowns but slowly brings his blade to bare as Aislynn makes it clear that she doesn't trust them.
Nov 25, 2023 6:10 pm
Tim freezes in his tracks once the hot-headed warrior brought her sword to bear. He listens to her threats, but one thing she says strikes him as odd. "Rescuing? Who might you be rescuing in this place?"
Nov 25, 2023 6:38 pm
When Aislynn motions for Rook to move next to Tim, he cocks his head and gives her a curious expression but stays where he is. He listens to the words exchanged, then speaks.

"I'm just here because I got an invitation. It was delivered by a rat, but I think it's from a ghost." He pauses, then motions towards Tim. "We didn't come here together, by the way. Which makes it even more interesting that we've all arrived at the same time. Could be coincidence, I suppose. But could also be we're supposed to explore this place together."

He smiles. "My name is Rook. It's... not unpleasant to meet you."
Nov 25, 2023 6:51 pm
Hyde nods along with the story then sheathes his sword and relaxes.

"Ghost rat eh? Yeah yer probably in the right place. We earn our own ways in there, don't expect a favor you didn't earn or pay for, agreed?"

Hyde thrusts his torch back into the darkness of the cave mouth and heads inside...
Nov 25, 2023 11:37 pm
Tim turns to acknowledge Rook. "He's correct: We didn't come here together. A rat you say? I dreamt of this place seven nights in a row. Interesting. They call me Tim. Tim the Enchanter."
Nov 26, 2023 7:08 am
The convert of chaos, whom many call Sister Honey, appraises the synchronicity of the situation and determines for herself that all things point to chaos magic. This pleases her.

She looks to the dwarf and nods as if to say, "all is unraveling just perfectly"

She turns to the wizard and the cleric, "whatever the reason you are here is your own. Let it not interfere with the purpose of our quest and you may keep our company. Cross us, and the wildling’s blade will be the mildest of your nightmares. My deity is all-powerful and will delight in the offering of new severed heads for her belt."

The cleric then follows Hyde into the mouth of the cave.
Nov 26, 2023 9:55 pm
Rook seems undeterred by the implied threats. He nods in agreement and agrees somewhat cheerfully. "I'll do my best to earn my place and avoid interference."

To Honey, specifically, he adds, "perhaps we can find other heads to sever and offer your deity."

Then he falls into the marching order wherever his newfound companions seem to want him.
Nov 26, 2023 10:02 pm
Tim cocks an eyebrow at the blue woman's words. He isn't sure which is going to prove more perilous: what lurks in these caves or these ruffians. With a sigh, he shakes his head and follows the group of adventurers into the cave.
Nov 27, 2023 2:03 am
Honey announces to all, "This man," referring to Rook, "understands the bigger picture!"
Nov 27, 2023 7:23 am
Aislynn falls in behind Hyde, spits on the ground and moves on. She has said her piece.
Nov 28, 2023 12:30 pm
The caked bat droppings conceal a seam in the back of the overhang. Clearing them away reveals a narrow cleft in the rock wall, scarcely wide enough for passage. You squeeze through, where the cleft opens just wide enough to permit you all to stand shoulder to shoulder.

The leaves crackle and crunch under boot as the walls open all around you. A ghostly form appears in the darkness. Dressed in the guise of a court jester or fool, giggling madly as it capers about, the fool seems ignorant – or blind – to your presence. As you watch, the fool deals out a series of twelve ghostly cards into three stacks:

The Magician: The Four of Swords, The Four of Swords, The Hierophant
The Sorceress: The Four of Swords, The Four of Swords, The Devil
The Wizard: The Ladies in Waiting, The Prince of Swords, The Four of Swords

Once all the cards have been dealt, the vision of the phantom jester capers away, shrinking into the distance. As you move to follow, you step from the darkness covered in gray cobwebs that stink of sulfur. Even as you wipe the webs and strands from your face and limbs, they dissolve into smoky wisps that drift down into the tall, dewy grasses.

You and your companions stand atop a high ridge, looking down upon a darkened vale. Above, a fat, gibbous moon sinks slowly below the horizon. Below you can spy the lights of a manor house and trampled fields, all set upon the shore of a glassy lake lit by dancing fireflies. And beyond the manor, obscured by the setting moon, you see a lonesome tower, awash in waves of moon-lit clouds. As the last of the moon sinks below the tall hills, the first hints of dawn streak the misty air...
Nov 28, 2023 2:07 pm
Hyde is startled by the appearance of the jester but holds his tongue, waiting to see how the cards play out. As the scenery changes from that of the cave to the landscape before him he wonders why he pursues such reckless distractions, surely a life of regular military service would be more prudent! Nevertheless he now stands gazing at the manor house off in the distance with little to be done about his current situation.

"Where in the nine rings of Hell are we? See that house over yonder? Lights. That means something is home. I don't see any other way to go..."

With a glance Hyde makes sure everyone else is ready and then starts off across the field towards whatever fate lurks within.
Nov 28, 2023 3:49 pm
Tim is amused by jester apparition. He studies the tarot cards as they're placed. It's a pity he never studied cartomancy, otherwise he might have more of a clue as to their message beyond the obvious.

With confidence, Tim says, "This is the way, swordsman."
Nov 28, 2023 7:37 pm
Sister Honey will follow Hyde, but not before memorizing the sequence of the middle stack of cards. "The Sorceress: The Four of Swords, The Four of Swords, The Devil" she says over and over until it becomes a lilting chant in her mind.
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