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Mar 11, 2025 4:56 am
Mathfuric says:
Pickles the little psycho says let’s fight!

I like Dominion’s plan, Pickles will run back towards you as quickly as his little legs can carry him. Then he’ll rain death upon the Goblins (maybe a kobold or two as well).
As soon as you post in the game thread that Pickles is trying to get out, the rest of us can help (with Sleep, etc).
Mar 11, 2025 6:15 pm
Okay but let's not kill any kabolds under any circumstances... Remember they run the only bar in town
Mar 11, 2025 7:15 pm
Got to be sure to take out those crossbow guys first, most important thing
Mar 12, 2025 2:58 am
Shall we try to talk them into joining up with us and turning on the Ghosts?
Do we attack the goblins?

We are going to have to choose a side? The Sores, The Ghosts, or The Goblins?

I feel the Goblins have now just gone against the Kobolds, and joining them may isolate us from the Kobolds (who may reward us for wiping out the stealing Gobbos). Cause the Kobolds are going to seek revenge.
Mar 12, 2025 3:35 am
Damn, the kobolds running away really complicates things even further! Now they'll tell the story that we didn't fight the goblins whether we do or not!

I feel a little bad about turning on these goblins, since we have materially benefited from dealing with them in the past. Between the three factions (I'm not really counting the dwarves here), I have the most antipathy for the Ghost Beggars, who've already threatened and tried to steal from us (not to mention, we've already killed some of their number), and I don't really want to strengthen their hold on Stonehell. Is there a plan we might concoct with the goblins to lay a trap for the Ghost Beggars with a reasonable chance of exterminating them?
Mar 12, 2025 4:29 am
We have worked with them before, so I reckon they would hear us out at least. I would prefer the goblins, being of a similar height and all.
Mar 12, 2025 8:01 am
If we save the goods and return them to the kobolds this might earn us special standing at the Korners also, discounts, more freedom to operate there, maybe secret info about Stonehell. Plus there will be less goblins when we go to explore where this secret tunnel goes.
Mar 12, 2025 1:08 pm

So what's our play? Public

Try to negotiate with the goblins first
Cast Sleep first and then negotiate
Cast Sleep first and then attack

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