Anything goes interdimensional clusterfk

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Nov 27, 2023 11:25 pm
Yes, it's one of those games.

Setting : Prowlers and Paragons UE
Power Level : Modified Low / Trait cap 10d / Hero Points 120 / Gear Limit 6d; advancement possible if desired by the players
Method : Play by Post - One post per day encouraged
Dice : You can use the integrated roller here or Unseen Servant
Player Count : Ideally four, but I'm flexible

This game will take place in a RIFTS-like setting, an alternate Earth where bizarre creatures and fantasy beings live alongside mutant dinosaurs, killer robots, and alien spaceships. Players will be expected to bring with them ideas for setting elements, locations, items, civilizations, species, monsters, NPCs, villains, etc., and will have an equal part in the worldbuilding, as well as deciding what sorts of adventures they want to go on. You will be provided with the rules.

I don't really do applications / player interviews, just give me a general idea of one more types of characters you'd like to play. I'll pretty much accept people on a first post - first in basis, unless your concept is completely unworkable for the system, which is unlikely. Let me know if you have any more questions.

NO WEIRD SEX STUFF. Anyone attempting to describe anything along these lines will be kicked. No warnings. Anyone attempting to insert their fetishes will also be kicked without warning. You aren't subtle, it's always obvious. Anyone arguing about what counts as weird sex stuff will also be kicked without warning.


Going over trait cap
Each rank over the cap increases the power's cost by 1/2 hero point per rank.

Example 1 : Blast, no baseline, 1 hero point per rank
10d - 1 ppr - 10 hp
11d - 1.5 ppr - 16.5 hp
12d - 2 ppr - 24 hp

Example 2 : Strike with 9d Might baseline, 1 hero point per rank

(9 + 1) 10d - 1 ppr - 1 hp (9 ranks from might, 1 rank purchased)
(9 + 2) 11d - 1.5 ppr - 3 hp
(9 + 3) 12d - 2 ppr - 6 hp

New Combat Specialty
Power Expert. Choose one of your powers. The usual rules for Specialty apply, you get +1d when you roll it and you can make your 6s explode by spending 1 Resolve on the roll.

Some attack powers don't clearly state that you need to select a damage type. Unless otherwise stated, you must select a damage type for any power that is capable of dealing damage. Mental powers like Mind Blast always deal psychic damage unless the rule say otherwise. Some powers, like Life Drain and Slay, allow you to choose between targeting Toughness or Willpower. If you choose Toughness, you must choose an energy type (physical, acid, fire, etc.); if you choose Willpower, it's a mental attack and deals psychic damage.

Any power that says "substitute this for X trait, or use that trait +1 if it's at the same or greater rank" (eg : aura, growth, density) stacks if you have multiple that target the same trait.
This grants bonus dice only - use the powers' base ranks for determining things like Health and Edge, and the effectiveness of meta-powers like Dispel, Nullify, etc.

An ongoing effect that targets a specific character like regeneration, poison, etc is checked at the start of that character's turn.

An ongoing effect that's part of the environment, like a wall of fire, is checked at the start of the turn of the character who created it. If this is ambiguous or undefined, like for a natural disaster, it's checked at the start of the page.

Gear and Vehicles you buy with Hero Points might be lost, damaged, disabled, etc. but they can never be permanently destroyed - usually, you can assume that in the worst case, you get your stuff back at the next scene, with the only exception being truly unusual circumstances, like being banished to another planet while separated from your items. Even then, if you can find the right resources and tools, you might be able to re-create what you lost.

Area Attacks
Explosions, blasts of dragon fire, and other attacks that target an area of effect are area attacks. Area attacks target everyone and everything in their area of effect. When performing an area attack, you make a single attack roll and everyone in the area makes their own defense roll. Area attacks are easier to aim and harder to evade: you get +2d bonus your attack roll when making an area attack, and targets suffer a -2d penalty to their active defense rolls against area attacks (passive defenses are unaffected).
This change is from official errata.

Characters using attacks that deal physical damage may accept a -2d penalty to their attack roll or spend 1 Resolve to knock their opponents backwards. Knockback distance is based on the attack’s net successes: Close Range with 3-6 net successes, Distant Range with 7-12 net successes, or Extreme Range with 13 or more net successes. If the target hits a solid object, they stop moving and take 1 extra point of damage per range class travelled unless they’re tougher than the object: if the target’s passive defense rank exceeds the object’s Structure, they smash right through and take no extra damage.
This change is from official errata.

