Nov 27, 2023 11:25 pm
Yes, it's one of those games.
Setting : Prowlers and Paragons UE
Power Level : Modified Low / Trait cap 10d / Hero Points 120 / Gear Limit 6d; advancement possible if desired by the players
Method : Play by Post - One post per day encouraged
Dice : You can use the integrated roller here or Unseen Servant
Player Count : Ideally four, but I'm flexible
This game will take place in a RIFTS-like setting, an alternate Earth where bizarre creatures and fantasy beings live alongside mutant dinosaurs, killer robots, and alien spaceships. Players will be expected to bring with them ideas for setting elements, locations, items, civilizations, species, monsters, NPCs, villains, etc., and will have an equal part in the worldbuilding, as well as deciding what sorts of adventures they want to go on. You will be provided with the rules.
I don't really do applications / player interviews, just give me a general idea of one more types of characters you'd like to play. I'll pretty much accept people on a first post - first in basis, unless your concept is completely unworkable for the system, which is unlikely. Let me know if you have any more questions.
NO WEIRD SEX STUFF. Anyone attempting to describe anything along these lines will be kicked. No warnings. Anyone attempting to insert their fetishes will also be kicked without warning. You aren't subtle, it's always obvious. Anyone arguing about what counts as weird sex stuff will also be kicked without warning.
Going over trait cap
Each rank over the cap increases the power's cost by 1/2 hero point per rank.
Example 1 : Blast, no baseline, 1 hero point per rank
10d - 1 ppr - 10 hp
11d - 1.5 ppr - 16.5 hp
12d - 2 ppr - 24 hp
Example 2 : Strike with 9d Might baseline, 1 hero point per rank
(9 + 1) 10d - 1 ppr - 1 hp (9 ranks from might, 1 rank purchased)
(9 + 2) 11d - 1.5 ppr - 3 hp
(9 + 3) 12d - 2 ppr - 6 hp
New Combat Specialty
Power Expert. Choose one of your powers. The usual rules for Specialty apply, you get +1d when you roll it and you can make your 6s explode by spending 1 Resolve on the roll.
Some attack powers don't clearly state that you need to select a damage type. Unless otherwise stated, you must select a damage type for any power that is capable of dealing damage. Mental powers like Mind Blast always deal psychic damage unless the rule say otherwise. Some powers, like Life Drain and Slay, allow you to choose between targeting Toughness or Willpower. If you choose Toughness, you must choose an energy type (physical, acid, fire, etc.); if you choose Willpower, it's a mental attack and deals psychic damage.
Any power that says "substitute this for X trait, or use that trait +1 if it's at the same or greater rank" (eg : aura, growth, density) stacks if you have multiple that target the same trait.
This grants bonus dice only - use the powers' base ranks for determining things like Health and Edge, and the effectiveness of meta-powers like Dispel, Nullify, etc.
An ongoing effect that targets a specific character like regeneration, poison, etc is checked at the start of that character's turn.
An ongoing effect that's part of the environment, like a wall of fire, is checked at the start of the turn of the character who created it. If this is ambiguous or undefined, like for a natural disaster, it's checked at the start of the page.
Gear and Vehicles you buy with Hero Points might be lost, damaged, disabled, etc. but they can never be permanently destroyed - usually, you can assume that in the worst case, you get your stuff back at the next scene, with the only exception being truly unusual circumstances, like being banished to another planet while separated from your items. Even then, if you can find the right resources and tools, you might be able to re-create what you lost.
Area Attacks
Explosions, blasts of dragon fire, and other attacks that target an area of effect are area attacks. Area attacks target everyone and everything in their area of effect. When performing an area attack, you make a single attack roll and everyone in the area makes their own defense roll. Area attacks are easier to aim and harder to evade: you get +2d bonus your attack roll when making an area attack, and targets suffer a -2d penalty to their active defense rolls against area attacks (passive defenses are unaffected).
This change is from official errata.
Characters using attacks that deal physical damage may accept a -2d penalty to their attack roll or spend 1 Resolve to knock their opponents backwards. Knockback distance is based on the attack’s net successes: Close Range with 3-6 net successes, Distant Range with 7-12 net successes, or Extreme Range with 13 or more net successes. If the target hits a solid object, they stop moving and take 1 extra point of damage per range class travelled unless they’re tougher than the object: if the target’s passive defense rank exceeds the object’s Structure, they smash right through and take no extra damage.
This change is from official errata.
For powers like Stun and Slay, that say they target one of Willpower / Toughness or an active defense, they specifically ignore any passive defense that isn't one of those two, including Armor and Force Field. Verified this is how they're intended to work with the devs.
