You scan your new surroundings, looking for any potential sources of trouble.
Three of the nearby buildings (6, 7, 8) are completely ruined, with low, collapsed walls containing plenty of gaps. You can be fairly confident that there’s nothing substantial waiting to ambush you from within.
The fourth building (9) is much better preserved. Although fallen in places, the walls still rise up to support the cracked arches that hold the roof aloft. It’s entirely possible that there could be someone or something inside this building that you cannot see.
The nearby trees are all mature and in leaf, but the foliage is not sufficiently dense to conceal someone. However, there is a much larger copse away to the southwest (beyond building 8) that would make a good place to hide.
The opening due south of you in the southern canyon wall is clearly man-made. It is a neat rectangular opening of dressed stone. The adjacent cave is natural. Both are too distant and dark to give any clue as to their contents.
The nearby entrance (G) to the gatehouse is similarly gloomy. Studying the gatehouse structure you notice a series of upper-storey arrow slits, four on each side of the central gate, covering the canyon. Broken battlements protrude from the gatehouse roof. Although there are no signs of life, you cannot be certain that the gatehouse is unoccupied, or that you aren’t being watched.
The sounds of the waterfall are not particularly loud; nothing out of the ordinary from what you might expect in such a location.
Your overall impression is, strangely enough, one of tranquillity. Apart from the distant sound of falling water and the occasional birdsong, everything is calm and still. The noon sun bathes the canyon in a warm light, and there’s the merest hint of a breeze.
The rabbit on the tree stump (F) continues to watch you.
Day 1, 12:10
Druin: 5/5
Gabbro: 7/7
Ricard: 7/7
Swan: 6/6
Tess: 3/3