For powers like Stun and Slay, that say they target one of Willpower / Toughness or an active defense, they specifically ignore any passive defense that isn't one of those two, including Armor and Force Field. Verified this is how they're intended to work with the devs.

Power Absorption
The attacker must choose one of : Powers, Abilities, Talents, as if they had the Only X Con. No matter what they choose, they still roll against the target's highest same-source trait as per the normal rules. For every net success on the roll, the attacker gains 2 ranks of each same-source trait in the chosen category, and the target loses 2 ranks. Traits can't go below 1d, and the attacker can't gain more ranks than the target had. The target doesn't lose consciousness.

Power Mimicry
Exactly as above, except that the target doesn't lose ranks, and its cost is reduced to 1 HP per rank.

Modified to work the same as Power Absorption above, except obviously you don't gain the drained ranks.

These powers still use the normal rules for determining duration (1 page per 2 net successes).

The Only X Con is removed.
New Cons - Only One, All Traits

Only One : This works like the -4 version of Only X (you can only target a specific Power, Ability or Talent, which is set when you buy the power), and is worth the same amount.

All Traits : This changes Power Absorption, Power Mimicry, or Drain to target all three categories like they normally do. It adds 1/2 HP per rank to the power cost.

The threshold for your Healing rolls (see "Healing" on the Combat rules page) is reduced by 1 : So you have a threshold of 1 for healing after a fight and any rest period, and 0 for a full 24 hours of rest. This is so we don't have to track individual hours in the game.

Fast Regeneration
As above except the threshold is reduced to 0 for all Healing rolls. If you rest for 24 hours, you also get +2d on the roll.

Instant Regeneration
The normal benefit of recovering 1 Health per page, and the effects of Fast Regeneration.

When used against NPCs, this works the normal way. When used against PCs, use the following rules :

When affected by at least 2 net successes from the Stun power, you get a -1d penalty to most rolls apart from passive defenses for the duration of the effect. If you get stunned again while already stunned, the penalty worsens by another -1d and the duration is increased. The Stun effect can't exceed -4d. You can either use Instant Recovery (spend Resolve) to remove Stun, or you can choose to skip your turn.

When a PC or a Hero uses Instant Recovery to break free of any Special Effect, they become immune to that effect for the rest of the scene.

active defenses are halved instead of disabled.
When an effect halves your attack or defense rank, any bonus dice you add to the roll are not affected.

When you use this Pro, make a Power roll to determine how long the effect lasts in pages. All Imbued effects end no later than the end of a scene. If the target is willing, the duration is equal to your total successes. If your target is unwilling, it gets a defense roll, and the normal rules for Special Effect durations apply (1 page per 2 net successes).

This Pro's cost is removed. Instead, it increases the cost per rank of the Power by 1/2 Hero Points.
Last edited Dec 14, 2023 5:01 am
Nov 28, 2023 7:32 am
I'm definitely interested, even got a few ideas, but I need a little time to look over P&P UE.
Dec 2, 2023 4:29 am
Okay, I think I've got this thing on lock, so I present three pitches for consideration. I'm just going to use "The Happening" to refer to the apocalyptic event that stitched these worlds together for the time being, until we've got a better name.

Gabriella Helsengarde - The Monster Hunter - Before The Happening, the Order of Saint Arday was a secretive order of Crusaders who sought to protect the ignorant sheep of humankind from the predators that lurked among them. Their refusal to enlighten those they protected made them outlaws and misfits, and so their shadow war continued for generations into the modern night.

The Happening blew the lid off of all their secrets. The sundering of the old world provided a window for cultists to draw their dark gods into the world, and monsters to flourish and dominate stretches of the world. The Order of Saint Arday was outnumbered and beset upon on all sides. This led to The Schism.

The Orthodox continues the world of Saint Arday, maintaining their purity and their secretive measures. These witch hunters are whispered about in dark places, and go about their grim duty with a fatalistic belief that they may well be the last generation to take up the Long Vigil. The Orthodoxy has an unfortunate hint of human supremacy to it; they only protect what they recognize as "humans" and mutants and demihumans are outsiders who are either ignored or hunted depending on the threat they pose to their charges.