Power Absorption
The attacker must choose one of : Powers, Abilities, Talents, as if they had the Only X Con. No matter what they choose, they still roll against the target's highest same-source trait as per the normal rules. For every net success on the roll, the attacker gains 2 ranks of each same-source trait in the chosen category, and the target loses 2 ranks. Traits can't go below 1d, and the attacker can't gain more ranks than the target had. The target doesn't lose consciousness.
Power Mimicry
Exactly as above, except that the target doesn't lose ranks, and its cost is reduced to 1 HP per rank.
Modified to work the same as Power Absorption above, except obviously you don't gain the drained ranks.
These powers still use the normal rules for determining duration (1 page per 2 net successes).
The Only X Con is removed.
New Cons - Only One, All Traits
Only One : This works like the -4 version of Only X (you can only target a specific Power, Ability or Talent, which is set when you buy the power), and is worth the same amount.
All Traits : This changes Power Absorption, Power Mimicry, or Drain to target all three categories like they normally do. It adds 1/2 HP per rank to the power cost.
The threshold for your Healing rolls (see "Healing" on the Combat rules page) is reduced by 1 : So you have a threshold of 1 for healing after a fight and any rest period, and 0 for a full 24 hours of rest. This is so we don't have to track individual hours in the game.
Fast Regeneration
As above except the threshold is reduced to 0 for all Healing rolls. If you rest for 24 hours, you also get +2d on the roll.
Instant Regeneration
The normal benefit of recovering 1 Health per page, and the effects of Fast Regeneration.
When used against NPCs, this works the normal way. When used against PCs, use the following rules :
When affected by at least 2 net successes from the Stun power, you get a -1d penalty to most rolls apart from passive defenses for the duration of the effect. If you get stunned again while already stunned, the penalty worsens by another -1d and the duration is increased. The Stun effect can't exceed -4d. You can either use Instant Recovery (spend Resolve) to remove Stun, or you can choose to skip your turn.
When a PC or a Hero uses Instant Recovery to break free of any Special Effect, they become immune to that effect for the rest of the scene.
active defenses are halved instead of disabled.
When an effect halves your attack or defense rank, any bonus dice you add to the roll are not affected.
When you use this Pro, make a Power roll to determine how long the effect lasts in pages. All Imbued effects end no later than the end of a scene. If the target is willing, the duration is equal to your total successes. If your target is unwilling, it gets a defense roll, and the normal rules for Special Effect durations apply (1 page per 2 net successes).
This Pro's cost is removed. Instead, it increases the cost per rank of the Power by 1/2 Hero Points.
Setting : Prowlers and Paragons UE
Power Level : Modified Low / Trait cap 10d / Hero Points 120 / Gear Limit 6d; advancement possible if desired by the players
Method : Play by Post - One post per day encouraged
Dice : You can use the integrated roller here or Unseen Servant
Player Count : Ideally four, but I'm flexible
This game will take place in a RIFTS-like setting, an alternate Earth where bizarre creatures and fantasy beings live alongside mutant dinosaurs, killer robots, and alien spaceships. Players will be expected to bring with them ideas for setting elements, locations, items, civilizations, species, monsters, NPCs, villains, etc., and will have an equal part in the worldbuilding, as well as deciding what sorts of adventures they want to go on. You will be provided with the rules.
I don't really do applications / player interviews, just give me a general idea of one more types of characters you'd like to play. I'll pretty much accept people on a first post - first in basis, unless your concept is completely unworkable for the system, which is unlikely. Let me know if you have any more questions.
NO WEIRD SEX STUFF. Anyone attempting to describe anything along these lines will be kicked. No warnings. Anyone attempting to insert their fetishes will also be kicked without warning. You aren't subtle, it's always obvious. Anyone arguing about what counts as weird sex stuff will also be kicked without warning.
Going over trait cap
Each rank over the cap increases the power's cost by 1/2 hero point per rank.
Example 1 : Blast, no baseline, 1 hero point per rank
10d - 1 ppr - 10 hp
11d - 1.5 ppr - 16.5 hp
12d - 2 ppr - 24 hp
Example 2 : Strike with 9d Might baseline, 1 hero point per rank
(9 + 1) 10d - 1 ppr - 1 hp (9 ranks from might, 1 rank purchased)
(9 + 2) 11d - 1.5 ppr - 3 hp
(9 + 3) 12d - 2 ppr - 6 hp
New Combat Specialty
Power Expert. Choose one of your powers. The usual rules for Specialty apply, you get +1d when you roll it and you can make your 6s explode by spending 1 Resolve on the roll.
Some attack powers don't clearly state that you need to select a damage type. Unless otherwise stated, you must select a damage type for any power that is capable of dealing damage. Mental powers like Mind Blast always deal psychic damage unless the rule say otherwise. Some powers, like Life Drain and Slay, allow you to choose between targeting Toughness or Willpower. If you choose Toughness, you must choose an energy type (physical, acid, fire, etc.); if you choose Willpower, it's a mental attack and deals psychic damage.