The Radicals, on the other hand, have decided that the old ways were no longer effective in this new era of the Long Vigil. This has lead them to take on methodology that the Orthodoxy would consider heretical: human enhancement through alchemy, limited use of arcane rites, and opening their recruitment to "near humans". To the Radicals, the mission of Saint Arday was not to safeguard mankind, but to hunt "monsters", and any method may do so long as that mission is furthered.

(It's probably worth noting that neither group self-applies these labels, internally they are "Hunters" or "Slayers" depending on their rank, Orthodoxy and Radicals is what they refer to the "other" Hunters as to indicate what they see as a lack of vision or commitment).

Gabriella is a Dhampir, a living being who has nonetheless been affected by the curse of the vampire, in her case by handling an ancient artifact on a mission to destroy it. As you might imagine, she is very much in the Radical camp, and seeking a cure before she perishes and the curse fully takes hold of her body.

Shaffel de Kardes - Ritual Duelist - While it is impossible to deny that The Happening was an world defining event, not all groups consider it a cataclysm. The breaking of interdimensional boundaries carried with them a massive surge of arcane power, hordes of new creatures, whole new paradigms of existence suddenly forced together. A Cabal of four sorcerous families had once been the de facto rulers of their plane, controlling the ley lines of their lonesome world and forcing the mundane power players to dance to their strings by controlling the fortunes themselves. The Happening has caused the Scions of these four houses to salivate with greed; where before they controlled a world, they see in this new patchwork world all the components they need to ascend and become princes of not worlds, but the universe itself.

The Scions have forgotten that there is, in fact, a fifth house. One that walked away from the table when the order four decided to force order onto their world, to stagnate it and limit the potential of the masses just to ensure that no one could challenge them. This new age was born in Chaos though, and to the House of Kardes, Chaos is potential.

Shaffel de Kardes is one of these scattered Scions of the Fifth House, preparing for the coming War in Heaven, eager to ensure a world free of gods and masters. Her quest as she treks across the wasteland is to seek out ... Banned and OP Cards from a children's card game.

In time immemorial, the Five Houses bound the elemental furies, monsters, and great primal beasts away in servitude, and as the ages turned their greatest servants were also "preserved" through The Great Game. As the rituals they used to bind the world were tied into The Great Game, shadows, dreams of The Game filtered out into the mundane world, and those who played well found great success. In Shaffel's world, card games are Serious Business, and played at all levels and ages for all manner of stakes. The Scions, however, have the most coveted ability - that of creating new cards.

The preponderance of new kinds of servants to bind in the new world means that the meta of the Great Game is a mess, and with the War for Heaven looming, it's entirely possible that only the most opportunistic and clever duelist will prevail.

Dynamo Girl - Super Fighting Robot - Once upon a time, there was a shining city, a bright beacon of scientific progress. Flying cars, abundance at all levels of societies, a humankind who knew nothing of hardship and who had never bent their back under the necessity of physical labor. All of this was built on the backs of advanced robotics, thinking machines who revered and supported organic life just as they were programmed to. Of course, as time passed, these tools were made more and more sophisticated, more advanced ... but, rather than strife, man and machine on this world walked towards the future hand in hand, in a kind of familial symbiosis.

Which is why The Happening was so apocalyptic.

The Androids were capable of withstanding tremendous pressures, levels of radiation, heat, and all manner of other dangerous stimuli. Mankind? Mankind was much more fragile. Of course, there were losses among both kind, but men died in much higher proportions than their mechanical children. The machines panicked. The shining city became the Neon Fortress, the tiny human population contained deep within, cared for, protected, even against their will as the machines began to explore the new world around them.

As they explored the wastelands, these Androids found terrifying creatures. They developed new bodies capable of fighting them.

As they pushed beyond the territories of hungry extradimensional predators, they found new peoples. They found new humans. So, these androids did not take up the image of warmachines, but rather rounded and exaggerated humanoid characteristics blended with superheroic imagery to convince these people of their good nature. Then, when the moment was right, the people were taken away to the Neon Fortress. "For their own protection". The androids could not stand by and allow other humans to be lost to this nightmare hellscape of a world, they would not fail again, and if these new people protested they would surely come to understand in time.

The image of humans struggling to adapt to their life in the Neon Fortress, however, caused some androids to doubt. While most continued to act as "Heroes", more and more villainous "Defects" began to appear. Though their methods very, these Defects are made up of those machines who believe that their mind is caught in a form of arrested development; that they are using these new people as a crutch due to their inability to move on. The fact that a handful of them have tried to force their fellows to "grow up and move on" by slaughtering the humans under their protection, however, has entrenched both sides of the argument too deeply for it to merely be talked out.

Dynamo Girl uses a series of super conductors to simulate electrical super powers backed up somewhat with electromagnetism. She remembers her creator, an inventor from before The Happening, and that she was created in the image of the man's lost daughter as a kind of surrogate. The irony that she would, in turn, try to replace the loss of her creator with others is a bit beyond her positronic brain's ability to process.
Last edited Dec 2, 2023 4:39 am
Dec 2, 2023 11:26 pm
So apparently you don't even automatically subscribe to threads you make, very cool
Also you put more effort into this one post than any member of my regular group has ever put into any of their characters
Dec 3, 2023 1:46 am
I would be cool just playing a flying brick foiling bad guys plans by hitting them really hard. And some unlikely alterego with a dream job like social media influencer or journalist.
Dec 3, 2023 1:59 am
Jomsviking says:
social media influencer
I made a superhero who streams her crime fighting on twitch
Dec 3, 2023 2:44 am
I would keep the identities separate.
Dec 3, 2023 3:43 am
Can vouch for Celestine as a player (and GM). Top notch!
Dec 3, 2023 8:16 pm
Ok both people who expressed interest should have the rules. Like any new system, I'm sure it seems like a lot. For now, probably just go over the basics and making a dude, and let me know if you have any questions
Dec 5, 2023 9:03 pm
I should be fine, probably going to submit a forth pitch (got hit by inspiration while digging through Fragged Empire). Where would you like me to submit the character? Here? Private message?
Dec 5, 2023 9:52 pm
Let's do everything here, keep it all in one place
Dec 6, 2023 12:54 am,h_505,q_70,strp/dubious_smile_by_njay_d1sxcq-375w-2x.jpg?token=eyJ0eXAiOiJKV1QiLCJhbGciOiJIUzI1NiJ9.eyJzdWIiOiJ1cm46YXBwOjdlMGQxODg5ODIyNjQzNzNhNWYwZDQxNWVhMGQyNmUwIiwiaXNzIjoidXJuOmFwcDo3ZTBkMTg4OTgyMjY0MzczYTVmMGQ0MTVlYTBkMjZlMCIsIm9iaiI6W1t7ImhlaWdodCI6Ijw9NTA1IiwicGF0aCI6IlwvZlwvNDFjNjliYmUtMTYyOS00ZWVhLWJkNDEtM2Y4ZjdkOWY5ZTgzXC9kMXN4Y3EtNjFiZTNkMjEtYTM5Ni00M2U0LWJhOGItNjg4ZTQ2M2EzYTVmLmpwZyIsIndpZHRoIjoiPD01MDAifV1dLCJhdWQiOlsidXJuOnNlcnZpY2U6aW1hZ2Uub3BlcmF0aW9ucyJdfQ.2khVa_lI2JULVcqtKh4XoJ7qAbZg8e_o0TglQNnOGEc

Tonka World Martial Arts Champion

"Have you tried hitting it harder? If at first you don't succeed, hit it way harder."

It began as a dream, now it is an obsession. Tonka deals Quixotic battle with semi-trucks for sport. He does occassionally use his power for good, but only as it compliments his power to do awesome. Upending a moving heavy laden 18-wheeler may be somewhat small, and ludicrous, as dreams go - but it is Tonka's dream to beat it. That he may advance to upending a locomotive. And from there, the sky is the limit.

"I wouldn't say I'm invincible - but since that hit didn't kill me it only made me stronger."

To be truly Immortal, that is to say unkillable by any means. Tonka's mightiest superpower, though it is not truly immortality at all. He is susceptible to damage, bleeds, breaks, and falls as anyone. It's simply enough that his durability is so great if an opponents best attack doesn't kill him he will win. As he calls it "Mastering their Technique."