Any power that says "substitute this for X trait, or use that trait +1 if it's at the same or greater rank" (eg : aura, growth, density) stacks if you have multiple that target the same trait.
This grants bonus dice only - use the powers' base ranks for determining things like Health and Edge, and the effectiveness of meta-powers like Dispel, Nullify, etc.
An ongoing effect that targets a specific character like regeneration, poison, etc is checked at the start of that character's turn.
An ongoing effect that's part of the environment, like a wall of fire, is checked at the start of the turn of the character who created it. If this is ambiguous or undefined, like for a natural disaster, it's checked at the start of the page.
Gear and Vehicles you buy with Hero Points might be lost, damaged, disabled, etc. but they can never be permanently destroyed - usually, you can assume that in the worst case, you get your stuff back at the next scene, with the only exception being truly unusual circumstances, like being banished to another planet while separated from your items. Even then, if you can find the right resources and tools, you might be able to re-create what you lost.
Area Attacks
Explosions, blasts of dragon fire, and other attacks that target an area of effect are area attacks. Area attacks target everyone and everything in their area of effect. When performing an area attack, you make a single attack roll and everyone in the area makes their own defense roll. Area attacks are easier to aim and harder to evade: you get +2d bonus your attack roll when making an area attack, and targets suffer a -2d penalty to their active defense rolls against area attacks (passive defenses are unaffected).
This change is from official errata.
Characters using attacks that deal physical damage may accept a -2d penalty to their attack roll or spend 1 Resolve to knock their opponents backwards. Knockback distance is based on the attack’s net successes: Close Range with 3-6 net successes, Distant Range with 7-12 net successes, or Extreme Range with 13 or more net successes. If the target hits a solid object, they stop moving and take 1 extra point of damage per range class travelled unless they’re tougher than the object: if the target’s passive defense rank exceeds the object’s Structure, they smash right through and take no extra damage.
This change is from official errata.
For powers like Stun and Slay, that say they target one of Willpower / Toughness or an active defense, they specifically ignore any passive defense that isn't one of those two, including Armor and Force Field. Verified this is how they're intended to work with the devs.
Power Absorption
The attacker must choose one of : Powers, Abilities, Talents, as if they had the Only X Con. No matter what they choose, they still roll against the target's highest same-source trait as per the normal rules. For every net success on the roll, the attacker gains 2 ranks of each same-source trait in the chosen category, and the target loses 2 ranks. Traits can't go below 1d, and the attacker can't gain more ranks than the target had. The target doesn't lose consciousness.
Power Mimicry
Exactly as above, except that the target doesn't lose ranks, and its cost is reduced to 1 HP per rank.
Modified to work the same as Power Absorption above, except obviously you don't gain the drained ranks.
These powers still use the normal rules for determining duration (1 page per 2 net successes).
The Only X Con is removed.
New Cons - Only One, All Traits
Only One : This works like the -4 version of Only X (you can only target a specific Power, Ability or Talent, which is set when you buy the power), and is worth the same amount.
All Traits : This changes Power Absorption, Power Mimicry, or Drain to target all three categories like they normally do. It adds 1/2 HP per rank to the power cost.
The threshold for your Healing rolls (see "Healing" on the Combat rules page) is reduced by 1 : So you have a threshold of 1 for healing after a fight and any rest period, and 0 for a full 24 hours of rest. This is so we don't have to track individual hours in the game.
Fast Regeneration
As above except the threshold is reduced to 0 for all Healing rolls. If you rest for 24 hours, you also get +2d on the roll.
Instant Regeneration
The normal benefit of recovering 1 Health per page, and the effects of Fast Regeneration.
When used against NPCs, this works the normal way. When used against PCs, use the following rules :
When affected by at least 2 net successes from the Stun power, you get a -1d penalty to most rolls apart from passive defenses for the duration of the effect. If you get stunned again while already stunned, the penalty worsens by another -1d and the duration is increased. The Stun effect can't exceed -4d. You can either use Instant Recovery (spend Resolve) to remove Stun, or you can choose to skip your turn.
When a PC or a Hero uses Instant Recovery to break free of any Special Effect, they become immune to that effect for the rest of the scene.
active defenses are halved instead of disabled.
When an effect halves your attack or defense rank, any bonus dice you add to the roll are not affected.
When you use this Pro, make a Power roll to determine how long the effect lasts in pages. All Imbued effects end no later than the end of a scene. If the target is willing, the duration is equal to your total successes. If your target is unwilling, it gets a defense roll, and the normal rules for Special Effect durations apply (1 page per 2 net successes).
This Pro's cost is removed. Instead, it increases the cost per rank of the Power by 1/2 Hero Points.
Last edited Dec 14, 2023 5:01 am