"In this world of geeks, and the freaks like me, do you really want to find out how I bested everyone and became the World Martial Art's Champion?"

Tonka is the classic warrior poet, a journalist on the front line of the worst conflicts in history. Tonka's journalism has exposed some of the worst atrocities committed on Earth - with a fearless disposition and an economy with words he often settles the conflict according to his conscience. But he never does so without thoroughly investigating both sides. With as few people who care about honest journalism or the pursuit of excellence Tonka has gone mostly unnoticed in these circles. While he keeps his lives separate - invariably they clash.

"I am not your enemy. I only want to know how it came to this."

One of Tonka's hidden ambitions is to win a Pulitzer for his correspondence and study of 6th wave terrorism. Being nearly indestructible, he finds the career highly practical to his particular talents. Investigating warzones was danger fraught and thrilling. Usually he got his story, but some people could not be reasoned with.

"Even with all this immense power, I lack any means of control. You have to understand, the real super human ability is to find a way to live with it. We all collectively will benefit if we opt out of the desire to change things. We would all benefit if we focused our energies on changing ourselves to be better."

Tonka credits his immense power to a dedicated use of psychedelic mushrooms, consuming organ meat, and a rigorous physical training regimen. He is not a shut in and enjoys rave culture, as well as simply walking around his city on irresponsibly high doses of LSD. This he claims, awakened a cosmic entity inside him, that at the same time was another part of him.

The drawback, he could no longer process pain as a limiter and was prone to dissasociation. During these periods of intense distress, his threshold and capacity for violence drew from an idiopathic state. A trance induced by the oxytocin bond the one activity that could induce it any longer. His body had been trained to effortlessly move at 3 times the speed of sound. His cognitive abilities rose to match. Metafaculty ensured his reflexes, in combination with his superhuman strength, durability, and most importantly speed, were leveraged to their utmost extent.

"No way, I am not nearly strong enough the Cat Guy told me. If I even smelled his Super Divine Anointing Oil it would kill me! There are way stronger things than me out there. And I can't lie about it. The idea of meeting a warrior so strong it can destroy me, its exciting in a way I do not fully understand.",h_890,q_70,strp/korin__dragon_ball__by_raulmejia_d7noumg-375w-2x.jpg?token=eyJ0eXAiOiJKV1QiLCJhbGciOiJIUzI1NiJ9.eyJzdWIiOiJ1cm46YXBwOjdlMGQxODg5ODIyNjQzNzNhNWYwZDQxNWVhMGQyNmUwIiwiaXNzIjoidXJuOmFwcDo3ZTBkMTg4OTgyMjY0MzczYTVmMGQ0MTVlYTBkMjZlMCIsIm9iaiI6W1t7ImhlaWdodCI6Ijw9ODkwIiwicGF0aCI6IlwvZlwvMzkzYWEwMzYtNzY1YS00NmE1LTllY2MtYTE5ZjIxNmZjOTEwXC9kN25vdW1nLTJkMzMzYWJhLTNkY2EtNDZiMS1iNjc4LWRmNDgxMDFiMmFkNi5wbmciLCJ3aWR0aCI6Ijw9NjcwIn1dXSwiYXVkIjpbInVybjpzZXJ2aWNlOmltYWdlLm9wZXJhdGlvbnMiXX0.cyvg4n-ltJ8VA4SkFlWRZ16C5Qk1q567fWs2Ekoe1yo

Cat Baste, the God of Martial Arts and master trainer of Tonka. Lives in a Magical Tower somewhere in the middle of the North American continent. Cat Baste is the least of the gods, a gatekeeper. It exists to test all who would try to ascend beyond the bounds of mortality. Tonka has made the climb to Cat Baste's tower - several times. But that was only the first of many tests.

Cat Baste was playful - teasing the brash and impatient Tonka. Its idea of training was to play games, to confound the vastly less intelligent Tonka, and to train his mind. Knowing Tonka's fondness for psychedelics Cat Baste offered him an anointing oil that will increase his power. Providing he could catch Cat Baste.
[ +- ] Finished Draft Character Sheet
Last edited Dec 18, 2023 5:02 am
Dec 6, 2023 6:53 pm
If you've seen Dragon Ball you know the lind of universe this guy will shine brightest in. I will be statting stuff out slowly. All the accounting is not as daunting as it looks.
Dec 6, 2023 9:00 pm
You can use this if you want :
Dec 6, 2023 10:55 pm
Thanks that will help immensely
Dec 7, 2023 3:17 am
Great! As always I'm here to help if you need anything 🤗
Dec 7, 2023 11:52 pm
120 Hero Points / Trait Cap 10d
Motivation: Adventure

The Shrapnel platform stands 5'8" tall, with a rounded pearlescent white chassis built on top of a skeleton of springy matte black carbon, with gray myomer muscles sometimes being visible at the joints, neck, and abdomen. Its face is dominated by an inverted triangular optic, with reinforcement along the side of the head and "chin".

Though clearly mechanical, Shrapnel does wear clothing. Of course, they wear a mish mash of clothing that looks like they rolled through a donation pile at a thrift store, with cartoonish patches stitched on with no rhyme or reason. Attempts to put them in a coordinated outfit usually result in them refusing, saying that they don't want to mess up their "Build" and that they'll "Wait for Transmog to be implimented".

It's worth noting that, despite their mechanical existence, Shrapnel does in fact eat and drink. While the platform can turn pretty much any material into Glimmer to facilitate self-repairs, soft materials like cooked food are quickly broken down and repurposed. The Vaultbreakers' affection for carbonated drinks, however, has no basis in their biology. They are particularly prone towards a harsh mixture that has been compared to someone mixing citrus with battery acid that they call "G-Fuel".

The apocalyptic nature of The Happening did not catch all worlds off guard; some were able to predict it decades before the catastrophic event itself. On one of these worlds, the end of the world prompted a grand exodus to the stars. No matter how well orchestrated, however, no evacuation could have brought the many billions of lives planet side into space. For those left behind, another, more drastic effort was made to preserve their lives. Their minds were digitized and stored in grand vaults buried beneath the surface of the planet, left to run linked simulations and create their own digital society. The belief was that, in time, when the environment stabilized, the Starbourne would return to reunite with their lost ancestors.

Few plans survived The Happening unchallenged. The Virtuals persisted in their digital paradise for generations, subjective centuries, expanding and cannibalizing their infrastructure. When they connected with the outside world again, it wasn't their star faring cousins, but rather a group of treasure hunters who didn't realize exactly what they had found. Instead of digitized people, they saw a collection of advanced, adaptive expert programs ... programs who could be reprogrammed and repurposed for the needs of the new world.

Thus were born the first Vaultbreakers. Humanoid automatons made from a programmable matter called "Glimmer", the Vaultbreakers are controlled by Virtuals whose memories were wiped by the treasure hunters back in the day. These treasure hunters, now called the "Quest Givers", do not control the Vaultbreakers exactly, but they create programmable chits that one can write a job to. Once these chits are certified by the issuer, they provide the Vaultbreaker with an ephemeral resource called "Experience" that they seem to value highly but that doesn't seem to actually do anything by itself. Inflating the value of these contracts with this non-currency means that people can hire capable mercenaries for a pittance, and maybe a trinket or two on top.

The Vaultbreakers seem to have a kind of friendly rivalry with each other, and rarely group up amongst themselves as they compete to "Top the Leaderboard" and attain "Server Firsts". It's not uncommon to see two of them engaged in a gunfight in the middle of the street, dueling for little more than the prestige of knowing which among them is better, or throwing impromptu dance parties as they wait for public transit solutions to arrive.

As the Experience piles up, however, some few of them have begun to remember things from before their reprogramming. So far, they are isolated examples, some of which have disappeared into the wilderness in search of vaults that have not yet been discovered. Who can say what might happen when the race as a whole begins to reconcile with the fact that they're being exploited?
[ +- ] Finished Draft Character Sheet
Last edited Dec 12, 2023 9:35 pm
Dec 8, 2023 2:01 am
cool robot guy let's freaking go
Dec 8, 2023 2:10 am
Hey guys I totally forgot to add my houserules, most of them are just little tweaks or clarifications to specific powers. I've added a section and I will also put them in the OP here.

I also forgot to mention : Each of you picks one Combat Specialty and one Non-Combat Specialty (they're under Powers). These are free.
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